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Benghazi: The CIA “Annex” and the Main Compound

Benghazi: The CIA “Annex” and the Main Compound
In-Extremis | Katechon

Posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:09:46 AM by Katechon
On September the 11th 2012, Ambassador Stevens is attacked at the Main Compound of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. At this time, former SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods, both working under the State Department (on contract to the CIA), were at the CIA "annex," a second compound 1.2 miles away.
The two SEALs made a request for military back-up during the attack on the Main Compound. It was denied (apparently by the CIA command). Two times the former SEALs were told to “stand down” when they requested to go to the aid of the Ambassador and his team at the Main Compound.
But the two former SEALs went anyway to the Main Compound, AGAINST ORDERS. And they RESCUED those who remained there.
Nobody is able to find the Ambassador.
The annex is about two kilometers away. My agents pile into an armored vehicle with the body of Sean, and they exit the main gate.
-- Background Conference Call With Senior State Department Officials

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: benghazi; benghaziaccount; benghaziannex; benghazicoverup; benghazifirefight; benghazitimeline; consulate; entisar; libya; navyseals; seals; shadowwars; statedepartment; threatmatrix
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They took the body of Information Management Officer Sean Smith, who had been killed. Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods saved everyone that was still alive at the Main Compound. It took them three hours. And then they went back with all of them to the CIA Annex building, where they came from. The attack continued. In fact, it had never stopped. The crew was fired upon during the entire ride running the gauntlet through the streets, from the Main Compound back to the CIA annex. They arrived back at about midnight.

Once at the annex, the annex has its own security – a security force there. There are people at the annex. The guys in the car join the defense at the annex. They take up firing positions on the roof – some of them do – and other firing positions around the annex. The annex is, at this time, also taking fire and does take fire intermittently, on and off, for the next several hours. The fire consists of AK-47s but also RPGs, and it’s, at times, quite intense.
-- Background Conference Call With Senior State Department Officials
At that point they called again for military support and help. And a THIRD time were denied.
Tyrone Woods was on the roof manning a heavy machine gun while mortars were being fired on them.
They were taking fire, but there were no communication problems at the CIA annex. The ex-SEALs were in constant radio contact with their headquarters.
This CIA annex was a very high value target. It contained a LOT of cash for the Benghazi Gun Running, as well as weapons, and a case files containing the names of the folks who were assisting the US diplomatic mission in this regard.
The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than 4 hours.
Keep in mind, the Sigonella Naval Air base in Italy is only 480 miles away. Back up could have gotten over Benghazi in due time. A Spectre AC-130 gunship carrying commandos could have been there in less than two hours. Such a gunship with a Gatling gun in the side is unbelievably lethal. It's a tornado of steal blazing with devastating power and pinpoint accuracy.
Two Tier-One Special Operations groups were at Sigonella, including Delta Force, which happened to be training in Europe.
Delta Force's primary tasks are counter-terrorism, direct action, and national intervention operations, although it is an extremely versatile group capable of conducting many types of covert missions, including, but not limited to, hostage rescues and raids.
No less than two drones were overhead during the attack and one of those drones was actually ordered in from Tripoli and sending back images in real time. At one point, one drone probably was replaced by the other, "maybe it ran out of fuel and the second one came in and took its place," speculates Clare Lopez. This raging battle at the CIA annex was sent on video directly to the 'Situation Room' at the White House. There WAS “real-time information,” despite what Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said. We need to understand that that’s WHAT THE MILITARY DOES, everywhere around the world, on land or on a ship. Wherever it may be, they practice over and over again, repeatedly, the rescue of civilians and the rescue of embassy personnel, in each area wherever it is that they’re posted. They have drills, they have plans, they have practice situations, and they have role players that play the part of the bad guys.
In addition to Delta Force in Sicily, there were also guys on ships right off the coast of Libya when it happened. There were loads of assets, and every one of them had practiced repeatedly a scenario just like Banghazi. Not Benghazi per say, but a rescue situation where an American mission is under attack.
We know that at 5 pm eastern time (about an hour and a half into the attack of the Main Compound), President Obama met with Vice President Biden and Secretary of Defense Panetta in the White House for over an hour. Obama watched in real time the attack from a drone-cam. Then, at some point later, President Obama went to bed. He had that fund raising trip in Las Vegas the next day. He slept, he got up the next day and he skips his National Security briefing. Yet again.

