Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Want to know about HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification? Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Want to know about HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification? Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go!

Want to know about HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification? Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go!

photo of HAARP in Alaska:

For anyone still “on the fence” about weather modification / manipulation :
all links below should satisfy MOST questions:  save the pdf’s before they’re gone for good from the net!
Scalar RADAR and its effects:

HAARP in the MSM (history channel):

How HAARP technology can make an earthquake:

Russian parliament member “takes credit” for CAUSING the Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011 using a “new silent weapon” that can quote “sink continents”:

US Navy involved:

Link between HAARP earth-penetrating tomography technology and earthquakes.

Posted by PC Latest news, World newsSunday, March 13th, 2011
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a congressionally initiated program jointly managed by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy. The United States Congressional records show that HAARP is funded by the US government. The U.S. Senate set aside $15 million dollars in 1996 (Clinton administration) to develop the ability to penetrate the earth with signals bounced off of the ionosphere. This earth-penetrating-tomography has since been developed and used by the US government to look inside the planet to a depth of many kilometers in order to locate underground munitions, minerals and tunnels. The problem is that the frequencies used by HAARP for earth-penetrating tomography is also within the frequency range most cited for disruption of earth’s own electromagnetic field.
HAARP patents states that HAARP can beam radio energy into the Auroral electrojet, the curved, charged-particle stream formed at high latitudes where the solar wind interacts with Earth’s magnetic field. The radio energy then disperses over large areas through ductlike regions of the ionosphere, forming a virtual antenna that can be thousands of miles in length.
Such an ELF antenna can emit waves penetrating as deeply as several kilometers into the ground, depending on the geological makeup and subsurface water conditions in a targeted area. HAARP uses ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to beam pulses of polarized high-frequency radio waves into the ionosphere. These pulses can be finely tuned and adjusted so that the bounced ground penetrating beam can target a very specific area and for a specific length of time. Beaming a very large energy beam into the ground for an extended period can cause an earthquake. After all, an earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic wave resonances. The same array of antennas that are used by HAARP for ground penetrating tomography can also be used to penetrate deep into the ground and cause an earthquake anywhere around the World.
Geophysical events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions – the kinds of things that may already be on the edge of discharge – can, with the right resonant energies added into the system, cause them to overload and actually fracture. Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen actually made the statement regarding weapons of mass destruction and the idea of generating earthquakes artificially.  In a April 28, 1997 DoD News Briefing at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center, Mahler Auditorium, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Cohen stated: “Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
United States Patent 5041834 – Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted.
the USGS seeding the clouds to make it snow:
 A few of the weather modification COMPANIES in operation today inside the USA:
This below is a cloud seeding generator:
Here is a very long list of links, pdf files from institutions like stanford, leicester university, cornell, University of Mass., etc.. and from several military and .gov sites
some links work, others are “down” but still included to prove they DID exist.  These things have a way of disappearing off the net, so download them and MIRROR them on other file sharing sites if you can.
Ionospheric Heating using frequency – Earth Penetrating Tomography using ground based stations:
Defense Secretary from the 1990′s William Cohen speaking on the subject of HAARP –
US Navy electronic warfare :
Lower ionosphere heating / geometric modulation / circle sweeps, sawtooth sweeps, square wave, rectangle wave:
Stanford VLF AWESOME network:
Websites of each known facility:
Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility
The EISCAT Associates
Their Facility -
EISCAT Headquarters are located at Kiruna in Sweden
The EISCAT Scientific Association,
PO Box 812,
S-981 28 KIRUNA
cloud seeding generator pictured on the NAIWMC website:

VLF and VHF station location websites:
Jicamarca, Peru
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Millstone Hill, USA
Pic of Haystack facility and more info:
Sondrestromfjord, Greenland
Kharkov, Ukraine
(search for scatter)
Irkutsk, Russia
The Institute possesses a complex of unique astrophysical equipment deployed in the Sayan Mountains, especially the Siberian solar radiotelescope, a large solar vacuum telescope, an incoherent scatter radar, as well as a network of astrophysical laboratories throughout the territory of Siberia.

