Monday, September 30, 2013

OMBama Yoga - "Invoke the Spirit of Obama's Own Phrase"

OMBama Yoga - "Invoke the Spirit of Obama's Own Phrase"

Denver hasn't hosted a Democratic National Convention for 100 years, and it's a safe bet that the last time the Dems stampeded into town there were no yoga studios selling tee-shirts with the Boy Orator and presumptive presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan on them.

Did somebody say Boy Orator? The silver-tongued Barack Obama's words are on tee shirts selling at Om Time, an oasis of tranquility sandwiched between the Colorado Democratic headquarters on one corner, and the center for the Obama campaign on the other, along with a slice of tattoo shop and art gallery garnish. "The Union may never be perfect but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected," proclaims the tee-shirt in the Om Time window.

It hangs just south of the shri shrine, and the peace and love tee shirts you'd expect. Walk by quickly and you'd think the silk-screened image of Obama's close-shaved head was Ghandi's.

It was to hear more of those sentiments from the man himself--Obama, not Ghandi--that people started lining up at the Obama campaign office at least an hour before it was scheduled to open.

Source: Ohm-bama time in Denver. Quest for seats to hear Obama's acceptance speech Chicago Sun-Times August 9, 2008.

OmBama - Yes We Can!
OMbama Yoga classes! Enjoy these radically inspiring all level yoga classes of incredible, heartfelt practices for change! Join us for an eclectic and joyful practice as we celebrate the upcoming election and the opportunity of participating in the political process with one another and invoking the spirit of Obama's own phrase, YES WE CAN!

öm time yoga class, Boulder, CO.

Victory! CFS and Allies Defeat "Monsanto Protection Act" in Congress

Victory! CFS and Allies Defeat "Monsanto Protection Act" in Congress
September 26th, 2013
Center for Food Safety applauds Senator Mikulski and Senate Leadership for removing the “Monsanto Protection Act” through an amendment filed to the Senate Continuing Resolution (CR).  The House-passed bill would have extended the dangerous policy rider for another three months, outraging public interest and family farm groups. Center for Food Safety (CFS) has led the fight against the corporate earmark since it was first introduced in the summer of 2012, working with both lawmakers and the public to understand the rider’s consequences. Over the last year, CFS members have sent hundreds of thousands of emails and calls to Congress demanding the removal of “Monsanto Protection Act”.
“The American people asked Congress to stand up against corporate interests and Senator Mikulski along with Senate leadership answered the call. We applaud their resolve during this contentious time on Capitol Hill, putting good policy over backdoor politics,” said Colin O’Neil, director of government affairs for Center for Food Safety.
The "Monsanto Protection Act" represents a serious assault on the fundamental safeguards of our judicial system and would negatively impact farmers, the environment and public health across America.  The legislation would strip federal courts of their authority to halt the sale and planting of an illegal, potentially hazardous GE crop and compel USDA to allow continued planting of that same crop upon request. The section, originally proposed by House Republicans in 2012, was added in secret to a government funding bill earlier this spring.
“The ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ was bad policy and had no place in a short term spending bill. Removing it from the bill preserves the strength of our judicial review system and is a major win for the food movement. Center for Food Safety looks forward to working with Senator Mikulski and other legislators on strengthening the health and safety of our food system,” added O’Neil.
One week ago, I asked, ‘Who pulls more weight on Capitol Hill? The agrichemical companies like Dow and Monsanto, or the food movement? Thanks to the leadership of Senator Barbara Mikulski we now know the answer: the food movement,” added Elizabeth Kucinich, policy director at Center for Food Safety.
Center for Food Safety led a group of over 120 of the nation’s top organizations and businesses in opposing the rider, and sent a letter to Senate leadership calling on them to exclude the rider from consideration in the short-term spending bill.  Cosigners included Center for Food Safety, National Farmers Union, American Civil Liberties Union, Sierra Club, Environmental Working Group, Stonyfield Farm, Nature’s Path, Consumers Union, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, Food Democracy Now, Public Citizen and dozens more.
Center for Food Safety is a national, non-profit, membership organization founded in 1997 to protect human health and the environment by curbing the use of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS maintains offices in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, California and Portland, Oregon. More information can be found at

