Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30/05/2013 09:32
How do I become Obama and al-Qaeda, "one Tizin dressed" in Syria!
Camel - Seamus cook - translation: d. Salman owner:
For President Bush's policy implemented in the "war on terror" against al-Qaeda and "branches", it is surprising that President Obama targets the secular Syrian government in order to "regime change."
It is surprising also an ally of Obama's military the strongest on the ground in Syria - any fighting force best equipped and most influential against the Syrian government - is "Front victory," a group linked to al Qaeda and aims to convert Syria to the State of Islamist extremist working to impose a fundamentalist of Sharia law .
It is difficult to know exactly how I got the victory over front arms, but one can guess based on the data available. He explained "The New York Times" busily detail "CIA" on the process of charging a huge quantity of weapons, including thousands of tons of weapons that have been transferred from Saudi Arabia and Qatar to Syria:
"The role of 'CIA' to facilitate the ship [weapons] ... gave the United States a degree of influence on the process of distribution of weapons ... U.S. officials have confirmed that White House officials were on the lookout for a permanent shipments [weapons]" .
Where to go these weapons in the process of transferring this huge weapons? Must ask an important question here: Any rebels in Syria possess weapons, and any of them do not have the weapons? Says, "The Guardian":
"The lack of 'Free Syrian Army' [secular] for weapons and other resources compared with the 'victory Front' jihadist theme is addressed to it on an ongoing basis ... 'If I joined to the front of the victory, you'll get your weapon but most of the Brigades' Syrian army free 'can not secure the lead for the fighters,' ... has joined the 3,000 fighters of the 'Free Syrian Army' to the front of the victory in the last few months, due to the lack of weapons and ammunition ... rarely victory fighters withdraw because of a shortage of ammunition ... "
Although it is difficult to know whether the weapons carried by the "CIA" link directly or indirectly to the front of the victory, it is very likely that these weapons reach directly to the people uncles victory ideologues, including the majority of the Syrian rebels from Islamist extremists.
For example, when I made the magazine "The Economist" description of militant groups in Syria, in her essay "of fighting in Syria," pointed out - a kind of regret - that the Islamist group is not only present in the Kurdish areas, an area independent. As for the militant group backed by the United States, "the senior military leadership", it has recognized the "Economist" that "very limited control over the earth." Remember that the magazine "The Economist" strongly supports the intervention of the U.S. and NATO military in Syria.
It also stressed the "New York Times" on the complete domination of the extremists in the ranks of the rebels:
"There is no in any area in the rebel-controlled Syria any fighter secular power to remember."
Thus, the secular rebel fighters, who make up the minority, do not drive the civil war, and will not reach the power in the event of the fall of Assad. As the real revolutionaries Syrians will immediately fall victim to extremists who Cisaron to liquidate their former allies. It has become clear now that Obama's foreign policy in Syria encourages terrorism effectively.
Are several areas in Syria now under the control of rebel safe shelters for terrorists, has been carried out hundreds of terrorist bombings against the Syrian government many of which targeted civilian areas. While cranking U.S. arms to areas controlled by jihadists, has ignored also the atrocities committed by these rebels and documented on "YouTube", which includes a large number of war crimes, including beheadings and mass executions of prisoners, ethnic cleansing, and the recent incident where he was filming a rebel leaders known for cutting off the body of Syrian troops and eats his heart.
Through minimize the importance of these barbaric acts, Obama administration emphasizes continuity, including extremists backed by the United States and the American media are protected from international political pressures. The question that does not think the American media to ask is: Where did all these Islamist extremists and why? As long as the opposition was Syria's Sunni Muslim religious moderate, which means that the majority of foreign extremists.
