Obama Murders Babies: Jane Roe's New Florida Ad (Disturbing Imagery): http://youtu.be/d3-BFjnxC7Q via @youtube
Obama: Kills Babies - Supports Infanticide: http://youtu.be/IMkMRVNQHwU via @youtube
Gingrich: Obama voted to allow ‘killing babies in the eighth and ninth month’
Newt Gingrich launched a harsh counter-attack on the issue of abortion on Sunday, saying President Obama voted as a state senator to allow “killing babies in the eighth and ninth month.”
Gingrich was asked on ABC’s “This Week” about Indiana GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock’s comments about how pregnancy from rape can be something that “God intended.” Gingrich said that’s what “every Catholic and every fundamentalist in the country believes.”
He then turned to Obama’s record on abortion — something Mitt Romney’s campaign hasn’t spent much time attacking — and pointed out that Obama as a state legislator voted against banning late-term abortion.
“The radical on abortion is Obama, who as a state senator voted three times in favor of allowing doctors to kill babies in the eighth and ninth month who were born, having survived late-term abortion,” Gingrich said, “and the Democratic Party platform, which says you should pay with your tax money for late-term abortion.”
“Every candidate I know, every decent American I know condemns rape. OK?” Gingrich said. “So why can’t people like (Obama adviser) Stephanie Cutter get over it? We all condemn rape. Now let’s talk about whether we also condemn killing babies in the eighth and ninth month.”
Earlier on the show, Cutter attacked Romney for not more forcefully repudiating Mourdock’s comments and not standing up to the extreme wing of the GOP.
“Just this past week we saw it, when he wouldn’t take down his ad for Richard Mourdock, who had — you know, it’s a now famous comment that it’s God’s will if a woman gets pregnant through rape,” Cutter said. “He’s not willing to stand up when it matters. “
President Obama: 'I Don't Want Them Punished With A Baby': http://youtu.be/jszkPtsFH-k via @youtube
Barack Obama Racistly Kills Babies That Look Like Congressman’s Babies
“I am the adoptive father of four children, each of them either — each of them either black, Hispanic, Native American,” he said. “And I am incensed that this president pays money to an entity that was created for the sole purpose of killing children that look like mine — a racist organization, and it continues specifically to target minorities for abortion destruction.”
It’s a very credible theory last espoused by Very Credible Rick Santorum, who astutely pointed out last year that “certainly a lot of evidence that the location of their clinics happen to be in places, historically places, where there are high concentrations of minorities, for example.”
(Evidence: You can’t spell “Planned Parenthood” without ‘hood.)
And the nerve of Planned Parenthood, targeting minority populations for health clinics! Why are there no Planned Parenthood facilities in wealthy areas where people have access to health insurance and doctors and stuff? Are their babies not worth killing? Gosh, you Planned Parenthood people are acting like there are drastic disparities in health care access for minorities! In reality, you baby-murderers, health care disparities are so negligible that Kaiser only comes out with a report about it once a month!
Also, shame on you, Health People, for creating an organization “for the sole purpose of killing children.” More like soul purpose, eh? Never mind that only three percent of your budget goes toward abortion services, including exactly zero federal dollars. This president is racistly murdering minority babies, because he is evil, and not at all because access to women’s health care is probably an important thing.
OK, Senor Huelskamp, if you are so against abortion, you love Obamacare’s provisions increasing access to birth control, right? That’s probably an unequivocally good thing — less unintended pregnancies, less abortions. How does Huelskamp feel about that, Wichita Eagle?
Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Fowler, was among the freshmen congressmen who held a news conference at the Capitol Wednesday to label it the “Day Religious Freedom Died.” That was when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ birth-control coverage mandate went into effect… Huelskamp called the policy “anti-Catholic bigotry.”Hm. That is kind of the opposite thing.
How else can we elevate the discussion from “let’s talk about policy” to “let’s shit our pants and yell”?
Well, this should do it. Thanks NBC:
“Like the pro-slavery forces who invaded Kansas, the pro-abortion forces in Washington and elsewhere want us to believe that abortion is not murder — that being born is worse than death, that the unborn baby is property, not a person. We’ve heard that before — 150 years ago,” Huelskamp said, in an apparent reference to the Civil War and slavery.In review: Birth control is anti-Catholic bigotry, aborted fetuses are slaves, and the first black president hates minorities, who are being intentionally targeted for murder by Planned Parenthood.
It’s a lot easier to talk about issues when you stop talking about the actual issues, but thank goodness a modern-day Harriet Tubman like Tim Huelskamp is here to escort modern-day slaves through the new Underground Railroad: the birth canal. [Political Wire]
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