The voter discrimination memo Eric Holder missed

The voter discrimination memo Eric Holder missed

If Eric Holder had a history lesson on voter intimidation, maybe he would see the benefit of voter ID protections. Photo: Voter ID/ AP
WASHINGTON, September 30, 2013 — In August, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed House Bill 589 into law, making North Carolina one of 34 states requiring, or attempting to require, some form of identification to vote. The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit to stop the new voter ID law.
Attorney General Eric Holder promised to use the 1965 Voting Rights Act to take action against states he believes are using discriminatory voting laws. Holder is likely reacting to a not so distant, dark past where blacks faced brutal intimidation and sometimes death for attempting to engage in the American political process.
Providing photo ID as proof of who you are, age, and address is reasonable. The state will provide, free of charge, photo ID to those who don’t have one. It protects the election process from fraud, irrespective of color.
If Eric Holder had a history lesson on voter intimidation, maybe he would see the benefit of voter ID and other provisions that protect elections.
In 1856, U.S. Senator Charles Sumner of MA, a prominent Democrat, left his party to help start a new party aimed at ending slavery, once and for all. He stood before the Senate and gave a two-day long speech against slavery.
Following the speech, South Carolina Congressional Democrat Preston Brooks beat Sumner nearly to death on the Senate floor. It took three years for Sumner to recover.
By 1860, the American public had awakened to the anti-slavery cause and elected the first Republican president - Abraham Lincoln.
The Civil War would rage on from 1861 – 1865, primarily as a fight between Southern and Northern states over slavery. The country sacrificed 646,000 citizens, either killed or wounded.
By 1865, the 13th Amendment outlaws slavery.
In 1868, the 14th Amendment explicitly forbids states from denying any person “life, liberty or property, without due process of law.”
Congressional records show that not one single Northern or Southern Democrat voted for the 14th Amendment, even after all that was lost in life and treasure during the war.
In his book, History in Black and White, David Barton chronicles the enormous progress made by black Republicans from the South following the war. Even before the 14th Amendment, blacks across the nation, especially the South, formed political organizations and registered to vote in the droves.
In the late 1860s, Texas elected 42 black Republicans. Louisiana elected 95 U.S. House members and 32 U.S. Senators  - all black Republicans. In Alabama, the first 103 black state representatives were Republican, 112 in Mississippi, and 190 in South Carolina.
Black Americans in Congress documents that many others, born slaves, made their way to the halls of Congress. The first black U.S. Senator, Republican Hiram Rhodes Revels was an ordained minister, missionary, and chaplain during the Civil War fromMississippi. Other black Congressional representatives include Benjamin Turner ofAlabama, Robert De Large of South Carolina, Josiah Walls of Florida, and Jefferson Long of Georgia.
Democrats immediately began to fight against this black progress state-by-state through creation of a violent terror organization called the Klu Klux Klan, according to Congressional records published in 1872 .
From Reconstruction, and actively through the 1960s, the Klan terrorized and murdered blacks and whites alike that would not pledge to vote only for Democrats.
In 1868, the Democratic Party published a small “push-card” showing the photo and name of 63 “radicals.” All “radicals” were Republicans, most were black.
By 1875, Republicans had passed nearly two-dozen civil rights bills, including the 15th Amendment to the Constitution explicitly guaranteeing black voter rights, all without one Democratic vote.
Voter fraud and intimidation at the hands of Democrats undid black gains in voter turn out and leadership in government. Harper’s Weekly, November 12, 1864, reported on the practice of pulling names from headstones and casting votes. The New York Tribune(1879) uncovered bribery among election officials by the Democratic Presidential candidate Samuel Tilden’s campaign. Others reported intimidation at polling places where blacks tried to vote.
The 1876 election between Democrat Samuel Tilden and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes ended up in a stalemate. Democrats agreed to allow Hayes to take his place as president and end the stalemate on one condition.
All federal troops had to leave the Southern states.
Reconstruction ended. Blacks were left without the protection needed to continue their progress integrating as freemen and women into society.
By 1870, Democratic run states from Delaware to North Carolina instituted poll taxes, literacy tests, and multiple ballot locations for the same election cycle, Grandfathering (a father or grandfather had to have been registered to vote), white-only primaries and more to keep blacks away from the polls.
“Black Codes” kept blacks from holding office, owning property, entering town without permission and even owning knives or guns.
It was not until 1893 that Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency after the Civil War. By 1900, Democrats were actively undoing civil rights legislation and attempting to undo the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution.
Democrat Woodrow Wilson from New Jersey re-segregated the federal government and showed the pro-Klu Klux Klan film by D.W. Griffith, Birth of a Nation, in 1915 at the White House.
Black Americans continued to support Republicans well into the 20th Century. Herbert Hoover received three-fourths of the black vote over Franklin Roosevelt.
Harry Truman would be the first national level Democrat to advocate for civil rights. FDR had his “black cabinet” of advisors but never advocated for any civil rights reform.
Republican President and decorated general Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed the first bold civil rights legislation in 1957 to reclaim what had been lost for blacks. Democrats fought to keep any segment from passing. He established the Civil Rights Division within the Justice Department that would play an important role in the 1960s and 70s.
In 1959, Eisenhower presented a second run at civil rights. The Democratic Party thwarted him again. Yet, it did mark the first time a few Democrats crossed over to help.
John F. Kennedy picked up the baton in 1963 after the Birmingham riots. He was assassinated before the work could be completed. It was his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson who would get credit for passing the legislation that would return blacks the rights so many fought for in the Civil War.
It took 100 years for Democrats to decide that allowing blacks to vote would benefit their party.
In spite of a majority in Congress, only 63 percent of Democrats voted in favor of the civil rights bills. Eighty-three percent of Republicans supported the measures.
Chris Ladd, writing for the Huffington Post, explains that the decades of success blacks enjoyed following the Civil War were “crushed over and over again by discriminatory laws and outright violence. There was no hope for economic progress without the most basic civil rights.”
Ladd continues, “Blacks’ experience with government power is almost a polar opposite of whites’. When central government has been weak, they have suffered. This suffering is not merely relative, but has left them vulnerable to random acts of violence, humiliation, and looting. They have good reason to see government power as protection and to be suspicious of white efforts to weaken it.”
This may explain why black Americans today follow the party that attempted to keep them away from their right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” while rejecting the party that led the charge to provide those rights.
The party that wrote the book on voter fraud, intimidation, and dependence is recast as the protector when Eric Holder claims he’s protecting blacks by going after new voter ID laws.
Some black leaders may believe that turning a blind eye to the past and to the very principles of freedom, which require individual responsibility, will help their constituents.
Refusing to allow protections that ensure integrity within the electoral process for all does not change the past nor does it help anyone.
Modern day Republicans must come to understand the long history of black experience from the Civil War forward. It is not enough to fight for the philosophy of freedom. Like the importance of federal troops to shelter blacks as they gained their true independence in the late 1800s, the Republican party must meet blacks where they are today offering tangible support along side legislation to ensure elections are fair and fraud-free, as well as education and tax reforms that will lift all people.
Carla Garrison follows current events with one eye on history and the other on the future.  Her goal is to encourage people to know the truth and use it as a call to personal action. Read more Truth be Told.

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Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order

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US Special forces blocked from protecting consulate
Paul Joseph Watson
May 10, 2013
In comments that went largely unnoticed, Missouri Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R) directly blamed President Obama for ordering the stand down which facilitated the assault on the US consulate in Benghazi.
Wagner was asked by talk show host Dana Loesch, “Because you have been an ambassador, you have been overseas with similar responsibilities and similar missions – who gives such an order to stand down? Where does that come from?”
“The President of the United States,” responded Wagner.
The White House has been scrambling to avoid the question of who gave the stand down order ever since whistleblower Greg Hicks, who was number two to Ambassador Chris Stevens, testified that US special forces were ready to board a plane in Tripoli but were prevented from coming to the aid of those under assault inside the consulate.
Hicks revealed that after Stevens had been killed but while the attack was still ongoing, “The Libyan military agreed to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and carry additional personnel to Benghazi as reinforcements,” including US Special Forces, but that a call came through from Special Operations Command Africa saying, “you can’t go now; you don’t have authority to go now.”
“They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it.” Hicks said.
In the hours after the stand down order was given, three more American diplomats were killed by terrorists who laid siege to the consulate.
The Obama administration denies that any kind of stand down order was given, a claim that rings hollow given the White House’s attempt to cover up the nature of what happened in the days after the attack, claiming instead that it was a “protest” sparked by a YouTube video.
It was also recently revealed that the State Department hired Al-Qaeda-linked militants to “defend” the diplomatic mission in Benghazi that was later attacked. State Department officials who blocked efforts to help Americans under assault later tried to hide Al-Qaeda’s involvement in the attack.
As we have exhaustively documented, the Obama administration’s support for Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Libya, which led to the toppling of Colonel Gaddafi, directly contributed to the attack on the consulate and the death of Ambassador Stevens. The very hospital that Stevens was taken to in the last moments of his life was run by the same terrorists who attacked the consulate and who had been empowered as a result of the White House’s military intervention in Libya.
Despite some predicting that the Benghazi cover-up could lead to the impeachment of Barack Obama, an almost identical situation is now unfolding in Syria as a result of the White House’s support for Al-Qaeda terrorists in the pursuit of regime change.
Despite the fact that militants in Syria have openly espoused their hatred for the United States - burning American flags in public while praising Osama Bin Laden and glorifying the 9/11 attacks - the Obama administration is preparing to send them heavy weaponry.
A growing body of evidence also suggests that the entire purpose of the consulate in Benghazi and Ambassador Stevens’ role there was to oversee clandestine arms shipments to Syrian rebels.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Friday, May 10, 2013 at 11:08 am

