Wednesday, April 9, 2014

USA Brass Ammunition Company Raided by Obama's EPA - Alleges "Environmental Violations"

USA Brass Ammunition Company Raided by Obama's EPA - Alleges "Environmental Violations"

Environmental Protection Agency and FBI agents raided the ammunition company USA Brass over alleged “environmental violations” early Thursday morning.
NBC Montana was tipped off by witnesses that federal investigators were there until at least 4 a.m. on Thursday. Federal agents could be seen going through the company’s building and taking items to a truck parked outside. EPA lead criminal investigator Bert Marsden said that the agency was looking into alleged “environmental violations” by USA Brass.
“We are investigating alleged violations of environmental law,” Marsden said on Thursday. “An investigation takes as long as it takes, and I can’t provide any details as it relates to that.”
“I can make a statement that there is no immediate threat to the public or the community at this time,” said Marsden.
It’s unclear exactly what the environmental violations were, but USA Brass has come under fire from federal agencies before for lead exposure. USA Brass cleans and resells used ammunition casings, and NBC Montana reports that local health officials found elevated levels of lead in the blood of 22 current and former employees.
Last September, the company was fined more than $45,000 by the U.S. Labor Department for 10 serious violations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also found that USA Brass has overexposed workers to lead and failed to “provide basic safeguards to reduce lead exposure, including breathing protection and protective clothing,” reports NBC Montana.
“The toxic effects of occupational exposure to lead have been well known for a long time, but this employer did not have basic safeguards to protect workers against this hazard,” Jeff Funke, OSHA’s area director in Billings, said last September.
It’s still unclear whether or not EPA and FBI agents were also looking into lead exposure issues. An OSHA inspection in March actually found that the company complied with federal requirements for several months, apparently learning from its mistake last year.
The company said it would reopen on Friday morning.
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Obama ‘religious freedom’ appointee: Shariah Law is superior to American Law

Obama ‘religious freedom’ appointee: Shariah Law is superior to American Law

shatia law 666
This is sure to re-open the debate over whether or not Barack Obama is a Muslim. The facts are, he was raised as one the first 11 years of his life, and his mom allegedly converted him to some variation of Christianity when they moved back to the United States. In that infamous interview with Charles Gibson of ABC News, Obama referred to his “Muslim Faith, I mean Christian Faith” when asked about it, and otherwise claims to be a Christian.
Barack Obama has appointed a woman named Azizah Yahia Muhammad Toufiq al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. It is reported in this article here. That’s right, he’s appointed an extremist Muslim to a commission on religious freedom. Imagine that. This would be like appointing someone to the board of the American Lung Association who is a three-pack-a-day chain smoker.
The story reports, “Obama has announced the appointment of Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Al-Hibri (full name, Azizah Yahia Muhammad Toufiq al-Hibri) is a Muslim professor and the granddaughter of a Sheikh, who claims that the Koran inspired Thomas Jefferson and the Founders and that the Saudi criminal justice system is more moral than the American one because it accepts blood money from murderers.”
The article further makes this point, “Appointing a Muslim scholar to a commission on international religious freedom is only justifiable if that scholar recognized that much of the injustice in the world originates from Islamic law. But Al-Hibri has made her career whitewashing Islamic law and even presenting it as superior to American law.”

BREAKING: House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Refer Lois Lerner For Criminal Charges

Katie Pavlich
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The House Ways and Means Committee has voted to 23-14 along party lines to refer former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS Lois Lerner to the Justice Department for prosecution. Although the details about exactly what charges will be have not yet been released, lawmakers are arguing Lerner has not been truthful with Congress or the IRS inspector general and leaked confidential tax information.
Last time a referral like this happened, it was to Major League Baseball player Roger Clemens, who was pursued by the Department of Justice for lying to Congress but was exonerated in court.
This is a test for the Department of Justice and the Obama administration. What's more important? Baseball and steroids? Or the most powerful federal agency abusing its power to target innocent conservative groups?
Last summer President Obama called the targeting "outrageous" and promised to hold people responsible and accountable for what happened. If the Justice Department refuses to pursue charges against Lerner, it's fair to say one reason is because they don't want information leading back to the administration coming out in court.
Tomorrow the House Oversight Comittee will vote on whether to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress.

