Saturday, May 4, 2013

EXPOSED: E-mails reveal White House knew Al Qaeda-linked group led attacks on embassy

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New e-mails reveal that the White House and the State Department knew that radical jihadists led the attack on the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya two hours after the attack began. The news contrasts with claims by President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden , and other senior officials that the attacks were a result of a spontaneous anti-American protests spurned by an anti-Islamic YouTube video.
“What is happening with Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering,” Glenn said this morning on radio.
“Now, it is important for you to understand why you can’t accept the little lies, even though this isn’t a little lie. In every single case in my memory, if someone was caught on something that was that wrong, and he’s wrong on so many things from the debate, you immediately just get off it. You may not apologize, but you get off it. Because people will hold your feet to the fire. But no one is holding his feet to the fire.”
“But now we have beginning of the truth on Benghazi. Five days into the Benghazi scandal when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory. It was a Monday. It was the Monday after. It was six days, the Monday after the attack. And I got on the air and I told you exactly what was happening. I told you that this ambassador was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to Al‑Qaeda in Libya. And he was running guns through Turkey into Syria. And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know. But that’s what happened. And the White House knew. That was six days into it.”
“We continued to further the story, and as everyone else is still arguing about whether it was the videotape or not, we have been furthering the story. Today we have evidence that is staggering. We now have a memo posted from TheBlaze. We now have a memo to the White House two hours after the attacks began. Last night on the TV show I laid it out again on exactly the timeline, exactly what happened when.”
At 12:54 PM on September 11th, Sean Smith, a Foreign Service Information Management Officer at the embassy, posted on a gaming website: “Assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.” Glenn believes this was a message to United States intelligence agencies.
“So you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house. It is not. It was a CIA safe house. Now why, in the most dangerous place, in one of the most dangerous parts of the world on September 11th, when the ambassador knows he’s under attack, the documents now show he wrote the night before and said, ‘Help me, there’s trouble,’ why would he be at a CIA safe house? What was he doing there? I kept asking the question, “What is he doing there. What was he doing there.” We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. Remember that President Obama is good friends with the Turkish ambassador. The Turkish ‑‑ I’m sorry, the Turkish prime minister. Turkey is ‑‑ fancies itself the head of the Caliphate. The Turkish ambassador and Barack Obama, it has been widely reported that that’s really his only real friend in foreign policy. That is the guy he called first when he won the presidency. Not England, not Israel, but the Turkish ambassador. This guy’s ‑‑ this guy’s a Sharia law guy. Not a good guy.”
“Why was the general counsel of Turkey meeting with our ambassador at a CIA safe house on September 11th? And here’s where it gets strange. At 12:54 the White House, in e‑mails to the situation room, the White House is alerted there are people watching our safe house. The ambassador and the Turkish general counsel are in the safe house having dinner and there are people watching the exits. That’s what the memo says. They’re watching the exits. One guy says, ‘I don’t know if we’re going to get out of here alive.’”
“So we know that they know inside this is serious; we don’t know if we’ll get out of this one alive. An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested. Now, you tell me, why was the Turkish ambassador there ‑‑ or the Turkish general counsel there? Why was he there? Why were they having dinner? Why was it so important on September 11th to go to the most dangerous city, to a CIA safe house? An hour after he leaves, the fight begins. We now know that the White House sent a drone, somebody, the military, somebody sent a drone. So there was a live video feed of what was going on. They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley and they’re watching it in the situation room.”
“At 5:00 in the afternoon Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States. The first e‑mail comes at 4:05. So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the situation room, and everybody else, gets an e‑mail saying Libya, the safe house is under attack. That’s three hours after the president got the first warning that somebody was watching the safe house. So they all know that something’s going down there. At 4:05 first e‑mail comes in; says we’re under attack. Leon Panetta arrives at the White House at 5:00 for a meeting with the president, the vice president, in the Oval Office.”
The first e-mail is below:

“Now, how they can have a drone, the Secretary of Defense, and an ambassador under attack and not say, ‘Hey, what do you say we catch the 5:05 elevator downstairs to the situation room and watch what’s going on. Let’s get briefed in the situation room and find out what’s going on. They have all of the information there.’”
“4:54 Washington time, there’s another report to the situation room. The embassy in Tripoli has reported that firing at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound had been cleared, said the response team was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.”

“At 6:07 that night to the situation room, attack update Number 2: Ansar al‑Sharia claims responsibility for the Benghazi attack.”

“The president of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you. They have lied to you and said this might be a video; we don’t have all the information; the information is still sketchy; it’s confusing. No. We now have the documents. We now have the documents that came into the situation room saying there’s an attack; they’re watching. Then we have the documents that we have a live video feed in the situation room, so they could see that there was no protest.”

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