Sunday, November 24, 2013

EVERY Alarm Bell Is Ringing…Tying Barack Hussein Obama To The Muslim Brotherhood…Huma Abedin At The Tippy Top (eye popping video embedded)…Addendum To : When Does Trucking With Terrorists…Breaking Bread & PRAISING…Land One Afoul Of American Law? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

EVERY Alarm Bell Is Ringing…Tying Barack Hussein Obama To The Muslim Brotherhood…Huma Abedin At The Tippy Top (eye popping video embedded)…Addendum To : When Does Trucking With Terrorists…Breaking Bread & PRAISING…Land One Afoul Of American Law? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

On its face, the inherent two-prong question for Americans ( and those who care about America’s place in leading the free world ) is : why did the Muslim  Brotherhood/Mafia rise to power, both in the Middle East and Washington, at this very juncture in time? And how did they accomplish their feat?
In other words, through a myriad of actions – some obvious, others less so – they were kept at bay for decades, particularly via Hosni Mubarak’s iron fist, and were certainly relegated (mostly) to the shadows in Washington power centers.
This blog reveals ( through many commentaries ) ‘how’ the Muslim Brotherhood/Mafia infiltrated/penetrated Washington in the first place. As to the ‘why’, it is self-evident through their manifesto, also linked to several commentaries.
Seek…and you shall find.
While it is true that they operated full force (under the radar) for several decades, it is also the case that their “koshering” became absolutely “legitimate” through the Islamist-in-Chief’s efforts. That “science” has been settled.
Enter….Huma Abedin, Deputy COS to Sec of State Clinton.
This blog, “six ways to Sunday”, connects both Huma Abedin and  the Radical-in-Chief with Islamist forces. To recap, via just a few commentaries, please go here -

Exhibit Number 1 -,
Exhibit Number 2 -
Exhibit Number 3 -
Exhibit Number 4 -
And being that the above appetizers cements the linkage between Huma Abedin and Barack Hussein Obama to the Muslim Mafia, can freedom-loving westerners think of a more urgent task, other than exposing their Islamist plans?
NOT this blogger.
Therefore, the following video is more than a must view….it is an obligatory pass forward!
Once again, it is up to the alternative media/bloggers to do the heavy lifting. 
Besides, those who fail to cherish freedom will surely lose theirs. And upcoming generations will rightfully blame those who remained silent.
All due credit must be given to the Western Center For (Real) Journalism for bringing this latest video to the forefront !!



MANY alarmed readers have requested a concerted listing of Brotherhood Mafia operatives embedded within the U.S. The naming of names. Well, a running list is in progress at this end. Regrettably, it was not ready for inclusion within a most recent interview – The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina KutnickiSo much work to be done…not enough hours in a day. Sleep deprived.

In its stead (and for the time being), along comes a noted Arab/Islamic expert, Raymond Ibrahim, and he performs a valuable western service. Thumbs up. Besides, as a fluent Arabic speaker, he is able to access their underbelly straight from original sources. Those of us who are bereft of said language skills (English and Hebrew are this site’s forte) execute our digging elsewhere, generally relying on “calling in favors” and out-of-the- box thinking. A laborious process.
Be that as it may, the main imperative is to alert American citizens – as well as westerners throughout the world – of said dangers and its worldwide implications.
In line with this commentary’s thesis, a recap of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Brotherhood linkage is mandatory. Indeed, alarm bells are ringing here, there and everywhere, tying the POTUS into the Brotherhood’s web. Factor in the jizya paid to America’s “soldier’s for Allah” and couple it with Obama Inc’s inexorable backing of Morsi’s Mafia. Thereafter, it leads to Benghazigate’s explosions on behalf of said Islamic Mafia Poof…8 billion dollars doesn’t seem too high a price to pay to bribe the Islamist-in-Chief’s Brothers
Alas, the promised operatives inside America….

Exposed: Names and Identities of Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in U.S.