The ideological extremism of the religious figures Saudi Arabia and its allies who use Islam as a political tool to target countries "unfriendly" to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States. A good example of this in the Syrian case fatwa issued by 107 sheikhs and condemning the Syrian government and encourages Muslims to fight them. Encourages this fatwa to jihad, despite the fact that the word "jihad" did not remember.
It says this fatwa:
"It is the duty of all Muslims to support the rebels in Syria against the government to be able to successfully end the revolt and to obtain their rights and freedom."
There is an obvious hypocrisy in this opinion: Saudis who signed this document, which calls for "freedom" in Syria are not clamoring for freedom in Saudi Arabia, the least free country in the whole world.
In addition to supplying Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the rebels Syrian arms - with the help "CIA" - offering religious figures Arabia associated with the system Saudi support religious / political cross mislead Muslims and push them to go to Syria to attack the country's Islamic leading to sectarian divisions large see landmarks now all over the world Islamic. Saudi Arabia to export most of these sectarian war, Islamic, where they work on school funding Islamist extremists throughout the Middle East, which attracts the poor of these countries through the provision of basic social services that fail these countries presented either because they are poor or because they do not want to present.
There is an important chapter on this subject in the book ڤijay براشاد wonderful "history of the peoples of the Third World." The debate now in the United States and NATO countries focused on giving more sophisticated weapons to the rebels in Syria extremists. The Obama administration has been pressing the EU to lift the arms embargo on Syria so that flood the country with a stream of arms (it seems that the processes of "CIA" did not sink Syria after weapons).
In response to the discussion, "the lifting of the ban" debate, said in a statement, "Oxfam" smartphone:
"The dispatch of weapons to the Syrian opposition will not create a playground for fun. Instead, it will enable everyone to take up arms, which will go killed civilians Syrians. We have learned from our experiences in the areas of other conflicts that this crisis will last for a longer time in the event of pumping more weapons in Syria . "
He has a European Union diplomats scolds the Obama administration to claim their ability to ensure that no new weapons falling into "the wrong hands" in Syria:
"This will be the first conflict pretend it that we can bring peace by sending weapons. If you pretend that you know where to go weapons, it would be the first war in history where this is possible. Has seen it before in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Weapons do not disappear ; It shows wherever they are needed. "
In Syria, these weapons needs of those who are fighting on the ground. Once again, everyone admits that the victory extremists make up the combat force acting against the Syrian government, and therefore the arms will go to them.
Push Obama proverb "friend of my enemy my friend" to unreasonable levels, which helps it to produce a new generation of Islamist extremists will contribute to fueling the "war on terror" led by the United States, which it seems they will not stop.
The real purpose behind the "war on terror" is not put an end to the terrorists, but targeting countries anti-American foreign policy: where Iraq and Libya - such as Syria - two laymen when they faced invasion; was also the invasion of Afghanistan despite the fact that most of those involved in the attacks of 9 / 11 were from Saudi Arabia.
There were not any problems of terrorism in Iraq before the U.S. invasion, and were not a problem of terrorism in Syria before they appear on the scene rebels backed by the United States. Clear to most Americans that Syria and Iran occupy the forefront on the list of Obama's war, which constitute a priority over important given to any terrorist group. This is Obama who pays for Scott for terrorist groups in Syria: they will use as a tool against his real goal, Syria and Iran later.
You must let the Syrian people decide their own future. The United States is completely incapable of "help" countries through the use of military means, as demonstrated torn countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are deplorable. Global movement must be anti-war cry aloud:
Hands off Syria!
Translated from the ("Global Research", 28 / May 2013)

Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer

Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer



Breaking: Obama Orders Secret Nuke Transfer!: via @youtube 

  •   The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store
Anthony Gucciardi & Alex Jones
September 3, 2013
A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.
According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.
This is of particular interest not only due to the fact that the Syrian situation has escalated to the point of a very realistic hot war scenario, but due to the fact that Dyess has repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside the base.
The brief report from the top level military source, which was written in a rush to get the information out, reads:
“Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”
The fact that this transfer was not signed for and there were no papers is key. It shows how the military is now secretly operating with the transfer of nuclear weapons, and what’s more, we know that DERMO (a military base in Florida) is a hotbed of special operations. Why is DERMO operating the nuclear warheads out of Dyess Air Force base with no paper trail? This shows that this is a highly secretive, black ops style move here that the military does not want on record.
The fact is that they don’t move all of these assets unless they plan on using them. Nuclear warheads are not simply moved to the East Coast for no reason, and the bottom line is that these missiles are likely being used for something even much greater than Syria.

Top Level Military Officer ‘Extremely Alarmed’

This leak inside the military industrial complex comes after prior sources have also revealed to us that B-1′s and B-2 bombers were ordered to head out of their respective bases (B-1B’s leaving Dyess specifically) across the nation and they haven’t come back. All of this is happening amid the growing Syrian crisis that has developed amid the ignition of a WW3-level wrestling match between the United States and Russia.  Now, based on the transfer to South Carolina that is not on record and was not signed for, we may be looking at a pattern that reveals an extremely hot war scenario.
And here’s what’s essential to understand: There’s no question that the Syrian issue is huge, and it’s very possible that the US military is now under orders by Obama to prepare a strike, but the reality is that the much greater issue here is what’s going on with the US and Russia. What we’re seeing here is a proxy war turned hot with Syria, and we’ve been covering this for months now. Even the mainstream media has reported in the past how the evolution of war in Syria has turned into a hot proxy war against Russia via the Syrian rebels and Assad’s troops.
We now even have the Russian media openly discussing the hot war by the United States against Russia and how this will essentially lead to World War 3.  But the fact of the matter is that we’re already progressively moving towards World War 3 . Obama and United States officials are already talking about boots on the ground in Syria and taking down the Russian-backed Assad regime. They are already moving forward following the blatantly staged chemical attacks that were absolutely carried out by the Obama-funded Syrian rebels in order to initiate a war scenario.
Why do you think Obama has been aiding in the training, funding, and supplying of the bloodthirsty Syrian rebels since 2011 through secret orders admitted by Reuters? The entire angle here is not to help the civilians of Syria, who the Obama-backed rebels already are beheading and murdering to cheering crowds. No, this has always been a buildup to a World War 3 scenario between Russia and the United States. And now, with the absolute insanity of Obama and the military industrial complex pushing these wars, it’s here.
Nuclear weapons held in bunker, similar to the reports of the high level military source.
Nuclear weapons held in bunker, similar to the reports of the high level military source.

World War 3 Is Starting

I have spoken to my connections in the Russian media and they are all confirming that World War 3 is the hottest topic right now amid the populace, and the fact of the matter is that all of the top level military officials over there are looking at this Syrian incident as the catalyst — as the spark. There’s a reason that Russia has begun amassing 160,000 troops and heavy military equipment following an Israeli strike on Russian missiles in Syria. There’s a reason that the troops were called along with naval ships and bombers to attain ‘immediate combat readiness’ along the border. We reported on this months ago while the media was too busy focusing on the Trayvon Martin case to talk about the ignition of World War 3.
What we’re looking at right now is the beginning of World War 3 unless we manage to stop it. The elite are crazy enough and drunk enough with power to launch anything if it means advancing their vast lust for power and control. Thankfully, we now have a public that is much more awake to what’s going on and able to put a speed bump in the overall war plan as admitted by Obama adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski last week, but it will take a lot of awakening to stop Obama from launching these attacks that have been in the works for years.
We encourage you to continue checking out Infowars and Storyleak for more updates on this and the latest news and information we find out on this developing situation.

