How many of you believe that the main purpose of your local police department is to protect and serve the people?  I don’t recall what TV program it was, but some years back there was a program about policeman and in the introduction it always had the words, ‘to protect and serve.’
We were taught from the time were small children that if we are threatened by anyone we were to call 911 and asked them to dispatch the police. But is that the real function of the police department?
According to the US Supreme Court decision in Warren v. District of Columbia in 1981, the police do not have the duty to provide protection and services to individuals except under specific assignments.
In 1975 two men kicked in the back door of a rooming house in Washington DC. The men entered the second floor room the woman and her four-year-old daughter were. The men raped and sodomized the mother. Two women living on the third floor above heard the screams and call the police station. The dispatcher promised them that help would be on the way, and sent out a Code 2 call to officers in the area.
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