Obama DHS To Buy 7,000 “Assault Weapons” “Personal Defense Weapons”
If you will notice, DHS is also soliciting for “commercial items” that use “5.56x45mm NATO ammunition.” Again, the hypocrisy is astounding. Aren’t we being told by people like Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) that these are “military style weapons,” not “commercial items”? Isn’t she the one proclaiming that these don’t need to be on our streets, but in the theater of war? Yet, it appears those in government want to take a “Do as I say, not as I do” approach to telling us what we can and cannot have when it pertains to the Second Amendment. They want them on the streets, in the airports, at the bus stop and on trains, as long as it’s in the hands of their hirelings.
Following a major gun control law passed in New York City, New York State Senator Greg Ball (R) brought attention to the weapons request in a press release. Ball said:
“Now the Department of Homeland Security even agrees that these modern sporting firearms, made illegal by Governor Cuomo, are suitable for self defense. On top of that, a recent story reports that two RIT students who were legal gun owners were protected by an AR-15. The story may have had a very tragic ending, had Governor Cuomo’s anti-self defense bill been in full effect. If the story is accurate, their legal ownership of this modern sporting rifle evidently saved their lives. While Cuomo says ‘it doesn’t take 10 bullets to kill a deer’, it evidently only took an unloaded AR-15 to protect a household. Luckily these criminals struck before Governor Cuomo’s gun grab was fully unleashed.”While people like Dianne Feinstein and Vice President Joe Biden think the American public aren’t capable of handling such weapons and don’t need them for personal defense, that is exactly what DHS is getting them for. I ask you, why do DHS agents need these weapons? Why do they need high capacity magazines? Are they facing a major threat here in America they have not made the public aware of? Why is Joe Biden not telling them that they are “dangerous” and even though they may know what they are doing with them, they should instead carry a double barreled shotgun? That’s all they need for protection anyways, right?
Sen. Feinstein said last week that the long term goal of her legislation is to “dry up the supply of these weapons.” Reports abounded about the federal agencies acquiring massive amounts of ammunition last year, including DHS. Currently this is a low time of year for production of ammunition, but do you think these requests have anything to do with it? How about firearms? Yes, there is a tremendous demand by the public, but when the government gets involved and starts spending our money on these weapons, what do you think the purpose is in acquiring them? I’m not drawing a particular conclusion. I just simply ask you to take a step back and evaluate what we are being spoon fed. If you are awake, you will make appropriate measures for your future
Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/01/obama-dhs-to-buy-7000-assault-weapons-personal-defense-weapons/#ixzz2JPrJCQig