Thursday, October 30, 2014

New York pastor: 'upscale sodomites' spread Ebola at Starbucks

New York pastor: 'upscale sodomites' spread Ebola at Starbucks

James David Manning says the coffee shop is 'ground zero' for the virus
Pastor James David Manning said affluent gay people were spreading the Ebola virus at Starbucks coffee shops.
Photo via Facebook
A notoriously anti-gay New York pastor has said 'upscale sodomites' are spreading Ebola at Starbucks.
Pastor James David Manning of ATLAH Worldwide Missionary Church in Harlem warned viewers of his video blog, The Manning Report, to stay way from the coffee shop chain, especially in urban areas.
'Starbucks coffee stores are indeed ground zero for spreading Ebola and other diseases, because of the clientele of Starbucks,' he said.
'Generally upscaled [sic] sodomites who frequent Starbucks, who sit there with their computers and it's a meeting place, they exchange a lot of body fluids, hands shaken and contact.
'Stay away from Starbucks if you don't want to get Ebola. And especially the Starbucks in the urban areas...'
Manning has previosuly made headlines for posting anti-gay messages on his church sign, including, 'Homos bully the poor and needy' and 'Jesus would stone homos.'
In previous editons of the Manning Report, he said Obama had sex with gay men for cocaine and 'white homos' will steal black men.
Ebola cannot be caught through casual contact. The only people who have caught the virus in the US were those treating patients.
The National Organization for Marriage launched a boycott against Starbucks after the company came out in support of gay marriage. The coffee giant said the boycott had no impact on business.
Watch Mannings' full tirade below:

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