The U.S. Government’s Remote Viewing Cult
Like many other belief systems that are born from any pseudo-scientific examination of paranormal concepts, the government’s analysis of the psychic phenomenon eventually resulted in a whole community of believers within the government’s scientific community.
In 1979, when the DIA took over funding and tasking of remote viewing research, interest within intelligence and scientific circles was spreading rapidly. While the majority of folks who were in charge of funding and tasking of this specific government experimental research were believers, there was also a contingent of scientists who were not quite as enthusiastic about the subject matter under analysis. As Kenneth Kress pointed out in his analysis, many government insiders felt that SRI’s procedures and experimental controls were quite unscientific. By 1980, project “GRILL FLAME” was the collective code for all ongoing projects under the collective oversight of the DIA. SRI alone was estimated to run close to $1 million annually (Schnabel). (This is valued at $2.9 million in 2006)
Headquarters for GRILL FLAME were Fort Meade, Maryland. This was the location where the NSA and the Army’s INSCOM conducted a majority of the RV research. In 1979, very few individuals knew of the existence of the government’s RV program. According to a particular Army memo: “Access is limited to those personnel approved on a ‘by name’ basis.” It was at this point when most of the military folks began undergoing Swann’s “training” procedures, which were mostly based upon the principles of Scientology’s “auditing” procedures.
Listed here are the individuals who were influenced either directly or indirectly from their interactions with SRI labs, remote viewing research, and/or the established “training/auditing” procedures that were involved. In almost all cases, you can see how this period of “research” in the government’s history resulted in the formation of a cult, of sorts. Today, you can find most of these individuals still actively supporting a set of beliefs that’s based more on faith than on science.
Members of the U.S. Government Remote Viewing Cult of the 1970′s
The following comes from “Doc Hambone’s” research found here.
Skip Atwater – From 1978 to 1988, Skip Atwater was the Operations and Training Officer for U.S. Army Intel remote viewing surveillance program. He worked closely with the SRI RV program and trained intelligence personnel to remote view. After retiring in 1988, became Research Director at The Monroe Institute – he has published technical research on methods for expanding consciousness.
Ed Dames – INSCOM/DIA remote viewing program at Fort Meade. Claims to have been trained, along with five others, by Ingo Swann in 1983. Conducted RV operations from 1983/84-1987/88.
Werner Erhard – Former Scientologist who in the mid-70’s financed Jack Sarfatti and the Physics/Consciousness Research Group. Also gave funds to the SRI remote viewing project.
Keith Harary – long time subject in the SRI remote-viewing study, starting in late 1979/early 1980.
Edwin May – Joined SRI remote viewing program in 1976. Became the head of the program after Hal Puthoff left in 1985.
Joseph McMoneagle – Military remote viewer with INSCOM/DIA at Fort Meade from 1978-84. Worked as a consultant to SRI and SAIC. In 1978, met Hal Puthoff and colleagues at SRI and became involved with their experiments in remote viewing.
David Morehouse – Military remote viewer with the INSCOM/DIA program. Served from 1988-90 at Ft. Meade during SUN STREAK.
Sen. Clairborne Pell – Along with Charlie Rose, one of Washington’s biggest supporters of psychic research. In 1988 he introduced a bill to get government funding for the new age group the National Committee on Human Resources (Al Gore was a co-sponsor). On the advisory board of the International Association of Near-Death Studies, and on the board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Human Potential Foundation.
Michael Persinger – Conducted research on “neuron-impacts” of various EMFs and ELFs. Previously funded by Navy, is/was friend of C.B. Jones and other government signal propagation experts, and did research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain for a Pentagon weapons project. Former Boss – Jack Verona. Informal advisor to SRI’s remote viewing program.
Pat Price – After participating in an early SCANATE experiment, Price joined the remote viewing program at SRI. Price died in 1975 (under questionable circumstances). 1974 – left SRI and allegedly worked for the CIA with Ken Kress as his handler. (Schnabel) Rumors have circulated that Price had been murdered by the KGB, or that he faked his death and continued to work for the CIA.
