Texas Public School Test Requires Students to Blame U.S. for 9/11

I have repeatedly advised parents to pay attention to what their kids are being taught in public school.
What happened in this case is a perfect example of WHY this is so important.
In this instance, in order to get the answer correct, a student must circle the answer that blames America for the acts of terror that occurred on 9/11.
They are teaching your kids a lie. The TRUTH is, 9/11 happened because Islam is a theocracy/terrorist organization that hides behind the mask of religion in order to achieve its mission of world domination. The TRUTH is that Islam can not and will not ever peacefully co-exist with any culture that does not submit or convert to its ideology. The TRUTH is that Islam’s own holy book commands its followers to hate and murder all people who get in the way of their mission.
* What they fail to teach your kids is the fact that Islamic terrorists are not radicals. They are DEVOUT muslims carrying out the dictates of their quran.
* They do not teach your kids that there are 109 verses in the quran that dictate hate, murder and terror against ALL HUMAN BEINGS who refuse to submit or convert to Islam. Read them for yourself HERE
* These acts of terror have NOTHING to do with America’s foreign policy and everything to do with the dictates of their so called holy book of terror.
* In the 14 hundred year history, muslims have murdered over 270 million people.
* Since 9/11, Islamic terrorists have committed over 20 thousand deadly terror attacks worldwide. Details of those attacks, HERE.
Don’t take my word for it. Read the quran. It will open your eyes and help you understand the bloody trail through history that accompanies Islam… long before America even existed.
No…. your kids won’t get that information because muslims would be coming out of the woodwork raging about ‘hate speech’…
Interesting since all of the hate speech… the real hate speech, comes directly from their quran.
I have included the 109 Verses from the Quran below… also here is a brief overview of the Texas school story:
Texas schools come under fire about what their students are being taught. This time, the ripples are still being felt of a mom’s Facebook posting that showed a question from one of her son’s quizzes. The question, and its “correct answer,” concerned her. And this isn’t the first time concerns about lessons being taught in the state’s schools have sparked debate.
On today’s America Live, the mom herself – Kara Sands – spoke with Megyn Kelly about the quiz, which was a part of the SAFARI Montage curriculum. She said that while the manufacturer apologized in writing, saying they were actually trying to create a patriotic message, Sands believes the quiz and the video it’s based on have no place in schools.
“I think they need to pull it,” she said. “My son knew when I asked him about why he answered that question that way, he said, ‘Mom, I know that terrorists are bad, but that’s what the man in the video said, and I wanted to get a 100 [percent].’”
Texas State Senator, Dan Patrick (R), also joined the program to discuss what he and state politicians will be doing in response to the latest onslaught of criticism to controversial curriculum
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