somewhere around 4 o'clock in the morning the annex takes mortar fire. It is precise and some of the mortar fire lands on the roof of the annex. It immediately killed two security personnel that are there, severely wounds one of the agents that’s come from the compound.
-- Background Conference Call With Senior State Department Officials
Both SEALs died. And the terrorists got to keep all of the arms and cash of the CIA "annex."
1 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:09:51 AM by Katechon

To: Katechon
Excellent, concise, and to the point summary of the Benghazi nightmare. This is what we know. It’s what we DON’T know YET that is going to burn this playhouse down.
2 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:28:16 AM by MestaMachine (obama kills and none dare call it treason)

To: MestaMachine
The key question is :
WHO said “Stand Down “
and who directed them to order “Stand Down” .
A decision not to make a decision is still a decision .
3 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:38:56 AM by Tilted Irish Kilt (Bapak O6ama : Russian for the "STAND DOWN PRESIDENT" ~ (DA ! Wait until I can be more flexible !)

To: Katechon

4 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:42:04 AM by Slyfox

To: Katechon; maggief; penelopesire; stephenjohnbanker; SE Mom; hoosiermama; RedMDer; thouworm; ...
5 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:43:46 AM by onyx (FREE REPUBLIC IS HERE TO STAY! DONATE MONTHLY! IF YOU WANT ON SARAH PALIN''S PING LIST, LET ME KNOW)

To: Katechon
The consulate was proctected by ONE(1) seal.. and the Annux was protected by ONE(1) seal.. They had thirty(30) or so staff at the consulate.. and whole entire city is protected by TWO(2) seals..
And they knew for several weeks ahead an attack was comming.. and even experienced a couple attacks before the final assault..
TWO(2) Seals... to protect the entire shebang.. with no overhead ordinance.. and little ordiance on the ground..
Who is the head guy running this dog and pony show.. Bagdad Bob?.. Barney the Dino?..
The kid that mows my lawn could do better than that...
Where are the people screaming from the house tops..
Where are the jokes?.. Where is the mocking outrage?..
This is not only criminal it is treasonous...
6 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:44:27 AM by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)

To: Slyfox
I can’t understand why any of those who were rescued by these brave men have not stepped forward and expressed OUTRAGE!. It sickens me. They owe it to those Seals.
7 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:51:22 AM by liberty or death

To: Katechon
Who has the inventory list of what was taken? State Department? Maybe that is the question Congress should be demanding. There would be by necessity of government red tape copies of these case files, right? I suspect the Obama administration knows who has these case files, they must be worth their weight in gold.
8 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:54:14 AM by Just mythoughts (Please help Todd Akin defeat Claire and the GOP-e send money!!!!!)

To: hosepipe
Uh. Where did you get your info? These guys were former SEALs, and there were other well trained men, possibly former SEALs as well. There were five Americans at the consulate when the attack started. There were around 24 people at the safe house. I would wager that they were all trained to wage war and to win. And then there were the guys sent from Tripoli to aid in the battle. Do you think they were missionaries or something? It is amazing that these people left with only four killed. I still want to know how many of the attackers were killed. I have seen varying numbers from 8 to 60. It is disgusting that two of these guys died because the person sipping tea in the situation room could not pull the trigger and order the necessary assistance. It is also disgusting that the ambassador and Sean Smith were left with three Americans to defend the US consulate in hostile territory. It’s unconscionable.
Will we ever know the rest of the story?
9 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:59:16 AM by petitfour

To: Tilted Irish Kilt
You got to remember something here, Irish. The people whose lives these SEALS saved KNOW that obama would have left them for dead. Just because they haven’t gone public doesn’t mean they are staying quiet. This thing is about to explode all over this regime with the force of a supernova and there isn’t a single doubt in my mind.
10 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:01:46 AM by MestaMachine (obama kills and none dare call it treason)

To: liberty or death
I believe one person can not fight this by them self. A general and an admiral have recently been canned over their speaking up about what happened.
It will take the steady drip of emails being released and lots of people talking about it, whether the Alphabet Media decides to chime in or not.
It is huge issue.
It is just a matter of time.
Obama can not escape this.
11 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:03:58 AM by Slyfox

To: Katechon
12 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:04:40 AM by Gene Eric (Demoralization is a weapon of the enemy. Don't get it, don't spread it!)

