Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Three Mile Island emergency drill set for Tuesday afternoon

Jeff Frantz | jfrantz@pennlive.com By Jeff Frantz | jfrantz@pennlive.com
on April 15, 2013 at 11:18 AM


Do not be alarmed if you see a lot of emergency vehicles setting up at Three Mile Island Tuesday afternoon.
Also, don't be concerned if you hear announcements from the nuclear power plant's public address system. It's all part of a drill.
Three Mile Island.jpg Three Mile Island nuclear fa­cility along the Susquehanna River in Londonderry Township.
 Counties, municipalities and school districts within a 10-mile radius of the plant will take part in the drill, which simulates a variety of emergency scenarios. It's part of a plan to ensure emergency workers on and off site can be ready to respond in the event of a real emergency.
Federal officials will evaluate the responders performance.
The offsite emergency sirens will not be used during the drill. If you hear them, pay attention.

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