Dean Radin – Took a leave of absence from Bell Labs in 1985, and spent the entire year at SRI International, working with Hal Puthoff and Ed May. Since then, his academic research has been exclusively on psi phenomena, and industrial research at least 20% psi. As of 1996, was working with Joe McMoneagle in a project remote-viewing future technology. Once funded by the Bigelow Foundation. Prior to becoming President of the Boundary Institute, he was in charge of a psi research program at Interval Research Corp in Palo Alto, California. Dean Radin earned a BSEE in EE, with honors, from Univ. of Mass, and an MS in EE and PhD in Educational Psychology, both from Univ. of Ill. For 10 years was a member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Labs and later a principle member of the tech staff at GTE Labs, where he was engaged in R&D on a wide variety of advanced telecommunications products and systems.
Mel Riley – Military remote-viewer at Ft. Meade, 1978-1990. RV session with Riley monitored by Ed Dames was shown in “Psi-Files: The Real X-files”, written and narrated by Jim Schnabel. Riley left the Army in 1991, and lives in Wisconsin, where he is considered to be an expert in American Indian culture.
Charlie Rose – Congressional Democrat from NC, and one of the bigger supporters of the government remote viewing program. Friends with Ingo Swann and Jack Verona.
Stephan Schwartz – Former Navy officer and psychic researcher. Schwartz helped procure a submarine for a July 1977 experiment with SRI. These experiments included some on behalf of Dale Graff of the Air Force. A Research associate with the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory.
Paul Smith : Joined the operational remote viewing unit at Ft. Meade from 1983 to 1990. Personally trained by Ingo Swann at SRI-International. He was the primary author of the government RV program’s CRV training manual, and served as theory instructor for new CRV trainee personnel, as well as recruiting assessment officer and unit security officer. Prior to this, he was with an INSCOM operations unit in Germany.
Ingo Swann – Swann helped establish Scientology’s “Celebrity Center” in Los Angeles. According to Peter Tomkins and Chirstopher Bird, Swann “attributes his success to techniques he learned in Scientology”. Swann and Puthoff attended the First International Congress on Psychotronic Research in Prague, Czechoslovakia. “Ingo was there to present a paper on the Scientology paradigm as model for developing and exploring paranormal abilities.” (Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, pg 42) He is/was friends with Rep. Charlie Rose. He left the program in 1988.
Russell Targ – “Russell Targ is a senior research physicist at Stanford Research Institute, having joined their electronics and bioengineering laboratory in 1972. Prior to that, he spent 10 years in laser and plasma physics research with Sylvania Corporation, developing gas lasers…He is also president of the Parapsychology Research Group, Inc., in Palo Alto, California.” (Mitchell, Edgar, Psychic Exploration, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1974, pg 522-3). In 1982, Targ left SRI and founded Delphi Associates with Keith Harary. Delphi Associates was a consultancy which sought to apply psi to finding oil, gas, etc. Using Harary as a viewer, they claimed to have successfully traded in the silver market. (Targ and Harary, pg 176)
In Spring, 1982, Targ turned in a research report to his DIA contract manager at SRI, Jim Salyer. Salyer and the DIA considered his work to be unprofessional, and they soon refused to pay his salary. Under SRI rules, Targ had eight months to find new funding. In early 1983, he left SRI, reportedly claiming that he left because he didn’t like the military applications of psychic research. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 264)
Charles Tart – Around 1979, SRI funded a project of Tart’s which screened university students and faculty for psychic ability. Currently teaching (as of 1997) at Univ of Las Vegas as part of Robert Bigelow’s Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies.
Ed Thompson – Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI), US Army, 1977-81. During this time, he was briefed by SRI on the remote viewing program. After having tried it himself, viewing a Masonic temple near the target train station, Thompson set up Project Grill Flame at Fort Meade. Thompson left the Army in 1985.
Jack Vorona – Former head of DIA’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate. Oversaw the funding and tasking of Grill Flame. Oversaw “Sleeping Beauty” – which dealt with researching microwaves and how they effect the human mind. (Schnabel). Friends with Rep Charlie Rose. Retired late 1989.
Dr. Jolly West – West was a veteran of CIA’s MKULTRA, and worked on interrogation techniques using hypnosis and LSD. West allegedly once killed an elephant by grossly overestimating a dose of LSD. According to an anonymous BBC television reporter, West headed up the medical oversight for the Ft. Meade remote-viewing operational unit. (Alex Constantine). According to Schnabel, he was a member of the medical oversight board for Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) remote-viewing research in the early 1990s.
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