Tuesday, August 13, 2013

HESC whisle blower Laurie Hathaway provided a name of another HESC employees by name Nick, stated that he examined Obama’s foreign student loans as well and can attest to their existence

HESC whisle blower Laurie Hathaway provided a name of another HESC employees by name Nick, stated that he examined Obama’s foreign student loans as well and can attest to their existence

Posted on | August 13, 2013 | No Comments
HESC in Albany New York admitted that whistle blower Laurie Hathaway indeed works for them, but claim that they do not have records of  foreign student  loans for Obama or Soetoro.
Laurie Hathaway, whistle blower from HESC gave Taitz a name of yet another employee by name Nick, who works with her and who, also, examined Obama’s foreign student loan documents.
I am asking my supporters to contact HESC and request clarification, whether:
1. HESC does not have records now, but they might have existed before or whether
2.they have records of all loans received  from 1979 until now  and among all of these loans there was never a loan given to a student by last name Obama or Soetoro or Soebarkah or Bounel.
3. seek a response from Obama. As Obama states that he finished paying his student loans only in 2004, he admitted that he received student loans and the public would like to know from which institutions did he get student loans or grants, specifically in light of revelations by the whistle blower . As Obama stated that he came from a poor family and he went to all expensive private schools: Punahoa high school, Occidental college, Columbia university and Harvard, there should be multiple loans. Where did he get those loans?
4. contact Albany NY FBI and request information, whether they are investigating a whistle blower Laurie Hathaway for blowing the whistle on Obama and HESC and alerting an attorney that Obama received a student loan from HESC as a foreign student and is hiding this information and HESC is hiding this information from the public as well.

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