Obama’s mental illness becomes worse: His most recent delusional denial

Obama’s mental illness becomes worse: His most recent delusional denial

Obama, as he spoke to "the Disabled American Veterans' National Convention in Orlando, August 10, 2013. REUTERS/Larry Downing" - How long can Obama go on before he snaps? Is there a limit to how many lies a person can foment? How long can Obama continue in this mode, expecting to fool rank in file America? Doesn't he look woefully frustrated and "up against the world?" Why doesn't he capitulate and admit his multiple criminal ID frauds?
Above pic of Obama, as he spoke to “the Disabled American Veterans’ National Convention in Orlando, August 10, 2013. REUTERS/Larry Downing” - How long can Obama go on before he snaps? Is there a limit to how many lies a person can foment? How long can Obama continue in this mode, expecting to fool rank-in-file America? Doesn’t he look woefully frustrated and “up against the world?” Why doesn’t he capitulate and admit his multiple criminal ID frauds? When a person lies as to who he really is; that person is bound to suffer from mental illness.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” – Proverbs 1:7 – KJV
For there is no faithfulness in their mouth;their inward part is destruction;their throat is an open tomb;they flatter with their tongue.Pronounce them guilty, O God!Let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions,for they have rebelled against You. But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;let those also who love Your name be joyful in You. – Psalm 5:0-11 – NKJV
It gets very old. Obama invoked the “Blame Bush” mantra the first 4 years of his usurped White House occupancy. Since that time, its been anything and everything that becomes the object of Obama’s ridicule blame game.
Denial of reality is a very serious matter. Does a mentally competent person deny an action everyone has witnessed? The answer to that question is inherent in the question. Obama has denied what he was heard to have publicly stated. He is denying reality.
Note the latest Obama blame card that was played during Obama’s presence in Europe, today; – see the highlighted link and excerpt following this brief commentary.
Our country has reached the pathetic point of possessing a de facto White House usurper occupier, who denies reality. That Obama neurosis has become more acute since Obama’s Middle East meddling and touted “Arab Spring” [aka, Islamic terrorist] supporting advances. [Note some links below]
In any private business, an employer’s obligation to all concerned, is to remove any employee which can no longer function within the realms of reality. That action is not only mandatory for the employer, but to all concerned. It is the imperative moral action to be expedited. Why? For the safety and well-being of the company, the company employees, the company’s product and overall business and reputation. In the same token, the US Congress is under both a practical and moral obligation to preserve the future of this Constitutional Republic; and to remove any of its members who pose a threat to the functioning ability and overall well-being, in its ability to effectively and effectually, govern.
But, how does a low-functioning body of politicians remove and replace a branch of its [own] government, when, for the most part, two thirds of it are in the same wretched condition as its Executive Branch?
Hence (regarding the aforementioned) it is not unreasonable to expect, hope and pray that Congress removes Obama for his obvious Executive Branch episodes of mental incompetence. Please recall that the Obama White House occupancy has not yet coughed up, as to Obama’s whereabouts during the hours of the Benghazi massacre which killed 4 Americans. As of this date, no reasonable explanation has been given to why these Americans had to die. The closest explanation that was given; was given by by former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton who exclaimed while being questioned: “What difference does it make?’ Mind you, that the lame-brained and incompetent answer of Clinton, was after she, Obama, and other top level Executive  Branch employees denied reality and blamed the American deaths upon some obscure anti-Muslim video.
Surely Obama must know that he is fooling himself.  Surely he knows that he cannot fool or bribe the just God, Almighty. But, why does he persist the way he does? Can there be more to his mental illness that meets the eye? [Pic attribution - Getty - Is Obama in denial? -]
Surely Obama must know that he is fooling himself. Surely he knows that he cannot fool or bribe the just God, Almighty. But, why does he persist the way he does? Can there be more to his mental illness than meets the eye? [Pic attribution - Getty - Is Obama in denial? -]