World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World

World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World

Karen HudesKaren Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years.  In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel.  She was in a unique position to see exactly how the global elite rule the world, and the information that she is now revealing to the public is absolutely stunning.  According to Hudes, the elite use a very tight core of financial institutions and mega-corporations to dominate the planet.  The goal is control.  They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns.  Since the elite also own all of the big media companies, the mainstream media never lets us in on the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that our system works.
Remember, this is not some "conspiracy theorist" that is saying these things.  This is a Yale-educated attorney that worked inside the World Bank for more than two decades.  The following summary of her credentials comes directly from her website...
Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.
Today, Hudes is trying very hard to expose the corrupt financial system that the global elite are using to control the wealth of the world.  During an interview with the New American, she discussed how we are willingly allowing this group of elitists to totally dominate the resources of the planet...
A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, too, she explained. In an interview with The New American, Hudes said that when she tried to blow the whistle on multiple problems at the World Bank, she was fired for her efforts. Now, along with a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success.
Citing an explosive 2011 Swiss study published in the PLOS ONE journal on the “network of global corporate control,” Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities — mostly financial institutions and especially central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. “What is really going on is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” she explained, adding that the “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well. “They’re being allowed to do it.”
Previously, I have written about the Swiss study that Hudes mentioned.  It was conducted by a team of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland.  They studied the relationships between 37 million companies and investors worldwide, and what they discovered is that there is a "super-entity" of just 147 very tightly knit mega-corporations that controls 40 percent of the entire global economy...
When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147 even more tightly knit companies - all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.
But the global elite don't just control these mega-corporations.  According to Hudes, they also dominate the unelected, unaccountable organizations that control the finances of virtually every nation on the face of the planet.  The World Bank, the IMF and central banks such as the Federal Reserve literally control the creation and the flow of money worldwide.
At the apex of this system is the Bank for International Settlements.  It is the central bank of central banks, and posted below is a video where you can watch Hudes tell Greg Hunter of the following...
"We don’t have to wait for anybody to fire the Fed or Bank for International Settlements . . . some states have already started to recognize silver and gold, the precious metals, as currency"
Most people have never even heard of the Bank for International Settlements, but it is an extremely important organization.  In a previous article, I described how this "central bank of the world" is literally immune to the laws of all national governments...
An immensely powerful international organization that most people have never even heard of secretly controls the money supply of the entire globe.  It is called the Bank for International Settlements, and it is the central bank of central banks.  It is located in Basel, Switzerland, but it also has branches in Hong Kong and Mexico City.  It is essentially an unelected, unaccountable central bank of the world that has complete immunity from taxation and from national laws.  Even Wikipedia admits that "it is not accountable to any single national government."  The Bank for International Settlements was used to launder money for the Nazis during World War II, but these days the main purpose of the BIS is to guide and direct the centrally-planned global financial system.  Today, 58 global central banks belong to the BIS, and it has far more power over how the U.S. economy (or any other economy for that matter) will perform over the course of the next year than any politician does.  Every two months, the central bankers of the world gather in Basel for another "Global Economy Meeting".  During those meetings, decisions are made which affect every man, woman and child on the planet, and yet none of us have any say in what goes on.  The Bank for International Settlements is an organization that was founded by the global elite and it operates for the benefit of the global elite, and it is intended to be one of the key cornerstones of the emerging one world economic system.
This system did not come into being by accident.  In fact, the global elite have been developing this system for a very long time.  In a previous article entitled "Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings", I included a quote from Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley from a book that he authored all the way back in 1966 in which he discussed the big plans that the elite had for the Bank for International Settlements...

[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.
And that is exactly what we have today.
We have a system of "neo-feudalism" in which all of us and our national governments are enslaved to debt.  This system is governed by the central banks and by the Bank for International Settlements, and it systematically transfers the wealth of the world out of our hands and into the hands of the global elite.
But most people have no idea that any of this is happening because the global elite also control what we see, hear and think about.  Today, there are just six giant media corporations that control more than 90 percent of the news and entertainment that you watch on your television in the United States.
This is the insidious system that Karen Hudes is seeking to expose.  For much more, you can listen to Joyce Riley of the Power Hour interview her for an entire hour right here.
So what do you think about what Hudes is saying?  Please feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment below...

SYRIA: Obama-backed FSA rebel death squads kidnapping blonde Russian women as hostages

SYRIA: Obama-backed FSA rebel death squads kidnapping blonde Russian women as hostages

The Belarusian Embassy in Syria is investigating a video that has surfaced showing 2 women claiming to be Belarusian citizens kidnapped by Syrian rebel death squads. Note that the hostage is reading from a prepared script, most likely written by one of the many Chechen jihadists currently terrorizing Syria.


Syria Al Nusra kidnap Russian Women اسرة من روسيا يعملون كعملاء لحزب الله: via @youtube 

The women in the video are forced to say that they are agents of Hizballah and came to Syria with falsified documents as journalists to collect information about the Free Syrian Army.

While we’re in Syria, here is a victim of the Obama-backed FSA rebels. (WARNING: Graphic Images)