by RAYMOND IBRAHIM November 1, 2013
El Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt’s popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power.
Titled (in translation), “With Names, Identities, and Roadmap…  El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America,” it’s written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying:
In the context of El Watan’s ongoing investigation concerning the Brotherhood’s cells and lobby inside America that support the regime of the ousted [Morsi], and which intensified their activities to attack and defame the June 30 Revolution, informed sources have disclosed to El Watan newspaper the names and cell entities of the Brotherhood and their roadmap of activities all throughout the United States of America.
The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Muhammad Morsi’s project to “Brotherhoodize” and consolidate power [in Egypt] and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi’s decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt]. Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups  launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing back the Brotherhood to the power.
El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim):
  • Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani
  • The Egyptian American Foundation for Development
  • Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York
  • Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia
  • The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi
  • Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa’ad Foundation
  • Muhammad al-Khashab, Head of ART channelsin America
  • Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America
  • Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America
  • Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland
  • Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle
  • Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, President, Islamic Society of America
  • Walid Yusari, Chicago
  • Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey
  • Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana
  • Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston
  • Ramadan Ridwan, Houston
  • Ahmed Fayez, Las Vegas
  • Dr. Amru Abbas, member, Egyptian Foundation in Michigan
  • Dr. Safi al-Din Hamed, Pennsylvania
  • Dr. Hamdy Radwan, North Carolina
  • Ahmed Shehata, Director, Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights
  • Dr. Iman Shehata, New York
  • Dr. Muhammad Amru Attawiya, member, Organization of Islamic Relief in the United States
  • Dr. Khalid al-Sayes, member, Rebuilding of Egypt Foundation
  • Dr. Tariq Hussein, member, American Islamic Relations Council (CAIR)
  • Dr Hisham al-Gayar, member, Egyptian Foundation, Michigan
  • Amin Mahmoud, Maryland
As a most recent example, El Watan quotes from an American op-ed published on October 16 (just two days before the publication of the El Watan report itself).  Titled “Egypt: 100 days later” and written by Ahmed Shehata of the Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights, the piece appeared in The Hill, the Capitol’s most widely circulated newspaper, published specifically for Congress.
The op-ed is certainly a prime example of pro-Muslim Brotherhood propaganda that actually tries to “shame” U.S. policymakers into returning the Brotherhood back to power in the name of “democracy.”
Key excerpts follow:
While the U.S. must consider its own interests in the region, it is baffling and disheartening to think the current administration would choose to discount the suffering that continues to occur on a daily basis as well as the complete violation of democratic principles which it espouses to the rest of the world….  As this past week marked 100 days since the coup and the lives of the Egyptian people continue to be sacrificed, the United States cannot be silent any longer for the sake of their own interests and convenience….  To that end, Egypt represents a golden opportunity for the U.S. to uphold democratic values by pushing for the reinstatement of the democratically elected government, despite their shortcomings. This would aid tremendously in showing the world that, above any one particular physical interest, stands the mantle of freedom and the rule of law.
Anyone familiar with the real happenings of Egypt knows that Shehata’s assertions are complete opposites of the truth: the military ousted the Brotherhood in response to the will of millions of Egyptians-the people, the demos, as in democracy-who took to the streets protesting against the totalitarian Morsi government.   Moreover, it is the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters who have been committing numerous human rights atrocities-including the slaughter and persecution of Christians, the torture and murder of many Egyptians (including before the revolution), and the destruction and torching of some 85 Christian churches.
Shehata seems to think that, if the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters terrorize, murder, destroy, persecute, and betray their nation-which is precisely why tens of millions of average Egyptians rose up against them (though you might not know that following Al Jazeera-led Western media that distorted the popularity of the revolution)-as long as they won “elections” (which from the start many authorities insisted they didn’t), then that is all that matters; and, if need be, the U.S. must war with Egypt’s military and people on behalf of the ousted terrorists-all in the name of “democracy” and “human rights,” as Shehata’s U.S.-based Brotherhood front is laughably called.
That such a shameless piece of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda can be published in the most influential and widely read Capitol Hill publication certainly goes a long way in validating El Watan’s claims that the Brotherhood has its tentacles all around the United States’ points of influence.
Way back when – at least in the non-reality based thinking of too many Americans –  the above Brotherhood Mafia encirclement was exposed at the inception of this blog (July 2012). Its outlines are featured at The Muslim Mafia, aka The Brotherhood, And Their overarching Plan: What it Means For America.



A recent commentary, EXPOSED: A List Of Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Operatives Inside America, Their Linkage To Obama Inc., flew across the web like a house on fire. A six-alarm siren call, or higher.

The point being, many Americans (westerners in general) are waking up to their new reality; an Islamic imposed nightmare readying to encircle their way of life, if not thwarted in equally warp speed. As a result, much time, energy and qualified resources herein are busy uncovering the designs of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, the progenitor of the entire plot, Al Qaeda included. Yes, an actual plot!
RESOLVED, we are not discussing fictional scenario’s from the much heralded (late) Tom Clancy’s thriller genre, frightening as they are. Way past.
Therefore, a recent interview at Inquisitr was featured, understanding full well the heat it would generate in this blogger’s direction. Mind you, this is not the kind of attention which is generally sought after, to basically draw in a dedicated readership. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance debuted on Oct. 28, 2013. It was Inquisitr’s top read for the week, and reached number one and number two slots at other major news websites. Westerners are undoubtedly concerned. At the same time, jihadis are none too thrilled at such blatant exposure. Too damn bad.

In light of the overall threat level, let us review the various phases, and see how they have already borne fruit within America’s underbelly. 

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.
No rational observer can argue that a cadre of high level Muslim leadership are not comfortably ensconced within Muslim communities. So much so, an increasing number of Muslims in America openly express their taqwa (consciousness) to include their approval of Islamic jihad, while others lend their support through indirect methods. The fine line between the trigger man and a conspirator(s). No diff.
Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.
The laundry list of Islamic front groups are too numerous to cite, yet their main umbrella groups are: 
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
American Muslim Council (AMC)

Muslim American Society (MAS)
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)…and their top underlings include, but not exclusively so:
•  American Trust Publications (ATP)
•  Americans for Constructive Engagement (AMCE)
•  Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE)
•  Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS)
•  Audio-Visual Center (AVC)
•  Baitul Mal, Inc. (BMI)
•  Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
•  Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)
•  Foundation for International Development (FID)
•  Holy Land Foundation (HLF)
•  Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
•  Islamic Book Service (IBS)
•  Islamic Centers Division (ICD)
•  Islamic Education Department (IED)
•  Islamic Free Market Institute (IFMI)
•  Islamic Housing Cooperative (IHC)
•  Islamic Information Center (IIC).
•  Islamic Medical Association (IMA)
•  Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
•  Islamic Teaching Center (ITC)
•  International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT)
•  Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG)
•  Mercy International Association (MIA)
•  Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA)
•  Muslim Businessmen Association (MBA)
•  Muslim Communities Association (MCA)
•  Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA)
•  North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)
•  Occupied Land Fund (OLF)
•  United Association for Studies and Research (UASR