An example of acute mental illness: There is a story of a man who thought that he was dead. His family and friends attempted to convince him otherwise. He would not listen to them. Finally, they brought this delusional loved one of there’s, to a doctor who told the man that “dead people do not bleed.” The man nodded his head in agreement. Whereupon the doctor stuck a needle in the man’s arm, to illustrate and accentuate the reality that dead people do not bleed. When the man was stuck with the needle, blood began oozing out. The man, horror stricken, looked at himself bleeding, and with a stricken look, screamed: “Dead people do bleed!”
As in the aforementioned story; reality meant little to nothing for the man who thought that he was dead. As with Obama, reality means little, if nothing. He lives upon the evaporating fumes of his own delusional realities. This author observes the news regarding Obama. It is his assessment that Obama’s mental illness is in its proliferation stage.
Can America afford [no pun intended] anymore, a man as Commander-in-Chief, who suffers such a high degree of mental illness? Furthermore, this author proposes, that Obama’s own criminal ID fraud over the years, is reaching its deceptive law of diminishing returns. As time continues, it is this author’s estimation that Obama’s mental illness will become much worse. Hence, [then] one would not be without reason to ask some following appropriate questions:
How long can Obama’s mental incompetence persist? When will Obama’s mental illness reach its extreme limit? What will Obama then do? Will he withdraw and totally escape reality by going into hiding? Will he end up taking his own life? All these questions are legitimate in light of Obama’s own criminal ID frauds, which are even now being exposed and made more public.
Please note: Check out the definition of mental illness / incompetence in a couple of related informational links, below.
Obama’s mental illness becomes worse: His most recent delusional denial - blaming everyone but himself over his Syrian “red line” remarks
Once again, it’s everyone’s fault but Obama’s (literally everyone’s!) –
President Obama blamed the entire world Wednesday for his decision to engage in military action in Syria. “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line,” he said.
Obama went on to list the Syria Accountability Act and the Chemical Weapons Convention, and others have listed the Geneva Protocol as a way to remove blame from Obama.
But the “red line” phrase, that’s all Obama.
Thanks to a little thing called the Internet, we can look back at comments Obama made on August 20, 2012. On that date, speaking at a press conference, Obama said “A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”
But Obama wasn’t done trying to reassign blame. “My credibility is not on the line,” he said also. “International credibility is on the line.”
Obama made the claims during a press conference in Stockholm, Sweden,………… -
Related to the above commentary and highlighted informational link:
Also related to Obama’s push to bomb Syria for alleged use of chemical weapons:
Many of the following links track Obama’s actions, agenda and policy; even though he has (supposedly) sworn to protect and defend America and its values. But, why does he throw his support to Muslim Islamic terrorists? Go figure………….
Egyptian media references to Obama as a Muslim Brotherhood member. Now this! Obama addresses and praises the American Muslim Brotherhood Convention: VIDEO: Obama Praises Muslim Brotherhood Convention (
Breaking News:  Egyptian Media Says Barack Obama Is Muslim Brotherhood Member (
Obama’s hypocritical call to war against Syria in light of his sex offender murder of US innocents (
Obama’s hypocritical urge to wage war on Syria (
Obama’s involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood and his half brother, explains his Benghazi scandal and attempted cover-up (
Chemical Weapons allegation against Syria: Obama attempts to smokescreen his reported criminal bribery (
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack – Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group – by Dale Gavlak and Yahya Ababneh – August 29, 2013 (
CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors – Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention – By JG Vibes – – August 30, 2013 (
FOX NEWS Banned This Video: Former Syrian Rebel Hostage “Assad Not Using Chems, Islamists Are” (
Ron Paul: Syria Chemical Attack Looks Like a “False Flag.” Pat Buchanan & Vladamir Putin Agree (
Hacked Email Of US Intelligence Colonel Shows Pentagon’s Involvement In Chemical Attack In Syria (
Obama Criminal ID Fraud (
Obama’s birth certificate documentation now publicly declared a forgery by the legal Sheriff Arpaio Investigation
Yet, more:
Obama is one of the devil’s favorite disciples (
Please note 3 important informational links:
Election Projection – The Battle for Capitol Hill – 2012 Senate –
The Complete List of Email Addresses and Fax Numbers for the U.S. Congress and Governors –
U.S. Constitution Online –
Posted by:
Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel
Note:  Above pics and / or videos found on the web.  

