Friday, December 27, 2013

Almighty GOD and the Christ are asking that we get as many people as possible to do these prayers at least 3 times per day for the benefit of all of mankind. Please distribute these prayers to as many people as quickly as possible.

Almighty GOD and the Christ are asking that we get as many people as possible to do these prayers at least 3 times per day for the benefit of all of mankind. Please distribute these prayers to as many people as quickly as possible.

  1. I pray, I pray, I pray to Almighty GOD, that I be totally and completely aligned with my soul  at all times. 

  1. I pray that I be totally and completely aligned with Almighty GOD and  the Christ at all times. 

  1. I pray that the souls of people and their faith in Almighty GOD and  the Christ around the entire world are healed and strengthened, strengthened, strengthened.  

  1. I pray that people around the entire world learn to appreciate and be grateful for the abundance that Almighty GOD and the Christ have always provided.   

  1. I pray that all of the people and babies that will be born around the entire world learn to live long, healthy, happy and prosperous and peaceful lives.

  1. I pray that all of the people in the entire world learn and understand the importance of responsibility, accountability and respect at all times.

  2. I pray that all of the people in the entire world learn that they can pray to be protected at all times from temptations and evil thoughts or actions, that they wear the cloak and armor of Almighty GOD and the Christ, and that their souls are shrouded and shielded in the love and light of Almighty GOD and the Christ at all times.                       

  1. I pray that all of the people in the entire world learn and understand that they are divine, perfect, loved children of Almighty GOD and the Christ.

  1. I pray that the earth continue to be a gem in the heavens and that the people of earth continue to prosper.                                                                           

  1. I pray that the earth is not going to be harmed ever again by the people that inhabit it and that the people of the entire world will learn that they need to be responsible for taking care of what Almighty GOD and the Christ has given them.                       

  1. I pray that any earth changes are for the benefit of all of mankind.

  1. I pray that any hurricanes, tornados, volcanoes, earthquakes,  blizzards, snow storms, cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, hail storms, fires, floods, leaks of oil, gas or poison in our waters, leaks of nuclear radiation, changes in the earth’s magnetic field are all of very short duration, do little damage if any and are always for the benefit of all of mankind. 

  1. I pray for a miraculous and immediate recovery of the economy around the entire world. That the recession be taken away now, now, now. That the economy around the entire world be strengthened, strengthened, strengthened and that the economy around the entire world be healthy, strong and robust. Healthy, strong and robust.  Healthy, strong and robust.    Quickly, quickly, quickly.   

  1. I pray that all the people around the entire world that need jobs have good jobs and that all people that have jobs learn to appreciate and have gratitude for the jobs that they have.   

  1. I pray that ……..(add other prayers or petitions you may have here)…….. .

  1. I pray that all of the prayers of all of the people around the entire world are always for the highest and greatest good and are always for the benefit of all of mankind.

  1. I pray that my prayers of thanks and gratitude for all of the abundance and blessings that have been bestowed upon the people of earth, I and my family be accepted.  Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Amen, amen, amen.  Praise and Glory to our Father, Almighty GOD.

Prayers for Yourself and Your Family

1.   I pray that my soul is healed and strengthened, strengthened, strengthened.

2.   I pray that my faith in Almighty GOD and the Christ is strengthened, strengthened, strengthened.

3.   I pray that I (and my family) am (are) always grateful and appreciate all of the abundance that Almighty GOD provides.

4.   I pray that I (and my family) live long, healthy, happy, prosperous and peaceful lives.

5.   I pray that I (and my family) am (are) strong, healthy and robust, strong, healthy and robust, strong, healthy and robust.

6.   I pray that I (and my family) always act in a responsible, accountable and respectful manner.

7.   I pray that I (and my family) are always protected from temptations and evil thoughts or actions, that I (we) wear the cloak and armor of Almighty GOD and the Christ and that my (our) souls are shrouded and shielded in the love and light of Almighty GOD and the Christ at all times.

8.   I pray that I (and my family) am (are) always know that I am a divine, perfect, loved child of Almighty GOD and the Christ.

9.   I pray that my finances (and my family’s finances) be blessed by Almighty GOD and the Christ.

10. I pray that my prayers of thanks and gratitude for all of the abundance and blessings that have been bestowed upon the people of earth, I and my family be accepted.  Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Amen, amen, amen. Praise and Glory to our Father, Almighty GOD.                 

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