We brought you an excerpt from whistleblower John Dodson’s book yesterday. Here is Sharyl Attkisson’s interview with Dodson about the attempt to get back at him by the Justice Department.
Via Sharyl Attkisson:
The ATF originally tried to block whistleblower John Dodson from publishing his book “The Unarmed Truth” about Fast and Furious. The ATF said the book would hurt morale and harm the agency’s working relationship with the DEA and the FBI.
After the ACLU and Charles Grassley stepped in on Dodson’s behalf, the ATF said publishing was okay.
But the Justice Department says, under ethics rules, Dodson cannot accept compensation for writing the book. According to the Justice Department:
“Title 5 is a government-wide rule barring active federal employees from profiting off their position in the government.”That rule cannot be waived. For as long as he continues to work in government, Mr. Dodson remains free to speak out about his experiences and publish his book, just not for a profit.”
Dodson responded: “Compensation has never been my motive to writing the book… The book will be released regardless. However, I do find it hard to reconcile how the very same agencies who thought of approved & employed the strategies used in Fast & Furious only to later attempt to cover it up by lying to Congress and the American people, ignoring the rule of law withholding documents, and smearing whistleblowers now asserts themselves to be the sole authorities who preside over this or any other ‘ethical inquiry. The conflict is obvious.”