Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Frank Marshall Davis (above) taught one of the first official Jazz history courses in the US

Congratulations from the ‘FATHER OF ALL LIES’ as your false god has called me. Together we have just won a great victory !

YOU have succeeded where all other have failed for ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN YEARS! I have sent you one of my most beloved sons – the one you now worship who is called ‘OBAMA’. He was the chosen one and I endowed him with special gifts – deceit – perfidy – a cruel heart – and a dead soul deserving of my favor. He will lead you to me, and I will lead you to the place that you mortal fools called Democrats – will find your dreams come true. This then – is my covenant with you – my children.

The evil godless black people of this land will now become powerful and you will have your long sought revenge over those taskmasters who have enslaved you for so long. Those fools who work and struggle for their own families will now pay homage to your powerful legions by giving even more of their possessions to you – the rightful inheritors of this land. We will give our hollow mantras like ‘AFFIRMATIVE ACTION’ new power. You will be taken care of from cradle to grave in the manner in which you have long desired. I t will give you great solace to know that you have now – in the truest sense of the word – ‘ become the white man’s burden’. Should the whites dare to protect their wives, daughters and their homes – their freedoms and their livelihoods from your black marauding hordes – my son Obama will bring them to their knees with brute force! None of your ilk will ever have to work for your daily bread ever again.

No longer – as is the conduct of the oppressive white man – will you have to toil daily to put food upon the table and secure a future for you and the children you breed. ALL will be provided for you by the State. We will rob the rich (those arrogant whites who have more than they need) and distribute the wealth fairly –so that you may enjoy the ‘good life’ without labor. Your people will now dominate the entertainment business so that your rightful language of your forbearers – Ebonics – will be secured with the other entire ‘tribal’ gestures and foul language.

If you are still unhappy – you will be empowered to rape, rob and plunder the whites as you please. I encourage you to spread your violent rage and primitive culture throughout the land. The white ‘patriots’ must be taught that you are now the dominant power and that your violent nature – crude language and behavior – lazy Hottentots work ethnic – and criminal minds will now be respected by racist whites – OR ELSE! Rappers and gang – bangers will become as gods.

This – my beloved hordes of followers of the dark side – is just the beginning. That awful racist document the ‘Constitution’ – must be destroyed and all remaining vestige of your false god removed and forgotten for all time. We have done much headway in this arena. We – my brothers – have brought Christianity to its knees by our false teachers and false ‘Synagogues of Satan’- throughout the land today. My archenemy – Jesus must be in agony with the progress we have made together in his outmoded churches – of the so-called TRUE – ‘faith of our fathers’.

Rubbish! Look at what we have now as a substitute for the reverence in churches of yore. Lots of screaming and yelling – demonic activities – false prophets faith healers prosperity preachers – the sheeple falling down and writhing on the floor babbling in tongues – OH WHAT JOY it brings my heart to see such CHANGE. We must keep on telling the ‘sheep’ that CHANGE is good! CHANGE from the old traditional faith to the new – CHANGE from the old antiquated Commandments to new secular one which make us feel good –CHANGE from the old family values to the modern values of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘ tolerance of everything’ – CHANGE from the cruel restraints of individual responsibility to doing what ‘feels good’ – CHANGE – from the capitalistic chains of self determination to my most coveted of all manners of human degradation and servility – COMMUNISM! YOU ARE NOW ENTITLED!

Yes – my children – CHANGE is good – and my faithful servant Obama has kept his covenant to betray the false teachings of those old fools who forged this poorly devised nation – and I will reward him with power beyond his wildest ambitions. The country is yours to pluck like a ripe fruit. Do with it what you will. Teach your children in the TRUE Democrat fashion that promiscuity is to be enjoyed by all – marriage is bondage – truth is for losers – freedom is the for the strong to take from the weak – wisdom is the folly of fools – kindness is weakness – morality is what make you feel good about yourself – labor is for the unwise – religion is the opiate of the masses – honor, sobriety, courage, integrity, modesty, prudence and education are not virtues but a bondage for all blacks – and are to be avoided at all costs if you wish to keep my covenant.

FINALLY – this nation is OURS to do MY bidding and I gained the victory by FREE WILL of the people. I forced NO ONE to support my evil as I did in China Cuba USSR and other nations that have wisely rejected God through militant brutalforce. I forced no one here to reject that false god Jesus. I forced no one here to turn away from goodness compassion and wisdom. My ‘weapons’ were not supernatural power – intimidation – coercion – threat of death – fear or any other violence. I simply relied on the weak nature of today’s Americans – especially the ones called Democrats – to serve my cause. Your high regard for greed – low regard for hard work – lack of self-discipline – love of sin and near universal inability to accept truth and wisdom in the governance of your lives has made my task easy beyond all previous efforts.

There will be a gathering of lost souls to my growing legions as never before. The murder of the unborn child will now be unstoppable in this new acquisition called America. In the US organization called the Democrat Party – I have legions of new allies – the most valuable and loyal of which are the Zionist Jews. These are indeed as Jesus declared them to be MY SONS! They have been my strongest allies in manipulating the mindless ignorant Negroids into my camp. These Jews have done immeasurable work for me in their control of all that the sheep see and hear on their ‘JEW-TUBES’ – all with my ‘blessings’..

Thanks to my Jew friends – problematic matters like Creationism – the sanctity of marriage – the the family as the keystone of society – modesty – integrity – truthfulness – wholesomeness – character and many other traits of the ‘old ways’ have been destroyed and the ‘enlightened’ ways of abortion – homosexual perversion – adultery – demon worship – pornography – prositution – lies – deceit and other favorite sins are now a commonplace part of the American culture thanks to your group’s cooperation. Actually –I was concerned that the Communist Party had officially endorsed my son Obama – but fortunately for my agenda, those predictable traits of irresponsibility – ignorance -and disregard for the truth that have rotted the minds of you ‘Democrats’, came through for me – your true god. The ‘blind’ would NOT see – and the ‘deaf’ would not hear – so I am well pleased..

