Thursday, June 12, 2014

Yo, What's Obama Gotta Do To Get Impeached?
Yo, What's Obama Gotta Do
To Get Impeached?
Swear Allegiance to Stalin AND Allah
Nixon stole ONE file- Impeached and resigned in disgrace. But NO ONE KILLED.
Obama has multiple scandals, multiple deaths/MURDERS, lies, breaks the law, violates The Constitution at every turn...and...
The House is held by the Republicans, but the Senate is held by The DEMOCRATS and Dingy Harry Reid...and the G.O.P. after what happened when the House impeached Clinton and the Senate let him slide is doing nothing now.
Patriots, Conservatives, It is up to US turn out and VOTE November 4th, 2014 and WIN A STRONG MAJORITY IN THE SENATE and even make gains in The House and impeach and then IMPRISON this fraud and traitor!!!
We can NOT...America can NOT afford for the same 30,000,000"+" Conservative VOTERS to stay home and sulk like cry-babies because they didn't get their "perfect candidate"!!

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