[Watch] Laura Ingraham Doing the Job Boehner Doesn’t Want to Do
https://The Fox News Sunday panel shows clearly why the American people are being forced to defend their freedom so voraciously, largely without help from those they have elected to do that job. They display three different ways to entirely miss the point.
George Will starts out with his America needs a population increase pitch, not bothering to address the legal means through which immigration is already permitted or the unemployed Americans.
Juan Williams chimes in on how disruptive the conservatives, to whom he applies the blanket label of “Tea Party”, were to what would have been an opportunity for the Republicans to “get this done.” A missed opportunity to sellout your country and your citizens shouldn’t get too many rank and file Republicans upset, Juan, but it is a disaster for Democrats.
Julie Pace agrees with Chris Wallace that the muted response from the White House is likely in deference to the upcoming “next move” by Boehner, which will be some sort of maneuver to exchange concessions from the Democrats in the name of compromise and progress.
Wallace erroneously points out that none of the legalized illegals under the “comprehensive” plan would be able to vote for a decade. Sorry, Chris, they’re already voting, the reality is that is part of the plan.
When Laura Ingraham gets her turn to speak, she’s asked about the Wall Street Journal’s position on Boehner’s supposed “retreat” on amnesty, which may be genuine or may be a tactic.
Ingraham characterizes the Wall Street Journal as being pro-amnesty, siding with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Pat Leahy, and La Raza. She cites talk radio as being on the side of the Heritage Foundation, Tea Party groups, most Republican senators and congressman and the lion’s share of the American people.
She sees the middle ground of immigration as enforcement, saying, “right now we’re not really enforcing our laws uniformly. The president, as John Boehner just realized, apparently, is not trustworthy, he has a “deferred action” for a million and a half people who are here illegally. Just basically changing law, with the stroke of a pen, and allowing people to work here and stay here who are illegally present.”
In dealing with the “ever-so wise” Mr. Will, Ingraham reduces it to a basic question, why have borders at all. Will is accepting of the lawbreaking and the squatting in America that is illegal immigration and tries to spin it as a positive.
Ingraham nails him with her argument of, “if we’re all just widgets…..”
She wipes the floor with the panel and once again clearly demonstrates how, if it weren’t for talk radio and the internet, America would have already been lost.
Rick Wells is a conservative Constitutionalist author who contributes to conservative media outlets. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.
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