BP Oil Spill ‘Kill List’ Widens? Jessica Upshaw Was Chairman Of Committee Directing Billions Of Dollars Of BP Fines
Monday, March 25, 2013 19:26

Jessica Upshaw, the former Representative from Mississippi who was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head was recently assigned to be Chairman of the Committee directing BP oil spill fine money, fines that ranged between 5 billion and 20 billion dollars. The list of BP whistleblowers and 'personalities' who have met a mysterious demise since the oil rig explosion ncluding Matt Simmons may have grown by 1.

Prior to the recent death of Upshaw, 4 other members of the Mississippi legislature had also died within the past 4 months. All 4 were members of the Legislative Black Caucus of Mississippi; two of them former Chairs of the Mississippi House Ethics Committee. Since November of 2012, the Mississippi legislative body has lost one member each month. Do they have someone 'lined up' for April?
Bennie Turner (D) - age 64 - brain tumor - died 11/27/2012
Alice Harden (D) - age 64 - undisclosed, lengthy illness - died 12/06/2012
David Gibbs (D) - age 76 - cancer - resigned for health reasons 01/08/2013, died 01/13/2013
Joe Gardner (D) - age 68 - apparent heart attack - died 02/04/2013
Jessica Upshaw was found underneath the garage door, merely feet away from her car, in the home of former Mississippi lawmaker Clint Rotenberry, with whom she had been having a relationship for quite a few years and whom she had just spent the weekend with.

With a list of BP Oil Spill whistleblowers above who have met tragic ends, the comments below from the ENE News story linked above sum up my thoughts on this matter perfectly.
March 25, 2013 at 2:01 pm Log in to Reply
I can't see how they are still stating that she killed herself. Women generally don't use guns to kill themselves. Pill overdose, leave the car running in an closed garage, maybe cutting wrists, etc; but guns tend to be too violent. Not only that but in someone else's open garage, in the middle of the afternoon.
I think they should be looking into what she was working on in regards to the BP oil spill funds. I wonder if it's being funneled into shady dealings. Maybe falsification of geological surveys and reporting that would make BP look good, or showing that they aren't actually doing any real clean-up.
A million dollar hit or 50 million in clean-up… hmmmmm.
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March 25, 2013 at 3:51 pm Log in to Reply
interesting thoughts bwoodfield. What likely happened is someone knew her travel plans, waited out of site and approach her after she left her vehicle. The gun was likely left to infer suicide. Normally, a person who intends to commit suicide plans (fantasizes) if ahead of time (days to weeks), which is why bathtubs and park benches are favorite spots. In this case, the location of the death hints that it was random, and as such, not suicide.
On another note: with the above in mind, she may have been murdered to tie-up lose ends or to prevent her from doing her job. Either way, I would not count on any law enforcement to look too deep into this. While there are many good LEAs out there, none are permitted to do any independent investigations; without of course, risking life, limb, family and pension should they choose to buck the system. We know multinationals are in complete control of our government, so we should all simply send flowers to the family she's left behind and then go see a good cop movie…
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