As a matter of pride – I also endorsed my son Obama and endowed him with that special quality that can be used for both good and evil – charisma. He has been a faithful servant – not once wavering from his evil agenda of lies, treason cruelty and deceit and never betraying his father in hell by using these skills for goodness.

OH – and BTW – please don’t hate me – for as it has been said – I am only the messenger. I must go now and finish my final destruction of that other corrupt organization in America – once my greatest obstacle – the Republican Party. As you may imagine – my hand has been ever present in the serial wars against innocent helpless people in the name of IsraHELL – my most favored nation of all – truly where my ‘heart resides’. I have been successful beyond my dreams. I have accomplished what was said long ago to be impossible. I have perverted the major part of the Christian church here to do MY bidding. Can you immagine that? I LOVE irony – and to witness these fools with their bleating mantras of pro-life nonsense to supposedly protect the lives of children here in America while being THE SPECIFIC cause of the murder over a half MILLION children across the world recently – brings as much joy to my heart as it brings sadness to that accursed Jesus.

It has come to my attention that an enemy of mine – an American patriot once stated (as much as I HATE the truth) – something worth mentioning ==

He stated that: “The morals and values of any elected official in a free democratic society – are indeed a mirror reflection of the morals and values of the electorate.” His astute statement is the vindication of my efforts to influence the votors in this country without violence.

Apparently this is the case with the Democrat party in the country called America – my beloved children.
The day is ours – show no mercy – no goodness, and destroy this cursed Christian nation for good!
It is better to reign in hell – than to serve in heaven.
Your souls are MINE! Today America – tomorrow – the world!


Apr 112009
As a lead up to last November’s elections in the United States plenty of criticism of Senator Barack Obama was brought forward, especially that which denounced his pronounced socialist/communist sympathies, and his Kansas born white mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, as a slutty miscegenist, and the black pornographer Frank Marshall Davis as his communist mentor and real father, and Obama himself as the moral offspring and servant of Satan, as revealed in this very unusual and obviously authentic Open Letter from the Devil to all Democrats in America, circulating at about that time on the net.
My point in this post is not so much to provide evidence in support of the foregoing, because many readers already know of it; but rather to show how that evidence has a counterpart in Obama as the satanic ‘son’ or mentored sock puppet of the Jews who are the makers of the Marxist evil soon to be unleashed on Americans after another terror false flag op.
But just to recap briefly, here’s a couple of videos showing the black Harlem preacher James David Manning delivering scathing indictments of Obama as “a half white boy, trashy bastard”, etc., which might seem a little harsh, especially to those who have contracted the Jewsmedia-Obamamania syndrome, but which are generally consistent with the facts …
more about “Obama Is a Mack Daddy – Pastor Manning“, posted with vodpod
For lets face it, Obama’s Kansas born white mother got off sexually by deliberately rejecting white men in favour of fornicating with dozens of foreigners (especially of Negro or Asian or ethnicity); and she no doubt did that to show her commitment to communism that the Jews use to break down the morals and racial purity of a Gentile nation so that the Jews can reign supreme over the moneyless cattle of the common people (the ‘proletariat’) by their money in brave new age.
According to the Opposing Liberal Lies Web site …
Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro ( November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995), known as Ann Dunham and Stanley Ann Dunham, was an American anthropologist, left-wing social activist, and the mother of Senator Barack Obama.
She was born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Stanley and Madelyn Dunham. Her father (who gave his only child his name) was a furniture salesman in downtown Seattle, Washington, and her mother worked for a bank.
After a year living in Seattle, her family moved to Mercer Island, Washington, in 1956 so that 13-year old Ann could attend the Mercer Island High School that had just opened. At the school she was on the debate team and graduated in 1960.
Her family moved to Hawaii and Ann attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she studied anthropology. When Ann Dunham arrived in Hawaii, she was a full fledged radical leftist and practitioner of critical theory. She also began to engage in miscegenation (inter-racial relationships) as part of her attack on society.
Susan Blake, one of her friends has stated she never dated the crew-cut white boys.
She had a world view, even as a young girl. It was embracing the different, rather than that ethnocentric thing of shunning the different. That was where her mind took her. In Hawaii she met Barack Obama, Sr. from Kenya in her Russian language class.

Barack Obama, Jr. was born August 4, 1961. Barack Obama, Sr. left Ann and their son in 1963 to attend Harvard in Boston. Press reports claim Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. were divorced around this time; however, no evidence has yet been presented to show they were ever married. The senior Obama obtained a masters degree in economics at Harvard and returned to Kenya in 1965 where he obtained a position in the Kenyan government. He was killed in an automobile accident in 1982.
Two years later, when her son was five, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian oil manager and practicing Muslim whom she met at the university. In 1967 they moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. While in Indonesia Ann got a job at the American embassy teaching English. Barack’s half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born in Indonesia. Ann, Obama and his sister Maya moved back to Hawaii. Ann Dunham soon returned to Indonesia with Maya, but divorced Soetoro in the late 1970s.
Dunham traveled around the world, pursuing a career in rural development that took her to Ghana, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal and Bangladesh [God knows who or what she fornicated with there!] In 1986 Ann Dunham worked on a developmental project in Pakistan. Later that year Ann and her daughter traveled the Silk Road in China. In 1992 she earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Hawaii. Her dissertation, ‘Peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia: Surviving and Thriving Against All Odds,’ was 1067 pages long. She worked for the Ford Foundation and promoted Microlending.
During Obama’s campaign for the 2008 presidential election he portrayed his mother as a conservative girl from Kansas; however in reality she was a radical leftist and cultural Marxist. She lived in the Seattle area; spending her teenage years in Seattle’s coffee shops with other young radical leftist. Obama claims his mother’s family were conservative Methodists or Baptists from Kansas. However his mother’s parents were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was nicknamed ‘the little red church,’ because of its communist leanings.
The school Ann attended, Mercer Island High School, was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers. John Stenhouse, board member, told the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party USA and this school has a number of Marxists on it’s staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, both Frankfurt School style Marxists, taught a critical theory curriculum to students which included rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between Fouberts and Wichterman classrooms was sometimes called ‘anarchy ally.’
Dunham has been described by her friends as ‘a fellow traveler…’ meaning a communist sympathizer.
In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his mother as ‘the dominant figure in my formative years… The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics.’
Before she died Ann Dunham wanted to adopt a mixed-race Korean baby fathered by a Black American stationed in South Korea.