To be exact, the Islamic Society of North America is the Brotherhood’s American nucleus. Its headquarters are based in Plainfield, Indiana (burrowed in Middle America…how lovely) on a massive 124 acre spread, of which 42 acres include a mosque compound. It is opulent in the extreme. For the record, this land was purchased over 30 yrs ago by foreign students from the Mid East. Alas, every student should be so well endowed!  
Notably, ISNA was started with Saudi petrol dollars. Moreover, its compound in Indiana was funded with 21 mil from Saudi-linked Youssef Nada, with generous assistance from Qatari Brotherhood honcho, Yusuf al-Qaradawi) Hmm. Moreover, when purchased, there were no Muslims within hundreds of miles all around. Interesting. A real head scratcher.
In conjunction, Muslim-only jihadi training communities /compounds are spread out all over rural America, and a eye popping listing can be found within jihadi compounds galore. Never mind all those found within America’s cities, namely Dearbornistan. Completely Islamized.
Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.
America’s political system is infiltrated top to bottom, as described herein, but there’s so much more:
“On December 11, 2004, Muslim Brotherhood apologist Mohamed Elibiary was a featured speaker at a conference honoring the memory of Ayatollah Khomeini, the man synonymous with Islamic terrorism. On September 13, 2013, this same man, Mohamed Elibiary was named the head of the Obama administration’s Homeland Security Advisory Council. Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out why, exactly, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood is pulling the levers of power in the White House.”

On a social and economic level America is already Shariah Law compliant. This was accomplished through many of the largest financial houses jumping on board the Islamic bandwagon. Few Americans have a clue.
And back in 2010, Obama Inc. announced its list of interns. A top pick included this doozy – “The Obama administration has announced its appointment of 13 White House fellows – and the first person featured on its short list is a Muslim attorney who specializes in Shariah-compliant transactions”.

As to stepped up Islamic conversions, look no further than to one of the hot spots of conversion to Islam; America’s extensive system of prisons. Many other venues are equally targeted, particularly the U.S. military through dawah/outreach. NO kidding.
Relating to the educational putsch, AG Holder is full steam ahead, duly evinced within OBAMA INTERESTED IN ‘ALLAH-IS-GOD’ CURRICULUM’!
Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.
Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).
The last 2 ‘Phases’ are in the works and will hit Americans broadside. Like tons of bricks. Can’t say they haven’t been warned.

CAIR discussing establishment of Shariah divorce system

A leader in a front group for the movement that aims to turn the U.S. into an Islamic state is among the Muslims in the Detroit area talking about establishing religious courts that would grant women a divorce under Islamic law, or Shariah.
About 15 Muslim leaders – including Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Michigan chapter – discussed the issue at a monthly gathering Sept. 25.
The discussion was prompted by a story in the Arab American News that described the difficulties that Muslim women experience when their husbands refuse to grant them a religious divorce, noted the blog Creeping Sharia.
Don’t let the facts about Islam in America be covered up by slick CAIR lawyers! Join the fight to protect those who would expose the truth!
The Arab American News article said many are forced to go “imam shopping” and travel across the U.S. to find an imam willing to grant them an Islamic divorce.
The publication commented that many Muslim women are denied a divorce, even when their husbands are physically abusive.
In August, North Carolina became the seventh state to pass a bill prohibiting judges from considering foreign laws, including Islamic Shariah. Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Tennessee have similar laws.
Earlier this year, as WND reported, Germany banned three Muslim groups seeking to impose Shariah in the country. The move came after death threats against politicians and calls for a violent overthrow of the government.
In October, BBC News reported, an Indian woman who wrote a bestselling memoir about the brutality of Islamic law was killed by Taliban militants in Afghanistan.
CAIR, meanwhile, was named in 2007 by the U.S. Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.
According to FBI wiretap evidence from a 1993 meeting of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and activists in Philadelphia, CAIR was formed to burnish the image of Muslims in the U.S. in support of the Brotherhood’s stated aim of “destroying Western civilization from within” and replacing it with Islamic rule.
In toto, CAIR is the stealth jihadi “coordinator”, as the Brotherhood’s main propaganda arm. Its handiwork on behalf of Allah is fully demonstrated within CAIR’s Deep Penetration/Infiltration into America’s Law Enforcement. How much deeper can an organization bore, than into the nation’s law enforcement centers? Not much.
Those who tsk, tsk and point to Jewish courts in America – dealing with divorce and other Jewish based matters – yet no one screams that they will subvert America, the fact of the matter is the obvious: Jewish Law is not seeking to supplant American law, or that of any other western nation!
In reality, Jewish courts, Bet Din’s, are not used to circumvent and denigrate civil courts within host nations. As a matter of fact, the following is in relation to Jewish divorce – via a “get”- but can be transposed into other areas of contested litigation between religious Jewish parties:
The Beth Din issues a certificate (the ptur) to each party, generally after the civil divorce is finalized, indicating that a get has been given and accepted and that each party is free to remarry.
NOT only that, but Islam is a political/religious doctrine based on supremacy and blood lust. Hence, this is their mandate for Muslims in America and other western nations: Grand Jihad in America: The Grand Deception. A MUST view video!!
Most significantly, it is mandatory to internalize that law enforcement captured a cache of Muslim Brotherhood documents, re the grand jihad, back in the 1990′s. Yet, the fact of the matter is that DESPITE a mountain of evidence CAIR has since co-opted law enforcement, including the FBI and the Justice Department ! Yes, while some do “get it”, they are not the ones in charge. Simple as that.
BOTTOM LINE: when a minority population attempts to overthrow the nation’s underpinnings, said population becomes a clear and present danger. And when this (global jihadi) minority is inordinately clear about its goals, its supremacy (as revealed by the following statement), the Muslim Brotherhood’s plans for America cannot be wished away, nor scoffed at.
Found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008, everything is brought full circleIn sharp relief.
“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
To augment the dangers described above, one only has to look towards their “mother” countries to see where America (other western nations) is headed. In other words, just as an example, the Wahhabi Kingdom doesn’t allow churches or other houses of worship, let alone Christian or Jewish books/symbols within their borders. What does that tell you?
And when Churches are burned to the ground in Egypt, Syria and all over majority dominated Muslim countries, what more needs to be discussed? Starkly, the truth is visible to all, except the willfully blind or Islamic compliant.
“The Brotherhood has also turned their rage on Egypt’s 10 million Coptic Christians, who strongly supported the ouster of President Morsi. Hundreds of churches have been burned, thousands of Coptic homes and business have been looted and demolished, Coptic women and children raped, kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam and nuns and priests savagely beaten after their convents and monasteries were destroyed”.
So, if Muslim minority leadership (and a preponderance of their communities) are seeking a better life in America (and western nations), why is evidence atop evidence demonstrating their push towards Shariah Law compliance, in effect, the absolute overthrow of America’s Constitutional protections? 
But don’t take this blogger’s word for it, just hear what top DHS honcho, Mohamed Elibiary, has to say about America and where it is heading:
  • A senior advisor to the Department of Homeland Security, Mohamed Elibiary, says that America is “an Islamic country” and continues to argue that the Muslim Brotherhood is comparable to Christian evangelicals.
America, an Islamic nation. The Islamization of America can be seen step by step…phase by phase. Less than a pipe dream!