Exclusive: Obama Administration turns Blind Eye to Muslim Foreign Militia in Pennsylvania Read more: Family Security Matters Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Christian militias have been raided in Michigan and Ohio, their members rounded up and tossed in prison and their caches of weapons confiscated.
But a well-armed Muslim militia – comprised not of American citizens but foreign militants –  operates under the noses of federal and state law enforcement officials.
If you don't it, pay a visit to Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Pocono Mountains.
“These guys use fully automatic weapons – AK-47s – for target practice,” one local businessman says. “We called the FBI but nothing has been done to stop them.”
The Muslims have been here for years,” another resident says. “They’ve been engaged in training for guerilla warfare.”
The Muslims in question are Turks who occupy a 45-acre compound that is owned and operated by Fethullah Gulen.
Entrance to the compound is forbidden to outsiders.
Sentries remain on duty – day and night – at a hut before the wide metal gate. Within the hut are high definition televisions that project images from security cameras.
Residents complain of a low flying helicopter that circles their community in search of any unwanted intruders to the property. At the heart of the compound is a massive chalet that serves as Gulen’s residence. Gulen has been identified as one of the world’s richest and most powerful Muslims – and also as the most dangerous.
From his base in Pennsylvania, he has been responsible for the replacement of the secular government in Turkey with an Islamic regime.
With assets in excess of $30 billion, he has wielded political allegiances in Washington that have resulted in the placement of Turkish Muslims in the CIA, NSA, FBI, and other national security organizations.
He has created well-heeled lobbies to promote the cause of Islam and to develop Islamic candidates for political office.
He has formed close friendships with Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Secretaries of State James Baker and Madeleine Albright, and George W. Bush.
He has also established over 90 Islamic schools (madrassahs) throughout the United States, where studentsare indoctrinated in the tenets of political Islam. These charter schools are funded by American taxpayers.
One school – Tarek ibn Zayed Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota – has been so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it.
The purpose of every Gulen school, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, is train Muslim students to become lawyers, accountants, and political leaders so that they can take an active part in the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamization of the Western World.
Gulen also imports thousands of graduate students from Turkey – at the expense of U.S. taxpayers – to study at American universities. More foreign graduate students in the U.S. hail from Turkey than from any other country.
Several of these students live at the compound and serve as guards and paramilitary officials. They do not wear skullcaps or Islamic garb but rather business suits with white shirts and ties.
One, encountered by this reporter on a recent visit, attended Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania; another studied at East Stroudsburg University, several miles from the compound.
Gulen’s stated dream is to restore the Ottoman Empire and a universal caliphate.
He fled Turkey in 1999 to escape arrest for creating a terrorist organization – the Fethullah Gulen Community.
He received protection from high-ranking officials of the Clinton and Bush administrations, who believed that Gulen could play a decisive role in the struggle over Central Asia’s oil and gas wealth. This belief was based on the premise that Muslims within the newly created Russia republics could be swayed away from the influence of Iran and Shiia Islam by Gulen’s doctrine of Sufi Ottomanism.
With CIA aid, Gulen established hundreds of madrassahs and cemaats (Islamic communities) not only in his native Turkey but such places as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Gulen’s triumph over his secularTurkish foes came with the election of November 3, 2002, when the Justice and Development Party (a party which he created from his base in Pennsylvania) gained control of the Turkish government.
Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a Gulen disciple – as is Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul.
Thanks to such Islamists, Turkey has transformed from a secular state into an Islamic country with 85,000 active mosques – one for every 350 citizens – the highest number per capita in the world, 90,000 imams, more imams than teachers and physicians – and thousands of state-run Islamic schools.
Despite the rhetoric of European Union accession, Turkey has transferred its alliance from Europe and the United States to Russia and Iran. It has moved toward friendship with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria and created a pervasive anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, and anti-America animus throughout the populace.
Gulen presents himself as a humanitarian, a moderate Muslim, and a proponent of interfaith dialogue.
But a visit to the compound provides an opposite impression. The property is off-limits to all visitors and intruders; it is guarded by radical Turks who seek to establish a universal caliphate whose jurisdiction will include the USA, and the Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center, which supports interfaith relations, is a sentry hut.
But Gulen is a master of deception.
In one of his directives to his followers, Gulen proclaimed that in order to reach the ideal Muslim society “every method and path is acceptable, [including] lying to people.”
In the past five years, several attempts have been made by The Department of Homeland Security to deport him. But in 2008 a federal court ruled that Gulen was an individual with “extraordinary ability in the field of education” who merited permanent residence status in the U.S.
Strange to say, Gulen lacks any formal education and three of the letters attesting to his “extraordinary ability” came from CIA agents. Contributing Editor Paul L. Williams is the author of The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World, The Al Qaeda Connection, and other best-selling books. He is a frequent guest on such national news networks as ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, MSNBC, and NPR. Visit his website at http://thelastcrusade.or


Obama: The Whole Untold Story

Behind the waves, smiles, teleprompters and photo ops, nobody really knows who the hell the President Of The United States really is!
Why are Obama's college records still "sealed" (hidden). No one can investigate what classes he took, what subjects he studied, or what papers he wrote. Nobody knew him or even remembers him from Columbia University.
Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims he was there, but none remembered him. None ever heard of him at the class reunion. Obama's photograph isn't in the school yearbook. Obama consistently refuses to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or names of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia. Why? Because he was never there!
Obama's real name is Barry Soetoro. He used the name "Barry Soetoro" to receive financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The OFFICIAL transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order.

In Obama's memoir, Dreams from My Father, Frank Marshall Davis is identified as Obama's "mentor". 
Who is Frank Davis? Frank Davis was an amateur photographer, a radical black power activist, a Communist Party member and an advocate of legalized pederasty (anal sex between an older man and young boy).
Frank Davis moved to Honolulu, Hawaii from Chicago in 1948 with his second wife Helen Canfield Davis, a WHITE Chicago socialite and fellow Communist. Frank Davis had five children and divorced his communist white wife in 1970.
Suspicions were raised that Frank Davis is Obama's real father when it was learned that Davis authored a hard-core pornographic autobiography called, Sex Rebel: Black. It was published in 1968 by Greenleaf Classics under the pseudonym Bob Greene.
The Frank Davis porn book tracks Davis' life in Chicago and Hawaii. He wrote in the book’s introduction that although he “changed names and identities, all incidents I described have been taken from actual experiences.”
Davis described an incident of “swinging” with a couple from Seattle, and how he and his wife had numerous encounters with an underage girl named “Anne.”
Since Ann Dunham's parents lived in Seattle and knew Davis well, was the swinging couple Davis was referring to Ann's parents (Obama's grandparents)?
Barack Obama’s maternal grandparents who were originally from Kansas (where they also knew Frank Davis), moved to Seattle where his mother was enrolled in Mercer Island High School.
Upon graduating from high school, Ann Dunham was known as a “full-fledged radical leftist”. Classmate Susan Blake described her as someone who “never dated white boys.”
After graduation, Ann Dunham followed her parents to Hawaii in 1960 where they renewed ties with Frank Davis. Ann's father, Stanley Dunham, and Frank Davis were close personal friends. They drank whiskey together, smoked pot and chased women in Honolulu’s red-light district. Stanley Dunham raised Barry Soetoro (Obama) and sometimes left him alone with Frank. This has led to speculation that Obama was sexually molested by Frank Davis who openly supported pederasty.
Frank Davis was a journalist and an amateur photographer who proclaimed himself to be bisexual, a voyeur, exhibitionist, mildly interested in sadomasochism, and deriving sexual gratification from “bondage, simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on.” His racy nude pictures of Obama’s mother were allegedly taken at Frank Davis’ apartment around 1960 which is when Obama was conceived. The photos were found in Davis' photo album.
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert has photographic evidence that Frank Davis is the man who took the nude photographs of what looks like Barack Obama’s white mother. Pictures show Frank Davis sitting on the same sofa that Ann posed naked in front off.
According to Barack Obama’s official biography, his mother became impregnated by Barack Obama Sr. in November 1960, and married him in February 1961. But Andy Martin, known as the man who “gave birth to the birthers movement,” claims Frank Marshall Davis sired Ann Dunham’s child. Frank Davis was already married to a wealthy white socialite, so he paid a Hawaii University student named Barack Obama to take responsibility. By agreeing to an arranged marriage and marrying Dunham, Barack Obama Sr. could legally stay in the United States. He would not have taken his new family back to Kenya because he already had a wife and two other children there. Plus, his father disapproved of his marriage to Dunham.
The marriage of Dunham and Obama Sr. was clearly an arranged marriage. They never once lived together after their marriage and never shared the same address. In fact, almost immediately after Obama’s birth, Dunham moved to Washington state and Obama Sr. relocated to Harvard a year later.
In his autobiography, Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama describes Frank Davis as a “father figure” and mentor. Prior to his enrollment in college, he penned a poem about Davis entitled “Pop.” Whenever Obama needed counseling during his teen years, the grandparents invariably went to Davis to provide advice.
Obama spent much of his youth apart from his mother who married Lolo Soetoro in 1966. Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the CIA-installed dictator, General Suharto during the Indonesian coup d’etat that killed 250,000 to 1 million Indonesians. Lolo Soetoro, was rewarded with a top job at Exxon. Did Lolo Soetoro adopt Barack Obama? If so, why has Obama refused to release his adoption records?
Little is known about Obama's white mother and grandmother besides the details provided by Obama and his handlers.
Obama's white granny, Madelyn Dunham, became vice president of the Bank of Hawaii soon after her arrival there. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reports that she supervised escrow accounts (money laundering) that the U.S. government used to funnel money to its "gray" and "black" drug activities throughout Asia. Granny was clearly more than a small cog in the machine.
Obama's mother worked for Timothy Geithner's father - Peter Geitner, as Program Officer for the Ford Foundation. She developed the Ford Foundation's microfinance program in Indonesia. Her son who is now President of the United States, hired Timothy Geitner as his U.S. Secretary of the Treasury! Timothy Geithner had earlier worked for Henry Kissingner.
President Obama’s National Security Adviser, Jim Jones, states that Henry Kissinger sets Obama's national security and foreign policy by giving daily orders. "I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger...We have a chain of command in the National Security Council...", says Jones. (see White House website speech).