Upper Ionosphere changes HF (high frequency) into ULF (ultra low frequency)

In essence.. this shows that one can send a HF (high frequency) signal into the upper ionosphere with HAARP, and it “transforms” into a ULF ultra low frequency… and vice versa.. a LOW frequency modulates into the HIGH frequency!
here is the link to the “Efficiency scaling” HF transformation into ULF/VLF/ELF via the ionosphere.
Another link on MU, Japan
picture below of “chemtrails” i.e. aerosols sprayed from airplanes to induce or aid in frequency manipulation of the cloud environment:

USA (Besides HAARP)
HIPAS — High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory
Located near Fairbanks Alaska
ULCAR stations :
Papers, .pdfs, and documents regarding various aspects of frequency and weather modification:

Books and older publications covering weather modification:
These shots below come from a Navy .mil website .. clearly showing a “HAARP ring / Circle sweep” pattern and circumference similar to that which we are seeing on RADAR — only MUCH more powerful — covering the entire state of Alaska.. done using electromagnetic modulation from a ground based station.. VLF and UHF.
“By modulating the ambient current flowing in the ionosphere, e.g., the auroral electrojet, it is possible to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) radiation. This ionospheric modification technique can provide such waves for probing both the Earth and the ionosphere- magnetosphere. The modification occurs in the lower D-region and can provide information about the ambient conditions in one of the least diagnosed regions of the ionosphere.
The electrojet is modulated by using a high frequency heater (a few MHZ) with the power modulated at the desired ELF/VLF frequency to heat the ionospheric electrons in the lower D-region. Figure 1a shows a sketch of the heater and heated region. The heated region is typically at 75 km (though this depends upon the carrier frequency) and can be 30 km in diameter and a few km thick. Viewed from above (see Figure 1b) the heated region is a roughly circular patch. The smoothness of the heated region depends upon the antenna radiation pattern as well as D-region conditions. The heating increases the electron-neutral collision rate which changes the conductivities. Since on ELF time scales the ambient electric field is constant, modulating the conductivity produces a current modulated at the same frequency. At these altitudes the conductivity change is predominantly in the Hall conductivity. If the ambient electric field, E, is in ±y direction, a time varying current perturbation is generated, j, in the ±x direction (Fig. 1b). The time varying current launches waves both up and down the Earth’s magnetic field. In the simulations shown here, we start with a time-varying current and study the downward propagating waves and how they couple into the Earth-ionospheric wave guide.
The animations show 5 different representations of the same simulation. The simulation uses a time-varying current perturbation (1 kHz) in the D-region at 75 km. The current is in the magnetic east-west direction. The Earth’s magnetic field is vertical. The simulation box is 1800 by 1800 by 120 km. Isosurfaces are shown for the absolute value of the horizontal magnetic field ABSB and of the vertical electric field ABSEZ. Also shown is the east-west magnetic field in the near-field BX1 and in the far-field BX2. Since the field amplitude falls off with distance, BX1 uses a order-of-magnitude larger isosurface value than BX2 to emphasize the field close to the site. The north- south magnetic field is shown in BY1 and BY2. These plots look slightly different from the absolute value plots where both the positive and negative surfaces were shown. Also BX and BY do have a different orientation of the their radiation patterns. The direction of the radiation is determined by the total horizontal field shown in ABSB and by the vertical electric field shown in ABSEZ. The radiation pattern in the earth-ionosphere waveguide is a combination of a linear dipole antenna and a right-hand circular antenna. At ELF frequencies because of low D-region absorption the dipole is dominant. The dipole radiates in the magnetic east-west direction.
Because 1 kHz is below cutoff the mode in the waveguide is a TEM mode. The mode consists of a horizontal B field perpendicular to the direction of propagation and a vertical electric field. With perfect conductors, the mode is uniform in the vertical direction. As the wave propagates in the waveguide, the top of the wave is approximately at the bottom of the ionosphere. Above the heated region, waves are also launched along the Earth’s magnetic field. In the near-field ( BX1 and BY1) one can see the pulse being radiated downward. It strikes the ground and reflects back up to the ionosphere. Part of the energy propagates up the field lines into the ionosphere. This is the bubble seen rising up. The D-region is highly collisional and damps this wave. Looking at BX2 and BY2 one can see that the energy mainly stays in the waveguide. If one looks closely at the top of the wave in the waveguide the wave appears to be curved. The waveguide mode is coupling into the bottom of the D-region and driving a whistler mode up the field lines. The whistlers have a much lower velocity than the waveguide mode and can only propagate along the field lines. This acts to curve the top of the waves. These waves help form the bubble that propagates up the field line. Because of this, the diameter of the bubble is much larger than the heated region.
Above the heated region in ABSEZ one can see a pair of coils revolving around each other. These are the currents that flow up and down the Earth’s magnetic field forming the current loops associated with the waves propagating up the field lines. Finally, EZ1 is a blow-up of the high-altitude portion of the vertical electric field for positive values of the electric field; the current loop is more clearly seen.”