To: petitfour
[ Where did you get your info? These guys were former SEALs, and there were other well trained men, possibly former SEALs as well. ]
Fox news and other places.. Once a seal always a seal.. kinda like being a marine.. Well trained men without ordinance do not do well against RPG’s.. and mortars..
The idiot running this operation is indeed an idiot..
He(she) should have recalled them all or beefed up the security..
An idiot was running this operation..
They must be graduating idiots at Annapolis(West Point).. now..
Maybe some Air Force General was busy choking the chicken.. or stuffing it..
13 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:14:05 AM by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)

To: MestaMachine
Yeah ! I am sure they are uncomfortably sequestered somewhere until after novermber 7th , or fearfull of loss of their career.
After the election , their testimony is moot , except for Congressional hearings.
Regardless of the outcome of the election , those hearings can go on for some looooooong time.
Deny ..
Deny ..
Lie ..
Obfiscate with smoke and mirrors ..
Continue to deny responsibility ..
Until then next election ..
Leave it up to Boehner , after he sobers up and stops weeping ..
Finally , ..Judgement by the American people !
14 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:14:35 AM by Tilted Irish Kilt (Bapak O6ama : Russian for the "STAND DOWN PRESIDENT" ~ (DA ! Wait until I can be more flexible !)

To: Slyfox
Agreed. But I would love to see the survivors who I’m positive are or were loyal Democrats, come out with outrage over being abandonded. Without that rescue they would all be raped and dead, man or women. Very telling of the enemy.
And very telling of the man who let it happen.
15 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:20:44 AM by liberty or death

To: hosepipe
Well, they weren’t working for the US Navy. They were contractors reportedly working for the CIA which makes them some other acronym. And I have known some former Navy SEALs. They did not say “I am a Navy SEAL.” It helps to differentiate to the general public that these guys were not currently under the command of the US Navy. They were working for an agency that does not always send in the US military to pull its employees out of hot water. That is why they were highly paid. In this case, the mission was already blown and the media was going to be all over it. Military assistance was warranted. This is my opinion.
16 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:25:00 AM by petitfour

To: Katechon
I agree with others; exceent summary of the Benghazi tradgedy.
Just one question: I used Google Earth to locate the US consulate and found it at the same spot that you’ve indicated (south-west perifey of Benghazi). However, when I tryt to locate the US consulate annex or CIA annex I get a pointer just north of the Algeria St, close to the harbour - about 4 km from the Conuslate. What did you use to pin-pont the location?
17 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:40:09 AM by ScaniaBoy (Part of the Right Wing Research & Attack Machine)

To: Katechon
Thanks for the great article.
18 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:45:30 AM by 21twelve (So I [God] gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. Psalm 81:12)

To: Katechon
From Panetta's explanation it seems that he and the generals weren't sure what antiaircraft weapons the attacking terrorists had. There was lots of advanced weaponery supplied to the anti-Gaddafi forces by the US and others during the uprising and it is conceivable that the attackers may have set up a trap against the routine response scenarios (e.g. as Aidid's forces had done in Mogadishu). Hence, Panetta and the generals (or Obama) may have decided to take the safest course, callous and cowardly as it is. The most likely unfolding, if the Obama team gets pushed to the wall on this matter before Tuesday,is that Panetta will take the fall.
19 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:49:57 AM by nightlight7

To: petitfour
[ Well, they weren’t working for the US Navy. ]
WHo cares who they were working for.?...
They wouldn’t have been there is not needed for something..
Nobody would have been in that operation if not needed for something..
Their only mistake was working for idiots.. ALL OF THEM..
A mistake some security personel are considering as we speak, no doubt..
20 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:55:02 AM by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)

