Senate and C.I.A. Spar Over Secret Report on Interrogation Program
Published: July 19, 2013
WASHINGTON — The chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee says
she is planning a push to declassify hundreds of pages of a secret
committee report that accuses the Central Intelligence Agency
of misleading Congress and the White House about the agency’s detention
and interrogation program, which is now defunct.
Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
Senator Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the
Intelligence Committee, talked to reporters after a briefing last month.
The 6,000-page report, which took years to complete and cost more than
$40 million, is the only detailed account to date of a program that set
off a national debate about torture. The report has been the subject of a
fierce partisan fight and a vigorous effort by the C.I.A. to challenge
its conclusions, and last month, the agency’s director, John O. Brennan,
delivered a lengthy rebuttal to the report to committee leaders.
But the committee’s chairwoman, Senator Dianne Feinstein,
Democrat of California, said in a statement this week that the report
was on “firm ground” and that she planned to ask the White House and
C.I.A. to declassify its 300-page executive summary after “making any
factual changes to our report that are warranted after the C.I.A.’s
The committee’s top Republican, Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia,
said he believed the report was deeply flawed and agreed with the
intelligence agency’s critique. But he said he believed that a summary
of the report could be made public, as long as it was accompanied by a
summary of the agency’s response and a dissenting statement from
committee Republicans.
The clash over the report is, at its core, a fight over who writes the
history of what is perhaps the most bitterly disputed part of the
American government’s response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
More than four years have passed since the C.I.A. closed its secret
prisons, and nearly a decade since agency interrogators subjected Qaeda
detainees to the most brutal interrogation methods, including the
near-drowning technique known as waterboarding.
For defenders of the interrogation program, the Senate criticism
represents second-guessing of actions taken at a desperate time to stop
terrorist attacks. For critics, the report is a first step toward coming
to terms with a shameful departure from American values that included
the official embrace of torture.
According to several people who have read it, the Senate report is
particularly damning in its portrait of a C.I.A. so intent on justifying
extreme interrogation techniques that it blatantly misled President
George W. Bush, the White House, the Justice Department and the
Congressional intelligence committees about the efficacy of its methods.
Several senators have also said the report concludes that the use of
waterboarding, wall-slamming, shackling in painful positions, forced
nudity and sleep deprivation produced little information of value. It
concludes that the use of those techniques did not disrupt any terrorist
plots and made no significant contribution to finding Osama bin Laden,
the Qaeda founder, who was killed in a SEAL team raid in 2011.
The C.I.A. response challenges a number of these conclusions, in part by
questioning the accuracy of facts cited in the report.
A C.I.A. spokesman, Dean Boyd, said the agency’s response “detailed
significant errors in the study,” though he added that the agency
“agrees with a number of the study’s findings.”
In a separate statement, Mr. Brennan made clear his continuing
opposition to coercive interrogation methods, which were used by the
agency when he held high-level positions. “I remain firm in my belief
that enhanced interrogation techniques are not an appropriate method to
obtain intelligence and that their use impairs our ability to play a
leadership role in the world,” he said.
Mr. Chambliss said the report’s shortcomings stemmed from its being
based exclusively on documents. “The folks doing the report got 100
percent of their information from documents and didn’t interview a
single person,” he said, adding that while there were “some abuses,” the
program was more effective than the report concludes.
The committee completed its report late last year and submitted it to
the C.I.A., where it sat for months. The agency’s response to the report
was due in February, but it was not delivered to the committee until
the end of June.
Senate and C.I.A. Spar Over Secret Report on Interrogation Program
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Senator Jay Rockefeller, Democrat of West Virginia, suggested that the
committee would not automatically accept the agency’s corrections to the
report. “My colleagues and I will apply the same level of scrutiny to
the C.I.A.’s response that we used during our own exhaustive review of
the program,” he said.
Some Democratic lawmakers and human rights advocates are frustrated that
the White House has remained largely absent from the debate, though a
May 10 photograph
on the White House Flickr feed shows Mr. Brennan speaking with
President Obama while holding a copy of the C.I.A. response to the
Senate report.
In a statement on Friday, Caitlin Hayden, a White House spokeswoman,
urged the committee and the C.I.A. “to continue working together to
address issues associated with the report — including factual
She said that at some point, “some version of the findings of the report should be made public.”
Senator Mark Udall, Democrat of Colorado, said that squarely facing the
mistakes of the interrogation program was “essential for the C.I.A.’s
long-term institutional integrity, for the legitimacy of ongoing
sensitive programs, and for this White House, which so far has rejected
requests to discuss the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report with
members or committee staff.”
Though the committee’s investigation began as a bipartisan effort,
Republicans dropped out in August 2009 after Attorney General Eric H.
Holder Jr. announced that the Justice Department was reviewing the
interrogation program. In part because they expected many C.I.A.
officers to refuse to discuss the program during the Justice Department
review, committee Democrats decided to base their investigation solely
on documents, ultimately reviewing some six million pages.
The costs of the investigation ballooned over four years. The C.I.A.
insisted that committee staff members be allowed to pore over thousands
of classified agency cables only at a secure facility in Northern
Virginia — and only after a team of outside contractors had examined the
cables first. Government officials said that between paying for the
facility and for the contractors, the C.I.A. had spent more than $40
million on the study.
Mrs. Feinstein angrily complained about what she called a pattern of
unnamed officials speaking to reporters to discredit the Senate report.
“I am appalled by the persistent media leaks by anonymous officials
regarding the C.I.A.’s response to the committee’s study,” she said,
adding that the leaks began three months before the agency delivered its
formal response.
“Leaks defending the C.I.A. interrogation program regardless of
underlying facts or costs have been a persistent problem for many
years,” she said. “This behavior was, and remains, unacceptable.”
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