Monday, September 22, 2014

The Scientifically Precise Program · Not Vague Generalities

The Scientifically Precise Program · Not Vague Generalities
September 21, 2014 • 9:46PM
In an intense discussion with associates on Sunday, Lyndon LaRouche insisted on asking: “What must we now do, which is urgent that we do right now, and which will lead to a disaster if we don’t do it?” He repeatedly insisted on the scientifically precise answer, rather than mere vague generalities.
He said, in effect, what we have to do, is provide a solution to the crucial problem which is going to determine the life or death of our economy, now. It’s time we got serious, and think about what it is we have to do, and how can we do it, that’s urgent for our organization, and for the life of the United States in particular, right now? What is the most important question which is to be posed, and to be resolved, within the few minutes coming now?
What is it that we have to do? What is the one thing that most characteristically shows us what our obligation is tonight, here?
In the discussion, one member referred to Kepler’s principle, as LaRouche had pointed to it at the end of his Sept. 19 webcast, with the words:
“It’s not an explanation. It’s a fact that there’s something there, which you can not control, but you can experience. And that is what all great Classical art is. Classical music is typical of the same thing. And you take the whole history of the Renaissance period, from the beginning of the Renaissance to the end of the Renaissance, and that is what is the defining concept, and what’s lacking is, that most people today, have no conception of what the Renaissance concept is. They always think it’s a gimmick, which is something you can work. But it’s a principle, it’s a principle of the universe! And it’s not something that you can copy, it’s not something you can treat that way. It’s something that takes you over, and which you are willing to obey. And that’s what the truth is, and that’s what great art means, in its highest sense.”
Later in the discussion, LaRouche said in effect, that we have had, in the Policy Committee, over a period of time, a thorough examination of the measures which are needed in order to save this nation from chaos. And anything that would go into chaos, is something which has to be prevented. You cannot go around with generalities, with sweeping generalities, in dealing with this matter. You have to have a very precise, essentially, implicitly scientifically precise, program. Without that, you’re just babbling; and there are no kinder words except babbling that you can use for that case. What we did, what I did in particular with the proposal to Bill Clinton, was a very precise conception. It has qualifications in it where I said, “Maybe not this, maybe not that, but this.” But otherwise, it was a very precise program, which would work. And the alternative programs which have been suggested, will not work. Flat: they will not work. And therefore, we have one choice, or we have variants of that one choice, which could work, and those are the things that we’re going to stick to, or go to Hell for failing to do so. That’s the way it goes.

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