More .pdfs and information on weather modification via frequency and aerosols:
Ionospheric modification and ELF/VLF
wave generation by HAARP
recently we’ve been calling them “HAARP clouds”.. long ribbed cloud formations like ripples of water….. up until this point it was speculation.. BUT….. here we see these HAARP clouds listed in a HAARP MIT researchers public files from MIT…… check it out.. you decide… and make SURE to walk the parent directory !!!
photo below was taken by a MIT HAARP researcher while in Alaska .. several more of his own personal shots at the above link:

check out the OTHER files in this MIT backdoor.
check the ‘public’ file..
listen to the HAARP whislter that is listed in this MIT researchers cache :
Again, the above link is a back end MIT page.. download whatever you can before its gone!!! you should for sure check the UROP file as well…
MIT/HAARP the ‘BLACK MAGIC’ chart on frequency wavelength propagation
Blackmagic frequency HAARP researchers chart

HAARP JOINT SERVICES PROGRAM PLANS AND ACTIVITIES: Air Force Geophysics Laboratory and Office of Naval Research, February 1990 (PDF)
Link obtained from:
Popular Mechanics Magazine:
The World’s 18 Strangest Military Bases
HAARP Research Station – not much info, but says:
“In past interviews, HAARP’s operators readily admit they’re researching potential defense applications.”
Modification of the Ionosphere by VLF Wave-Induced Electron Precipitation
Highly anisotropic distributions of energetic electrons and triggered VLF emissions
Title : A Diagnostic System for Studying Energy Partitioning and Assessing the Response of the Ionosphere During HAARP Modification Experiments.
“The HAARP facility is classically referred to as an HF ionospheric modification facility. HF ionospheric modification entails the use of high power, high-frequency (~2-15MHZ) radio waves to modify the earth’s ionosphere.”
Title : High-Energy Electron Beam-Induced Ionospheric Modification Experiments
VLF and UHF station in Norway:

A volcanic Island in the pacific west of Mexico and the northern direction is directly in line with the lower san andreas fault. Here is the google earth location.
28 53 23.06 N , 118 16 50.20 W
EAR (Equatorial Atmospheric Radar) SUMATRA made by JAPAN (circular again)
-0.203705, 100.319872
Taiwan, CHINA (dish on H-shape building, antenna grid not far)
24.967858, 121.1870
Burt Plain, AUSTRALIA (strange)
-23.521497, 133.67752
-28.33, 122
Hart, Australia
-22.968290, 134.448124
Poker Flat, Alaska, USA (AMISR Advanced Modulator Incoherent Scatter Radar)
65.129852, -147.470623
AMISR, Resolute Bay, CANADA
74.728138, -94.924242 (dish)
Antennas everywhere following the roads(phased array) the whole place is a grid!
74.733132, -94.932071
Futur “MU” from JAPAN (Incoherent Scatter) site in ANTARTICA
-68.984348, 39.647884
Facilities via links:
Diagram showing ground based station using frequency to heat an area above or around it:

screenshot of a flash into the high RF during hurricane Irene 2011… the CENTER of the ring received tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds approx 2 days AFTER the hurricane was gone.. 3 days after the flash…

Screenshot from Louisiana unknown date in the early 2000′s:

Screenshot of Kentucky Ohio 2 days before it was hit by Damaging winds, Hail, and a Tornado:

Two days before Texas was hit with EXTREME hail and tornadoes.. Four FEET of hail to north texas and mid texas .. April 2012:

Station locations and coordinates of different VLF and UHF facilities: some duplicates from above.. (sent to me by viewers)
1- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programn (HAARP) Gakona Alaska
+62 23 30.00 , -145 8 48.00
2- High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS) Fairbanks Alaska
64 52 19 N , 146 50 33 W
3- Poker Flat Research Range Near Chatanika, Alaska
+65 7 23.90 , -147 28 7.05
4- Platteville Atmospheric Observatory Platteville, Colorado
+40 10 54 , -104 43 30
5- Millstone Hill Radio Observatory Westford, Massachusetts
+42 37 09.25 , -71 29 28.49
6- The Arecibo Observatory radio telescope Arecibo Puerto Rico.
18 20 38.97 N , 66 45 9.77 W
7- Jicamarca Radio Observatory Lima, Peru
11 57 08.25 S , 76 52 30.67 W
8- São Luiz Space Observatory Cruzeiro Santa Bárbara, Sao Luis-MA, Brasil
-2 35 40.47 , -44 12 35.90
9- Nerc MST Radar Facility Capel Dewi, Carmarthenshire, Wales, United Kingdom
+52 25 28.26 , -4 00 19.59
10- European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association EISCAT Ramfjordmoen, Near Tromsø, Norway
+69 35 10.94 , +19 13 20.89
11- Sura Facility Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
+56 7 9.70 , +46 2 3.66
12- The Russian Woodpecker Duga Radar Array, Chenobyl, Ukraine
51 18 20.17 N, 30 04 02.60 E
13- National MST Radar Facility NMRF Gadanki, India
+13  27  26.68 , +79 10 30.74
14- China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP) Xinjiang (Sinkiang) Region
40 24 15.91 N , 93 38 09.74 E
15- Sheshan, Shanghai, China
31 5 41.98N , 121 11 29.72 E
16- Mu Radar in Japan
34 51 14.80 N , 136 6 19.45 E
17- Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Laverton, West Australia
-28 19 36.29 , +122 0 18.84
18- Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Longreach, Queensland, Australia
-23 39 29.53 , +144 8 49.58
19- Australia Naval Communications Station Harold E Holt (NCS HEH) Exmouth, Western Australia.
21 48 59.47 s, 114 09 55.60
20- Zhong Shan Antarctic Polar Station (China)
69 22 43.69 S , 76 23 15.07 E
BRAZIL (blurred)
-2 35 40.47 , -44 12 35.90
52.424517, -4.005442
Östra Sallerup, SWEDEN
55.814601 , 13.728526
Tähteläntie, FINLAND
67.363842 , 26.630384
Saskatoon, CANADA (strange grid)
52.16 N , 106.53 W
49 38 14.20  N ,  36 56 11.08
URAN 1 —
49 40 29.53 N,  36 17 31.29
URAN 2 —
49 37 51.17 N,  34 49 29.80
URAN 3 —
49 38 14.20 N ,  23 49 37.02
URAN 4 —
49 38 14.20 N ,  30 16 21.96
69 1755.10 N ,  16 02 32.32
50 37 00.59 N ,  07 07 45.30 W
NMRF Wales, UK
52 25 28.26 N , 04 00 19.62 W
28 19 36.29  S ,  122 00 18.85 W
JORN 2 —
23 39 29.53 S ,  144 08 49.58 W
JORN 3 —
22 58 03.22 S ,  134 26 52.57 W
16 43 41.21 N , 169 31 55.53 W
Militärbasis Ascension Island:
7 56 16.43 S , 14 22 33.81 W
Chung-Li VHF Radar
24 58 03.86 N , 121 11 11.71
Baikal-1, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
50 10 12.69 N, 78 22 36.84 W
unnamed and duplicates:
50 10 12.69 N , 78 22 36.84 W
55 55 26.15 N , 36 49 10 .97 W
51 18 20.17 N , 30 04 02.60 E
40 24 15 .91 N , 93 38 09.74 E
69 22 23.63 S , 76 22 19.11 E
69.29851, 16.042269
34.853842, 136.105710
28 53 23.06 N , 118 16 50.20 W
40.723031, 141.328769
-0.203705 , 100.319872
24.967858 , 121.1870
-23.521497 , 133.67752
-22.968290 , 134.448124
65.129852 , -147.470623
74.728138 , -94.924242
74.733132 , -94.932071
-68.984348 , 39.647884
64  52 19 N , 146 50 33 W
65  7 23.90 , 147  28 7.05
40 10 54 , 104 43 30
42 37 09.25 , 71 29 28.49
69 35 10,94 , 19 13 20.89
56 7 9.70 , 46 2 3.66
51 18 20.17 N , 30 04 02.60 E
13 27 26.68 , 79 10 30.74
40 24 15.91 N , 93 38 09.74 E
69 22 43.69 S , 76 23 15.07 E
62.390000, -145.150000
13.457411 , 79.175206
40.404062 , 93.633678
-11 57 ’6.67 , -76 52 25.71
51.305603 , 30.067389
55.814601, 13.728526
67.363842, 26.630384
69.582697 , 19.213958
52.16 ° N , 106.53 ° W
-21.908677 , 114.131806
56.114993 , 46.027851