Officially, Stanley Anne Dunham gave birth to Barrack Obama in Honolulu on August 4th, 1961...but the OFFICIAL University of Washingtom records prove that she was 2680 MILES AWAY in Seattle attending classes that same month.

Why has President Obama persistently refused to release documents that would provide answers?
Because an authentic birth certificate and medical records would reveal his blood type and his blood type might prove that Barack Obama Senior is not his real father.
Here are the events that led to Obama's meteoric rise to the White House which point to Frank Marshall Davis as the man who sired Obama:
Obama's road to the white house was paved by Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers. The birth certificate debate has diverted attention away from the identity of Obama's real father. Niall Kilkenny of Reformation Online reports that, “Sometime between 1927 and 1948, Frank Marshall Davis was recruited as a special agent or informer for the FBI. As a newspaperman, Davis had the perfect opportunity to know what was happening in Chicago. As a black left-wing ‘Communist’ sympathizer, no one would ever suspect him of associating with the ultra right wing FBI.”
At Occidental College in Los Angeles, Obama hung out with “Marxist philosophers” and attended “socialist conferences.” In the meantime, his mother found employment with USAID and the Ford Foundation, both of which served as fronts for the CIA and Rockefeller Foundation.
In 1981, Obama, supposedly a poor college student from a broken home, traveled to Indonesia, Karachi, Pakistan and Hyderabad, India. Numerous research investigators postulate that the CIA funded these trips. Don Frederick’s well-researched timeline shows that, while in Pakistan, Obama’s host, Muhammadian Soomro, was linked to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which was involved in “money laundering, bribery, terrorist support, tax evasion, smuggling and illegal immigration.” They also worked very closely with the CIA.
Upon returning to the U.S. in 1981, Obama’s next destination was New York City and Columbia University. Where did Obama get the money to attend an Ivy League college? According to his official biography, Obama graduated from Columbia in 1983...but something strange arises from this time period. When questioned by the New York Times about his undergraduate studies, Obama “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcripts, or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.”
Obama’s college records and transcripts from Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard have all been sealed and not released—just like his “official” birth certificate has been sealed and not released by Hawaii’s governor.
What we do know about Obama’s tenure at Columbia is that he lived only a few blocks away from Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, and that both attended socialist meetings at Cooper Union during the early 1980s. More importantly, Frank Marshall Davis was a close friend of Ayers’s father, Thomas, in Chicago, and purportedly arranged for Obama to meet Bill Ayers upon his arrival in New York City.
Even wilder is the fact that Obama also met and was tutored by Zbigniew Brzezinski during this time. Brzezinski is a CFR member and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. Now, how often does a poor college kid from a broken family get to be mentored by one of the most powerful men in the world? Brzezinski was one of the first people to endorse Obama’s candidacy, then served as his foreign policy advisor during the campaign.
Between Columbia and his pilgrimage to Chicago, Obama worked for the Business International Corporation, a CIA front that specialized in recruiting left-wing organizers to use as assets.
In a recent book entitled Barack and Michelle, best-selling author Christopher Andersen contends that Ayers is the author of Obama’s Dreams From My Father. “The book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices and themes bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’s own writing.”

Obama's political career was launched with a fundraiser at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. There, Illinois Senator Alice Palmer announced that she was stepping down from her post and that she was hand-selecting Obama as her successor. In "The Case Against Barack Obama", researcher David Freddoso alleges that Senator Alice Palmer “was identified by the FBI as being on the Soviet payroll in the 1980s" and attended of the 27th Congress of the Communist Party.
Valerie Jarrett is described as Barack Obama’s “eyes and ears.” Her great-uncle is longtime Bilderberg member Vernon Jordan and her mother, Barbara Taylor Bowman, appointed Tom Ayers—William Ayers father—to the Erickson Group’s board of trustees. Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law—Vernon Jarrett—worked for the same Communist-leaning newspaper—the Chicago Defender— as Frank Marshall Davis. Vernon Jarrett became the Chicago Tribune’s first black writer and landed an assignment at the Chicago Sun-Times where he used his columns to promote up-and-coming superstar - Barack Obama.
Obama met his wife, Michele, at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin, where Valerie Jarrett hired her. One of this firm’s major clients was Tom Ayers (father of Bill Ayers), while Michelle’s mentor was Bernadine Dohrn - the wife of Bill Ayers.
Subsequently, Jarrett hired Michelle Robinson (now Michele Obama) to work for Mayor Daley’s political machine, and is also cited as the reason why Barack moved to Chicago. In this sense, one of Davis’ associates—William Ayers—drew Obama to Chicago from one end, while another Davis connection— Valerie Jarrett—drew Michelle in from the other. Again, the similarities between Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “prearranged relationship” cannot be denied.
Jarrett also had close ties with fellow slumlord Tony Rezko (Obama’s bagman), and was the person first mentioned to fill Obama’s vacant Senate seat (leading to the Blago pay-to-play scandal). Judicial Watch lists her as one of the nation’s top 10 most corrupt politicians, and it is she who traveled to Copenhagen with Michelle Obama to make a final bid for Chicago to be the Olympic host city in 2016. Lastly, Jarrett brought self-avowed Communist Van Jones in as the green jobs “czar,” while also completing Obama’s inner circle with David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and company.
This article does not prove that Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama’s father, any more than other stories which maintain Malcolm “X” sired him. Without an original birth certificate, speculation will continue. However, Frank Marshall Davis cultivated all of the above-mentioned Chicago roots back in the early 1920s. He was a pivotal figure in the Communist Party’s inception and his deep-seated connections catapulted Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008.

