Saturday, February 23, 2013

Copyrights © 2003 - 2011 Almajd Newspaper Khanfar of the Board of Directors, "the island" I was surprised the media in Qatar excluding general manager network "Al Jazeera" Wadah Khanfar of membership of the Board of Directors, which considered these sources is unreasonable, because Khanfar is director general Jazeera network all its branches, both satellite Karabp, international, and documentaries, sports, and children, or e-Jazeera Net, or center island for training, or research center, or international newspaper printed expected to be released soon · The exclusion under Emiri decision issued by Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Deputy Governor of the State of Qatar and the crown prince, was to appoint a new board of directors, there have been some changes to its members, so now all members Qatari nationals except Mahmoud Shammam (Libyan nationality) · as It was interesting entry Mary Rashid Yusuf Al Khater to be the first woman to enter the Board of Directors of Al Jazeera · And saw media sources informed that the exclusion Khanfar for membership of the board-Jazeera network is a first step towards removing him from office as general manager of the network, citing the reason of exclusion to respond to external pressures U.S. and Palestinian accused Khanfar sympathizing with the Muslim Brotherhood in general and the Palestinian Hamas movement in particular · According to sources, an official close to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visited Doha shortly before, and handed officials in Qatar file security and Wadah Khanfar, in addition to the Arab intelligence delivered Qatar file similar prove relationship Khanfar Brotherhood and Hamas · The Emiri decision comes after a media campaign launched by the Qatari newspapers months before Khanfar excluding Qataris accused him of important functions in the Al-Jazeera network · The sources add that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani as long as the form of an umbrella for continuing Khanfar in office during the past period, but the pressure repeated it reached a limit is no longer with him able to afford it, فأوعز to his son and crown prince, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani issued a decision Amiri in his absence the formation of the Governing Council, which was modified duration of time to be three years instead of one year, as was previously the case · May constitute the Board of Directors, chaired by Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer Al Thani, and the membership of Ahmed Abdulla Al Khulaifi, and Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari, Abdullah Mubarak Al Khulaifi, and Mahmoud Shammam, and Abdul Aziz Ibrahim Al Mahmoud, and Mary Rashid Yusuf Khater · It is noted that Abdul Aziz Al Mahmoud, who had already dropped Waddah Khanfar chief editor of Al Jazeera Net (a website of the island), has been appointed a member of the new board of directors · The notes sources that difference has occurred on the cover "island" to tell, and emerged clearly during the clashes that took place recently between Fatah and Hamas, in the form of bias relative to the Fatah movement represents hosted by people belonging to Fatah or affiliated them, and make room for them to criticism to Hamas, as noted the absence of "the island" a number of leaders in Hamas minister former Palestinian foreign Mahmoud Zahar, a member of the political bureau of Hamas Mohammad Nazzal, and a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, sources attributed the reasons for the absence of these names to criticize radical right a number of Fatah leaders ·

خنفر من مجلس إدارة "الجزيرة"

فوجئت الأوساط الإعلامية في قطر باستبعاد مدير عام شبكة "الجزيرة" وضاح خنفر من عضوية مجلس إدارتها، الأمر الذي اعتبرته هذه المصادر غير منطقي، لأن خنفر يشغل منصب مدير عام شبكة الجزيرة بكافة فروعها، سواء منها القنوات الفضائية كالعربية، والدولية، والوثائقية، والرياضية، والأطفال، أو موقع الجزيرة نت الإلكتروني، أو مركز الجزيرة للتدريب، أو مركز الأبحاث، أو الصحيفة الدولية المطبوعة المنتظر صدورها قريباً·
وجاء هذا الاستبعاد بموجب قرار أميري صدر عن الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني، نائب أمير دولة قطر وولي عهده، تم فيه تعيين مجلس إدارة جديد، طرأت بعض التغييرات على أعضائه، بحيث بات جميع الأعضاء مواطنين قطريين باستثناء محمود شمام (ليبي الجنسية)· كما كان لافتاً دخول السيدة مريم راشد يوسف الخاطر لتكون المرأة الأولى التي تدخل مجلس إدارة قناة الجزيرة·
ورأت مصادر إعلامية مطلعة أن استبعاد خنفر عن عضوية مجلس إدارة شبكة الجزيرة يشكل خطوة أولى نحو إزاحته عن منصبه كمدير عام للشبكة، معلّلة سبب الاستبعاد إلى الاستجابة لضغوط خارجية أميركية وفلسطينية اتهمت خنفر بالتعاطف مع جماعة الإخوان المسلمين عامة وحركة حماس الفلسطينية بشكل خاص·
وتشير المصادر إلى أن مسؤولاً مقرباً من رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية محمود عباس زار الدوحة قبل فترة قصيرة، وسلّم المسؤولين في قطر ملفاً أمنياً عن وضاح خنفر، بالإضافة لقيام جهاز استخبارات عربي بتسليم قطر ملفاً مشابهاً يثبت علاقة خنفر بجماعة الإخوان وحركة حماس·
ويأتي القرار الأميري بعد حملة إعلامية شنتها الصحف القطرية قبل شهور على خنفر  اتهمته فيها باستبعاد القطريين من الوظائف الهامة في شبكة الجزيرة·
وتضيف المصادر أن أمير قطر الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني طالما شكّل مظلة لاستمرار خنفر في منصبه طيلة الفترة الماضية، إلا أن الضغوط المتكررة عليه وصلت حداً لم يعد معه قادراً على تحمل الأمر، فأوعز إلى نجله وولي عهده الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني بإصدار قرار أميري في غيابه بتشكيل مجلس الإدارة الذي تمّ تعديل مدته الزمنية لتكون ثلاث سنوات بدلاً من سنة واحدة، كما كان عليه الحال سابقاً·
وقد تشكل مجلس الإدارة برئاسة الشيخ حمد بن ثامر آل ثاني، وعضوية كل من أحمد عبد الله الخليفي، وحمد بن عبد العزيز الكواري، وعبد الله مبارك الخليفي، ومحمود شمام، وعبد العزيز إبراهيم آل محمود، ومريم راشد يوسف الخاطر·
ويلاحظ أن عبد العزيز آل محمود الذي سبق ان استبعده وضاح خنفر من رئاسة تحرير الجزيرة نت (وهو الموقع الإلكتروني للجزيرة )، قد تمّ تعيينه عضواً في مجلس الإدارة الجديد·
وتلاحظ المصادر أن اختلافاً قد طرأ على تغطية "الجزيرة" للإخبار، وبرز ذلك بوضوح خلال الاشتباكات التي وقعت مؤخراً بين حركتيْ فتح وحماس، في صورة انحياز نسبي لجانب حركة فتح تمثّل في استضافته أشخاص ينتمون لحركة فتح أو من المحسوبين عليها، وإفساح المجال امامهم لتوجيه النقد إلى حركة حماس، كما لوحظ تغييب "الجزيرة" عدداً من القياديين  في حركة حماس كوزير الخارجية الفلسطيني السابق محمود الزهار، وعضو المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس محمد نزال، والمتحدث باسم حماس في غزة سامي أبو زهري، وعزت المصادر أسباب تغييب هذه الأسماء الى انتقاداتها المتشددة بحق عدد من القيادات الفتحاوية·

