Friday, September 27, 2013

FBI DHS DRILL Staged Boston Marathon Bombing. Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek

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First of all, my heart goes out to Boston. I’m sorry that a sporting event was struck by terror. I’m sorry for the families. Marathon is a celebration of the defeat of tyranny. The best thing I can do as a leader for the people of Boston is to execute a real investigation and achieve justice for the victims by persecuting the real criminals. Hence, the title.
Anthony Gucciardi:
“In an exclusive interview, I just finished speaking with key Boston Marathon eyewitness and running participant Alastair Stevenson, who has confirmed to me that drills were taking place the morning of the Boston Marathon complete with bomb squads and rooftop snipers.”
“At the start at the event, at the Athlete’s Village, there were people on the roof looking down onto the Village at the start. There were dogs with their handlers going around sniffing for explosives, and we were told on a loud announcement that we shouldn’t be concerned and that it was just a DRILL. And maybe it was just a DRILL…”

Listen to the interview. He says, “I DID SEE A DRILL GOING ON…THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY WAS A DRILL GOING ON.” Bloody footsteps leading up to the door…Wherever FBI/DHS/police are drilling, there is terror when the drills go live and they burn their patsy. By the way, the Boston marathon has been used for terror drills before as in 2008, so this is not new. THERE WAS A DRILL.

““At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there,” he said. “They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise,” Stevenson told”
The question sounds crazy, but did you know that eyewitnesses at the Boston Marathon confirmed that authorities announced a “drill” before the bomb explosions? Furthermore, did you also know that prior to the bombings that bomb sniffing dogs were already at the finish line? Did you also know that prior to the bombings authorities repeatedly announced over loud speakers “that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about”? In fact, when a reporter asked Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick about the announcements of the drill to the crowd at a press conference he was summarily ignored.
These are facts. FACTS. Facts are stubborn things.
Question: Why were the police in Boston telling the people to be calm BEFORE the bomb went off?
Question: What are the statistical odds that police will be running a drill/”training exercise” at the same exact location and at the same time for the same terrorist attack when it actually occurs?
Question: Why is the mainstream media so ready to blame this bombing on “homegrown” terrorists rather than doing real journalism and asking about this drill?
Question: Why did this take place while the market is crashing?
So, here is what I have so far. If the government was running a bomb drill/training exercise in Boston at the exact location and time of the terrorist attack, then
(a) they did it,
(b) they let it happen knowingly, or
(c) they tried to stop it and proved themselves complete FAILURES again as on 9/11.
So while I’m deeply sorry for the Boston victims, because I know the government was probably running this bombing from start to finish, I’m waiting to see how Obama will stand on their graves to advance his political agenda. Obama says he’s going to get to the bottom of this, so he should start with investigating DHS and everyone involved with the bomb drill/training exercise that apparently went live.
If the police were already on alert for the bomb, then that means they had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the terrorist attack. Even if the DHS/FBI weren’t running this bombing, they knew about it ahead of time. Questions: Who knew about? Who had the foreknowledge? How did they know? What exactly did they know? When did they know it or how long before the race? WHY didn’t they evacuate the race? Why didn’t they warn the people? Clearly, they were taking this training exercise pretty serious because of their presence and we’ve now learned there were police bomb spotters on the rooftops as well as bomb dogs. Or at least that is what we are being told…
You want to know the real truth? Yes, you can handle it. The real truth is this. Homegrown terrorism is another name for government staged terrorism.
I’ve been predicting for over a year that our own government would stage terrorism at a sporting event for a number of reasons. DHS wants to put TSA in your pants not only at the airports but ON ALL THE STREETS OF AMERICA AND AT ALL SPORTING EVENTS. So they don’t just want to feel up your junk when you get on a plane, they want to feel your hot dog before you can sit down to watch a game at the ball park or get on a bus or get on a train or drive down the street. Obama is a wannabe dictator and he wants total control. Furthermore, Obama/DHS/FBI have all been parroting a specific message to America: Patriots are terrorists. Obama is lusting to blame this plot on “homegrown” terrorists” such as tax protestors. Obama and his people really hate America and patriotic Americans. They’re going to look for a Constitutional, white, tea-party, Christian, VETERAN to blame this attack on. Of course, it has to be a disgruntled American lone wolf so anyone could be the next killer. They want to blame you, America. They want you to hate yourselves. They want you to suspect and police one another like Kapos in a modern technocratic concentration camp. “Oh, Harold, did you see Jane next door bought a pressure cooker…Call the police.”
This brings me to the next concern. These bomb materials so far as we know were a pressure cooker, nails, ball bearings, and pieces of metal. These are things anyone can obtain. So, how will Obama and DHS respond? Will they use this bombing to justify the power to track every time you make a visit to Home Depot? Every time your wife makes a kitchen purchase as Wal-Mart? How many pressure cookers sell across the U.S. everyday? How many nails? Sandy Hook was used to justify the merger of law enforcement and mental health records. Will Boston be used to justify the merger of law enforcement and consumer/industrial purchasing? Will DHS/FBI just stomp into your store and say, “We’re tapping into your system for all of your customers?” YES. They will.
But here is the problem. Obama aka mini mouse understands that the government has been caught lying so many times about terrorist plots that they created that GOVERNMENT STAGED FALSE FLAG TERRORISM IS DEAD. Mr. Obama/mini mouse, I know you hate America. I know you want to be a dictator, but this event was way too small and you know it. You see, the elite have engineered a very sick society in America. Here is the problem. They’ve desensitized many American to violence through the popular culture like the movies, TV, and video games. So, these American zombies are immune to their feelings about death. They find it ENTERTAINING. They see the news and then change the channel. These are the very people the government wants to manipulate. The problem is that these zombies they’ve created have less and less emotional attention span for these trauma-based events. I’m a therapist. I know that when people are traumatized and re-traumatized their emotions become dead. Their affect is flat. Why? It’s a survival technique. “I shut down my emotions, because if I let myself feel what I should I’d blow up.” That’s what post-traumatic stress disorder does. Obama and the elite have put a major portion of America into survival mode. Consequently, these people do not have the time or the energy to care for long about Boston. They live day to day. So, Obama/mini mouse, you’ve soiled your own nest. You can’t manipulate the masses because you can’t hold their attention. In the minds of the zombies, you Obama are already old news. Boston will soon fade…but not to me. The reason I will remember Boston is because I’m an American who is awake to government staged terrorism. So, I will pay attention, but not in the way Mr. Obama wants. I believe in asking questions just like these folks at Reddit who are just average Americans using their heads to ASK QUESTIONS about the bomb photos. That’s what you’re supposed to do. QUESTION EVERYTHING. This is why false flag terrorism is DEAD in the modern era. Because WE THE PEOPLE have the power of information technology to scour everything the government lies about. Furthermore, big false flags have too many moving parts. Obama/mini mouse can’t pull off another 9/11 because he CAN’T STAFF THE EVENT. There are too many good people in the government who are now wise to these operations. There are too many Americans reporting everything. The internet brought the birth of the citizen journalist and the death of the mainstream corporate propaganda whore media.
This morning I read the new headline at Drudge: “Trail Goes Cold?”
Mr. Obama, the trail isn’t cold. You people in the government just need to start looking within your agencies for the real culprits. AMERICA, YOUR GOVERNMENT IS THE TERRORISTS. Obama aka mini mouse = epic NWO FAIL
In this below video, you’ll see the great patriot and real journalist Ben Swann break down important FACTS about FBI staged terrorism. News, Weather
Family Guy Boston Bombing

