Headquarters For Terrorist Organization ISIS Is In Washington D.C.?!
One piece of information that seems to be an “unknown” about ISIS is where they are located, as in their base of operations. Technically, one could say such a base could simply be anywhere within the country of Iraq that has been taken over. However, something peculiar came up when some people searched for the main headquarters for ISIS. Apparently there is one, and it is located in Washington D.C. of all places!
That’s right! ISIS is located in Washington D.C., our nation’s capitol within the Ronald Reagan Building on 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue. As a matter of fact, their mission and values are listed on their official website in which it reads the following.
“ISIS exists for one purpose: To provide government and business the sophisticated intelligence, technology, security and training they need to support and protect national and corporate interests in the most challenging of global environments. All with the utmost professionalism, transparency, and integrity.”To be fair, it should be reported that the fact this company is known as ISIS doesn’t necessarily mean it is associated with the terrorist organization causing havoc in the Middle East. It is kind of like how the Nazi Party took the swastika as their symbol. Most people see it and think of the atrocities Adolf Hitler did during World War II, but the symbol is actually an ancient symbol among the Celts, Indians, and Greeks. As for the word “swastika” it derives from Hindi roots meaning “to be making good.”
Nevertheless, conspiracies are already being thought up that this ISIS might be connected to the ISIS in the Middle East. Now The End Begins and Before It’s News are just two of the websites diving into this conspiracy.
The reason for the conspiracy fuel is in the details of what ISIS in Washington D.C. provides as services which includes their professionals working side by side with U.S. Armed Forces, which includes being on the ground in such strategic environments as the Middle East. A list of the Washington D.C. ISIS client list also includes the Iraqi Voting Legislator, Multi-National Forces for Iraq, and the Minister of Interior for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
They also use Chuck Hagel’s warning, which was reported by Yahoo, that the Islamic State (ISIS) is more than a traditional “terrorist group” and better armed, trained, and funded than any recent threat. He details this more by stating the following.
“They marry ideology and a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously well funded. This is beyond anything we have seen.”ISIS attained these “sophisticated strategies” in such a short amount of time, and the sources state that the ISIS in Washington D.C. provides such services.
What do you think about an “ISIS” headquarters located in Washington D.C.? Is it just by pure coincidence the organization has the same name as the terrorist group? Or on the other hand, could the services that ISIS in Washington D.C. provides be a reason why the ISIS in Iraq is doing so well in their conquest? Let us know in the comments below.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1428881/headquarters-for-terrorist-organization-isis-is-in-washington-d-c/#j4dcSjXlxsgd70Bt.99