Ann Dunham died in Hawaii in 1995 of ovarian cancer and uterine cancer.”
In fact Stanley Ann Dunham wasn’t just a globetrotting miscegenist slut, but also descended into doing pornographic skits for her “fellow traveller” Frank Marshall Davis who likely impregnated her, and mentored and likely fathered the president of the United States.
Obama's motherposing nude and sacrilegiously as a 'Christmas present' for the pornographer Frank Marshall Davis
Obama's mother photographed nude and posing sacrilegiously as a 'Christmas present', probably for the communist pornographer Frank Marshall Davis - the US president evidently sucked these wicked breasts to help him get into the depraved moral state he's in today
For full disclosure of the three notorious nude photos of Obama’s mother circulated on the net, see the links here and here and here (discretion advised).
The code “YH-438″ at the bottom of one of the porn pictures is sometimes cited as ‘proof’ that the model is not Stanley Ann Dunham; but the facial characteristics and build of the woman are pretty much identical to those of Obama’s mother, and the code doesn’t have to include the name of the woman and could easily have had some other connotation.
Obama's stepfather and his mother Ann Durham
Obama to the far right and his Indonesian stepfather to the far left and his mother Ann Dunham and her daughter in the centre
The pornographic photos of Obama’s mother were passed by a correspondent to the Dissecting Leftism blogger who says …
It’s amazing what there is on the internet. A geneological researcher has emailed me with three pictures of Obama’s mother in the nude. That would be of trivial interest except for the setting in which the picures were taken. They were clearly taken in a sophisticated mid-century apartment and my correspondent suggests that the apartment details could be used to identify the photographer.
He feels that the photographer is the Communist “Frank” whom Obama mentions as his mentor. That Frank was so intimate with Obama’s mother would support the contention that Frank was in fact Obama’s father. Various bloggers have pointed out how similar Obama looks to “Frank” and the coverup of Obama’s birth certificate is certainly very suspicious.
Part of the correspondent’s e-mail is as follows …
By pure serendipity I found a photo of what I believe is Stanley Ann Dunham; two more I found through sheer plod. They are taken before Christmas by the decorations and unopened presents. Also a stereo and records that an expert could confirm as jazz records are in view. There is a distinctive grain to the wood floors. I do research including genealogical and had downloaded everything I could find. Not much.
So when I saw the picture, I locked on the the ear lobes, chin, eyebrows. It is she. A nude photo, not distasteful, but posed, I believe, by a mature man who knows what he likes, including jazz and now we know young girls. One could ascertain the location of where the photos were taken.
And the shoes..not indigenous to Hawaii, but maybe not unsual for Helen Canfield Chicago socialite and Marshall’s second wife. The photos are important in the sense that they explain the going to Chicago and the immediate acceptance by the hard left, if his father is Frank Marshall Davis, not just his mentor.
Obama Mentor
Frank Marshall Davis (above) taught one of the first official Jazz history courses in the US

