Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Secret cabal surrender negotiations continue as their Ukraine bluff is called after an exchange of nuclear threats

Secret cabal surrender negotiations continue as their Ukraine bluff is called after an exchange of nuclear threats

The high-stakes geopolitical poker game that began with the recent events in the Ukraine culminated in secret with cabal threats to have “Ukraine nuke Russia using US made nukes,” resulting in counter-threats to nuke Washington D.C., New York, Tel Aviv, Brussels and London, according to White Dragon Society sources involved in the negotiations. The cabal then scaled down the nuclear threats and instead threatened to create a “Rothschild ring of fire around China and Russia,” starting with “10 ‘Muslims’ killing 33 people on a train in China” and warning that “US funded attacks” will “sky rocket,” the sources said. This blustering is all a form of cabal table pounding and posturing for better treatment in their ongoing surrender negotiations.
Under the surface, former US President Bill Clinton, a relative of the Emperor of Japan and US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy offered to help cash a series of Kennedy gold backed bonds as seen below:
kennedy bonds
on behalf of the WDS in exchange for continued funding of the United States of America Corporation.
They were told the WDS would only act if usable liquid funds were deposited into the White Dragon Foundation bank account. If that were to happen, the WDS would act in total transparency according to the law and the will of the people of the world.
The Chinese communist government and the Vatican also contacted the WDS last week to discuss the possibility of unifying Asian states into
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March 1, 2014, 11:30 A.M. Japan Standard Time Special news alert: About three hours ago Russian special forces engaged US ground troops in the Ukraine, according to Russian government and gnostic illuminati sources. This move was in response to the imminent bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board.

War in the Ukraine and more banker murders as cabal end-game begins

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Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry’s begging bowl half-filled after China pays, Indonesia nays.

The United States of America Corporation has managed to stave off bankruptcy once again last week after Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in hand last week and got a donation, according to Chinese government sources. The money came with many strings attached, notably getting the US to jerk Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s chain
and accept the reunification of the Korean peninsula, the sources said. The reunification of Korea story, something the Zionist slave press tried to ignore, can be seen here on the official North Korean news site:
However, Kerry’s efforts to get gold from Indonesia to support the Federal Reserve Board and his Fuehrer George Bush Sr. were rebuffed prompting Kerry to make veiled threats to unleash weather warfare: “in a sense climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even the world’s most fearsome weapon,” after Indonesia’s president refused to meet him.

He also threatened other countries by saying: “Just one meter is enough to put half of Jakarta under water. Just one meter would displace hundreds of millions of people worldwide and threaten billions in economic activity,” Kerry said.
These sorts of veiled threats are a sign of desperation, not strength because events around the world are no longer going according to the Zionist/Nazi agenda and their fascist new world order is collapsing.
The suspicious death last week of yet another JP Morgan IT specialist, the 37 year old Ryan Henry Crane, was linked to Kerry’s gold begging mission in Indonesia, according to CIA and other sources. The dying beast that is JP Morgan has to make

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The countdown begins, Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry goes on begging mission

The families that own the Federal Reserve Board missed making gold payments due on January 31st so they now have to scramble to find gold before February 27th or face the bankruptcy of their United States of America Corporation. That is why Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry is off this week to beg for gold from the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, South Korea and China. The cover story about the US Congress having to raise the debt ceiling in order to avoid government bankruptcy is only fooling a steadily shrinking group of the brainwashed living dead.
When they missed their payment last September 31st the cabalist were able to postpone bankruptcy by making a deal with Iran, selling weapons to China and a few other tricks. Let us see if they manage to kick the can down the road once again perhaps by offering the Okinawan archipelago to China or some such thing.
Otherwise President Obama can prove he is the real deal and start issuing US government currency instead of borrowing foreign Federal Reserve Board debt notes misnamed the US dollar.
Then again something entirely different might happen. According to the P2 Freemason lodge, Pope Francis and Obama signed an agreement

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◆ 梵蒂冈银行上层的变动所象征的世界的巨变

≪2014/01/21 VOL255≫
据说在迄今为止的旧权力结构中,各国的政治家刚刚将国家的最高权利纳入掌中,亨利·基辛格等萨瓦塔伊派黑恶势力干部就来造访,称”如果听话的话,就能加入 世界最高端的有钱人俱乐部”,并会将已经存入了巨额款项的该人名义的梵蒂冈银行帐户交给该人。顺便提一句,当时同一情报来源的话称日本的总理大臣收到的金 额达到1000亿日元。而且,至今,拒绝他们提出的要求的领导者如果出现,遭到暗杀、政变,甚至被美军侵略等形式的清除都是常见的。
【萨瓦塔伊派的大清洗 】