DIDBase list here
It’s the loudest sound you’ll come across 0n the short wave now. 8.545 megahertz is one. 8.570 …this is before 12:00 noon. 12.815 and 12.850, 17.110, 18.370 MHz. Then in the afternoon and sometimes after 6:00 PM you will hear it on 17.110 and other frequencies as well. So we’re getting really blasted with this thing
Dr. Moshe Alamaro (worked with Dr. Eastlund in weather modification / engineering) As a graduate student and later as a Research Scientist at the MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) Moshe Alamaro helped to design, build and manage the MIT Air-Sea Interaction Lab where he supervised six students.
Alamaro, M.; “My Journey to Engineer the Weather”, MIT Alumni News and Views, What Matters: June 2009.
Armstrong, R., Glenn G.J., Alamaro, M. “Coordination, research needed in weather science”, Physics Today, Vol 60, Page 10, June 2007.
Alamaro, M., Emanuel, KA, McGillis, W.: “Experimental Investigation of Air-Sea Transfers at High Wind Speed,” forthcoming in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
With Emanuel, K.A.: “Sea-Air Transfer in Tropical Cyclones,” Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapora, Japan, July 1, 2003.
Popular Press:
“Scientists a step closer to steering hurricanes-schematics “, The Sunday Telegraph, October 21, 2007.

“Scientists: Killer Hurricanes May Someday Be Controlled With Soot”, Fox News, October 31, 2007.
“Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister!”, Weird Magazine, January 2000.
“Ultra-thin ‘blankets’ cut reservoir evaporation”, New Scientist, November 2003
This link below shows interesting cycle of test patterns repeating series of varying arrays
ELF – http://www.mediafire.com/?579i63yq53u1q
Tesla Technology – http://www.mediafire.com/?7xn1eqog9b5au
Science & Engineering – http://www.mediafire.com/?gs2scvvhz6ww8
Chinas HAARP — The “meridian” :


Airplanes around airports CAUSE snow and rain NEARBY

video of the article “proof” that airplanes themselves cause weather formations… front page of Yahoo! news…
“Airplanes flying through super-cooled clouds around airports can cause condensation that results in more snow and rain nearby, according to a new study.


