DANGER: chemtrails in cairo, Egypt- and Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Updated last Thursday
DANGER: chemtrails are poison!!
(endtime sign as predicted by the prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him)
source: http://etori.tripod.com/ dajjalsystem/judgement.html
smog from CHEMTRAILS??
also predicted: "Rain will be acidic or burning" (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim).
Chemtrails.., the changing of the weather by spraying chemicals in the skies, is now happening around the world. Many people, especially here in Egypt, think still that I am a nutcase.. For me there is however no denying in what I have seen with my very own eyes. I have been observing this now for many hours, from our high balcony, and also from the roof of our building.
What happens, is that the morning starts of with a perfect blue sky. Then the planes come. They spray huge lines of chemicals, that unknowns explain as contrails. However..., there is a big difference between contrail and chemtrails! Normal contrails usually disappear quickly and look short, while chemtrails stay long and change the weather to cause overcast. I even have pics that show the difference, when a normal plane and a chemtrails plane were close together.
WEATHER MODIFICATION: changing the weather is one of the predicted endtimes signs of the DAJJAL (=antichrist) SYSTEM !!!
The problem is that those chemtrails contain poisonnes chemicals, as many alternative sources can confirm. One has to admit that many peope and kids are not well those days: cancer, respiratory illnesses, allergies etc. Lots of stuff that are typical for this era.
Some reasons for chemtrails as mentioned in alternatives sources:
(of course the mainstream sources are controlled -they dont want you to know!!)
- deliberatly making people sick and weak, so they are easy to control
- blocking the sun: for people not to get enough vit. D, to destroy their immunity system
- to cause global heating
-to destroy crops to get even more foodshortage in poor countries so they become depended (enslaved) and to put food prices up
-to sell all kinds of lousy medicines, good for the pharmacy industries!!
whatever it is, it is baaaaaaad news!!
pls do research on you tube etc....
research also HAARP (the ability to create earthquakes!!)
album with own pics: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.187143697995040.3873 9.100000982342469&type=3
pics: changing blue sky into white in a few hours: https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.360338260675582.7872 9.100000982342469&type=3
my own chemtrail vids on you tube:
http://youtu.be/ Qkxmbzb7c_k
http://youtu.be/ EvZY-2TE6QY
pic how Egyptian skies are supposed to look like, especially in summer: https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=355857761107 896&set=a.355857441107928. 101115.100000510248756&typ e=1&theater
http:// www.longislandskywatch.com/
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=jf0khstYDLA
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ks87224DOnU&ytsessi on=-lY-1boN5jaQwe3RFOOBJyd jX4CbiLhassk1zaWDvyiaAi_Li RZQQXPcmSKb_DnNLlSdaHzjuKc qzY5He-17iPNrGfL3UnTEhLXsk 8DeP5OJuQYJInAeKCMvphXxvQF lz_9M5s1TTL0ZEMOLrtRUrQtJr Jt87qihRJ3ElpU2Ab_eXLwGkjL 6Gj2iG2vTaYvPv02zcZ10_EesS QwK6WiejWzoUryB5Exe6uEjNOW XIQEB1eC0_9sa_DhmXOKpsPEsF fesREqavBRd-6-vJg3aWqRs-MQ 7u5VMqqFBZAVHbGM
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=4AY7-xrDyAw&feature =player_embedded
article in egyptian news paper: http:// www.egyptindependent.com/ news/ smearing-sky-chemtrails-ove r-egypt
http:// sonomachemtrails.blogspot.c om/2010/03/ chemtrails-over-cairo.html
we live in the age of the big Deceptions.. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=3LO4gRMk_v8
sheikh Imran Hosein:
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=FvZvaM5VUhw&feature =related
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=WJIn6yfPW7g&NR=1
some you tube stuff:
http://www.youtube.com/ results?search_query=chemtr ails&oq=chemtrails&aq=0&aq i=g10&aql&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=7 94l4250l0l7789l10l10l0l3l3 l0l676l2230l1. 0
YOU TUBE: http://www.youtube.com/ results?search_query=chemtr ails&oq=chemtrails&aq=0&aq i=g10&aql&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=7 94l4250l0l7789l10l10l0l3l3 l0l676l2230l1. 0
in arabic: http://youtu.be/ T3_vvCAzO8A
some pics:
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=280682075354 838&set=a.142950775794636. 32414.100002391429373&type =1&theater
Belgium.. https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=351027618323 012&set=a.129708430454933. 27651.100002473317817&type =1&theater
california: https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=213349502075 216&set=p.213349502075216& type=1&theater
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=101503304654 58870&set=a.420693433869.2 18612.688733869&type=3&the ater
does this look normal to you??
https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/ ?set=a.10150199079213885.35 0052.622828884
(endtime sign as predicted by the prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him)
source: http://etori.tripod.com/
smog from CHEMTRAILS??
also predicted: "Rain will be acidic or burning" (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim).
Chemtrails.., the changing of the weather by spraying chemicals in the skies, is now happening around the world. Many people, especially here in Egypt, think still that I am a nutcase.. For me there is however no denying in what I have seen with my very own eyes. I have been observing this now for many hours, from our high balcony, and also from the roof of our building.
What happens, is that the morning starts of with a perfect blue sky. Then the planes come. They spray huge lines of chemicals, that unknowns explain as contrails. However..., there is a big difference between contrail and chemtrails! Normal contrails usually disappear quickly and look short, while chemtrails stay long and change the weather to cause overcast. I even have pics that show the difference, when a normal plane and a chemtrails plane were close together.
WEATHER MODIFICATION: changing the weather is one of the predicted endtimes signs of the DAJJAL (=antichrist) SYSTEM !!!
The problem is that those chemtrails contain poisonnes chemicals, as many alternative sources can confirm. One has to admit that many peope and kids are not well those days: cancer, respiratory illnesses, allergies etc. Lots of stuff that are typical for this era.
Some reasons for chemtrails as mentioned in alternatives sources:
(of course the mainstream sources are controlled -they dont want you to know!!)
- deliberatly making people sick and weak, so they are easy to control
- blocking the sun: for people not to get enough vit. D, to destroy their immunity system
- to cause global heating
-to destroy crops to get even more foodshortage in poor countries so they become depended (enslaved) and to put food prices up
-to sell all kinds of lousy medicines, good for the pharmacy industries!!
whatever it is, it is baaaaaaad news!!
pls do research on you tube etc....
research also HAARP (the ability to create earthquakes!!)
album with own pics: https://www.facebook.com/
pics: changing blue sky into white in a few hours: https://www.facebook.com/
my own chemtrail vids on you tube:
pic how Egyptian skies are supposed to look like, especially in summer: https://www.facebook.com/
article in egyptian news paper: http://
we live in the age of the big Deceptions.. http://www.youtube.com/
sheikh Imran Hosein:
some you tube stuff:
YOU TUBE: http://www.youtube.com/
in arabic: http://youtu.be/
some pics:
Belgium.. https://www.facebook.com/
california: https://www.facebook.com/
does this look normal to you??
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