Sunday, December 8, 2013


on your decision to accept Christ as your Saviour.
 This is the most important decision you will ever make in your life. Your sins are now forgiven and you will go to Heaven.
 There is joy in Heaven because you are now saved (Luke 15: 10).
 Saved means you are saved from Hell. When you die, you will go to Heaven because you are saved. Jesus died to save you from Hell.
When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour you were given everlasting life (Ephesians 2:8, 9).
 You are not saved because you stop being bad. You are not saved because you go to church. You are saved because you received (accepted) Christ (John 1:12).
If You Sin

 you need to be sorry for your sin and confess (tell) God.
 God will forgive you and you can again have fellowship with Him (I John 1:9).
 If you stay in your sin then God will chasten (punish) you (Hebrews 12:6).
 You will feel bad in your heart until you ask Him to forgive you.
 This bad feeling is called conviction or feeling guilty in your heart. When you do wrong and feel conviction, this shows you are saved and you just "need to be forgiven.
" When you confess your sins, this means you are willing to stop your sins.
 Learn to quickly change your ways and do right as the Lord leads you.
 Sin will always make you unhappy.
 It will destroy your testimony,
 your fellowship with God and it will also ruin and destroy your Christian life.
Learn quickly to say "yes" to the things of God and "no" to the flesh (self), world, and the Devil.
Stop your worldly habits and start your new life for God (II Corinthians 5:17).
 grow in the Lord
  be clean, become a good Christian and be used of God to witness to your unsaved old friends, your family, and others.
 Tell others what the Lord has done for you.

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