Benghazi Survivors: 'Pleading' Distress Calls Made On Night Of Attack

Charlie Rangel: Obama figured out secret, ‘use executive orders for everything’

Charlie Rangel: Obama figured out secret, ‘use executive orders for everything’

President Obama should drop the charade of democracy and rule directly through executive orders, U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel told a New York news station.
In an interview that praised Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats for doing away with filibusters on most presidential nominees, Rangel told NY1 that Obama has already set a precedent for making his own laws without regard for Congress, according to Politicker.
charlierangel1124When Obama announced last year that illegal immigrants brought to this country by their parents would no longer be deported, the president wrote a script that could be used in many acts to come, Rangel said.
“You know, the DREAM Act for the kids that came over here and didn’t know their hometown, the president did that by executive order,” Rangel said. “What I did is I’ve taken out the language that he used, and I’m gonna see why we can’t use executive orders for everything.”
Rangel is ghetto gentry, a conscienceless con man who’s built a career enriching himself at the expense of taxpayers and his own supposed New York “community.” In 2010, he became the first congressman censured by the full House almost 30 years.
That was for evading taxes on property he owned in the Dominican Republic (while he was chairman of the House Appropriations Committee), occupying four “rent-controlled” apartments in his Harlem district that are supposed to assist fixed-income tenants (he used one as a campaign headquarters), and pimping congressional letterhead to attract money to build a monument to himself at City College of New York.
Now this man, who at 83 has abused the democratic process for his own ends for decades, has had enough of democracy.
“What’s [Obama] gonna do?” Rangel asked. “Make the Republicans angry? They’re gonna get annoyed? They’re not gonna cooperate?”
No, Congressman, they’re not gonna cooperate.
But if Obama and this country’s libs ever do succeed in dismantling constitutional democracy in the United States, the Dominican Republic sounds like a fine place for a useless congressman to retire to.
They’ve raised taxes down there to pay for a swollen government and welfare benefits, but smart guys can always figure out how to get around them.
Rangel should fit right in.

How a presidency unravels

For concision and precision in describing Barack Obama’s suddenly ambivalent relationship with his singular — actually, his single — achievement, the laurels go to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).
After Obama’s semi-demi-apology for millions of canceled insurance policies — an intended and predictable consequence of his crusade to liberate Americans from their childish choices of “substandard” policies sold by “bad apple” insurers — Scalise said Obama is like someone who burns down your house. Then shows up with an empty water bucket. Then lectures you about how defective the house was.
George Will
Will writes a twice-a-week column on politics and domestic and foreign affairs.
What is now inexplicably called Obama’s “fix” for the chaos he has created is surreal. He gives you permission to reoccupy your house — if you can get someone to rebuild it — but for only another year.
At least he has banished boredom from millions of lives. Although probably not from his.
The place to begin understanding the unraveling of his presidency is page 274 of “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama.” The author, David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, quotes Valerie Jarrett, perhaps Obama’s closest and longest-serving adviser, on her hero’s amazingness:
“He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do. He would never be satisfied with what ordinary people do.”
Leave aside the question of whether someone so smitten can be in any meaningful sense an adviser. About what can such a paragon as Obama need advice? (Although he did recently say, “What we’re also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy.” Just to buy.) It is, however, fair to note that what ordinary people ordinarily do is their jobs, competently. Obama’s inability to be satisfied with anything so banal has plunged him into Jimmy Carter territory.
Carter’s presidency crumbled when people decided they still liked his character but had no confidence in his competence. Obamacare’s misadventures, and Obama’s response to them, have caused people to doubt both his character and his competence.
The White House, disoriented by adoration — including the self-adoration — of its principal occupant, sits in a city that has become addicted to its own adrenaline. It is in a perpetual swivet stoked by media for which every inter-institutional dust-up is a crisis.
This year began with the “fiscal cliff” crisis. (You may have forgotten, there having been so many supposedly epochal events to keep track of: All the Bush tax cuts were set to expire; the “crisis” ended when only those cuts for the wealthy were allowed to lapse.)
Then came spring and the “sequester crisis,” meaning discretionary spending “slashed” by “draconian” cuts of . . . 2.3 percent. Autumn brought the crisis of the shutdown of (part of) the government and the crisis surrounding the inevitable raising of the debt ceiling. The ostensible crisis was that the Obama administration might choose to default on the nation’s debt even though government revenues were 10 times larger than required to service the debt.
Good grief. The 1854 passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was a crisis. As was the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the Great Depression and Pearl Harbor. But as for 2013’s blizzard of supposed crises: Arguments between the houses of Congress, or between the executive and legislative branches, about money should not be called crises; they should be called politics. The separation of powers that is the essence of the constitutional system assumes rivalrous institutions. When, however, the conflict is not about money but about the nation’s constitutional architecture, perhaps the language of crisis is apposite.
The New York Times reports that last March Henry Chao of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which superintended creation of the Web site, told a conference that he had worries: “Let’s just make sure it’s not a third-world experience.” When such an embarrassing experience occurred, Obama responded like a ruler of a banana republic unfettered by constitutionalism and the rule of law. Although no president has even a line-item veto power (which 44 governors have), this president asserts the power to revise the language of laws by “enforcement discretion,” and suggests no limiting principle.
But even this is a crisis only if Congress makes it so by supine acquiescence. Congressional Democrats are White House poodles. They also are progressives and therefore disposed to favor unfettered executive power. Republicans are supposed to be different.

Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic

Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic

President Barack Obama takes the oath of offic...
President Barack Obama takes the oath of office. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By M. Northrop Buechner
Since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, he has changed it five times. Most notably, he suspended the employer mandate last summer. This is widely known, but almost no one seems to have grasped its significance.
The Constitution authorizes the President to propose and veto legislation. It does not authorize him to change existing laws. The changes Mr. Obama ordered in Obamacare, therefore, are unconstitutional. This means that he does not accept some of the limitations that the Constitution places on his actions. We cannot know at this point what limitations, if any, he does accept.
By changing the law based solely on his wish, Mr. Obama acted on the principle that the President can rewrite laws and—since this is a principle—not just this law, but any law. After the crash of Obamacare, many Congressmen have implored the President to change the individual mandate the same way he had changed the employer mandate, that is, to violate the Constitution again.
The main responsibility the Constitution assigns to the President is to faithfully execute the Laws. If the President rejects this job, if instead he decides he can change or ignore laws he does not like, then what?
The time will come when Congress passes a law and the President ignores it. Or he may choose to enforce some parts and ignore others (as Mr. Obama is doing now). Or he may not wait for Congress and issue a decree (something Mr. Obama has done and has threatened to do again).
Mr. Obama has not been shy about pointing out his path. He has repeatedly made clear that he intends to act on his own authority. “I have the power and I will use it in defense of the middle class,” he has said. “We’re going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress.” There are a number of names for the system Mr. Obama envisions, but representative government is not one of them.
If the President can ignore the laws passed by Congress, of what use is Congress? The President can do whatever he chooses. Congress can stand by and observe. Perhaps they might applaud or jeer. But in terms of political power, Congress will be irrelevant. Probably, it will become a kind of rubber-stamp or debating society. There are many such faux congresses in tyrannies throughout history and around the globe.
Mr. Obama has equal contempt for the Supreme Court. In an act of overbearing hubris, he excoriated Supreme Court Justices sitting helplessly before him during the 2010 State of the Union address—Justices who had not expected to be denounced and who were prevented by the occasion from defending themselves. Mr. Obama condemned them for restoring freedom of speech to corporations and unions.
Ignoring two centuries of practice, President Obama made four recess appointments in January 2012, when the Senate was not in recess. Three courts have found that his appointments were unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court has agreed to take up the case. If the Supreme Court finds against him, what will Mr. Obama do?
We can get a hint by looking at how other parts of his Administration have dealt with Court decisions they did not like.
The Attorney General’s Office is the branch of government charged with enforcing federal laws. After the Supreme Court struck down the key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Attorney General Holder announced that he would use other provisions of the act to get around the Court’s decision.
The Supreme Court has defined the standard for sexual harassment as “severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive” behavior to a “reasonable person.” In open defiance of that ruling, the Obama Department of Education has declared a new definition of sexual harassment for colleges, that is, “any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature,” including “verbal conduct,” even if it is not objectively offensive—thus reinforcing the reign of terror over sex on college campuses. If a young man’s request for a date turns out to be unwelcome, he is guilty of sexual harassment by definition.
The lack of respect for the Supreme Court by the Obama administration is manifest. They feel bound by the Court’s decisions only if they agree with them. If they disagree, it is deuces wild; they will embrace any fiction that nullifies the Court’s decision.

Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic

The direction in which Mr. Obama is taking us would make possible the following scenario. A Republican Congress is elected and repeals Obamacare over a Democratic President’s veto. The President refuses to enforce the repeal. The Supreme Court rules that the President’s refusal is unconstitutional. The President denounces that ruling and refuses to be bound by it.
If the President persists in rejecting all authority other than his own, the denouement would depend on the side taken by the Armed Forces. Whatever side that was, our national self-esteem would be unlikely to recover from the blow of finding that we are living in a banana republic.
The shocking fact is that our whole system of representative government depends on it being led by an individual who believes in it; who thinks it is valuable; who believes that a government dedicated to the protection of individual rights is a noble ideal. What if he does not?
Mr. Obama is moving our government away from its traditional system of checks and balances and toward the one-man-rule that dominates third world countries. He has said that he wants a fair country—implying that, as it stands, the United States is not a fair country—an unprecedented calumny committed against a country by its own leader.
What country does he think is more fair than the United States? He has three long years left in which to turn us into a fair country. Where does he intend to take us?
Mr. Obama got his conception of a fair country from his teachers. A fair country is an unfree country because it is regimented to prevent anyone from rising too high. Their ideal is egalitarianism, the notion that no one should be any better, higher, or richer than anyone else. Combined with a dollop of totalitarianism, egalitarianism has replaced communism as the dominant ideal in our most prestigious universities. Mr. Obama and his colleagues are the product of those universities, and they have their marching orders.
The most important point is that Mr. Obama does not consider himself bound by the Constitution. He could not have made that more clear. He has drawn a line in the concrete and we cannot ignore it.
Those who currently hold political office, and who want to keep our system of government, need to act now. Surely, rejection of the Constitution is grounds for impeachment and charges should be filed. In addition, there are many other actions that Congressmen can and should take—actions that will tell Mr. Obama that we have seen where he is going and we will not let our country go without a fight.
At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what form of government had been created. “A republic,” he replied, “if you can keep it.”
We are losing it. If Mr. Obama’s reach for unprecedented power is not stopped, that will be the end. Everyone who values his life and liberty should find some way to say “No!” “Not now!” “Not yet!” “Not ever!”
M. Northrup Buechner is Associate Professor of Economics at St. John’s University, New York.

Bill Whittle: Is ‘the Obama-Reid-Pelosi troika evil or stupid’?

Like millions of other Americans, PJTV commentator Bill Whittle got his health insurance cancellation notice in the mail — and he’s plenty steamed about it.
Whittle is putting the responsibility for Obamacare‘s gargantuan failure squarely where it belongs – on the shoulders of Democratic leaders who rammed it through Congress after closed-door dealings and then signed it into law — without having bothered to take the time to read what they were foisting on the American people.
“When I weigh the question of whether the Obama-Reid-Pelosi troika is either evil or stupid, the only answer I can reliably come up with is, ‘Yes,’” he said on the video.
The law’s implementation is as bad as its mandates.
“If you can’t spend $600 million and three and-a-half years on a website without making it the greatest tech disaster in history, what makes you think we want to trust you people with our daughter’s kidney transplant?” Whittle said.
This is Whittle pumped up and at his best:
When you finish watching, if you haven’t already, check out ‘Fasten your seat belt’: Judge Napolitano stuns Juan Williams
November 22 marks the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the president?
  • No, I believe the assassination was a part of a larger conspiracy. (86%, 1,238 Votes)
  • Yes, I agree with the official government conclusion. (14%, 200 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,438

How Bright Will Comet ISON Get? Only Time Will Tell

How_Bright_Will_Comet_ISON-7f0cdf4c3d719668121049320a1e4301The potentially dazzling Comet ISON is currently visible to the unaided eye — a milestone for the comet’s much-anticipated pass through the inner solar system — but its future all depends in how it reacts to a close Thanksgiving encounter with the sun, comet observers say. Comet ISON can be seen low in the southeastern sky an hour before dawn, weather permitting,  but it is en route for an extremely close flyby of the sun on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28). Will it break apart due to the sun’s gravity and heat, or will the comet emerge victorious from its solar rendezvous and shine bright in the night sky? No one knows for sure yet, said Alan MacRobert, senior editor for Sky & Telescope magazine, in a skywatching guide this week.  ”We might witness a nice, long-tailed comet visible to the naked eye that will leave millions of people with fond memories for a lifetime,” MacRobert said. ”Or maybe it will be a small comet for sky hunters using binoculars and a good map of its position. Or it might yet break up and vanish.” [How to See Comet ISON: An Observer's Guide] Comet ISON’s nucleus, or core, will have to survive its closest encounter with the sun on Nov. 28 around 2 p.m. EST. (1900 GMT) Surface temperatures are expected to peak at 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit (4,900 degrees Celsius). That’s hot enough to melt iron, let alone the ices that make up the comet’s core.  More

Iran's moderate president: "I announce to our people that our enrichment activities will continue as before"

Iran's moderate president: "I announce to our people that our enrichment activities will continue as before"

Obama's 9 billion and all the concessions for a promise not to enrich .... so much for the promise.

Couldn't be clearer. "Iran’s top officials hail nuclear deal as beginning of new era," by Jason Rezaian for the Washington Post, November 24:
TEHRAN — Iran’s top officials on Sunday welcomed the initial agreement struck with world powers over its nuclear activities, hailing the deal as the beginning of a new era for the Islamic republic, both in its relations with other countries and for its sanctions-ravaged economy. “Trust is, of course, a two-way street, and we must also find this trust in others. The first step in creating that trust has been taken,” Iran’s new president, the moderate cleric Hassan Rouhani, said in a statement broadcast live on television Sunday morning.
Addressing concerns over the language in the agreement between the six world powers and Iran regarding Tehran’s ability to continue work on its nuclear program, Rouhani said, “Let anyone make his own reading, but this right is clearly stated in the text of the agreement that Iran can continue its enrichment, and I announce to our people that our enrichment activities will continue as before.”
Rouhani, who was joined on the broadcast by the families of several Iranian nuclear scientists who were assassinated in recent years, also reiterated what Iran claims is the peaceful nature of its nuclear program.
“Let me say once more, the Iranian nation does not want nuclear weapons,” Rouhani said, referring to the accusations that Iran is attempting to build a bomb as “one of those funny jokes of history.”
And everyone is laughing.
A key point for Tehran throughout the negotiations with the group of world powers has been a clear path to reductions in the sanctions that have wrought havoc on Iran’s economy in recent years. One of the achievements of Sunday’s agreement, according to Rouhani, is that “the sanctions will be broken. The cracks in the sanctions began last night, and in the future those gaps will be grow.”
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has long doubted the sincerity of Western leaders, expressed guarded approval of the agreement.
Responding to a letter from Rouhani, Khamenei thanked the efforts of Iran’s negotiating team, led by foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, but asked the members to continue their vigilance in dealing with old enemies.
“God willing, standing against the arrogant powers is and will be the main criteria on the path forward for those in charge of this issue,” Khamenei wrote.
While the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive to the announcement of the initial agreement in Tehran, some conservative lawmakers are giving signs that they may try to short-circuit any deal.
“Our minister of foreign affairs says something, the U.S. secretary of state says something else, our television and 8 a.m. news are all saying things that are contradictory. We want to help the government, but the Geneva agreement must be ratified by the parliament,” Hamid Rasaei, a cleric and hard-line parliament member, told fellow lawmakers on Sunday....