UGH: Muslim Brotherhood group ISNA working with White House officials





CBN News has done some exceptional reporting recently and this one is huge. Erik Stakelback explains how Mohamed Magid of ISNA, one of the Muslim Brotherhood groups here in America and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, is working directly with White House officials and even sits on a Homeland Security group that deals with ‘extremism’.
Even though it’s a great report, it may make your heart hurt a little.
CBN NEWS – Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid.
Magid has reportedly become a trusted administration advisor on issues ranging from immigration to counterterrorism policy.
White House officials have praised Magid’s organization, ISNA, as a pillar of the American-Muslim community.
But according to analyst Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project, an organization dedicated to exposing radical Islam, ISNA’s agenda is anything but mainstream.
“We know from the Muslim Brotherhood’s own documents that [ISNA] is a Muslim Brotherhood front — they say that explicitly in one of their 1991 secret memos,” Mauro told CBN News.
Mauro said that internal Muslim Brotherhood documents, captured by the FBI, name ISNA as one of 29 American-Muslim organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood gave birth to both al Qaeda and Hamas.
“It’s also easy to know what the Brotherhood’s agenda is because they told us in their own documents,” Mauro said. “They said their work in America is ‘a kind of grand jihad, in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.’”
“And most importantly, they say they want to do it at the hands not just of the believers- – the Muslim Brotherhood supporters — but at the hands of the unbelievers — us,” he said.
Reaching the White House
ISNA began in 1982 in Plainfield, Ind. A founding member, Sami al Arian, was convicted in a U.S. federal court of conspiring to support the terror group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Adurahman Alamoudi also worked closely with ISNA for years. He’s currently serving a federal prison sentence for funding al Qaeda.
Despite its radical roots, ISNA has expanded from its heartland base to the power corridors of Washington, D.C.
“The remarkable thing is, many of these founders, who’ve been implicated in terrorism cases, named as unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism cases, are now consulting with the Obama administration,” investigative journalist Patrick Poole explained.
Poole, who writes for, says ISNA’s founders were even given a tour of the White House in March 2013.
“When [the White House] was closed off to the American public, they were meeting with senior White House officials,” Poole said, “including the head of the Office of Public Engagement, who said ISNA was the primary Islamic group that the White House does their Muslim outreach through.”
Fox Guarding the Henhouse
It wasn’t long ago that the U.S. government had a far less positive view of ISNA. In 2007, federal prosecutors named the group as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history.
The focus of that trial was an organization called the Holy Land Foundation. Its leaders were convicted of funding the terror group Hamas.
“The Holy Land Foundation was spun off of ISNA,” Poole told CBN News. “And here we have the United States government going into federal court saying, ‘These are bad guys, they’re supporting terrorism, they’re a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.’”
“And then as soon as they leave federal court, ‘These are our outreach partners, these are the moderates, these are the people that we need to be dealing with,’” he said.
That outreach includes a role for ISNA in shaping America’s counter-terrorism policies.
Magid, who is the president of ISNA, is a member of a Homeland Security working group on “violent extremism.”
ISNA also participated in a 2012 review of FBI counter-terrorism training documents. The bureau agreed to purge documents that ISNA and other Muslim groups found offensive or “islamophobic.”
Poole says the fox is guarding the henhouse.
“We see a repeated pattern from FBI reports, from Department of Justice evidence in these terrorism trials, that groups like ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts, like CAIR and the Muslim Public Affairs Council, that they’re here to Islamicize America,” he said.
ISNA did not respond to CBN News’ request for comment.
As for the Obama administration, its relationship with ISNA continues. Earlier this month, ISNA officials met with Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the latest attempt at peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
“The White House is not embarrassed about this relationship,” Mauro said. “They publicly brag about this relationship and the fact that they’re going to continue it.”
It’s not just the White House where ISNA is making inroads. The group’s interfaith office works closely with Jewish and Christian groups around the country. One of its leaders even spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this year.

Obama tapes recording for US Muslim Brotherhood group “my administration is proud to be your partner”





We just reported on Mohamed Magid, the president of ISNA, working directly with the White House as well as sitting on a Homeland Security group that deals with ‘extremism’. If you haven’t seen that report you should go there now. It explains, in part, how the leaders of the Holy Land Foundation were convicted of funding terrorism, specifically the Islamic terror group Hamas whose goal is to destroy Israel, and that this Holy Land Foundation was spun off of a US Muslim Brotherhood group called ISNA. Because the US government wanted to indict the leaders of the Holy Land Foundation, ISNA was put on a list of unindicted co-conspirators of the Holy Land Foundation to be prosecuted at a later time. And they would have been had that not come at the end of the Bush administration.
So considering all of that, you wouldn’t think an American president would be in bed with a group who is responsible for funding a terror group who wants to destroy Israel, our greatest ally and the only Western power in the Middle East. But he is. Here is a message he sent to ISNA just the other day:
He supports the Muslim Brotherhood abroad and supports them at home…and opens the doors of America’s White House to them.
(h/t: Front Page Mag)

