Thursday, May 9, 2013

UN Stand-Down – Pulling Out Of Border Region seperating Israeli and Syrian armed forces – WW3 is Imminent

Thursday, May 9, 2013 2:16

Published on 9 May 2013
The four UN Peace-keepers that were abducted on Tuesday remain unharmed according to a UN Peacekeeping spokesperson.
Negotiations to free the men all four of whom are Filipino are underway and the UN Secretary-General has condemned the incident.
The UN confirms that the foreign backed insurgents fighting the Syrian army are behind the abduction and it’s not the first time they’ve harassed UN Peace-keepers in the Golan.
This is an orchestrated stand-down from UN in conjunction with Israeli, American, Major non Nato Allies and Nato allies, as we see an opening in the Golan Heights Syria Border with UN forces monitoring the demarcation line having pulled out of the area as stated, presumably to facilitate an Israeli armored assault on Damascus.
Like a slow motion horror show WW3 is underway, and UN is complaisant in allowing this probable war front opening up, but then when does the UN ever stick to its supposedly anti war agenda.
They are basically facilitating this war with continued support of state sponsors of terrorism and war criminals. The UN was supposed to keep the world safe from wars, but its blatantly obvious actual role is to make WW3 inevitable.
If the UN stuck to its mandate it could end this war today, demand all parties cease all hostilities, and the funding of the insurgency, and roll in more UN forces to deter Israeli armor and reserves poised to level Syria, and issue arrest warrants and actually bring the real perpetrators of this war to criminal court in the Hague.
They obviously know who these tyrants are, they are the ones prodding the whole thing along funding the insurgents, and goading the rebels and Israel and whoever else stupid and immoral enough to wage unjustified war, and not only that but a war that by any calculation risks triggering an absolute hellish bloodbath of nuclear war with the shattered balance of mutually assured destruction.
The UN cant be trusted to bring us any closer to peace, this latest event illustrates how quickly they step back from their peace mandate, now they are there to ensure the peace remains between Syria and Israel, yet the rebels they seemingly support in the UN takes 4 UN “peace-keepers” hostage and suddenly they announce the UN is pulling entirely out of the area? You cant tell me this thing doesn’t stink to hight heavens, someone needs to get in there and if these clowns aren’t going to do there jobs its high time some more intelligent people take over their leadership positions. The fact is they should be immediately condemning the rebels, issuing arrest warrants for anyone supporting them, and pouring UN forces between the warring factions to end the hostilities.
Remember when Bush Jr said your either with us or your with the terrorists? Well apparently the majority of NATO and her allies and many of the ranking officials in the United Nations are indeed with the terrorists, including the United States of America, and as Webster Tarpley says, this is an untenable hypocrisy, and will lead to the destruction of the entire western civilization unless these devils are routed out and the UN is forced to adhere to its mandate of ensuring peace.
The UN is not only facilitating the buildup to WW3 but it is ensuring the orderly extermination of whole swaths of the worlds population with its eugenics holocaust depopulation agenda by mandating poisoning of the food, water, vaccines, medicine, and air.
Its clear that this is all by design, but its never too late to turn this back, not yet anyway…

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