One blogger succnctly writes:
“If the [porn] pictures CAN be linked to “Frank”, it would strongly suggest that he had an intimate relationship with the young woman [Ann Dunham] and Obama could be the fruit of that. In that case we would have a Presidential candidate who is the offspring of a Communist and a slut. It would be much to Obama’s credit to have risen above that, but because personality traits are highly heritable it would also cast further doubts on his character.
Obama has made two trips to Hawaii during his candicacy and many bloggers link that to his refusal to produce his original birth certificate. They suspect that there is a quiet battle going on somewhere in Hawaii to have it altered. If the original shows Frank as the father, that would all fall into place.”
End Quote
I think the thing here is that Obama is indeed the son of Frank Marshall Davis, which is why he and his supporters have no real fear that he’ll be found out as not a US citizen, even if a birth certificate saying he’s the son of an Indonesian or Kenyan is faked. The whole thing with the faked birth certificate scenario was to conceal Obama as the offspring of a Communist pornographer who was in the FBI’s bad books for un-American activities – the Jews orchestrating Obama’s election with their money thought this might be just a bit too much for the American public to swallow in the election campaign.
Frank Marshall Davis (above) certainly looks a lot like Obama, and Obama bears little if any resemblance to his supposed Kenyan father
According to a Huffington article …
Frank Marshall Davis had risen to prominence as a poet and journalist during the Depression and the Second World War, and was lauded by many readers. But by the late 1940s and early 1950s he was also the target of careful scrutiny by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House Un-American Activities Committee.
Born in 1905, Davis worked as a journalist for a number of newspapers, eventually becoming as the executive editor for the American Negro Press, as well as publishing several books of poetry. He was close friends with Paul Robeson, the actor/singer/activist, and like many intelligensia, affected and influenced by Communism which at that time held the vibe of being some ideal oasis of Utopian civilization, seemingly free of racism, which made it even more alluring to Robeson and Davis.
After moving to Hawaii in 1948, Davis continued to work as a journalist, penning a weekly column for the Honolulu Record, published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. In 1950 the House Un-American Activities Committee accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations.
Obama looking like his mentor and the man (Frank M. Davis) who was doubtless his father
Davis had published a little poetry between 1948 and his final volume, Awakening, and Other Poems in 1978; but there was a revival of interest in his work during the Blacks Arts Movement of the 1960s. His porn book Sex Rebel: Black was published in 1968 by Greenleaf Classics, a busy smut-house which churned out stroke books at a steady pace; and while Sex Rebel: Black might be a 100% died in the wool truthful autobiography, it may also very well be that the pseudonym, Bob Greene, took over Frank Davis Marshall, allowing him — to lesser extent than Linda Albert writing as JT LeRoy — to express things otherwise left unsaid.
Anais Nin and Henry Miller both wrote porn for a dollar a page, commissioned by an Oklahoma collector. The couple held a regular writers’ salon for those interested in ars pornographicas, and Nin observed that everyone who wrote pornography with her wrote out of a self that was opposite to her or his identity, but identical with his or her desire.
Desire. Not acts.
In Sur les Toits de Paris (aka Opus Pistorum) Miller describes in graphic first person detail sex with a midget and a black mass (the latter liberally lifted from Huysman’s La Bas) Were those stories “real”? Well Miller did live in Paris …
To reference Miller again, his Tropic of Cancer was certainly pornoliciously autobiographical-or at least written in the first person, a standard literary device-and was banned in the United States for its adult language and situations. But how truthful, or rather factual, is that literary classic? We shan’t ever really know, in the same way to speculate how much fact or fantasy went into Davis’ Sex Rebel: Black is purely that-speculation.
In a surviving portion of his autobiographical manuscript, The Incredible Waikiki Jungle, discovered posthumously, Davis confirmed that he was the author of Sex Rebel: Black after an astute reader/fanboy noticed the “similarities in style and phraseology” between the pornographic work and his poetry.
“I could not then truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine,” Davis wrote. In the introduction to Sex Rebel: Black, Davis (writing as Greene) explains that although he has “changed names and identities… all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences.”
Sex Rebel: Black, by Frank marshall Davis
Sex Rebel: Black, by Frank Marshall Davis
According to one review of Davis’s soft-core porn novel, which was penned under the pseudonym of “Bob Greene”, and is now hard to get and out of print …
“The book is believed to be the work of the poet Frank Marshall Davis. That would be interesting for someone who is researching black literature, but the Barack Obama campaign has recently confirmed that “Frank”, a person mentioned in Obama’s book: Dreams From My Father as his childhood mentor is in fact the same person [i.e. as the author of this work]. That sure makes for an interesting read. Bring it into print Amazon!”
According to the Accuracy in Media Web site …
In his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a “hard-core academic Marxist,” which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.
However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his “poetry” and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.”
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What’s more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations.
Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand based libertarian activist, researcher and blogger, noted [in his New Zeal blog] evidence that “Frank” was Frank Marshall Davis, in a posting in March of 2007.
According to Frank Marshall Davis’s fictionalized memoir, he and his wife had a porn “threesome” with a young white girl named Ann, “aged 14″, which was quite likely an allusion to Stanley Ann Dunham, who would have been aged about 17 at the time.
And hey, maybe Obama really did get involved in a gay way with Larry Sinclair if his mother’s mentoring had any real impact on him …
Guess what this dude said over the Bible that made everyone laugh so loud
Guess what this dude said over the Bible that made everyone laugh so loud
Here’s a couple of videos exposing the crypto-Marxist Obama’s socialist agenda …

Obama’s wife Michelle is understandably at least sympathetic with her husband’s willingness to foster the Jews’ plot to sovietize America and the world, and she has certainly shown pronounced socialist sympathies and tendencies. To quote a couple of articles from the popular New Zeal blog
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and more latterly the CPUSA offshoot Committees of Correspondence, have worked together on several occasions to elect “progressive” Democrats.
This alliance started in 1983 with the election of Chicago’s first black mayor Harold Washington.
It has worked since to elect Barack Obama to the Illinois State Senate, the US Senate, and now the US presidency.
In between Washington and Obama, it helped elect Carol Moseley Braun to the Illinois State Legislature and the US Senate. In some ways Moseley Braun, the first black female Senator in US history was a trial run for the Obama phenomonon.
Moseley Braun’s rise was closely linked to both Washington and Obama’s. Like them, she was the product and protoge of the far left side of Chicago politics.
Born in 1947, Carol Moseley was raised by a medical technician mother a “socialist” father who worked as a guard in the Cook County Jail.
While still in high school Carol Moseley staged a one-person sit-in at a restaurant that refused to serve her, succeeded in integrating an all-white beach and marched with Martin Luther King.
After law school, Moseley Braun worked as a prosecutor in the United States Attorney’s office in Chicago. In 1978 she won a seat in the Illinois State Legislature.
Later she worked for Judson Miner’s law firm, as did Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and and former Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn
In 1992 Barack Obama worked for the ACORN offshoot Project Vote to register black voters in aid of the Senate Campaign of Carol Moseley Braun. Unsurprisingly Moseley Braun had strong Communist Party and DSA ties and was Harold Washington’s legislative floor leader.
Obama helped Moseley Braun win her Senate seat, then took it over himself in 2004-backed of course by the same set that had elected his political “ancestors” Washington and Moseley Braun.
For evidence of Michelle Obama’s Jewish sympathies that extend beyond the ordinary political support of the Jews’ agenda the Jews now mandate for any person seeking to be a successful presidential candidate in America, see this site where we read …
“Don’t take our word for it. The Jewish Daily Forward, which published a long piece on Rabbi Capers Funnye (at right in picture), one of the nation’s most prominent black rabbis and the cousin of Michelle Obama.
“While Barack Obama has struggled to capture Jewish votes, it turns out that one of his wife’s cousins is the country’s most prominent black rabbi.
Michelle Obama, wife of the Democratic presidential nominee, is a first cousin once removed of Rabbi Capers Funnye, spiritual leader of a mostly black synagogue on Chicago’s South Side. Funnye’s mother, Verdelle Robinson Funnye, and Michelle Obama’s paternal grandfather, Frasier Robinson Jr., were brother and sister.
Funnye (pronounced fuh-NAY) is the chief rabbi of the Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in southwest Chicago. He is well known in Jewish circles for acting as a bridge between mainstream Jewry and the much smaller, and largely separate, world of black Jewish congregations, sometimes known as black Hebrews, or Israelites. He has often urged the larger Jewish community to be more accepting of Jews who are not white …

