Monday, May 4, 2015

SIMBAD Astronomical Database

SIMBAD Astronomical Database

basic search
by identifier
by coordinates
by criteria
reference query
TAP queries
Display all user annotations
User's guide
Query by urls
Nomenclature Dictionary
Object types
List of journals
Measurement description
Spectral type coding
User annotations documentation
SIMBAD4 1.225 - Feb-2015

The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross-identifications, bibliography and measurements for astronomical objects outside the solar system.
SIMBAD can be queried by object name, coordinates and various criteria. Lists of objects and scripts can be submitted.
Links to some other on-line services are also provided.
Simbad contains on 2015.05.04
7,703,373 objects
21,909,236 identifiers
303,576 bibliographic references
11,364,767 citations of objects in papers

If the Simbad database was helpful for your research work,
the following acknowledgment would be appreciated: This research has made use of the SIMBAD database,
operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France

2000,A&AS,143,9 , "The SIMBAD astronomical database", Wenger et al.
Basic search
identifier, coordinates (radius=10 arcmin), or bibcode
Install the Simbad basic search in your tool bar

SIMBAD on the Web is the WWW interface to the SIMBAD database. It offers the following functionalities:
  • Query by identifiers and around identifiers
  • Query by coordinates, specifying the radius and the equinox
  • Query by bibcode and partial bibcode
  • Sampling with a set of physical criteria
  • Query by lists of objects, coordinates or bibcodes
  • Display charts for list of objects resulting from coordinates query
Moreover, the interface provides links with many other data services :
  • Links to the other CDS services: Tables in VizieR, giving access to the whole catalogued data, links to Aladin images, surveys and observatory logs.
  • Through the coordinates in basic data, you can query around an object, using a provided radius.
  • Identifiers are linked to the nomenclature dictionary, providing full description of original list, and, when available, offering direct access to the corresponding catalogue in the CDS catalogue service (VizieR and Bazaar)
  • Every bibcode is a link to the underlying bibliographic information, either at CDS, at ADS, or at the journal site when available. Links to the full text of paper are available in most cases.
    For articles containing tables stored at CDS, the reference provides also a link to the table or catalogue.
  • A link to the Heasarc database (NASA/GSFC) is proposed when an object has identifiers in high energy catalogues.
  • IUE measurements contain an anchor which points to the spectra stored in the INES database.
  • The maps produced by coordinate queries are cliquable and return the object information from SIMBAD.
SIMBAD on the Web has all the functionalities provided by XSimbad, after the addition of list queries in March 2001. XSimbad software is thus not maintained any more.

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