Conservatives who have been wondering how Obama survived the 2012 election now have fuel for the common complaint that he stole the election by cheating.
And no, I’m not talking about the vote rigging in precincts where he had more votes than voters.
Nor am I talking about petitions where signature gatherers illegally forged names in order for Obama to qualify for a state primary ballot.
I’m also not talking about Obama’s failure to vote on much legislation when he was an Illinois state senator, nor on his ability to produce any meaningful legislation for the three weeks he acted as a United States Senator from Illinois before announcing he was going to be the best president of the United States ever.
And even though, he became U.S. Senator by getting a crony to open up sealed divorce records, we’re not going to talk about that.
We won’t suggest here that that was cheating.   
Don’t get me started on his failure to produce his Accidental College application, which may or may not claim that Obama claimed he was foreign national to get preferred treatment.
Because I don’t want to go there; that’s not what this article is about.
I also don’t want to talk about how Obama, as president, goosed employment and GDP figures in the third quarter of 2012 to artificially inflate those numbers with government spending.
Or how he got defense contractors to lay off the laying-off of federal defense workers until after the election in key states like Ohio.
This article will also not delve into the media coddling that Obama’s come to expect; how they helped him steal the primary election in ’08 from the Man-Who-Won’t-Be-President-Now-That-She-Screwed-Up-And-Took-The-Fall-As-Secretary-of-State; how Obama’s past, including his associations with real-live racists and terrorists, would never be tolerated in another candidate; or how the bootlickers in the media, who have come to despise him, let themselves be used like they were dating Jodi Arias- and liking it.