To the Church in Philadelphia

To the Church in Philadelphia

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. 13 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Senators, Must Be Impeached NOW Before Obama is Crowned Emperor

Senators, Must Be Impeached NOW Before Obama is Crowned Emperor with Supreme Power and Dictatorship

By Jerry McConnell (Bio and Archives)  Sunday, November 24, 2013
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On Thursday, November 21, 2013, the United States Senate, led by the most controversial anti-American in Congress, Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, cast aside the rule of laws of more than 200 years since the Senate was initially formed as stated by a Democratic pollster, Patrick Caddell on
Ironically, Caddell has done pollster work for President Jimmy Carter, wannabee presidents Gary Hart and Joe Biden,  as well as others of his Party. And also ironically, the votes on the removal of basic protections for issues’ deliberations as opposed to outright absence of democracy principles, contained three other Democrat senators who voted for the country’s people and not their party leaders, (Levin, MI; Manchin, WV; Prior, AR).
Republican Senators voted unanimously in favor of retaining the checks and balances of of judicial appointments that has been the rule since the Senate became the third element of the federal government along with the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch. 
The power grabbing tactics of Harry Reid in directing a vote to dismiss vote cloture which required a 60 percent favorable vote to stop debate, the main principle for which the Senate was created, are purely not in the general good interests of the people as a whole.
Dick Morris published online at on November 21, 2013, “Obama And Reid Stage De Facto Coup D’Etat” telling how “Over the past several years, conservatives have complained that President Obama was usurping power disregarding Congress and the Constitution and governing by decree. But on Thursday, (Nov.21), there was a virtual coup d’état on the floor of the U.S. Senate when the Democrats—in a party-line vote—stripped the Republicans of any role in judicial confirmations.”
Such an action is not immediately known to me to qualify to be an impeachable offense, but impeachable or not, it is an heinous action of the most scurrilous and putrid stench arousing nature.  NOW, IT STINKS worse than a skunk’s perfume in the face of your pet canine which normally sleeps close to you at night.
Those two, Obama and Reid, are light years beyond the feculence and malodor of a skunk.  Between Obama’s constant and tiresome lying smirk and Reid’s nasty ‘if looks could kill’ grimace, the Democrat Party does not need Satan to stand in for any photo-ops; those two could clear out a room in two nano-seconds by just standing in it. 
Morris went on to state:  “Added to an earlier measure that eliminated their (Republicans) role in confirmations of appointments to executive branch agencies, Reid and Obama have turned the confirmation process—an essential element in the checks and balances enumerated in the Constitution—into a meaningless ritual.
“Until Thursday, confirmations to judicial positions required the assent of 60 Senators to bring them to the floor for a vote.  With the Democrats holding 55 seats—five short of a “super-majority”, this check and balance stopped the appointment of ultra-radical judges and inhibited Obama’s efforts to stack the courts with like-minded judges, just as it had stopped Bush and every president before him.
“But by a simple majority vote, Reid has changed the rules so that a simple majority is enough to confirm any judge other than a Supreme Court nominee. (One suspects that the minute a vacancy on the high court occurs, the 60 vote requirement will be stripped from the rules governing the replacement’s confirmation as well).”
So you see,  now that the nefarious and highly impeachable Obama and probably even Reid, have arranged to include the “nuclear option” of total dismissal of all that is good and proper for the most successful and fair system of laws, leaving the system subject to only unfair, devious and destructive procedures that result in chaos and confusion, Obama is free to call his shots and his cadence to whatever ghoulish mayhem he chooses. 
Beware America for rulings prompted by the terrorists of Islam, the ‘free-to-murder’ at their leisure any who disagree with them under their without-any-hope, Shariah Law, combined with Martial Law, an American version of Nazi-Gestapo under-the-sword guillotine justice. 
To paraphrase Dick Morris’ article, these horrific violations of the principles of our Constitution are specifically targeted at stopping efforts by litigants to stop other violations of the same document.  With Obama imposing environmental, immigration, labor, health care, and other rules without so much as asking Congress, those who are concerned about the concentration of executive power could look to the court system for redress.
But you must remember the heading for this column and the urgency it implies to impeach Obama and others equally guilty of these crimes against our sovereignty before all is lost, and that will be the case if Obama is free (by the new rules) to appoint ANYONE he desires to positions of authority to exact his dirty duties of treason against the country, and then do his usual blame game of naming everyone but himself for guilt. 
This man, Barack Hussein Obama, has no shame, no guilt, no conscience and no loyalty to anyone except the Devil in Hades or the murderers in Islam and he will push anyone, including his own family under the wheels of commerce and justice to keep himself free.
Haste America, and I mean those in a position to administer justice before it is too late.  Like his current favorability ratings with the public, Obama’s actions are on a slippery slope and other nuclear options may be in the offing if we suffer tardiness.