Retired Navy Intel Officer Reveals Globalists True Agenda in Ukraine

Obama begins the third world in the Crimea [ Bookmark this page ! ] December 26 , 16:58 | Arseny Palkin

Обама начнет третью мировую с Крыма

26 декабря, 16:58 | Арсений ПАЛКИН

При новом президенте США Бараке Обаме в Крыму будет реализован сценарий вооруженного конфликта. "Это американский сценарий, и при Обаме его вероятность гораздо выше, нежели при Маккейне", - заявил на круглом столе в Киеве российский политолог Андрей Окара, сообщает "Новый регион".
Эксперт объясняет: "Это стало понятно, когда было объявлено о том, какие люди будут представлять команду Обамы. Это люди, чья профессиональная прописка - Уолл-стрит. Эти люди занимаются технологиями, которые называются "технологиями управляемого хаоса".
По словам Окары, после Грузии зоной "управляемого хаоса", в первую очередь, должна была стать Украина, а именно - Крым. "Это та точка возможного возгорания, в том числе, глобального конфликта, перерастающего в мировую войну, который, к сожалению, является одним из сценариев, реализация которого на данный момент из области реального", - утверждает политолог.
Его коллега из украинского Института изучения России Андрей Блинов согласен с тем, что Россия в подобном конфликте не заинтересована. "Когда говорят о войне в Крыму или в районе хутора Михайловский, я считаю, что этот сценарий маргинальный. А вопрос более активного экономического участия российского капитала здесь очень вероятен. Но это зависит от того, когда закончится кризис. Если в 2010 году, тогда Россия будет уже намного слабее", - подчеркнул эксперт.
Амбиции США в отношении Крыма подтверждаются и подписанной на днях украинско-американской хартией о стратегическом сотрудничестве. Хартия предусматривает безусловное признание суверенитета Украины, ее интеграцию в НАТО, увеличение присутствия США в Крыму и другие виды сотрудничества. Посол США в Киеве Уильям Тейлор, впрочем, успокоил: "Хартия не обязывает ни одну из двух сторон оказывать помощь военными средствами". И добавил: если границы будут нарушены, "мы встретимся и обсудим наши последующие шаги".
Во втором разделе документа, посвященном сфере обороны и безопасности, говорится о заинтересованности обеих стран в "сильной, независимой, демократической Украине", чья интеграция в европейские структуры "является обоюдным приоритетом". В этом разделе вновь подчеркивается, что Украина будет членом НАТО. Пока же, "признавая глобальные угрозы стабильности в мире, для их предотвращения Украина и Соединенные Штаты будут укреплять свое сотрудничество в вопросах обороны и безопасности", - отметил посол. Кроме того, Тейлор упомянул и конкретные шаги, направленные на повышение уровня подготовки и поставок военной техники для украинских Вооруженных сил.
Пятый раздел посвящен расширению контактов между людьми и сотрудничеству в области культуры: Украина, как следует из текста (в изложении Тейлора), "приветствует намерение Соединенных Штатов увеличить свое дипломатическое присутствие в Крыму". Формат присутствия на полуострове пока обсуждается, "но это может быть структура с определенными консульскими функциями".
Также в документе идет речь о поддержке Киева в противостоянии с Москвой в вопросе о выводе Черноморского флота России из Крыма.
О том, что Крым является самым перспективным полигоном для дестабилизации обстановки, выгодной как американцам, так и официальному Киеву, наблюдатели говорят не первый месяц. Периодически в СМИ всплывают различные сценарии, с помощью которых украинские "демократы" попытаются взорвать эту "пороховую бочку", перенаправив претензии к России. Поползновения пророссийских активистов полуострова (вроде попыток вернуть Крым в Россию через суд) при этом сурово наказываются, но до полной победы СБУ над "инакомыслящими", судя по многочисленным симптомам, еще далеко.
Провокаций на "крымском направлении" действительно не избежать, убеждены, в свою очередь, украинские коммунисты. США готовятся к броску на восток (целясь при этом, разумеется, в Россию), но для начала им нужно сломить пророссийский Крым, считает экс-спикер крымского парламента, депутат Рады Леонид Грач. Запланированное на следующий год открытие представительства США в Симферополе - из той же серии.
О том, что Украина окажется в зоне самого пристального внимания нового президента США, аналитики заявляли и ранее. Обама сделает Украину контрбалансом России, считает политолог Сергей Таран: "Первое время украинцы могут быть обделены вниманием США, поскольку Обама будет занят решением внутренних проблем США. Но в перспективе усилиями Обамы США возобновит свой авторитет в Европе, а в долгосрочной перспективе новое руководство США будет уделять особое внимание Украине, которая может стать контрбалансом России в регионе, а в дальнейшем - даже контрбалансом старой Европе по примеру нынешней Польши".
Украина останется для Соединенных Штатов инструментом сдерживания России, согласен с ним украинский политолог Андрей Ермолаев. По его словам, для американской политики Украина была и остается инструментальным объектом, который используется в довольно циничных стратегиях.
Самые "дальновидные" уже вовсю репетируют предстоящую схватку за Крым: из этой оперы - состоявшиеся недавно в Киеве командно-штабные учения на тему "Действия добровольческих подразделений на крымском театре военных действий после начала военной агрессии России". Организаторы игрищ (Комитет национального спасения, в который входят партии "Братство" и "Новая сила", а также общественное объединение "Северное братство") утверждают, что в конфликте между Украиной и РФ, который состоится не позднее 2011 г., вся тяжесть сопротивления ляжет на добровольческие организации. Сценарий кампании Генштабом Вооруженных сил РФ уже разработан, уверены "ролевики".