Senate panel rejects Sen. Rand Paul’s amendment to limit president’s war powers

Senate panel rejects Sen. Rand Paul’s amendment to limit president’s war powers

WASHINGTON – The Senate Foreign relations Committee on Wednesday rejected an effort by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to restrict the presidential power to wage war.
Paul sought to amend a resolution authorizing military action against Syria by specifying that “the president does not have the power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
The panel voted 14-5 to table Paul’s amendment. The committee later passed the resolution authorizing military attacks on Syria on a 10-7 vote, with Paul among those voting “no.”
“I commend the president for doing his constitutional duty and bringing before the Congress and asking for the authority to go to war,” Paul, a member of the committee, said in introducing his amendment.
“I think it should be made very explicit, though, that this is his constitutional duty and that we are bound by the Constitution, bound by the ideas of the founding fathers…that the executive branch is the branc h of government most prone to war and therefore the Constitution vested the power to go to war in Congress.”
Panel Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said Paul had raised a “weighty” issue, but this was not the time to engage in a lengthy debate on the subject.
But Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., supported what Paul was proposing.
“I hope we have entered a new era in which Congress will assert its power under the Constitution when we get into situations like this,” Udall said.
Paul told his colleagues “there never seems to be a good time to debate these (issues).”
“If Congress wants to stand up now and take back power that’s been gravitating the wong way, this is precisely the time to do it,” he said.

BREAKING: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer... Top Level Military Officer ‘Extremely Alarmed’...

BREAKING: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer... Top Level Military Officer ‘Extremely Alarmed’...

A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.
According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.
This is of particular interest not only due to the fact that the Syrian situation has escalated to the point of a very realistic hot war scenario, but due to the fact that Dyess has repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside the base.
The brief report from the top level military source, which was written in a rush to get the information out, reads:
“Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”
The fact that this transfer was not signed for and there were no papers is key. It shows how the military is now secretly operating with the transfer of nuclear weapons, and what’s more, we know that DERMO (a military base in Florida) is a hotbed of special operationsWhy is DERMO operating the nuclear warheads out of Dyess Air Force base with no paper trail? This shows that this is a highly secretive, black ops style move here that the military does not want on record.
The fact is that they don’t move all of these assets unless they plan on using them. Nuclear warheads are not simply moved to the East Coast for no reason, and the bottom line is that these missiles are likely being used for something even much greater than Syria. Continue reading via Infowars...


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Isaiah 34

Living Bible (TLB)
34 Come here and listen, O nations of the earth; let the world and everything in it hear my words. For the Lord is enraged against the nations; his fury is against their armies. He will utterly destroy them and deliver them to slaughter. Their dead will be left unburied, and the stench of rotting bodies will fill the land; the mountains will flow with their blood. At that time the heavens above will melt away and disappear just like a rolled-up scroll, and the stars will fall as leaves, as ripe fruit from the trees.
And when my sword has finished its work in the heavens, then watch, for it will fall upon Edom, the people I have doomed. The sword of the Lord is sated with blood; it is gorged with flesh as though used for slaying lambs and goats for sacrifice. For the Lord will slay a great sacrifice in Edom and make a mighty slaughter there. The strongest will perish, young boys and veterans too. The land will be soaked with blood, and the soil made rich with fat. For it is the day of vengeance, the year of recompense for what Edom has done to Israel. The streams of Edom will be filled with burning pitch, and the ground will be covered with fire.
10 This judgment on Edom will never end. Its smoke will rise up forever. The land will lie deserted from generation to generation; no one will live there anymore. 11 There the hawks and porcupines will live, and owls and ravens. For God will observe that land and find it worthy of destruction. He will test its nobles and find them worthy of death. 12 It will be called “The Land of Nothing,” and its princes soon will all be gone. 13 Thorns will overrun the palaces, nettles will grow in its forts, and it will become the haunt of jackals and a home for ostriches. 14 The wild animals of the desert will mingle there with wolves and hyenas. Their howls will fill the night. There the night-monsters will scream at each other, and the demons will come there to rest. 15 There the owl will make her nest and lay her eggs; she will hatch her young and nestle them beneath her wings, and the kites will come, each one with its mate.
16 Search the book of the Lord and see all that he will do; not one detail will he miss; not one kite will be there without a mate, for the Lord has said it, and his Spirit will make it all come true. 17 He has surveyed and subdivided the land and deeded it to those doleful creatures; they shall possess it forever, from generation to generation.