【 中近东的变化】

Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year’s celebrations end

The Lunar New Year’s holidays have begun and our sources say we can expect fireworks to start in the week starting on February 10th (If you are of the school that believes Monday is the first day of the week). In essence, the new Chinese government recognizes they have created a real estate bubble and have decided to take it down once the New Year’s work starts in earnest. This will have a ripple effect worldwide, especially on commodities markets that have grown dependent on Chinese demand.
Weather warfare is also continuing with the ongoing cold front in the US and the drought in California devastating US food supplies and bringing the US cattle herd down to its lowest size in 60 years.
Australia’s cattle herd is also being devastated by a drought and a newsletter reader managed to find proof of HAARP weather modification weaponry being used against Australia.
There is also a lot of fighting going on under the surface in the banking world and it is connected to a concerted attack against J.P. Morgan, Skull and Bones and the Bush (Scherf, Pierce, Pecce) family. The mysterious deaths of three bankers last week were all connected to this battle, according to MI5 and other sources.
Gabriel Magee, the J.P. Morgan banker who died in London was an IT specialist dealing with Europe, the Middle East and Africa including Saudi Arabia. He worked on a market ‘predicive’ program which spots market movements. These are the closest to AI and generate huge profits. UK investigators suspect he was killed to silence him after he spotted and was about to blow the whistle on huge dollar transfers being made out of the BRICS countries.
William Broeksmit, the Deutschebank banker died after Deutschebank pulled out of
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《2014/01/13 VOL254》
上 周从久违的灵知派(Gnosis)的人那里得到消息,听到了一种《为了结束世界各地的民间中央银行制度而尽快向新的金融体系转变,只能攻击旧体制方面的核 心』的想法。如以前所说的那样,他们甚至将核打击也纳入了视野。至于要攻击的具体位置没有告诉我,不过,从以前的他们的言行来看,把在瑞士的BIS总部或 以色列的特拉维夫,东京,美国华盛顿D.C .的某一地作为目标的可能性很高。
另外,五角大楼和CIA等美国当局人员称,对911恐怖事件和311恐怖事件的支持者们的逮捕剧依然在上演。但是,为终结旧体制的决定性打击一直不能发 出,美国当局的干部成员中失望加剧的人也不断增加。因此在美国,如柏林墙倒塌时一样,打开新时代的突破口而引起突如其来的变化的可能性很高。
去年9月,他的亲信们指示交通部门对市内干线道路实施交通管制,但据说被有意识地造成4天的交通堵塞。这是围绕去年11月举行的新泽西州的州长选举问题,对不表明支持克里斯蒂当选知事的该州Fort Lee市的民主党派市长进行的报复行为。
交通规制的对象是新泽西、Fort Lee市的道路,它是连接新泽西州和纽约州的大动脉,与堪称为全美第1交通流量的干线道路乔治·华盛顿大桥相连的干线道路发生的大混乱,其结果造成曼哈顿·新泽西间的交通几乎陷入瘫痪状态。
另一方面,驻加利福尼亚州美军干部消息人士称,“针对被萨瓦塔伊派犹太复国主义势力贿赂的参议院·下议院的议员们,以及最高法院的法官们的逮捕剧,五角大 楼的大军正在弗吉尼亚州的华盛顿D.C.近郊的地下设施中等待时机”,再有驻日美军干部也称,“突击时,萨瓦塔伊派黑恶势力制造的911恐怖事件和311 恐怖事件、第三次世界大战爆发的计划等等的事实,都将被美国的各电视台连日进行报道”。
首先,就在欧朗德总统意图将批评以色列的滑稽剧视为“犹太歧视”而封杀之际,相反该滑稽剧人气高涨,结果成为人们关注的对象。法国的当局消息人士称,这是 为发起全国大规模游行示威所作的准备,利用媒体是其工作的一个环节。而最近,一直以来法国媒体嘘声一片的有关奥朗德情人的报道等等也在全国报纸上大肆报道 起来。
在土耳其,在新年伊始媒体刚发表了“受内外势力影响,企图降低政府信用的警察和司法内部的一部分相关者正在谋划“迷你政变””的见解,该国总理埃尔多安立 即针对该行动采取对抗行动发出政令,在7天内解任了350名警察,甚至宣称要让以前因为萨瓦塔伊派犹太复国主义势力的工作而下台的军干部复出。
即使在中东人口最多的埃及,以萨瓦塔伊派犹太复国主义势力傀儡的穆斯林兄弟团·穆尔西政权的颠覆为界,对“伊斯兰过激派”的清洗已大致告终。其结果,中东 的霸权从萨瓦塔伊派的根据地所在地的美国完全转移到了俄罗斯,而沙特阿拉伯政府为了国家的继续生存,已经向倚靠俄罗斯的新埃及政府支付了堪称“援助金”的 上缴金。
受到近邻各国状况的影响,以色列政府也开始认真地对待长期以来停滞不前的与巴勒斯坦的和平谈判。这是因为身为以色列最大的赞助者,犹太复国主义势力的奴隶 国家美国,这次彻底转变过来开始参与对犹太复国主义势力的清洗。以色列政府也渐渐醒悟了除了和邻国进行和平谈判之外,别无他法使得国家能继续生存。
如上所述,对萨瓦塔伊派犹太复国主义势力的国际性的总攻击正向最终局面发展。而日本及韩国等其他犹太复国主义势力的奴隶国家的解放也已临近。据日本警视厅 干部人士称,在日本,背地里,警察当局已经开始准备对追随萨瓦塔伊派的安倍首相以不正当选举等的嫌疑进行刑事检举。然而软弱无能的日本当局,似乎期盼着首 先在美国权力结构发生变化。而且,韩国势力方面也是如此。


北欧的图勒协会(Thule Society)及其姐妹结社Skull and Bones Society
发 起过法国革命、美国革命和俄罗斯革命的反接种性结社?的Gnosis派Illuminati,还有将欧美及很多国家的中央银行制度视为己有的家族恶势力萨 瓦塔伊派黑恶势力。该黑恶势力试图谋划挑起第三次世界大战以减少世界人口的90%。而在欧美等众多国家筹集资金为将均衡平等的秩序再回归国民,让人类独自 决定未来的脚步而展开的打倒该家族黑恶势力的斗争正在进行中。

Cabal mounts counter-offensive but with limited impact as arrests continue

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