Wednesday, May 7, 2014

If Hamas-linked CAIR had denounced Boko Haram instead of trying to silence those who did, would those girls be enslaved today?

If Hamas-linked CAIR had denounced Boko Haram instead of trying to silence those who did, would those girls be enslaved today?

May 7, 2014 at 4:12pm CAIR, free speech 1 Comment
ibrahim-hooper-mahdi-bray-nihad-awad-2009-12-10-10-10-18What will history say? Peter Ingemi, DaTechGuy himself, has an intriguing answer today with specific reference to Pamela Geller and me, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Boko Haram, the Nigerian jihad group officially known as the Congregation of the People of the Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad: “Pam Geller and Robert Spencer as Andy Rooney,” Datechguy, May 7, 2014:
I did get to Buchenwald the next day and I stared. I stared in embarrassed silence, thinking about the doubts I’d had in college and even more recently…I’d like to have taken Professor Boulding by the hand and shown him around Buchenwald. I was angry that I’d been fooled. For the first time, I knew for certain that any peace is not better than any war.
Andy Rooney, My War 2002
There are certain things that just stick in your head, one of the things that stick into mine was one Andy Rooney 60 minutes commentary on the Death Camps.
I remember how he talked about seeing the camp himself, and how serious he was when he said: “yes it happened, I saw it”.
I couldn’t find the video online but I couldn’t help think of it when I saw this story
The Rialto school district planned to revise an eighth-grade assignment that raised red flags by asking students to consider arguments about whether the Holocaust — the systematic killing by the Nazis of some 6 million Jews and millions of others — was not an “actual event” but instead a “propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.”
While Camp of the Saints notes an interesting twist and Ed Driscol at Instapundit notes Ike’s attempts to make them undeniable it is a lesson that no amount of fact will cause people to wish to deny or minimize a reality unfavorable to their cause from doing so.
And that brings me to Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and Boko Haram.
Pam & Robert have been sounding the call on Radical Islam for a long time   Part of those warning has been about Boko Harem [sic] in fact if you do a search for Boko Harem [sic] on Geller’s site

Take a good look at that figure
That’s more than CNN, more than CBS,  ABC. or  MSNBC (NBC’s newly redesigned site doesn’t display numbers)
But even Pam’s figures that beat all the major news organizations pale next to the 12,000 plus results at Jihad Watch:boko jihad
For their efforts Pam & Robert are attacked as Islamophobes particularly by the Counsel [sic] on American Islamic Relations if you search their site there is no shortage of attacks on Pam or Robert as “islamophobes” who should be shunned.
boko cair spencer
If you are searching for info on Boko Haram the choices at CAIR are a tad more limited:
boko cair
Yup one result.
Perhaps if the “moderate” muslims of CAIR been speaking out about Boko Haram and not trying to silence those who did try to warn the world about them, more than a hundred young girls might not be waiting to be sold into slavery today.
Read the rest here.

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