Soldiers in Afghanistan Finally Allowed to Put Magazines in Weapons

According to CNN, in reaction to recent attacks by Afghan security forces, the Nato Commander, U.S. Marine General John R. Allen has ordered all 90,000 troops at NATO headquarters and all bases across Afghanistan to carry “loaded” weapons.  Nothing in the chamber, but they can carry a magazine in their gun now.
General Allen recently testified before the  House Armed Services  Committee.
General Allen said, “There is no part of our strategy that  intends to stay in Afghanistan  forever…I wish I could tell you that  this war was simple and that progress could  easily be measured, but  that’s not the way of counterinsurgencies.  They are fraught  with success and  setbacks, which can exist in the same space and time,  but each must be seen in  the larger context of the overall campaign. And  I believe that the campaign in  on track.”
The current plan seems timed around the U.S.  Presidential elections.  First, a drawdown of 23,000 American troops by the  end of September (before elections in November) followed by a  complete withdrawal by December 2014, when Afghan forces step up.  The Afghan government forces have shown little real progress over the last five years.  It is doubtful anything will change by 2014.
It is claimed that Afghan security forces have expanded from 276,000 to  330,000 in the last year.  Some of these men only exist on paper so their wages can be pocketed by commanders.  The men actually there are poorly paid and lead.  They will not fight and cannot possibly defeat the forces of regional war lords.  The only option is to persuade the war lords not to disrupt the government
General Allen  also said 60 coalition troops  from six countries have been  killed since January.  Thirteen of these soldiers were killed by “what appears to have been  Afghan security forces.”
If you haven’t been deployed, it may surprised you to know that, on base, guns were empty with no magazines.   There was an elaborate system of clearing barrels.  Troops were required to carry weapons all the time but they are not allowed to put a magazine in.  We were more afraid of accidents than the enemy.
I don’t have details about the shootings, but it seems most of them have happened on bases.  I believe this policy has generated a vulnerability the enemy has exploited.  Now, soldiers can put a magazine in, but they are still not allowed to chamber a round.
The good news: troops can now shoot an attacker within a few seconds by putting a round in the chamber.  The bad news: every thirteen year old boy in rural Afghanistan carries an AK with a round in the chamber.
Every police officer in America is authorized, if not required, to carry a loaded gun all the time.  There are very few problems with this and occasionally, they save a life with their preparedness.  Our Soldiers should get the same vote of confidence.
In the initial seizure of Afghanistan about 300 Green Berets and paramilitary branch guys from another government agency swept the Taliban from power.  They all had loaded guns and didn’t trust any one they met.  They trained, equipped and led Afghan irregular forces.  The Army response was to send a three star headquarters bring a military sense of order to the war.  They stopped paying the irregular forces and lost influence over them.
The US Army has something no other army in the world does.  Army Special Forces Command is a division sized force specifically designed to train and employ indigenous forces in combat.  Led by a two star Green Beret, they are the perfect tool for counter insurgency.  In El Salvador in the 80′s, they won a war without a single infantry unit, 55 guys at a time.
Afghanistan is a primitive and complicated place.  It is a fractured and isolated area which lacks any national identity.  Ninety percent of the population can’t read or do simple math.   The current NATO theory is that we can make Afghanistan a modern nation-state with functional national security institutions in one generation.
The experts would tell you that the only thing that works in Afghanistan is the ethnic clan organization.  The national government is not recognized in much of the country and recruits to the army and police have a higher loyalty to their clan.  These clan leaders control the fate of the national government.
The Department of Defense would never send a sailor to run a ground campaign.  They would never send a pilot to run a naval blockade.  For over a decade, they sent a series of infantry generals to run a counter insurgency.  As in Vietnam, the results speak for them selves.  What we need is a strategy of training locals to fight their own battles.
Corporate Army has two core competencies.  When they don’t know what else to do, they built bases and increase conventional force structure.  The need for bases and supplies created vast movements of building supplies, equipment, food and water.  All this stuff comes to a sea port in Pakistan and is trucked across Afghanistan.  The Taliban “taxes” the movement of these goods and that is now the largest source of their income.  Bigger than Opium.
If you ask an Army general how to solve a problem, the answer is always a number of infantry brigades.  This is the product of their training and culture.  If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.  When things weren’t working in Afghanistan, they didn’t re-evaluate strategy, they sent more troops.  If your house is on fire, and there are two police cars there, it won’t help to send more police cars.  Send the specialists.
I support the President’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan.  I wish it was moving at a more rapid pace.  Almost immediately after initial victory, there was a deliberate decision to stop Green Berets from working with indigenous forces in Afghanistan and replace them with conventional soldiers.  The results are readily visible in the casualty figures.
Conventional troops don’t have the training, language skills or mindset to work in this environment.  There have been a series of seemingly minor cultural incidents which have been brilliantly exploited by our enemies.   Combine this with leadership which doesn’t trust soldiers with loaded guns and you have big problems.
At the beginning of the war, most of our generals had no combat experience.  Some had been to the former Yugoslavia where they learned to patrol in light vehicles and wear body armor with unloaded weapons.  In worked there, but not in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We need to put the right guys in the right jobs and pull conventional troops out of Afghanistan.  They can do little good, but they make great targets.

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when our senators and congress let obama give aid to terrorist
dont it make you wonder why

Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda

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The murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi was an organized hit to cover up direct arm deals
Kit Daniels
September 25, 2013
A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda.

