Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chains He Can Deceive In…..

A week ago President Obama said to a group of fundraisers and supporters  “we are not even half way there folks”.  At the time I wondered half way to where exactly?   Then I remembered all the research on Obama’s formative ideology, his youth, and his background.   Perhaps today is a good day to refresh ourselves….
(Via Trevor Loudon) Henry Wallace’s Progressive Party of the 1940s was nothing but a tool  the Communist Party USA – and by extension, the Soviet Union.  Today’s Democratic Party is also heavily infiltrated by the now pro-Chinese Communist Party USA and their almost as equally extreme comrades from Democratic Socialists of America.  Here’s an interesting picture from the 1940s. Henry Wallace chatting with Chicago journalist and Progressive Party supporter Vernon Jarrett.
It turns out that around this time, Vernon Jarrett was a leader of the Chicago chapter of American Youth for Democracy – the youth wing of the Communist Party.  Chicago communist journalist Frank Marshall Davis was a national sponsor of American Youth for Democracy, as well as being a Progressive Party supporter.  Both Davis and Jarrett worked on the radical Chicago Defender newspaper and in 1948, both served on the publicity committee of the Citizens’ Committee to Aid Packing-House Workers.

Citizens’ Committee to Aid Packing-House Workers letter, April 12, 1948
Communist Party leader, Frank Marshall Davis
Later that year, Frank Marshall Davis moved to Hawaii, where he met and mentored a young boy named Barack Obama.
Vernon Jarrett stayed in Chicago, where he became a prominent columnist. Coincidentally he used this column in 2004 to urge black voters to vote in the 2004 Senate primaries for Barack Obama.
Vernon Jarrett, was also the father-in-law of a friend of the Obama family named Valerie Jarrett, who now serves as the president’s most trusted adviser in the White House.

This program that we are “half way toward” has been underway for a very long time folks.