To: nightlight7
From Panetta's explanation it seems that he and the generals weren't sure what antiaircraft weapons the attacking terrorists had. There was lots of advanced weaponery supplied to the anti-Gaddafi forces by the US and others during the uprising and it is conceivable that the attackers may have set up a trap against the routine response scenarios (e.g. as Aidid's forces had done in Mogadishu). Hence, Panetta and the generals (or Obama) may have decided to take the safest course, callous and cowardly as it is. The most likely unfolding, if the Obama team gets pushed to the wall on this matter before Tuesday,is that Panetta will take the fall. Who has the inventory list of what was kept in Benghazi? I think the last thing this administration wanted US to know is what they were doing in Benghazi and military action to save Americans, might have created quite a big flash in the night sky.
21 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:55:27 AM by Just mythoughts (Please help Todd Akin defeat Claire and the GOP-e send money!!!!!)

To: hosepipe
I care who they were working for. I don’t think the US Navy would have hung them out to dry.
22 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 4:05:37 AM by petitfour

To: nightlight7
I am starting to think that Obama made the call and that he has a deal with Panetta to pardon him. If Panetta will say it was his fault and provides cover thru the election to inoculate Obama for the election and then pardons him after the election. Then Obama gets away without the heat and nobody will ever really know the truth and they get away with this treason against our brave American worriors.
23 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:12:43 AM by R0CK3T

To: Katechon
State Dept. 'Note to self': FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS REQUIRED IN ALL ANNEXES, COMPOUNDS, EMBASSIES, covert or otherwise. Perhaps they know who took Stevens to the hospital but telling us a terrorist group did to try and keep their HOSTAGE alive would sound a bit DAMNING.
It reads like this thing went from a staged hostage-taking to a full on war because two unknowing SEALs decided to ignore their orders and engage the foreign players.
The brave actions of Smith, Woods, and Doherty were beyond heroic; Impossible to characterize with mere words. If Bush were President they'd be alive. I have no doubts about that. They're dead because their Commander-In-Chief abandoned them for political reasons.
24 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:14:51 AM by Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America

To: hosepipe
It’s like 0bama, Hillary and Rice constantly telling the lie regarding HOW and WHY it STARTED (’protest over video’) but not WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT AND HOW IT ENDED.
25 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:18:00 AM by Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America

To: petitfour
from what i’ve read... the navy was moving to give them support... but that admiral was relieved and arrested 30 seconds after blowing off orders to stand down
i had also heard that one of the seals had a laser designator on a target... and the asset that was paired with it failed to fire... resulting in the seals death
any confirmation on that?
if it happened that way, who gave the order to hold fire... hanging the seal out to dry
26 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:23:39 AM by sten (fighting tyranny never goes out of style)

To: liberty or death
GREAT POINT!! WHY HAVEN’T the people they saved come FORWARD??????? COWARDS!! Those SEALS saved them and now they won’t come forwrd with the story????
27 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:33:04 AM by Ann Archy ( ABORTION...the HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)

To: Katechon
A few points & questions:
Using Google maps, and scaling manually, the driving distance between the Consulate and the Annex (as located by the map provided above) appears to be right at 1000 meters. Not 2 km. This assumes Google’s scale is accurate.
Also per Google maps, there is a significant open area just to the south of the Annex, and a mix of developed and somewhat open areas outside of that. The Annex is “more or less” on the south side of town, and Benghazi overall is right on the coast. It would appear to be “not impossible” from the standpoint of sending rescuers in, possibly from a modest distance away if one doesn’t want to drop in right on top of the firefight / attackers, or fight through densely populated portions of the city.
Who were the “guys on ships right off the coast of Libya”? I had not heard / read this before.
I was under the impression that the Americans (Doherty, perhaps?) were lasing the mortar after it had fired on them, hoping for air support before the mortar got them in range? How would they know where to point the laser, until the mortar started firing at them (but missing)? At any rate, the part about the mortar fire immediately taking out Woods (at the heavy machine gun) and Doherty seems a bit exaggerated. It also seems like the battle might have gone even worse had the attackers been able to knock out the heavy machine gun / hit the annex right away.
Perhaps you mean that when the attackers’ mortar finally found the range, the first shot that actually hit the annex immediately killed the two Americans.
Was in fact the Annex abandoned by all Allied personnel that morning?
Do we know who the injured American survivors are? (Understandably, if they are CIA, their identities are being kept secret.)
28 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:46:35 AM by Paul R. (We are in a break in an Ice Age. A brief break at that...)

