Sunday, September 14, 2014

Longtime American Allies Rebuke Barack Obama’s Syria Bombing Plan

Longtime American Allies Rebuke Barack Obama’s Syria Bombing Plan

Within hours of giving his prime time televised speech in which he outlined his intent to begin bombing campaigns inside of Syria, Germany and Turkey publicly declared they would not be involved. An even greater blow to President Obama’s stature among longtime American allies came when British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said earlier on Thursday the U.K. “will not be taking part of any airstrikes in Syria.” While the Brits have since modified that stance somewhat, it is clear few world leaders wish to join with the Obama plan, a situation of near complete indifference toward and American president not seen in the modern era.

The continuing public rebukes by other world leaders has left the Obama White House seething. Reports have indicated Barack Obama was unwilling to wage war against ISIS forces in the first place, but plummeting job approval polls and demands for action action by an increasingly outraged American public forced him to have to play the role of  “wartime president” though even the term “war” is one that continues to be avoided by many withing the administration.

It is likely that conflicting message and record of longtime indifference that has contributed to allied in Europe from declining to join with Barack Obama’s current anti-ISIS efforts, which remain a mishmash of tepid bombing campaigns, arming of unknown and highly dubious rebels, and a seeming refocus on trying to topple the Assad regime in Syria, a goal Barack Obama actually shares with the brutal ISIS forces.

While some are wondering why America’s traditional allies are now so willing to embarrass a U.S. president, it is likely those same allies are all too aware of the sometimes bizarre behaviors being associated with Barack Obama, as reported here first prior to Barack Obama’s recent NATO visit:

President Obama is said to have been “nearly incoherent”, slurring his words heavily and even at one point “giggling as the Prime Minister struggled to focus the conversation on the terrorist threats in the Middle East.”  The President of the United States was said to be “out of it” during a conversation that has staff for the Prime Minister privately describing to their D.C. counterparts as “bizarre.”

D.C. WHISPERS: Obama “Out Of It” During “Bizarre” Conversation With Prime Minister

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