Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Top Journalist Turns Whistler Blower, Admits All the News is Fake! (Video)

Top Journalist Turns Whistler Blower, Admits All the News is Fake! (Video)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014 12:37

Top Journalist Turns Whistler Blower, Admits All the News is Fake! (Video)

This video of top German Reporter/Journalist Dr. Udo Ulfkatte was shared on Reddit, it’s eye popping. People should pay attention to this German reporter as he tells all in this amazing video report.

Mr Ulfkatte explains how the CIA has control over all of the major journalists around the world.  He is tired of all the lying and decided to go public with everything he knows.  Dr Udo Ulfkatte has  already had 3 heart attacks and decided he didn’t care anymore about what they might do to him! 

Many times we hear people ask “what news source did that news come from” then if you mention alternative media, they laugh or maybe say “I’ll believe it when I see it on TV”.

After you hear this reporter tell us that our news is completely FAKE and then he explains to you how it operates, you will be shocked! Journalist and Editor Dr. Udo Ulfkatte has just gone public with this shocking information.

This is an amazing video that must be shared with every person that hasn’t woken up yet and still believes anything they see on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Fox News… and the rest of the fraud media in the United States and around the world!

Don’t believe everything you know. 
Remember this? BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell  

Obama's Pakistan Connections

Obama's Pakistan Connections

via The Last Refuge article "Obama’s Pakistan Connections – “Spiking a Ball” or “Sounding an Alarm”":
A few (five we are aware of) of Obama’s closest friends live there Imad  Muhammad-mian-soomro Husain (former college roomate 1979-80), Ali Hassan Chandio (Occidental College),  Wahid Hamid (Occidental College), Sohale Siddiqi (New York – Columbia College).  Obama visited there numerous times. Obama maintains close personal 30+ year connections with Pakistani friends (they attended his wedding 1992, and campaign for him 2007-08). Obama’s mom worked and lived there from 1987 to 1992.  Joe Biden has a connection there. Obama personally knows the former President of Pakistan Muhammad Mian Soomro, and indeed stayed at his house during a summer visit there in 1981 and still maintains a 30+ year friendship with him.  So lets look at this angle a little deeper.
Most Pakistanis seem to like President Barack Obama.  However, for most, President  Obama’s “Pakistan Connections” were limited to (a) his rather strong words about Pakistan, including about sending troops into Pakistan, and (b) his choice of Vice President Joseph Biden, who has a long and deep interest in foreign affairs, including Pakistan. Most Pakistanis were/are not very fond of the first of these connections. The second connection they like, especially because Senator Biden was the key architect of a very generous and quite sensible support package for Pakistan.
Obama-mother-pakistan It turns out, however, that Barack Obama may have slightly deeper and more personal connections to Pakistan.  First, there is Barak Obama’s mother living on and off in Pakistan for five years. It is quite clear that Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, did indeed work and live in Pakistan as a consultant to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), working on a project in Gujranwalla (here, here, here).   A headline in the Daily Waqt that proclaims that “Obama’s Mother Stayed in Pakistan for 5 Years.” Here is the Daily Waqt report:  (continue reading)
Please go read the entire article, there is so much more on Obama's Pakistan connections as well as the largest cache’ of intelligence ever” and why information on the intelligence is being released when as the author notes it would 'normally be kept secret until fully vetted, analyzed, critiqued, and actionable items extracted'. Juicy stuff, go read it.