To: nightlight7
Check Google Maps / my post above. It looks to me like we could have brought in a team (or more) from the South. This is especially true if we’d started moving assets right away.
29 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:54:11 AM by Paul R. (We are in a break in an Ice Age. A brief break at that...)

To: Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America
State Dept. 'Note to self': FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS REQUIRED IN ALL ANNEXES, COMPOUNDS, EMBASSIES, covert or otherwise. Also note: Simple positive fresh air supply system (with redundancy) to be run to any "safe room".
30 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:02:17 AM by Paul R. (We are in a break in an Ice Age. A brief break at that...)

To: nightlight7
Except for the fact that there were not one, but TWO unarmed drones in the area and neither one was shot at. So the idea that they were afraid of putting an ARMED drone in the air is ludicrous.
31 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:06:20 AM by MestaMachine (obama kills and none dare call it treason)

To: MestaMachine
It seems like the next question (to Panetta?) might be: Did we have armed drones within 2-3 hours of Benghazi? If not, why not? If yes, why were they not used against the attackers?
If answered that what assets might have been available is still under investigation, ask:
A) How can you possibly not know, this long after the attack?
B) Is this typical of this administration’s competence?
32 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:51:51 AM by Paul R. (We are in a break in an Ice Age. A brief break at that...)

To: Katechon
One has to zoom in with Google Maps to get a good look at this:
There are actually 4 fairly substantial buildings at the Annex.
What is the large complex of sizeable buildings immediately North of the Annex? Could be some sort of farming (chicken houses?) or warehousing operation?
33 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:56:00 AM by Paul R. (We are in a break in an Ice Age. A brief break at that...)

To: Tilted Irish Kilt
“WHO said “Stand Down “
and who directed them to order “Stand Down”
My money is on Valerie Jarrett. There is a reason why she has full Secret Service protection.
34 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:05:20 AM by Makana

To: Paul R.
Do we know who the injured American survivors are?Do we know, for a fact, the survivors are Americans?
35 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:22:10 AM by MamaTexan (I am a Person as Created by the Laws of Nature, not a person as created by the laws of Man)

To: nightlight7
FA 18s could have safely targeted the Embassy attack with JDAMs from high altitude where the SAMS can’t reach
36 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:46:18 AM by rdcbn

To: Slyfox
Perfect! Might just steal that for my Face Book page!
37 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:52:58 AM by CAluvdubya (ABO)

To: Katechon
"NOTHING is more important than protecting al Qaeda.
And finding underage prostitutes for my staff."
38 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:24:39 AM by Diogenesis (Vi veri veniversum vivus vici)

To: petitfour
I got the info from a lot of place. Among many sources, check:
Background Conference Call With Senior State Department Officials
Washington, DC
October 9, 2012 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/10/198791.htm
And ex-CIA Clare M. Lopez, now V-P of the Intelligence Summit, and Professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies:
If something is wrong, here, let’s correct it. The goal is to synthezise all the known data into a single coherent narrative.
You say: “There were around 24 people at the safe house.”
When you say ‘safe house’, you mean one of the building of the main compound? Or the CIA annex?
Oh, and btw: we all know about the QRF en route from Tripoli. But the question here is: why no AIR support? AC-130, or armed Predator drones? Or even a helico...
39 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:53:54 AM by Katechon

To: petitfour
While I specified that Glenn Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods were former SEALs working under the State Department (on contract to the CIA), I made the mistake in the last line of writing “Both SEALs died.” Should have been: “Both ex SEALs died.”
They were there as agents of the State Department, as the briefing from the the senior State officials mention.
“within the Department of State there is the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, sometimes called just DS – Diplomatic Security or DSS- Diplomatic Security Service and these are her [State Secretary Hillary Clinton] people, she can order them anywhere in the world whenever she wants to. They are specifically security people, many of them former military, to go to any American diplomatic post in the world as she so chooses. That’s her propagative as Secretary of State.”
40 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:54:04 AM by Katechon