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 Obama begins the third world in the Crimea [ Bookmark this page ! ]December 26 , 16:58 | Arseny Palkin " No one thinks it can happen to you " ...REGNUM: Accommodation Tu-22M3 in the Crimea - a blow to Putin's European missile defense systemUnder the new U.S. President Barack Obama in the Crimea will be implemented scenario of armed conflict. " It is the American scenario , and under Obama the probability is much higher than under McCain, " - said at a roundtable in Kiev, Russian political scientist Andrei Okara , said " New Region " .Expert explains : "It became clear when it was announced that what people will represent the Obama team . These are people whose professional registration - Wall Street. These people are engaged in a technology called " technologies of controlled chaos . "According to Okara , after Georgia area " controlled chaos " in the first place , was to be the Ukraine, namely - Crimea . " This is the point of a fire , including global conflicts that escalate into a world war , which, unfortunately , is one of the scenarios , the implementation of which at the moment from the real " - says the analyst.His colleague from the Ukrainian Institute of Russia Andrey Blinov agree that Russia is not interested in such a conflict . " When people talk about the war in the Crimea or in the hamlet St. Michael , I believe that this scenario is marginal . A question more active economic participation of Russian capital is very likely. But it depends on when the crisis is over . If in 2010 , while Russia will be much weaker , "- said the expert .U.S. ambitions toward Crimea confirmed and signed recently the Ukrainian- American Charter on Strategic Partnership . The Charter provides for the unconditional recognition of the sovereignty of Ukraine and its integration into NATO , increased U.S. presence in the Crimea and other forms of cooperation . U.S. Ambassador William Taylor in Kiev , however, reassured : " The Charter does not oblige any one of the two parties to assist military means ." And he added, if the boundaries are violated , " we will meet and discuss our next steps ."In the second section of the paper devoted to defense and security , said the interest of both countries to " a strong, independent , democratic Ukraine " , whose integration into European structures "is a mutual priority." This section reiterates that Ukraine will join NATO . In the meantime , " recognizing the global threat to stability in the world, to prevent them Ukraine and the United States will strengthen their cooperation in defense and security issues ," - said the Ambassador. In addition, Taylor mentioned and concrete steps to improve the level of training and military supplies for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.The fifth section is devoted to the expansion of human contacts and cooperation in the field of culture : Ukraine, as follows from the text ( as submitted by Taylor ) , " welcomes the intention of the United States to increase its diplomatic presence in the Crimea ." Format presence on the peninsula is still under discussion , " but it may be a structure with certain consular functions ."The document also refers to the support of Kiev against Moscow on withdrawal of Russian Black Sea Fleet from Crimea .The fact that Crimea is the most promising ground for destabilization beneficial both Americans and official Kyiv , observers say not the first month . Periodically pop up in the media , various scenarios by which the Ukrainian " Democrats " try to blow this " powder keg " redirecting claims to Russia . Proclivities pro-Russian activists Peninsula (like attempts to regain the Crimea to Russia through the court ) at the same time severely punished , but to complete victory over SBU " dissidents " , judging by the numerous symptoms , far away.Provocations on the " Crimean direction " really can not be avoided , we are convinced , in turn , Ukrainian Communists . U.S. prepares to throw to the east ( aiming at this , of course, in Russia ) , but first they need to break the pro-Russian Crimea , ex - speaker of the Crimean parliament , Verkhovna Rada deputy Leonid Grach . Scheduled for next year open a representative office in Simferopol U.S. - the same series .The fact that Ukraine is in range of the attention of the new U.S. president, analysts have stated previously. Obama will counterbalance Russia Ukraine , said political analyst Sergei Taran : " The first time the Ukrainians may be neglected by the United States, as Obama will be busy with internal problems the United States. But in the long term efforts of the U.S. Obama will resume his authority in Europe , and in the long term, the new U.S. administration will pay particular attention to Ukraine, which could be a counterbalance to Russia in the region, and in the future - even counterbalance the old Europe example of modern Poland . "Ukraine will remain for the United States deterrent to Russia , agrees Ukrainian political analyst Andrei Yermolaev . According to him, Ukraine for American policy has been and remains instrumental object that is used in a rather cynical strategies.Most " visionary " already hard rehearsing for the upcoming bout Crimea: from the opera - held recently in Kiev command post exercise on " Actions volunteer units on the Crimean theater of operations after the Russian military aggression ." Organizers merrymaking ( National Salvation Committee , which includes the party " Brotherhood " and " New Force" and association " Northern Brotherhood " ) argue that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia , which will be held no later than 2011 , the entire burden of resistance will be on voluntary organizations . Scenario Campaign General Staff of the Armed Forces has already been developed , sure " roleplayers " .

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