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Yes, this post could have had 100 reasons. That’s not the point. Let us explain…
Now that Hillary Clinton has announced her run for the Presidency, anyone who says they will not vote for her will be deemed a sexist. You need concise, accurate, and relatable reasons why you won’t vote for her that are easy to articulate and which any American should be able to understand. That said, here are seven things to remember when it comes to discussing Hillary Clinton with your friends:
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1.  Hillary Clinton is a liar. I don’t mean this as political conjecture, but a proven, verifiable liar. She lied about the Irish peace process, her vote in favor of the Iraq war, her reason for illegally using a personal email server, that her family was dead broke when they left the White House, about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, where Chelsea was on 9/11, who she was named after, Benghazi… and the list goes on. We don’t need a liar-in-chief. We tried that already. It didn’t work.
2.  Hillary Clinton was MIA when the 3 am phone call came from Benghazi. What difference does it make?  The lives of four Americans – a huge difference. The Russian Reset?  Russia invaded Ukraine on her watch. Again. And again. And again. Boko Haram? Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused to call it a terrorist organization.
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3.  Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist. And laughed about it. If you don’t know this story, you need to. Read all about it. I repeat. She defended a child rapist… and laughed about it.
4.  Hillary Clinton accepted millions of dollars from foreign governments. While serving as Secretary of State, The Clinton Foundation (illegally) accepted boatloads of cash from countries that fund Hamas, harbor terrorists, suppress women, and regularly execute gays and lesbians. Conflict of interest much?
5.  Hillary Clinton is endorsed by Barack Obama. (Although, given his track record, he may not have meant what he said about her being an “excellent choice” for President.) Ask your friends if they’re better off now than they were six years ago. Ask your friends if they like the direction the country is headed. If they answer “yes,” then they might actually legitimately like Hillary. But if they want some serious hope and change, they can’t vote for more of the same.
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6.  Hillary Clinton wants women to shut up. At least all of the women who tried to come forward regarding her hubby’s sexual harassment, misogyny, and overall perpetuation of “rape culture.” She referred to these victims as “trailer trash” and even went so far as to threaten one of the victims in person.
7.  Hillary Clinton is not a champion of the middle class. Despite her campaign slogan, she is definitely not just like you. Hillary Clinton was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment-polluting personal jet, has sent her daughter exclusively to private schools, and makes about $200K for every speaking engagement. That’s so you, right?  And your middle-class neighbors – they’ve got a private jet out back, yeah?
America’s not ready for Hillary. But we are ready to take our country back.
What are some of the reasons you’d never vote for Hillary? Sound off in the comments below!
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