DOPPLER PULSATION EXPERIMENT — D.O.P.E.  — pulsing RADAR to measure before/during/after HAARP type facilities operate:
Presently, a Leicester built HF Doppler transmitter and receiver system is situated in the vicinity of the EISCAT radar site near Tromso (69 N, 19 E). It continuously sounds the ionosphere on a near vertical path, with a CW signal at 4.45 MHz. The system is controlled, in real time, by a PC running specially written control and logging software. The sounder avails the opportunity to observe perturbations on, and also many wave types through, the local ionosphere.
However, the sounding system was designed, specifically, to observe the ionospheric signatures of ULF waves of magnetospheric origin. The Doppler Pulsation Experiment (DOPE) involves measurements of E-region conductivities, electron density profiles and F-region flow velocities by the tristatic European Incoherent Scatter radar (EISCAT) whilst the Doppler sounder, simultaneously, records the HF radio signal reflected from the F-region.
A schematic of the DOPE arrangement is depicted here:

Below, An example of a ULF wave signature, near equinox, in a Doppler sounder record. (from the D.O.P.E. doppler pulsations experiments .. notice the RADAR is pulsed at about 4.5mhz)

The results below,  from pulsing Doppler RADAR into the ionosphere, show Electron precipitation (plasma aka heating) above the station — EISCAT causing the electron precipitation — Doppler recording the whole event real time:

Below is a basic diagram showing how RADAR projects into “planes” as it scans progressively upwards into the atmosphere (and beyond into the ionosphere):

Video explanation of the same Doppler pulsation — (now named circle sweeps/HAARP rings):

Senate Bill S.601 – weather ‘mitigation’ bill  –  Sponsored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Rockefeller
(did NOT pass in its current form) instead it was put to the Air force “Owning the weather 2025″ program :
Here is the “weather mitigation bill” co-sponsored in congress:
S. 601:
Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2009
quote from the bill linked directly above:

The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress. GovTrack did not write and has no control over these summaries.
7/22/2009–Reported to Senate amended. Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2009 -
Section 5 -
Establishes in the Geosciences Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) the Weather Mitigation Research Office to establish and coordinate the national research and development program on weather mitigation described in this Act. Requires the Program to be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the Director of the Geosciences Directorate. Instructs the Director of the NSF to coordinate the work of the Program with the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Authorizes the Director of the Program to: (1) fund studies, obtain information, and hold workshops necessary to carry out this Act; (2) cooperate with public or private agencies to promote the purposes of this Act; and (3) enter into cooperative agreements with the head of a U.S. department or agency, an appropriate official of a state or political subdivision of a state, or an appropriate official of a private or public agency or organization to conduct research and development (R&D) pertaining to weather mitigation. Creates a Working Group to advise the Program and to make recommendations to the Program concerning administration, research, and other matters.
Section 6 -
Requires the Director of the Program, in consultation with the Working Group, to submit an implementation plan to Congress for the establishment and coordination of the Program. Permits the inclusion in the Program of specified activities related to weather mitigation, including: (1) interdisciplinary R&D and coordination of R&D and activities to improve the understanding of processes relating to planned and inadvertent weather mitigation; (2) coordination with relevant organizations; (3) development, through partnerships among federal agencies, state agencies, and academic institutions, of new technologies and approaches for weather mitigation; and (4) establishment of scholarships and educational opportunities that encourage an interdisciplinary approach to weather mitigation. Requires the Program to promote and fund R&D, studies, and investigations with respect to: (1) improved forecast and decisionmaking technologies for weather mitigation operations; and (2) adaptation and scaling experiments in the efficacy of weather mitigation. Authorizes the Director of the NSF to establish a grant program for the awarding of grants to eligible entities (state agencies, institutions of higher education, and nonprofits that have expertise in the field of weather mitigation and experience working with state agencies) for R&D projects that pertain to weather mitigation.
Section 7 -
Requires the Director to submit biennial reports containing certain information to the President and specified congressional committees.
Section 8 -
Instructs the head of any U.S. department or agency and the head of any other public or private institution receiving research funds from the United States to cooperate with the Director of the Program.
Section 9 -
Directs the OSTP, in support of the implementation plan, to: (1) address relevant programs and activities of the federal agencies and departments that would contribute to the Program; (2) consider and use, as appropriate, reports and studies of federal agencies and departments, weather modification organizations, and other expert scientific bodies, including a specified National Research Council report; and (3) make recommendations for the coordination of Program activities with weather mitigation activities of other national and international organizations. Requires OSTP, in the support of the biennial reports required from the Director under section 7, to provide specified information.
Section 10 -
Authorizes appropriations. Allows for the acceptance, use, and disposal of gifts or donations of services or property under the Program.”

pictured below – example of a flash into the high RF from a ground based station — producing a “circle sweep” using VHF .. similar to the HAARP documents from Stanford speaking on ‘geometric modulation’ of a HF wave via a “circle sweep”.

