Muslim Brotherhood President
March 23, 2013 by 50 Comments
This is exactly what The Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick argued in her piece “Obama’s Mysterious Visit” after Barack Obama made his first visit to Israel as President of the United States on March 19. Speaking of Obama’s 2009 “Cairo Speech,” her chillingly sentient piece says in part:
In contempt of Mubarak’s explicit wishes, Obama insisted on inviting members of the Muslim Brotherhood to attend his speech. In acting as he did, Obama signaled that under his leadership, the US was abandoning its support for Mubarak and transferring its sympathies to the Muslim Brotherhood.Is Barack Obama really aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood? Is Barack Obama in bed with an organization that has vowed our annihilation, to “destroy…Western civilization from within…”?
…By addressing his remarks to the Muslim nation, Obama was perceived as openly rejecting Egyptian nationalism, and indeed the concept of unique national identities among the various Arab states. In so doing, Obama undercut the legitimacy of the Egyptian regime while legitimizing the pan-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood which rejects nationalism in favor of a call for the establishment of a global caliphate.
As subsequent events showed, the conditions for the Egyptian revolution that brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power were prepared during Obama’s speech at al-Azhar.
Shockingly, the answer is yes.
We all remember Doctor Benjamin Carson speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, speaking truth to power about the destructive aspects of ObamaCare, an overreaching and intrusive government, and a government that constantly tramples on the Constitution.
One could almost feel the loathng that Obama experienced as he sat next to Doctor Carson, seeing the look of rage on his face.
Another invitee and speaker, Sayyid Syeed, founder of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group, was also not pleased.
This is the same Syeed who has vowed that ISNA’s primary job is to alter the Constitution.
Yes, the same ISNA that has been aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood since 1988, as a recently declassified FBI memo states.
Yes, the same ISNA that was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008/2009 Holy Land Foundation terrorist-funding trial.
Yes, the same ISNA where Valerie Jarrett was a keynote speaker at their annual convention in 2009.
Yes, the same ISNA where George Selim, the White House Director for Community Partnerships, has been an annual speaker at their conventions for years.
And as recently as March 8, Obama himself met with ISNA President Mohamed Magid along with other so-called “religious leaders” to discuss immigration reform.
And the Council on American-Islamic Relations—CAIR, a sister group to ISNA—also named in the Holy Land Foundation trial as an unindicted co-conspirator, has had literally hundreds of meetings with the Obama administration.
And these are just the meetings we know about.
Is Barack Obama aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood (or worse, is he a Muslim Brotherhood plant?)
Shockingly and unbelievably, the answer must be a resounding Yes.Muslim Brotherhood President: via @youtube
Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda
Will President order drone strike on White House?Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
March 21, 2013
President Barack Obama is now the global head of
Al-Qaeda – bankrolling, arming and equipping terrorists around the world
in order to achieve his administration’s geopolitical objectives –
while simultaneously invoking the threat of terrorists domestically to
destroy the bill of rights.

Image: Wikimedia Commons
Since it has now been established that those merely
suspected of engaging in terrorism, including US citizens, are subject
to targeted drone strikes, under the terms of his own prosecution of the
fake war on terror, Obama must immediately order a drone strike on the
White House because the facts documented below incontrovertibly
demonstrate that it represents the headquarters of Al-Qaeda operations
The fact that Al-Qaeda was created by western
intelligence and has always been controlled by these interests
demonstrates that the Al-Qaeda threat is one of the greatest ongoing
hoaxes in world history.
The administration has sent nearly half a billion dollars ($365 million plus another $60 million) and is now using US Special Forces to train militants in Syria who have pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda and who continue to carry out grisly beheadings, terrorist bombings targeting innocent civilians and chemical weapons attacks against women and children.
These same militants, backed not only by the US but by
every major NATO power, have repeatedly voiced their hatred for and
intention to destroy America, as they ransack Christian churches, burn US flags, chant anti-American slogans and sing the praises of Osama Bin Laden while glorifying the 9/11 attacks.
As the New York Times reported,
these very same terrorists killed U.S. troops in Iraq and yet western
backing for the insurgency against Bashar Al-Assad has enabled violent
extremists to seize power in Syria.
As multiple reports now confirm,
Jabhat al-Nusra, the main Al-Qaeda group in Syria, is now commanding
rebels and is engaged in “the heaviest frontline fighting” in Syria. As
the London Guardian reported,
rebels in Syria are admittedly being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists, who
meet with them “every day” and train them how to make bombs. The top 29 Syrian opposition groups have all sworn allegiance to Jabhat al-Nusra. Sheik Moaz al Khatib,
head of the Syrian National Coalition of Revolutionary and Opposition
Forces, has also publicly affirmed his support for the terrorist group.
These same terrorists have also vowed to attack the United States once they are finished in Syria, while proclaiming their desire to see the Al-Qaeda flag flying over the White House.
In addition, while Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” have been characterized as terrorists by their own government, US citizens who openly take up arms to join with terrorists in Libya and Syria are allowed to fly around the world with total impunity.
In supporting Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria as part of
the effort to impose regime change, the Obama administration is
following the same disastrous policy it pursued in Libya, backing the
Al-Qaeda-affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which also killed U.S. troops in Iraq, to overthrow Gaddafi.
That led to a country ruled by thugs who have rounded up, tortured and executed thousands of black Libyans. It also led to the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, which was carried out by some of the very same LIFG terrorists the United States had backed just a year previously.
After the overthrow of Gaddafi, NATO powers aided in airlifting LIFG militants into Syria to continue the fight to impose Sharia law across the region.
Given all this, it’s abundantly clear that the Obama
administration has easily outstripped other targets of drone strikes in
its zeal to support terrorism around the world.
American citizen Anwar Al-Awlaki was killed by a drone
strike simply for producing propaganda videos and communicating with
accused terrorists. His 16-year-old son was similarly slaughtered for
merely sharing his father’s surname. Other American citizens like John Walker Lindh were imprisoned and tortured in Guantanamo Bay for fighting with the Taliban.
And yet, as Afghan President Hamid Karzai made clear last week,
the Obama administration is now colluding with the Taliban while the
group carries out suicide bombings in the “service of America.”
By backing terrorists in Afghanistan, Libya and now
Syria, Barack Obama has carved out a role as the global head of
Al-Qaeda. Wherever on the map his administration wants to dominate
geopolitically, Al-Qaeda terrorists flood in to to the dirty work – and
it’s all paid for with your tax dollars.
By ordering a drone strike on the White House, Obama
would be targeting the primary source now responsible for most of the
world’s global terrorism – his own administration.
In closing, it’s important to note that President Barack
Obama himself is nothing more than a global crime syndicate mercenary
front man for criminal interests that have seized control of the
national security apparatus. This article is intended to call Obama and
his controllers out as the real progenitors of Al-Qaeda and the
synthetic war on terror.
And here is the key – just as WMDs were a fraudulent
pretext for the Iraq war, the Al-Qaeda cut out threat is 100 per cent
manufactured to destroy western free societies and convert the entire
planet into a totalitarian world government.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 12:17 pm
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