Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tennessee State Militia/Guard has stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky - Russians with DHS Eagle uniforms

UPDATE - 3/11/13 9:00 pm - My investigation and first hand reports of Russians in E. Tn and much more, during my trip over the weekend to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 

 Tennessee State Militia/Guard.
The various units of the Tn. State Guard are listed here. 

Let me explain the Tennessee State Guard first.   22 Governors got together last year and created State Militia/Guards that can not be federalized as the National Guards can be.  They also did this due to the Federal government taking the equipment from the National Guards and sending it over to Iraq and Afghanistan.  When the Governors have requested the equipment back for the state the Federal government has said "It is too expensive to bring back."  The states have had to do without equipment for any emergencies of the individual states.

3/5/13 9:14 am - Correction: The Tennessee State Guard has been around for a few years.

The governors decided they would form their own State Militias/Guards that can not be controlled by the federal government at any time and they are strictly under the State control along with all the equipment purchased.

The person who contacted me, did so due to my article about the DHS armored vehicles and the picture I took of one when I was in Kentucky. 

Here are the pictures I took.

Armored DHS vehicle in Kentucky

Armored DHS vehicle in Kentucky
Edit - 7:00am 3/8/13 - I have edited the content that was here, due to people getting in trouble about releasing this information.  Even though it is a State Government entity it is still a government entity and they are very upset this information was released to me.  I have taken off the email contents and references.  But I stand by the information of Russian DHS personnel transporting these vehicles.  Truth gets people upset when they would prefer for it to be hidden.

They told me that the uniforms were not typical DHS uniforms but they had Eagles on their sleeves and it was stressed these were different DHS uniforms than regular ones.   The Russian/Eastern troops were not armed that were in the DHS uniforms and they were very polite to the State Militia.  They were stopped from coming into Tennessee.  This person told me that in Gatlinburg, Tennessee people are reporting being questioned and stopped by DHS that are Russian.

I wrote about how I found out the Smoky Mountains are part of the UN last year, as most of our National Parks, including the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, etc. after I saw a plaque (took pictures of it) at Newfoundland Gap last year.

 I have to wonder if Russian UN/DHS troops are now being placed around the Smoky Mountains.

I have researched and found what could be the Military installation that the armored vehicle came from pictured in the area of Kentucky, I saw them.   It is The Bluegrass Army Chemicals installation of 14600 acres.    That installation has 523 tons of Nerve Chemical weapons.   It is also a possible FEMA camp.  It has a very strange layout.  All of that information is in the video.

Video about the Russian Troops, DHS vehicles, 22 State Guard/Militias, Kentucky Chemical Depot/FEMA camp?, UN Biospheres:

Fox News story about Obama signing an agreement with Russia in 2011 and the Russian training in Colorado last year.

Portion of article:

The training is the result of a U.S.-Russian agreement signed a year ago. The objectives are to create a basic relationship between the two nations' militaries and to build an understanding about how each other's military works, including communications, Osterholzer said.
That knowledge is vital in joint military and humanitarian operations such as anti-terrorism measures and disaster relief, he said.

Pictures from the Russians training last year in Colorado are on this forum and this page at the bottom. 

Edit to add, thought - 3/5/13 7:41 Am - If the U.S. government plans on having Russian DHS troops, due to not caring about the U.S. citizens to handle the people for any unrest, due to them not believing U.S. citizens troops will follow orders to disarm the people or doing what they think needs to be done.  They haven't thought this out completely.  

They were shocked that after Sandy Hook all guns and ammo went flying off the shelves, from my understanding they were not expecting that, they expected the opposite.   

They believe the Russians will shoot the people without hesitation?  Well it goes the other way too.  The U.S. citizens will not hesitate to shoot any Russian soldier that comes to their doors or tries to disarm the people.   Remember it goes both ways... no hesitation on either side to shoot the other.  The law abiding citizens of the U.S. will stand by their Freedom and Rights and will definitely stand by those rights against foreign DHS troops. 

Edit to Add:  3/8/13-  First hand account of Russian Troops in Asheville N.C. 

Edit to Add: 3/9/13 - Pictures I captured of a military shipment going through Knoxville on 3/8/13 - Electromagnetic motors/energy weapons. 

Update 3/11/13 10 am est - I investigated all of this myself this past weekend.  I am writing the article and all the first hand account information I found.  Some of it is shocking.  I will link it here when I am done.  So check back for the new article at a later point.

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