The photos below were posted by Credit to them.

Boston Bombing Culprits Identified?

Paul Joseph Watson
April 17, 2013
UPDATE: FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare” before speaking to the media. Struggling to get their narrative straight in the aftermath of numerous men with backpacks being identified?
Photos collated on the 4chan website show numerous images of suspicious individuals wearing large backpacks present at the scene of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Three of the men appear to be Arab or Middle Eastern in appearance, whereas another two of the individuals are white.
The images show the men looking away from the marathon runners, talking on cellphones and running from the scene immediately after the blast.
Remains of one of the backpacks are also photographed yards from where one of the bombs exploded. The FBI states that at least one of the pressure cooker devices used in the bombing was housed in a backpack.
Some of these men may have merely been victims, but the image of the two men standing together wearing the same clothes and carrying heavy backpacks and wearing credentials suggests they may have been involved in a drill or in the actual attack. One of individuals, a white man whose backpack was found at the scene of the bombing, looks badly dressed and disheveled.
The Associated Press is now reporting that authorities have identified a suspect wearing a “black jacket on a cell phone, wearing a gray hoodie and a white baseball cap backwards placing a black bag at the second bomb site outside of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street and then leaving the area before that explosion,” a description which closely but not specifically could be applied to more than one different man identified in the photos below.
As eyewitness Ali Stevenson reported, marathon runners were told before the bombing that a “drill” was taking place involving bomb sniffing dogs and spotters of roofs and to remain calm, although police later denied that any exercise had taken place.
CNN reported that authorities have identified one of the suspects involved in the attack by means of “video from a department store near the site of the second explosion” and “video from a Boston television station.” CNN backed off a report that a suspect had already been arrested.
The Boston Globe also reports that, “authorities have an image of a suspect carrying and possibly dropping a black bag at the second blast site on Boylston Street.”
NewsCenter5 is reporting that, “An arrest is imminent or may have already taken place,” and that the individual is being taken to court.

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