So how would The Progressive Party of the 1940′s (The Communist Party), Vernon Jarrett and then Frank Marshall Davis fit into the understanding of the Obama ideology; and how did young Barack Obama just happen to come under the influence of such progressives/ideologues.   Well for that lets turn to Bill Whittle to help explain where Obama’s ideology came from, more specifically where his mothers ideology came from and how it has led him to his own ideological way of thinking.
So now you have an understanding for the formative ideology of Obama, you can see where Valerie Jarrett comes into the picture from Chicago, and why she maintains such a key advisory role within his administration.   Let’s take a look at what his campaign manager sees as the direction for his next election:
The Obama Campaign has stated the type of campaign needed for 2012 will be an “insurgent” type of campaign. So lets think about that “in·sur·gent” - a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially: a rebel not recognized as a belligerent: one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one’s own political party. Other Government and Politics Terms: agent provocateur, agitprop, autarky, cabal, egalitarianism, federalism, hegemony, plenipotentiary, popular sovereignty, socialism. OK, Got it? This is the type of campaign they are coordinating.
President Obama’s campaign manager stressed Monday April 25th 2011 that Democrats couldn’t rely on their 2008 game plan to win a second term for Obama in 2012. Jim Messina, Obama’s former deputy chief of staff-turned-campaign manager, released a strategy video to supporters outlining the campaign’s initial steps toward securing victory next fall. And the key takeaway from Messina was that he intended to throw out the 2008 model and rethink Obama’s strategy for 2012. . . .
“The 2008 campaign was the most special thing a lot of us have ever been a part of,” Messina said in a Web video. “But if we just run that same campaign, we stand a good chance of losing. We’ve got to run a new campaign.”
“This is not 2008. We’ve got to assume every single day that we’ve got to build something new, better, faster and sleeker,” Messina said. “Republicans are going to be fired up to take on President Obama, and so we all and all of you out there have to take the reins and help build this thing.”
“We ought not act like an incumbent, we’ve got to act like an insurgent campaign that wakes up every single day, trying to get every single vote we can,”
Messina adds in the video:
So who exactly are these “insurgent campaign” supporters going to be?   For that let’s look at The Communist Party USA and their endorsement of President Obama this year.
(People’s World) – It is obvious that there is a growing feeling of frustration and even anger among supporters of the Democratic Party with its performance over the past two years. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, speaking for the labor movement, strongly expressed this unhappiness in some recent speeches. I am disappointed too with some aspects of the Obama administration’s domestic and foreign policy.
But I don’t forget that this administration governs in a very hostile political environment in which the right is laboring overtime to wreck its initiatives at every step of the way.
In addition, there are the structural pressures of governing in a capitalist economy and state.
Then there are conservative pressures coming from some congressional Democrats and members of the administration.
But the main question from a strategic point of view is this: Does it make any difference, from the standpoint of the class and democratic struggles, which party gains political ascendency?
Apple don't fall far......
Some – though not the labor movement nor other mass organizations of the American people – say no, it doesn’t.
Some even go a step further and say a Democratic victory creates popular illusions, which in turn weaken the people’s struggles. And the only way out of this vise is to form a third party now.
Communists don’t agree with either one of these views. In our view, the differences between the two parties of capitalism are of consequence to class and democratic struggles.
. . .As for the wisdom of a third party, we have always advocated the formation of an independent people’s party at the core of which are the working class and labor, racially and nationally oppressed people, women, youth, immigrants, seniors, gay and straight, etc. It is essential for any deep-going social change. But its realization depends on more than our desire, more than our political-ideological attitude. Millions who have to be at the core of this party still operate under the umbrella of the Democratic Party, albeit increasingly in an independent fashion.
Moreover, to separate ourselves at this moment from these forces would be contrary to our strategic policy of building maximum unity against right-wing extremism now and in next year’s elections. (read more)
So CPUSA is fully behind Obama, and Obama’s Mother was an avowed communist, his grandparents litterally moved their home to be within the geography of more communist friendly social circles and send their daughter, his mother, to a sympathetic school.   All of which leads up to him spending his formative youth with Communist Party leader Frank Marshall Davis.   You connecting all this?…… 
As an adolescent, Obama did have a very strong relationship with Frank Marshall Davis the friend of Vernon Jarrett.   Davis was a Communist and pornographer but also a skilled writer.   “I could see Frank sitting in his overstuffed chair,” Obama remembers in his autobiography Dreams of My Father;  “a book of poetry in his lap, his reading glasses slipping down his nose.”  Obama continues, “[Frank] would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.”
Davis appears several times in Obama’s book “Dreams of my Father.”   In the latter part of the book Obama recalls meeting Davis shortly before leaving for college on the mainland.  At that meeting, Davis scolded Obama for his listless attitude toward college and warned him not to leave his race behind, which he called “the real price of admission” to higher education.
“Leaving your race at the door. Leaving your people behind…. You’re not going to college to get educated. You’re going to get trained…. They’ll train you to forget what you already know. They’ll train you so good, you’ll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit.”
And then Frank pronounces the modern version of the one key concept which the Democratic Party, under slavery, segregation, and civil rights, has sought to ingrain in the mind of every black person:
”You may be a well-trained, well-paid nigger, but you’re a nigger just the same.”
A few days later Obama left Hawaii for Occidental College in Los Angeles on the way to the White House.

“…. It’s been a long, tough journey. But we have made some incredible strides together. Yes, we have. But the thing that we all ought to remember is that as much as good as we have done, precisely because the challenges were so daunting, precisely because we we were inheriting so many challenges, that we’re not even halfway there yet. When I said ‘change we can believe in,’ I didn’t say ‘change we could believe in tomorrow.’ Not change we can believe in next week. We knew this was going to take time because we’ve got this big, messy, tough democracy,”…..
Yikes.   I think I don’t want to go any further toward this “there” of which he speaks.   Especially if that “messy, tough democracy” is in the way.   Taking it all into context it  becomes obvious where the “there” is.Change Chains he can decieve in !

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