TROJAN HORSE: Obamacare Database Will Contain Nearly Every Piece Of Data On Your Life Possible

TROJAN HORSE: Obamacare Database Will Contain Nearly Every Piece Of Data On Your Life Possible

Jul 20, 2013 1 Comment Jack Flash Excerpted from Rare: Would you trust thousands of low-level Federal bureaucrats and contractors with one-touch access to your private financial and medical information? Under Obamacare you won’t have any choice.
As the Obamacare train-wreck begins to gather steam, there is increasing concern in Congress over something called the Federal Data Services Hub. The Data Hub is a comprehensive database of personal information being established by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to implement the federally facilitated health insurance exchanges. The purpose of the Data Hub, according to a June 2013 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, is to provide “electronic, near real-time access to federal data” and “access to state and third party data sources needed to verify consumer-eligibility information.” In these days of secret domestic surveillance by the intelligence community, rogue IRS officials and state tax agencies using private information for political purposes, and police electronically logging every license plate that passes by, the idea of the centralized Data Hub is making lawmakers and citizens nervous.
They certainly should be; the potential for abuse is enormous. The massive, centralized database will include comprehensive personal information such as income and financial data, family size, citizenship and immigration status, incarceration status, social security numbers, and private health information. It will compile dossiers based on information obtained from the IRS, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the Veterans Administration, the Office of Personnel Management, the Social Security Administration, state Medicaid databases, and for some reason the Peace Corps. The Data Hub will provide web-based, one-stop shopping for prying into people’s personal affairs.
Not to fear, HHS says, the Data Hub will be completely secure. Really? Secure like all the information that has been made public in the Wikileaks era? These days no government agency can realistically claim that private information will be kept private, especially when it is being made so accessible. Putting everyone’s personal information in once place only simplifies the challenge for those looking to hack into the system. Keep reading

Senate Votes To Ban The Libertarian Party From Ohio Election

Senate Votes To Ban The Libertarian Party From Ohio Election

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Joshua Cook
Oct. 14, 2013
Since 2008, the idea of third parties started to gain more popularity across America. Principled conservatives and libertarians united against both the Democrat and Republican establishment started to explore methods of opposing Washington elites and the status quo.
The Tea Party had some success – and has continued most successfully – with primary campaigns which put principled people like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in races as the Republican candidate. Once they won the GOP nomination, winning the general election was often pretty straightforward.
Yet many liberty activists have become disenchanted by the two party system and are turning to other options. Third parties have been the other option, employed for a variety of reasons both practical and ideological for many voters.
Third parties are becoming more popular in the U.S. Read more: Follow us: @BenSwann_ on Twitter
Third parties are becoming more popular in the U.S.
In 2012, both the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party executed impressive grassroot campaigns to get their candidates on the ballot in most states. Both parties created milestones by debating each other on a national stage, the first ever third party presidential debate, moderated by Larry King. In this historic event, many Americans heard their message for the first time, while streaming live over the internet. Third parties around the country are gaining momentum because there is a growing outcry for real political change and people want more options than just a two party system in American.
In 2010, for instance, the American Constitution Party earned major party status in Colorado when its gubernatorial candidate earned more votes than GOP candidate Dan Maes. After Maes suffered a series of scandals, it became apparent he could not win, and he refused to drop out of the race. His primary opponent, Tom Tancredo, who had stayed on the ballot as the ACP candidate, quickly became more popular, and may have won if Maes hadn’t siphoned just enough votes away to seal a victory for Democrat John Hickenlooper.
It’s in this environment that the Ohio State Senate has passed this bill which would essentially eliminate all third party candidates from ballots.  In the bill, only candidates from parties which earned 3% or more of the vote in a presidential election would be placed on the ballot; all other candidates would be write-in options.  Newly qualifying parties must also submit petitions with at least 55,809 valid signatures.
The bill would, in many ways, solidify the placement of the Democrat and Republican parties at the center of American politics.  Voters must look up and remember the names – something which should be simple but many people simply vote party line, and this will create a discrepancy amongst parties – and write-in candidates must apply to be counted.  Write-in votes are also counted much more slowly than others, if at all, meaning they will not be discussed in the initial analysis of election results.
In addition, many third parties choose to build support by running in small, local campaigns before progressing to expensive and challenging presidential elections, but the Ohio bill only bases its judgment on presidential elections.  Any third party candidate from a party which chooses to focus its limited time and money on winnable campaigns would be at an immediate disadvantage.
Many Americans who want limited government are dissatisfied with both parties. They feel there is no real opposition party that seeks a responsible fiscal policy. Establishment Republicans are threatened by the growing competition from tea party supporters and liberty activists who are say they may support a third-party challenger to incumbent moderate Republicans.
A statement from the Libertarian Party of Ohio’s website says, “The bottom line is that the John Kasich Re-election Protection Act would disenfranchise every Ohio voter by taking away their right to vote for a candidate for governor other than a) John Kasich, a governor who has miserably failed the state of Ohio and betrayed millions of fiscal conservatives who expected him to follow Ohio law and oppose Obamacare, or b) the nominee of the other big-government party who is promising to double down on most of Kasich’s failing policies.”
If Ohio’s proposed law passes it will be yet another rule which helps the establishment maintain power.  The Ohio bill will have a similar effect of creating different standards for different candidates in America’s democratic process.
This article was posted: Monday, October 14, 2013 at 3:51 pm