To: petitfour
“There were around 24 people at the safe house.”
The safe house, aka CIA annex, was a VERY high-value target. That’s why it was much more protected than the so-called “Main” compound.
“...there was a CIA post in Benghazi, located 1.2 miles from the U.S. consulate, used as “a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles”.
source: http://www.businessinsider.com/us-syria-heavy-weapons-jihadists-2012-10
This CIA “annexe” is in fact ONE OF THE LARGEST CIA OPERATIONS CENTERS in the Middle East: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/50586
It served as the logistics headquarters for running arms and weapons in and out of post-Gaddafi Libya.
The “Main” compound was not much. Yet the State Department seems to be willing to spin it the other way around:
“The [main] compound is roughly 300 yards long – that’s three football fields long – and a hundred yards wide. [...]
...In addition to all those, there is an additional security force at another U.S. compound two kilometers away. It serves as a rapid reaction force, a quick reaction security team – a quick reaction security team, okay?”
Source: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/10/198791.htm
41 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:57:03 AM by Katechon

To: MestaMachine
Except for the fact that there were not one, but TWO unarmed drones in the area and neither one was shot at. So the idea that they were afraid of putting an ARMED drone in the air is ludicrous. If they were laying in wait for AC130 or helicopters they wouldn't have squandered the prize shot on the two unarmed drones. Getting in an armed drone from Italy might have taken couple hours while not adding enough sustained firepower to turn the tables in the battle. F18s could have arrived in under an hour, but due to unknown SA missile risks they would have had hard time providing close ground support from high up and in an urban environment where they wish to avoid large civilian casualties.
I am not saying that nothing could have or should have been done. But any quick, decisive action would have required entirely different kind of generals and leaders than the risk averse types in the situation room that day. You have seen how long it took them to make up their minds to hit Osama, many months after they knew where he was.
42 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:20:05 AM by nightlight7

To: Katechon
I can only conclude that Barry Hussein Soetoro didn’t authorize our assets to go help our guys is because he didn’t want to offend the Muslims,period.
43 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:23:09 AM by Rappini (Veritas vos Liberabit)

To: nightlight7
How would they have known the drones weren’t armed?
44 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:24:31 AM by MestaMachine (obama kills and none dare call it treason)

To: Rappini
No, he dithered, unable to make a decision in a timely manner.
He is just plain old incompetent. He is not now and never has been an executive capable of making a decision.
45 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:26:11 AM by bert ((K.E. N.P. N.C. +12 ..... Present failure and impending death yield irrational action))

To: MestaMachine
How would they have known the drones weren’t armed? They didn't need to know that. If they were waiting for the big prize, I don't think they would have bothered firing SA missiles at the drone of any kind. RPGs and machine guns would have sufficed against drones if they were fired at.
46 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:33:06 AM by nightlight7

To: Jet Jaguar; NorwegianViking; ExTexasRedhead; HollyB; FromLori; EricTheRed_VocalMinority; ...
The list, Ping
Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list
47 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:08:06 PM by Nachum (The List was hacked- www.nachumlist.com)

To: Katechon
By safe house, I meant the compound that was separate and away from the consulate.
You have done a good job putting together all of this stuff. I have been reading the news accounts of this from the beginning and have tried to figure out fact from fiction. This was a fubar. If this were a military operation, someone would be held responsible. In this case, the only one who could have put an end to this by using the readily available military assets was unwilling to do so. He watched them die. And then he lied to the families of these heroic men. His Cabinet members lied to their families. And they did it all on the world stage. How insulting and reprehensible!
48 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:12:05 PM by petitfour

To: MestaMachine
I am hanging my hat on people like you because I am so outraged and am beginning to feel like a trapped animal because I can’t do a blasted thing about it.
If Romney should win, I am still going to want answers to this just as badly as I do now. The only thing his election has to do with it is that it would be nice if people actually knew what they are voting for.
49 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:12:36 PM by Hanna548 (s)

To: MestaMachine
This thing is about to explode all over this regime with the force of a supernova and there isn’t a single doubt in my mind.If only this were true.
My pessimist self wonders how many of these people are liberals, who would put zero above the law, and thus remain quiet and refuse to testify?
50 posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:24:38 PM by going hot (Happiness is a momma deuce)

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