Funnye, 56, has known Michelle Obama (born Michelle Robinson), 44, since she was born. Both grew up on the South Side of Chicago, and Funnye’s mother and Obama’s father enjoyed a close relationship.
“Her father was like the glue of our family,” Funnye said. “He always wanted to keep the family very connected and to stay in touch with each other.” Funnye and Obama saw each other several times a year when they were growing up, mostly at family functions and on occasional visits to each other’s homes. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, recalled Funnye and his family coming over for visits and said that he and her children were “as close as cousins could be.”
The two fell out of touch when they grew older, but they reconnected years later when Obama was working for the University of Chicago and Funnye was leading a local social service organization called The Blue Gargoyle. Funnye also worked with Barack Obama, who, as a state senator, came and spoke at events for the organization. When Barack and Michelle Obama married, Funnye and his family attended the wedding.”
But the rub is that the slutty socialist Ann Dunham, who brought forth the wicked political servant of Satan called Obama (lit. meaning “the crooked”), and was obviously obsessed with personally using the Jews’ ruse of miscegenation wherever she went worldwide as a means of further undoing the morality and racial purity of Gentile nations, was a sort of exemplification of the Jew whore, false in her affection for Jehovah and in dispersion worldwide for the crime of the Crucifixion, and as one who has fornicated freely with the powers that be, to advance her agenda of an antichristian global takeover.
For it is the harlot of reprobate Jewry who rides (dominates and controls) the red (socialist) European, end-time political beast in the biblical book of the Revelation (Rev. 17); and hence it’s no marvel that she dominates and controls Obama the crooked in America today; and she intends to revive the Soviet socialism she set up in Russia after orchestrating the Bolshevik uprising in 1917; and she intends to use communism in her endgame to control a ‘moneyless’ (i.e., cashless or e-commerce, “mark of the beast” controlled) Gentile ‘proleteriat’, beginning with the overt sovietization of America that is to shortly replace the Bible based constitutional republic of the United States as we’ve known it.
WASHINGTON-  As the country continues to assess yesterday’s conflicted and inconsistent Presidential address, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, (R-CA) Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following statement:
 "Too often, this President has sought to end combat operations through rhetoric rather than reality. He has declared the war in Iraq over, but the insurgency there continues. He has declared an end to combat operations in Afghanistan, but the Taliban fight on. He has now declared the war on terrorism over, despite a terrorist attack in Britain this week, a terrorist attack in Boston last month, and a terrorist attack in Libya that left a U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans dead last year.
“He has said he wants to work with Congress to refine the authorization for use of military force to pursue terrorists, but he threatened to veto a Congressional bill to do precisely that.”

"The President has said GTMO must close, but offers no plan on what to do with the terrorists currently held there.  He has said the threat continues, but he is looking to ultimately repeal this same authorization that underpins his ability to meet that threat.  He says terrorists in Yemen pose the gravest threat to the United States, but plans to transfer captured terrorists there.  He says he has expanded consultations with Congress, but he has never responded to a single communication about his counterterrorism policies from the Armed Services Committee.”
To highlight the inconsistencies in the President’s speech, the Armed Services Committee offers the following:
Authorization For Use of Military Force
MYTH: The President is open to adjusting the Authorization for Use of Military Force to better reflect the threat America faces today: “And that is why I intend to engage Congress about the existing Authorization to Use Military Force, or AUMF, to determine how we can continue to fight terrorists without keeping America on a perpetual war-time footing.”

 The House voted to reaffirm the President’s authority to strike associated forces of al Qaeda as part of the AUMF in 2011.  These are the very groups President Obama described today as  having “continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009.”  Despite this, President Obama threatened to veto the House passed AUMF language.
Transferring Detainees 
MYTH: Congressional restrictions are the only impediment to transferring terrorist detainees to third countries. “Congress imposed restrictions to effectively prevent us from either transferring detainees to other countries, or imprisoning them in the United States.” 
FACT:    While Congress has required the Secretary of Defense to certify that terrorists transferred to other countries will not be able to rejoin the fight againstAmerica, the Secretary has also been given broad authority to waive specific certification requirements in the interest of national security when the threat can be substantially mitigated.  In the past several weeks both Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Washington Post editorial page has urged President Obama to use this waiver to transfer detainees.
MYTH: Restrictions on detainee transfer make no sense.  The President asserted that restrictions on detainee transfer “make no sense. After all, under President Bush, some 530 detainees were transferred from GTMO with Congress’s support.” 
FACT:    Many of the remaining detainees are the most hardened terrorists of the original GTMO population- including the 9/11 plotters. Restricting terrorist transfers is good national security policy.  There has been a sharp increase in the number of transferred or released detainees who are suspected or confirmed of reengaging in terrorist or insurgent activities (from 7% in 2007 to 27.9% in 2012).  The U.S. Intelligence Community determined in 2010 that if detainees are transferred from GTMO, some will re-engage. 
Closing Guantanamo Bay
MYTH:  President Obama says that history will “cast a harsh judgment” on continued detention of terrorists who “have participated in dangerous plots or attacks, but who cannot be prosecuted.” 
FACT: The President’s proposals to date have been to move such terrorist to the United States for continued detention in recognition of the enduring threat they pose to our national security.  In his speech Thursday, he offered no other alternative.  Indeed he acknowledged that those detainees that “cannot be prosecuted” will continue to pose a problem for policymakers.
MYTH: Politics, not good policy, are the source of opposition to closing GTMO: “Given my Administration’s relentless pursuit of al Qaeda’s leadership, there is no justification beyond politics for Congress to prevent us from closing a facility that should never have been opened.”
FACT: Republicans and Democrats alike are concerned with the President’s determination to close GTMO and bring terrorist detainees to our shores.  They share many concerns, including constitutional and immigration rights conferred upon foreign terrorists once they arrive on American soil.  That is why a bans on transferring detainees to the United States has passed with broad bi-partisan support every year since 2009. 
MYTH: The cost of GTMO is especially or extraordinarily high, when compared to detaining those terrorists in the United States: “During a time of budget cuts, we spend $150 million each year to imprison 166 people –almost $1 million per prisoner.” 
FACT: When the Obama Administration proposed transferring five detainees to Manhattan for the purpose of trying them in federal court, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, in consultation with the Justice Department, estimated that it would cost at least $206 million each year to hold just 5 GTMO detainees in the United States.
Consulting With Congress 
MYTH: President Obama has expanded his consultations with Congress to chart a new course for the War on Terror. “After I took office, we stepped up the war against al Qaeda, but also sought to change its course. We relentlessly targeted al Qaeda’s leadership. We ended the war in Iraq, and brought nearly 150,000 troops home. We pursued a new strategy in Afghanistan, and increased our training of Afghan forces. We unequivocally banned torture, affirmed our commitment to civilian courts, worked to align our policies with the rule of law, and expanded our consultations with Congress.
FACT: President Obama has avoided any meaningful consultation with House Republicans on National Security.  On the issue of detainees alone, Chairman McKeon has sent no fewer than 5 letters over the past two years to which the White House has never responded. 
Targeted Counter-terrorism Attacks 
MYTH: The President has enacted new laws to make sensitive military operations accountable.  President Obama claimed that the Executive Branch policy guidance he signed Wednesday “codified” “oversight and accountability” for his counter-terrorism operations: “That’s why, over the last four years, my Administration has worked vigorously to establish a framework that governs our use of force against terrorists – insisting upon clear guidelines, oversight and accountability that is now codified in Presidential Policy Guidance that I signed yesterday.”
FACT:  Only Congress can “codify” oversight and accountability.  An executive policy document is not the law.  Next month the House Armed Services Committee will consider a bipartisan congressional initiative designed to codify oversight and accountability of military operations in law.  The “Oversight of Sensitive Military Operations Act” was authored by HASC Vice-Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX).