Insider Reveals Arms Deals Behind Recent Major Events

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Jim Marrs
September 23, 2013
William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot, questioned if such arms dealing might be another “off-the-books” covert operation run by the CIA’s Special Tactical Unit akin to the arms-for-drugs deal in Iran-Contra.
William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot, questioned if such arms dealing might be another “off-the-books” covert operation run by the CIA’s Special Tactical Unit akin to the arms-for-drugs deal in Iran-Contra.
Money makes the world go round.
Nowhere is this motto more relevant than in the shadowy world of smuggling weaponry and drugs, not to mention legal arms sales which all too often lead to modern weaponry falling into the hands of America’s worst enemies.
This all becomes evident when dissecting recent events such as the 2011 ouster of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, the death of US Border Agent Brian Terry with weapons obtained through the government’s “Fast and Furious” program, the 2012 murder of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi, and the arming of Syrian rebels attacking the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
According to various sources, behind all this bloody turmoil lies a program known as Direct Commercial Sales (DCS). This group operates within the US State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). The DCS program regulates private U.S. companies’ overseas sales of weapons and other defense articles, defense services, and military training. It is separate from the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, which manages government-to-government sales. It is within little-known programs such as this that vast sums of money are shuffled through international banks, corporate business and foreign governments.
In a program entitled “Blue Lantern” the DDTC monitors end-use recipients of weapons and services licensed by the State Department provided by Direct Commercial Sales. Some defense industry sources now claim that DCS is “playing both sides against the middle for corporate or political gain.” Such activity has been traced back to operations in Cuba in the 1950s and 60’s, the Iran-Contra Scandal of the Reagan administration and the long-lost War on Drugs. An objective look at this program also lends tremendous support to critics who contend that the United States is the “arms merchant of the world.”
In Blue Lantern reports going back to the early 2000s, it was found that many investigations of end users of weaponry supplied by US firms were “unfavorable,” with arms sometimes ending up in the hands of foreign enemies. Such reports were handed to law enforcement agencies for possible legal action but usually have been dropped for foreign relations considerations.
William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot who flew arms and ammunition for the agency as far back as the overthrow of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista and the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion, questioned if such arms dealing might be another “off-the-books” covert operation run by the CIA’s Special Tactical Unit akin to the arms-for-drugs deal in Iran-Contra and the Cuban Project of the 1950s, in which both Fidel Castro and the Batista Government in Cuba were sold weapons from American stockpiles for corporate profit. Numerous field reports have stated Plumlee flew arms to Nicaragua during the Iran-Contra Scandal. In testimony to the US Senate, Plumlee also said he returned to the US with loads of cocaine during the Reagan years. Recently, Plumlee has worked as a photojournalist along the US-Mexican border and participated in investigations into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Fast and Furious sting operation..
Plumlee said he perceives the same type of operations being conducted today in the Middle East. He reported to federal officials large shipments of “High Impact” weapons as well as small arms and ammunition being funneled through a network of clandestine CIA safe houses in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Pakistan and other Middle Eastern locations by hired civilians and mercenaries financed by private US corporations and the CIA’s “Black Budget.” Plumlee said he worked with a unit called Task Force Seven under Able Charlie Command headquartered at Ft Bliss, Texas.
According to a recent article in a June 2013 edition of Defense News, the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) informed Congress of $13 billion in potential defense trade. Heading the list was Saudi Arabia with a potential sale of $6.4 billion for a “National Guard modernization program, new Mark V patrol boats and follow-on support for the Royal Saudi Air Force.” Saudi Arabia, home of the bin Ladens, is run by the fundamental Wahhabi sect of Muslims, one of the most vicious opponents of Israel.
Iraq was named as a pre-approved buyer with $4. 7 billion in possible sales which could include a $2.4 billion integrated air defense system and $900 million worth of Stryker vehicles. Other Mid-East potential buyers include Qatar, Libya and Kuwait. According to the DSCA, such sales would “advance US foreign policy and national security interests.”
According to Plumlee, for several years American intelligence agents operating from a number of safe houses in Syria aided in the sale of arms to the Syrian rebels even to the extent of deciding which terrorist gang or commander should receive the weapons as they arrive. The New York Times in March 2013 reported the scale of arms shipments was “very large,” and that the Turkish government exercised oversight over much of the operation. “A conservative estimate of the payload of these flights would be 3,500 tons of military equipment,” stated Hugh Griffiths, an illicit arms transfers monitor for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. “The intensity and frequency of these flights are suggestive of a well-planned and coordinated clandestine military logistics operation,” Griffiths added.
On September 17, 2013, the White House announced that President Obama has waived portions of a federal law aimed at preventing arms being sold to terrorist groups. He did this so that the Syrian rebels could legally be supplied weaponry and ammunition. This waiver could prove problematic, according to The Washington Examiner, since a significant portion of the Syrian opposition has been connected to radical Islamic terrorist groups including al Qaeda.
It was only in mid-June 2013 that the White House finally announced that President Obama had authorized “direct military support” to Syrian rebel forces. According to a Reuters news dispatch, “Syrian rebel and political opposition leaders immediately called for anti-aircraft and other sophisticated weaponry. The arrival of thousands of seasoned, Iran-backed Hezbollah Shi’ite fighters to help Assad combat the mainly Sunni rebellion has shifted momentum in the two-year-old war, which the United Nations said … had killed at least 93,000 people.”
A report issued by revealed that even as the US Senate debated authorizing an air strike against Syria, a number of prominent senators had received large donations from the military-industrial-banking complex. “It is hardly surprising that uber-hawk Sen. John McCain led the way with more than $176,000 in contributions from defense interests,” commented Watchdog’s Eric Boehm. He added that senators indicating approval of the strike resolution received, on average, 83 percent more money from defense contractors than the others.
Several researchers, including Plumlee, have stated the CIA was smuggling weapons from seized Libyan depots to the Syrian rebels even before the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Benghazi. CNN reported the circumstances surrounding the Benghazi were covered up to conceal the arms smuggling, which had been taking place since at least September 2012. US agents were running the operation out of safe houses as well as the Benghazi “annex,” not far from the embassy. The media even has reported CIA has muzzled their employees and foreign ground assets regarding the circumstances of this still-controversial incident.
One allegation is Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya, along with four other Americans were killed by a heavily-armed group in 2012 in a planned attack designed to prevent them from revealing the arms-for-profit activities there. The Obama administration and the US corporate media claimed the attack was a spontaneous act by Lyban demonstrators against Gaddafi. However, investigations by US groups, including several congressional committees determined the attack was premeditated. Some of Stevens’ colleagues have claimed the ambassador was attempting to buy back Stinger missiles provided to al Qaeda by the State Department during the Libyan civil war in 2011.
“It appears America is again…destabilizing a region, escalating the conflict, all for the sake of corporate and political profit. Is history again repeating itself?” asked Plumlee. “Mainstream media is not allowed to cover these subjects [as] it’s classified a matter of ‘National Security’.”
The Direct Commercial Sales program also involves weapons sales to Central and South America, mostly connected to the War on Drugs, which often have backfired on the US. For example, a federal operation dubbed “Fast and Furious” allowed weapons from the U.S. to pass into the hands of suspected gun smugglers purportedly so they could be traced to Mexican drug cartels. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which have been linked to crimes, including the shooting death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December2010.
In 2012, Danny Cruz Morones, 24, of Phoenix became the first of 20 Fast and Furious defendants indicted in 2011 for buying high-powered firearms in Arizona to be used by Mexican drug gangs. Morones pled guilty to acting as a “straw purchaser” of weapons, including AK-47 assault rifles, as well as recruiting others to buy the weapons. He was sentenced to 57 months in prison. The Fast and Furious cases were shifted to San Diego after the U.S. attorney’s office in Phoenix recused itself because of its ties to the local ATC office.
According to investigative reporter Bill Conroy writing for Narco News, in 2006-2007 alone the DCS program involved the sale of $3.3 million in ammunition, explosives and ammunition-manufacturing equipment; $11.6 million in semiautomatic rifles and pistols, $518,531 in grenade launchers; $78,251 in explosive projectiles including grenades; and $963,201 in night-vision equipment.
The San Antonio Express News reported Mexican authorities in Reynosa across the border from McAllen, Texas, recently seized the country’s single largest stash of cartel weapons — nearly 300 assault rifles, shoulder-fired grenade launchers and a half million rounds of ammunition.But weeks later, Mexican authorities still have not allowed the ATF access to serial numbers that would help them track down the buyers and traffickers on the U.S. side.
One Blue Lantern report detailed how a Latin American arms dealer served as a front for another company which only existed on paper and provided small arms to “gangs in [a] third country”.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon told the Associated Press in 2009, “…[W]e’ve seized in this two years more than 25,000 weapons and guns, and more than 90 percent of them came from the United States, and I’m talking from missile launchers to machineguns and grenades.”
Conroy said his investigations confirmed that the deadliest weapons now in the hands of Mexican drug gangs came from perfectly legal private-sector arms exports measuring in the billions of dollars and sanctioned persons within the US State Department.
In July 2013, retired United States Border Patrol agents, writing on behalf of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), issued a public letter warning that violent Mexican drug cartels are operating all across the US. In part, the letter noted, “Organized crime on [the] scale we are speaking about cannot exist without political protection.”
Such activities prompted Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to complain in a 2009 letter to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “You surely know that all of this began when a group of about 30 traffickers of influence and corrupt politicians, using the cover of so-called neoliberal economic policies, took control of the Mexican State…these policies of pillaging that has enriched a minority in an exaggerated and obscene manner …[and] has condemned the Mexican people to exile and survival.”
The arms pipeline begins with the large multinational banks which loan and manages the large sums of money involved. Next, private US arms manufacturers gain licenses from the State Department to sell arms to other nations. But the status of the end use of such weapons then becomes murky. For instance, in Mexico, arms were sold to the government of former President Vicente Fox and then were diverted to drug gangs, such as the violent Zetas, by Mexican soldiers who defected from the military. Plumlee said American agents could not have been unaware of such activities in corruption-ridden Mexico.
Conroy cited a former US Customs Inspector, who requested anonymity, as saying, “I would agree entirely [that] DCS (and DoD gifted, as opposed to DCS sold) weapons are obviously the simplest explanation for the massive rise in the number of fully automatic weapons, grenades, rockets, etc., obtained by the narcotics gangs…That is to say, they are obtaining their weapons from their own, Mexican, government, by various illegal means.”
Plumlee revealed the Zetas have reportedly bought property in the Columbus, NM, border region to stash weapons and other contraband. “From the intel, it appears that a company was set up in Mexico to purchase weapons through the US Direct Commercial Sales Program, and that the company may have had a direct link to the Zetas,” he said. According to US Government statistics, the DCS program has approved more than $4.7 billion in private-sector weapons exports to Mexico since 1996. In 2010 alone, Direct Commercial Sales provided Mexico with $416.5 million worth of weapons and equipment.
Phil Jordan, who served as director of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s El Paso Intelligence Center in 1995, told the El Paso Times the Zetas drug organization shipped large amounts of weapons purchased in the Dallas area through El Paso. However, a spokesperson for the El Paso DEA office said the agency does not have any information about the Zetas operating in the border region.
Recipients of arms sales include the Department of Homeland Security, which, according to mainstream media reports, has been buying millions of rounds of ammunition, much in calibers not used by the US military. Such ammo stockpiling promoted retired United States Army Captain Terry M. Hestilow to write Texas Sen. John Cornyn on Facebook labeling the Obama administration’s recent appropriation of weapons a “bold threat of war” against citizens of the United States of America.
This article was posted: Monday, September 23, 2013 at 12:13 pm
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Christians in Obama's Military? Don't Ask, Don't Tell

