Sunday, February 16, 2014

Obama Admin Confirms Support for Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist who worked in US Embassy before his Arrest

Obama Admin Confirms Support for Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist who worked in US Embassy before his Arrest

The unending treachery of Barack Hussein Obama. The State Department has confirmed its support for the Muslim Brotherhood working in the US embassy.
The State Department spokesman said:
"We can confirm that a locally employed staff member of the U.S. Embassy was detained on January 25th and that, as far as we understand, he has been held without charges since then…"
"The United States does not – has not designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. We have been very clear in Egypt that we will work with all sides and all parties to help move an inclusive process forward. We've also repeatedly, both publicly and privately, called on the interim government to move forward in an inclusive manner. That means talking to all parties, bringing them into the process." So would Obama have supported Hitler in order to be inclusive?
The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group. 33 million Egyptians took to the streets to protest the Islamic yoke of tyranny imposed by the violent and vicious Muslim Brotherhood. Obama is standing with the Islamic supremacist terrorists — employing them in our embassy. He is playing a dangerous game, and it is the American people who are sure to lose.
The Obama administration insists on including all POVs. So are they invited Zawahiri to the White House? How about Khalid Sheik Muhammad? Such morally depraved equivocation is beneath any civilized nation, let alone the once-great leader of the free world.
Here's the latest on the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist who was arrested while in the employ of the US embassy:
"Obama admin confirms support for & meetings with Muslim Brotherhood" By Creeping Sharia via Daily Press Briefing – February 12, 2014. h/t @robsatloff
1:16 p.m. EST
MS. MARIE HARF: Hi, everyone. Welcome to the briefing. Just a couple items at the top, and then we'll open it up to questions.

QUESTION: I wanted to start by asking about the Embassy employee in Cairo who was arrested for his liaison with the Muslim Brotherhood. First off, what is the reaction of the State Department? What's being done, I assume, to have him released, if he hasn't been released already? And then if you could talk a little more broadly about whether or not the State Department or the Administration believes that the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization, and what this says about dealing with a government in Cairo that is refusing to recognize such a significant part of the population in Egypt.
NoteThe media reports said the employee, Ahmed Aleiba, was responsible for contacts between U.S. officials and the Muslim Brotherhood
MS. HARF: Absolutely. So we can confirm that a locally employed staff member of the U.S. Embassy was detained on January 25th and that, as far as we understand, he has been held without charges since then. We have been in touch with the Government of Egypt and have requested additional information about his case. The locally employed staff member was detained, I think, over a weekend on January 25th while off-duty, as I think maybe you mentioned.
The United States does not – has not designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. We have been very clear in Egypt that we will work with all sides and all parties to help move an inclusive process forward. We've also repeatedly, both publicly and privately, called on the interim government to move forward in an inclusive manner. That means talking to all parties, bringing them into the process. We're not saying what the future government should look like specifically other than that it should be inclusive. That, of course, includes the Muslim Brotherhood. We will continue talking to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as part of our broad outreach to the different parties and groups there.
QUESTION: So if he was arrested or detained anyways off-duty, is it your understanding he was – he is being detained because of his liaison with the Muslim Brotherhood, or was there another reason to your understanding?
MS. HARF: Let me see if we have more clarity on this. I'm not sure we have entire clarity about the reasons for his continued detention. Let me check with our folks and see. Again, I'm not sure if we know exactly why he's being detained.
QUESTION: Because otherwise, I mean I'm sure other employees at the Embassy are – would be reluctant to liaise with the Muslim Brotherhood or any opposition groups that the current government in Cairo seems to not look upon favorably. And –
MS. HARF: Let me see – oh, sorry, go ahead.
QUESTION: Yeah. No, and so I just wonder, as you say, how the Obama Administration and the State Department is going to continue reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood. How will they do that if employees are being arrested and there's certain penalties that people have to face in doing so.
MS. HARF: Well – yeah. No, it's – to be clear, I'm not saying that that was the reason for his detention. I would need to confirm that with folks.
MS. HARF: I actually haven't heard that, so let me check and see that.
Again, he was a locally employed staff member. Our folks that are on the ground there have been talking to the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups as well. So let me see two things if I can get a little more clarity about the reason for his detention and also what his job was at the Embassy. I just don't have all that clarity.
QUESTION: Okay. So would an American official at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo be able to liaise with the Muslim Brotherhood? I assume they have been.
MS. HARF:Well, they certainly have been. Absolutely.
MS. HARF: And again, I'm not sure that was the reason for his detention. So before we sort of take this – I'm happy to check and see if we just have some more clarity on that.
QUESTION: Thank you.
QUESTION: To be clear on this point –
MS. HARF: Uh-huh.
QUESTION: — you're saying that you have not designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization?
MS. HARF:Correct.
QUESTION: And you're saying – are you – when you say "we are liaising with the Muslim Brotherhood" –
MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.
QUESTION: — are you having regular meetings with them, you are meeting their leadership, you're discussing the political situation in Egypt?
MS. HARF:Absolutely, as we have said from the beginning of, certainly, this current period of what's been happening in Egypt, but going back many, many months.
QUESTION: Has there been any expression of alarm or disapproval by the Egyptian Government to your contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood?
MS. HARF: Not to my knowledge, Said, but I'm happy to check with our folks on the ground in Cairo and see if there has been.
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