Recent Press Releases

5/24/13 Current record
5/23/13 Background Material on Guantanamo Bay Files
5/22/13 Military Personnel Subcommittee Mark Released
5/22/13 Readiness Subcommittee Mark Released
5/21/13 Intelligence, Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee Mark Released
5/21/13 Strategic Forces Subcommittee Mark Released
5/21/13 Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee Mark Released
5/21/13 Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee Mark Released
5/15/13 McKeon Continues Benghazi Oversight Files
5/15/13 McKeon, Smith Begin FY 2014 Defense Authorization Process
5/14/13 Chairman McKeon Statement on Allegations of Further Sexual Misconduct in the Military
5/9/13 McKeon: HASC Will Act to Combat Sexual Assault
5/8/13 McKeon Statement on DoD Denial of Vital Benghazi Oversight Information Files
5/7/13 Chairman McKeon Announces Nomination to Military Sexual Assault Review Panel
WASHINGTON — House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon sent the following letter to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel requesting the classified version of the Defense Department's Benghazi timeline.
Full text of the letter is below and a PDF version is also available:
April 17,2013
The Honorable Chuck Hagel
Secretary of Defense
Washington, DC 20301-1000

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I am writing to request your assistance in providing to the committee the classified
version of the Department of Defense's time line for the attack that occurred in Benghazi, Libya on September 11-12, 20 12.

The committee has requested this timeline from The Joint Staff. However, The Joint
Staff has indicated that there would be delay in delivery of this timeline due to a requirement to coordinate it within the interagency.

This timeline is critical to ensuring that the committee has a comprehensive understanding ofthe events that transpired on September 11-12, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. It is also critical for the committee's ongoing oversight activities. A delay in providing this classified timeline to the committee would hamper both of those requirements. Therefore, I request that this timeline is provided to the committee immediately.

Thank you for your assistance on this matter.
Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
WASHINGTON— In a letter delivered today to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, requested additional information to continue HASC oversight of the attack on U.S. Facilities and personnel in Benghazi, Libya. In the letter, Chairman McKeon asked the Pentagon to make personnel and information available as early as next week in briefings to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, led by Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL).
In addition to requesting additional information on how the military was postured to respond to a crisis on September 11 2012, Chairman McKeon asked that the commanding officer of the Site Security Team for Tripoli during the Benghazi attack be made available to Members next week. Read the full letter here:

"In accordance with the House Armed Services Committee's responsibility to conduct oversight of the Department of Defense, today I have directed the subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations toconvene two or more transcribed member meetings on Benghazi. Though we havereceived some cooperation from the Pentagon on the timeline of the Benghaziterrorist attacks, several important questions are still unanswered.

"Questions still remain regarding orders issued to a site security team that was in-country. This Committee is also continuing our inquiries into the size, scope, scale, and readiness of U.S.military assets in the region. I have also repeated my request to SecretaryHagel to provide the classified timeline of the attacks, which was denied to this Committee on May 8, 2013.

"There is no reasonable justification to keep this information from the Congress. As such, I have directed Congressman Roby and the O&I Subcommittee to continue in their pursuit of information vital to this committee's oversight function."