As conservatives have warned for years, homosexualists' demands for "gay rights" must, by default, result in stripping America of religious liberty.  That prediction is now reality in a military recreated into President Obama's image, where Christians are now "forced into the closet."
“Yes, it’s a real turnabout where you, at one time, had to come out of the closet to admit you’re homosexual, and now you have to come out of the closet to admit that you’re a Christian.”
-- Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William “Jerry” Boykin, former commander of the U.S. Special Forces Command
For background, read Homosexualists Say Gay Agenda will be Complete when Christians are Muzzled and also read Senator Ted Cruz Says the Gay Agenda Ends Christian Liberty as well as Pentagon Gay Agenda: Christians are 'Hate Groups'

In addition, read of
President Obama's homosexualization of the American military -- what was once the greatest force for good in the world.

-- From "Sen. Vitter: Military Suppressed Religious Rights In 42 ‘Documented Cases’" by Alissa Tabirian, 9/20/13

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) urged Deborah Lee James, President Obama’s nominee for Secretary of the Air Force, to look into specific cases in which the military allegedly suppressed service members’ religious rights before she is confirmed by the U.S. Senate. "We're going to give you about 42 specific examples as a followup," Vitter told her.

“A lot of us are very concerned about what in our opinion is political correctness run amok on steroids quashing legitimate exercise and expression of religion in the military, things like… telling somebody they can’t have a Bible on their desk - that’s a documented case. Telling a Christian chaplain he can’t end a prayer in Jesus’ name – that’s a documented case,” Vitter told James at her nomination hearing Thursday.

However, committee chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich) said during Thursday’s hearing that “in terms of the reference to prayer, depending on where a prayer is made, if it’s made to a general audience, it could be a different responsibility for a chaplain than if it’s made to an audience of his own religion.

“This is a very sensitive area, because we want to protect freedom of religion for chaplains and for our troops, but we also want to protect the freedom of religion for people who are listening to chaplains,” Levin continued.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Vitter Urges Air Force Secretary Nominee to Address Religious Freedom" press release by office of Sen. Vitter 9/20/13

“Religious freedom is one of the core principles that make our nation great,” Vitter said. “Unfortunately there are far too many cases of the military restricting the men and women who serve our country from expressing their faith. That’s just not right, and I want to make sure the Air Force Secretary nominee does everything she can to fix it.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Former Special Forces Commander: Now It's Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell for Christians" by Michael W. Chapman, 9/20/13

“There was a meeting in San Antonio yesterday [Sept. 17] where 80 members from Lackland Air Force base came and talked about the persecution they are under at Lackland Air Force Base,” said the general.  “That’s significant. And now, you’re an open Christian at your own peril in many places, under many of the commanders in the military today and that’s a major change, a major paradigm shift in our society.”

“They’re trying to force Christians underground so that our faith and our values do not impact the public sector. So that’s what you’re seeing unfold today,” said Boykin, who was one of the original members of Delta Force.

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