oh my god i am right

Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby Tex on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:50 am
Isaiah 18 - Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: IS KENYA BEYOND THE RIVERS OF ETHIOPIA?? From Israel, it actually is--JUST BEYOND ETHIOPIA TO THE SOUTH. Last night we ELECTED a "Messenger" with direct roots from KENYA--OBAMA, the CHOSEN ONE.
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Re: Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby Tex on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:52 am
I thought it interesting that KENYA is CONNECTED to the country of ETHIOPIA on its south border. In regard to Israel, from which the prophecies are referenced geographically,--Kenya is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.
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Re: Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby Tex on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:55 am
Sometimes scriptures are elusive or their interpretation unknown until the actual fulfillment of the prophecy. Since we are in the ENDTIME, does this in anyway have reference to the the USA (land shadowing with wings)and its newly elected leader who has a DIRECT connection to KENYA (his father and family)??

These comments are just thoughts and probably have nothing to do with Isaiah 18, but on the other hand...??
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Re: Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby Tex on Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:52 pm
Full disclosure: I have never really believed Isaiah 18 referred to America--I didn't see how it could fit. I only started this thread to hear what those who did believe this thought.
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Re: Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby Salty Skipper on Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:36 pm
Isaiah 18 (New American Standard Bible)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Isaiah 18
Message to Ethiopia
1Alas, oh land of whirring wings
Which lies beyond the rivers of Cush,
2Which sends envoys by the sea,
Even in papyrus vessels on the surface of the waters
Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth,
To a people feared far and wide,
A powerful and oppressive nation
Whose land the rivers divide.
3All you inhabitants of the world and dwellers on earth,
As soon as a standard is raised on the mountains, you will see it,
And as soon as the trumpet is blown, you will hear it.
4For thus the LORD has told me,
"I will look from My dwelling place quietly
Like dazzling heat in the sunshine,
Like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."
5For before the harvest, as soon as the bud blossoms
And the flower becomes a ripening grape,
Then He will cut off the sprigs with pruning knives
And remove and cut away the spreading branches.
6They will be left together for mountain birds of prey,
And for the beasts of the earth;
And the birds of prey will spend the summer feeding on them,
And all the beasts of the earth will spend harvest time on them.
7At that time a gift of homage will be brought to the LORD of hosts
From a people tall and smooth,
Even from a people feared far and wide,
A powerful and oppressive nation,
Whose land the rivers divide--
To the place of the name of the LORD of hosts, even Mount Zion.

Here is an ancient map:

Perhaps Kenya is close enough to be considered land of the Ethiopians in ancient days? I'm not sure. What are the other possibilities for this prophecy?
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Re: Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby Tex on Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:56 pm
Not that Kenya is Ethiopia, but that Kenya is "beyond the rivers of Ethiopia." Kenya literally shares a border with Ethiopia to the south! I've read for years on the forum where people thought Isaiah 18 was America. I guess that belief is all but dead? Probably. I'm not sure what Isaiah 18 refers to or how it could relate to the present.
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Re: Isaiah 18 - Kenya Is Beyond Rivers of Ethiopia

Postby 4givenmuch on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:55 pm
Verse 7 indicates they are paying homage to the Lord of Hosts.

I have always heard this was the Ethiopians bringing the Mercy Seat for Jesus to sit on when He rules and reigns during the millenium.

(This is of course from those who do believe the Eithiopian Jews at Axum have the Ark.)

7. No flesh would survive
In Matthew 24:22, Jesus Christ prophesied about the coming great tribulation "... except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved ...." War on this scale would have been unthinkable in the first century. Even the worst of wars could not even come close to annihilating all life from the planet. But in our generation, all of that has changed. With our modern nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, this could easily be done. The rider of the red horse in Revelation 6:4 takes "... peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." The red horse is followed by the black horse of famine in verses 5-6. Scientists predict famine caused by reduced sunlight would follow a nuclear war, should one occur. So here we see another prophecy which is now set up to be fulfilled. It should also be noted that tremendous seismic and volcanic activity could produce results similar to that of nuclear weapons.