May 21 2013

Intelligence, Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee Mark Released

H.R. 1960 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014

WASHINGTON- The House Armed Services Committee today released legislative language scheduled to be considered by the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats and Capabilities at their markup tomorrow. By releasing the legislative language, Chairman McKeon is complying with House disclosure rules and overseeing the most transparent process in Congress for composing national security legislation. >>View the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats and Capabilities Mark. (Link corrected)

Led by subcommittee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX), the proposal is a vital portion of the larger National Defense Authorization Act, and is responsible for overseeing counter-terrorism programs and initiatives and counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as defense intelligence activities, U.S. Special Operations Forces, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), information technology and programs, and force protection policy and oversight. Specifically, the Chairman’s Mark will:
  • Limit funding for Air Force logistics information technology pending submission of a modernization strategy after the failure of Expeditionary Combat Support System.
  • Require the Secretary of Defense to create a policy that governs defense intelligence priorities.
  • Require an assessment by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding DOD input into the National Intelligence Priorities Framework.
  • Limit funding for the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS) until the Secretary of Defense certifies that the program primarily fulfills Department of Defense requirements. Also requires quarterly DCS briefings to Congress.
  • Require the Secretary of Defense to submit a plan related to the drawdown of defense intelligence assets in Afghanistan.
  • Require the Department to conduct a mission analysis for cyber operations and examine the proper balance of cyber capabilities across national security organizations.
  • Require a report from the Department of Defense that addresses coordination of cyber and electronic warfare activities and creates standards for cyber operations training.
  • Require creation of a Cryptographic Modernization advisory board to review and assess DoD efforts for cryptographic modernization.
  • Extend authorities to provide for the exchange of Information Technology personnel between private industry and the Department of Defense.
  • Fully fund and supports U.S. Special Operations Command, and supports efforts in Afghanistan and other areas. 
  • Reauthorize Department of Defense personnel recovery programs and capabilities.Fully funds Department-wide Science and Technology investments, including provisions supporting workforce development for the defense labs, and defense-wide directed energy programs.
  • Direct the Secretary of Defense to review the future role of Special Operations Forces and requires a report that would inform the congressional defense committees in preparation for fiscal year 2015.
  • Direct the Comptroller to review and assess Department of Defense capabilities with respect to non-traditional chemical agents and bio-terrorism threats.
  • Direct additional reporting requirements for humanitarian mine action to also include Counter-Improvised Explosive Device technology.
The legislative text, descriptive section-by-section analysis, and directive report language can be found on the Committee Repository or on the NDAA Subcommittee Marks page.
WASHINGTON-  As the country continues to assess yesterday’s conflicted and inconsistent Presidential address, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, (R-CA) Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following statement:
 "Too often, this President has sought to end combat operations through rhetoric rather than reality. He has declared the war in Iraq over, but the insurgency there continues. He has declared an end to combat operations in Afghanistan, but the Taliban fight on. He has now declared the war on terrorism over, despite a terrorist attack in Britain this week, a terrorist attack in Boston last month, and a terrorist attack in Libya that left a U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans dead last year.
“He has said he wants to work with Congress to refine the authorization for use of military force to pursue terrorists, but he threatened to veto a Congressional bill to do precisely that.”

"The President has said GTMO must close, but offers no plan on what to do with the terrorists currently held there.  He has said the threat continues, but he is looking to ultimately repeal this same authorization that underpins his ability to meet that threat.  He says terrorists in Yemen pose the gravest threat to the United States, but plans to transfer captured terrorists there.  He says he has expanded consultations with Congress, but he has never responded to a single communication about his counterterrorism policies from the Armed Services Committee.”
To highlight the inconsistencies in the President’s speech, the Armed Services Committee offers the following:
Authorization For Use of Military Force
MYTH: The President is open to adjusting the Authorization for Use of Military Force to better reflect the threat America faces today: “And that is why I intend to engage Congress about the existing Authorization to Use Military Force, or AUMF, to determine how we can continue to fight terrorists without keeping America on a perpetual war-time footing.”

 The House voted to reaffirm the President’s authority to strike associated forces of al Qaeda as part of the AUMF in 2011.  These are the very groups President Obama described today as  having “continued to plot acts of terror, like the attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009.”  Despite this, President Obama threatened to veto the House passed AUMF language.
Transferring Detainees 
MYTH: Congressional restrictions are the only impediment to transferring terrorist detainees to third countries. “Congress imposed restrictions to effectively prevent us from either transferring detainees to other countries, or imprisoning them in the United States.” 
FACT:    While Congress has required the Secretary of Defense to certify that terrorists transferred to other countries will not be able to rejoin the fight againstAmerica, the Secretary has also been given broad authority to waive specific certification requirements in the interest of national security when the threat can be substantially mitigated.  In the past several weeks both Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Washington Post editorial page has urged President Obama to use this waiver to transfer detainees.
MYTH: Restrictions on detainee transfer make no sense.  The President asserted that restrictions on detainee transfer “make no sense. After all, under President Bush, some 530 detainees were transferred from GTMO with Congress’s support.” 
FACT:    Many of the remaining detainees are the most hardened terrorists of the original GTMO population- including the 9/11 plotters. Restricting terrorist transfers is good national security policy.  There has been a sharp increase in the number of transferred or released detainees who are suspected or confirmed of reengaging in terrorist or insurgent activities (from 7% in 2007 to 27.9% in 2012).  The U.S. Intelligence Community determined in 2010 that if detainees are transferred from GTMO, some will re-engage. 
Closing Guantanamo Bay
MYTH:  President Obama says that history will “cast a harsh judgment” on continued detention of terrorists who “have participated in dangerous plots or attacks, but who cannot be prosecuted.” 
FACT: The President’s proposals to date have been to move such terrorist to the United States for continued detention in recognition of the enduring threat they pose to our national security.  In his speech Thursday, he offered no other alternative.  Indeed he acknowledged that those detainees that “cannot be prosecuted” will continue to pose a problem for policymakers.
MYTH: Politics, not good policy, are the source of opposition to closing GTMO: “Given my Administration’s relentless pursuit of al Qaeda’s leadership, there is no justification beyond politics for Congress to prevent us from closing a facility that should never have been opened.”
FACT: Republicans and Democrats alike are concerned with the President’s determination to close GTMO and bring terrorist detainees to our shores.  They share many concerns, including constitutional and immigration rights conferred upon foreign terrorists once they arrive on American soil.  That is why a bans on transferring detainees to the United States has passed with broad bi-partisan support every year since 2009. 
MYTH: The cost of GTMO is especially or extraordinarily high, when compared to detaining those terrorists in the United States: “During a time of budget cuts, we spend $150 million each year to imprison 166 people –almost $1 million per prisoner.” 
FACT: When the Obama Administration proposed transferring five detainees to Manhattan for the purpose of trying them in federal court, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, in consultation with the Justice Department, estimated that it would cost at least $206 million each year to hold just 5 GTMO detainees in the United States.
Consulting With Congress 
MYTH: President Obama has expanded his consultations with Congress to chart a new course for the War on Terror. “After I took office, we stepped up the war against al Qaeda, but also sought to change its course. We relentlessly targeted al Qaeda’s leadership. We ended the war in Iraq, and brought nearly 150,000 troops home. We pursued a new strategy in Afghanistan, and increased our training of Afghan forces. We unequivocally banned torture, affirmed our commitment to civilian courts, worked to align our policies with the rule of law, and expanded our consultations with Congress.
FACT: President Obama has avoided any meaningful consultation with House Republicans on National Security.  On the issue of detainees alone, Chairman McKeon has sent no fewer than 5 letters over the past two years to which the White House has never responded. 
Targeted Counter-terrorism Attacks 
MYTH: The President has enacted new laws to make sensitive military operations accountable.  President Obama claimed that the Executive Branch policy guidance he signed Wednesday “codified” “oversight and accountability” for his counter-terrorism operations: “That’s why, over the last four years, my Administration has worked vigorously to establish a framework that governs our use of force against terrorists – insisting upon clear guidelines, oversight and accountability that is now codified in Presidential Policy Guidance that I signed yesterday.”
FACT:  Only Congress can “codify” oversight and accountability.  An executive policy document is not the law.  Next month the House Armed Services Committee will consider a bipartisan congressional initiative designed to codify oversight and accountability of military operations in law.  The “Oversight of Sensitive Military Operations Act” was authored by HASC Vice-Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX).
WASHINGTON- Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-CA), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, today released a letter from The Honorable Elizabeth King, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs. The letter (below) responds to Chairman McKeon's April 17th request to Secretary Hagel, that the Department of Defense provide a classified timeline of the events that transpired on September 11-12, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. In her response, Assistant Secretary King denied the Chairman's request, pointed out that an unclassified timeline has been released, and asserted that no formal classified timeline exists. Chairman McKeon made the following statement in response:

“As Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, I believe that I have an obligation to provide robust oversight of the administration’s conduct in matters of national security. This is a responsibility that I take very seriously and the Committee’s oversight of the terrorist attack in Benghazi is no exception. I am well aware of the unclassified interagency timeline Ms. King refers to in her letter. I find it insufficient, which is why I requested additional information from the Department of Defense. DoD's explanation that no further information is available is equally insufficient and unacceptable. "

"The Department has been generally cooperative with this committee in getting to the bottom of what went wrong in Benghazi. They have supported a number of classified and unclassified exchanges with Members and staff. That does not mean that the process now comes to an end, or that the wealth of potential information has been exhausted. I am deeply disappointed in the Department’s response and am committed to continuing the Armed Services Committee's oversight into the tragedy at Benghazi."

Left Loses Big in Citizenship-Verification Supreme Court Case

June 17th, 2013 - 5:35 pm
Something perverse happened after the Supreme Court’s decision today invalidating citizenship-verification requirements in Arizona for registrants who use the federal voter registration form. The Left knows they lost most of the battle, but are still claiming victory. That’s what they do. Election-integrity proponents and the states are saying they lost, but don’t realize they really won.
The Left wins even when they lose, and conservatives are often bewildered and outfoxed in the election-process game.
Earlier today, I called the decision a nothingburger. After re-reading the case and reflecting a bit more, it’s clear that the decision was a disaster for the Left and their victory cackles are hollow — and they know it.
Worse, conservatives dooms-dayers who have never litigated a single National Voter Registration Act case have taken to the airwaves, describing the case as a disaster which invites illegal-alien voting.
In the last year, I’ve litigated five NVRA cases and worked on the preemption issues for years, and there is more to cheer in today’s opinion than there is to bemoan. Those complaining about the opinion don’t understand what the Left’s goal was in this case: total federal preemption. On that score, Justice Scalia foiled them; indeed, the decision today was a huge war won, even if the small Arizona battle was lost.
From my time in the Justice Department Voting Section, I can remember intimately the wars over some of the preemption issues decided today.
The Left essentially believes that anyone who fills out a federal Election Assistance Commission registration form should be allowed on the rolls, no questions asked. There were complex fights over the “citizen check-off box” issues, with the Left wanting the box rendered meaningless, and conservatives and election-integrity proponents believing a registration cannot be processed until a registrant affirms on the box that he or she is a citizen.
Before the decision today, here is what the Left wanted:
● Invalidation of Arizona’s requirement that those submitting a federal form provide proof of citizenship with their federal form. Mind you, the citizenship-proof requirement is NOT part of federal law and the Election Assistance Commission does NOT require it in the form they drafted.
● Invalidation of state citizenship-verification requirements when a state voter registration form is used (yes, such forms exist separate from the federal requirement) on the basis of federal preemption. They wanted the Arizona case to invalidate all state citizenship-verification requirements.
● Automatic registration if a registrant submits a completed federal EAC approved registration form, no questions asked.
● Federal preemption on the ability for states to have customized federal EAC-approved forms that differed from the default EAC form.
● Federal preemption over states, like Florida and Kansas, looking for independent information on citizenship to root out noncitizens from the voter rolls. Again, the Left wanted the federal EAC form to be the no-questions-asked ticket to the voter rolls.
So what is the score on these five goals after Justice Scalia’s opinion today? Election-integrity advocates are batting .800; left wing groups, .200. And the most insignificant issue of the five is the one issue the Left won. Justice Scalia foiled 4 of 5 of their goals, and the 4 biggest ones.