Copyrights © 2003 - 2011 Almajd Newspaper
Khanfar of the Board of Directors, "the island"
I was surprised the media in Qatar excluding general manager network "Al Jazeera" Wadah Khanfar of membership of the Board of Directors, which considered these sources is unreasonable, because Khanfar is director general Jazeera network all its branches, both satellite Karabp, international, and documentaries, sports, and children, or e-Jazeera Net, or center island for training, or research center, or international newspaper printed expected to be released soon ·The exclusion under Emiri decision issued by Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Deputy Governor of the State of Qatar and the crown prince, was to appoint a new board of directors, there have been some changes to its members, so now all members Qatari nationals except Mahmoud Shammam (Libyan nationality) · as It was interesting entry Mary Rashid Yusuf Al Khater to be the first woman to enter the Board of Directors of Al Jazeera ·And saw media sources informed that the exclusion Khanfar for membership of the board-Jazeera network is a first step towards removing him from office as general manager of the network, citing the reason of exclusion to respond to external pressures U.S. and Palestinian accused Khanfar sympathizing with the Muslim Brotherhood in general and the Palestinian Hamas movement in particular ·According to sources, an official close to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visited Doha shortly before, and handed officials in Qatar file security and Wadah Khanfar, in addition to the Arab intelligence delivered Qatar file similar prove relationship Khanfar Brotherhood and Hamas ·The Emiri decision comes after a media campaign launched by the Qatari newspapers months before Khanfar excluding Qataris accused him of important functions in the Al-Jazeera network ·The sources add that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani as long as the form of an umbrella for continuing Khanfar in office during the past period, but the pressure repeated it reached a limit is no longer with him able to afford it, فأوعز to his son and crown prince, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani issued a decision Amiri in his absence the formation of the Governing Council, which was modified duration of time to be three years instead of one year, as was previously the case ·May constitute the Board of Directors, chaired by Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer Al Thani, and the membership of Ahmed Abdulla Al Khulaifi, and Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari, Abdullah Mubarak Al Khulaifi, and Mahmoud Shammam, and Abdul Aziz Ibrahim Al Mahmoud, and Mary Rashid Yusuf Khater ·It is noted that Abdul Aziz Al Mahmoud, who had already dropped Waddah Khanfar chief editor of Al Jazeera Net (a website of the island), has been appointed a member of the new board of directors ·The notes sources that difference has occurred on the cover "island" to tell, and emerged clearly during the clashes that took place recently between Fatah and Hamas, in the form of bias relative to the Fatah movement represents hosted by people belonging to Fatah or affiliated them, and make room for them to criticism to Hamas, as noted the absence of "the island" a number of leaders in Hamas minister former Palestinian foreign Mahmoud Zahar, a member of the political bureau of Hamas Mohammad Nazzal, and a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, sources attributed the reasons for the absence of these names to criticize radical right a number of Fatah leaders ·

Copyrights © 2003 - 2011 Almajd NewspaperDeveloped by: Enterprise Solutions
Developed by: Enterprise Solutions

1 comment:

  1. Hi,Foreign investors are welcomed in Qatar and various incentives are available for Business setup in Qatar, including tax breaks and exemptions from customs duty for many years.Thanks...