NEXRAD RADAR sends pulses out very close to the same frequency HAARP operates on—–  normally, NEXRAD RADAR operates on the GHz spectrum needed to make a “artificial ionospheric mirror in the ATMOSPHERE” to aid in relaying signals over the horizon from HAARP:
Note it says below in #1 .. from 0.0 to 12.4MHz for NEXRAD pulses:
quote :
Short pulse output spectrum: -40 dB BW is 12.4 MHz, (-80 dB at +/- 62 MHz), -80 dB at +/- 19.6 MHz for congested areas(congested areas require transmitter output bandpass filter)”
There are three major components of the NEXRAD radar: The Radar Data Acquisition (RDA), the Radar Products Generator (RPG), and the Principal User Processor (PUP).
RDA – Radar Data Acquisition
The RDA is the information gatherer of the system–essentially the radar itself–and is composed of four primary components:
  1. Transmitter
    • Type: S-band, coherent chain (STALO/COHO), line modulator, klystron tube amplifier (53 dB gain typical)
    • Frequency: 2700 to 3000 MHz
    • Power: 750 kw peak at klystron output
    • Transmitter to antenna loss: site dependent, 2 dB typical
    • Average Power: 300 to 1300 watts
    • Pulse Widths: 1.57 and 4.5 microseconds (-6 dB points)
    • PRF short pulse: 318 to 1304 Hz
    • PRF long pulse: 318 to 452 Hz
    • Phase noise (system): -54 dBc required, -60 dBc typical
    • Short pulse output spectrum: -40 dB BW is 12.4 MHz, (-80 dB at +/- 62 MHz), -80 dB at +/- 19.6 MHz for congested areas(congested areas require transmitter output bandpass filter)
Now make note of what frequencies HAARP operates on: supposedly from 0.0 to 10MHz (from the same site as above about NEXRAD):
“…This is done by transmitting a focused beam of radio frequency energy, at between 2.8 and 10MHz, directly at a point in the ionosphere between 100 and 350 km in altitude, basically within the “E” layer. The energy focused in this area of the ionosphere lets the HAARP facility monitor the behavior of that area of the ionosphere during the test.”

Now make note of what GHz the tiltable “AIM” Artificial Ionospheric Mirror in the ATMOSPHERE…
look at pages 10 and 11  .. this paper says pulses can be emitted from below 20MHz to 24GHz:
download directly here: a227112
100 Torr. Pulsed measutemdnts were made at .992 GHz, 9.3-9.4 GHz and 24 GHz, While CW Were made at X ad L bands. Pulse lengths in the range of .2-204.s were used.
the seed ionization Was produced by a radioactive source and the breakdown criterion was defined as the field at which the transmitted power is blocked during the last 5% of the
pulse, which corresponds to reaching critical density.

Page 8
AIM reflection, refraction and absorption characteristics for 20-100 MHz
1. Currently Identified Critical Physics Issues
1.1.1 Accomplishments to Date
Efforts to date on the AIM phenomenology investigations and system trade-off studies have
resulted in a first-order understanding of the ionization process and how this process can be
used to create a controlled plasma mirror. Specifically, results to date include:

Page 9
1) A preliminary AIM system concept, incorporating
* a zero-dimensional analytic ionization model and a one-dimensional
numeric simulation,
a “painting” strategy for creating an inclined mirror,
* a RF heater design,
* a baseline system concept, and
a system operational timeline.
2) A set of zero-order system performance trade studies, including
* a range of achievable mirror characteristics,
RF heater design parameters,
system design parameters,
* quantitative impact of AIM on RF transmission waveform, and
prediction of AIM system performance.
3) Identification of the remaining technical uncertainties and an approach for
addressing them, including
* impact of RF self absorption considerations on ionization,
exact scaling of physics to AIM regime,
* control of breakdown and subsequent AIM behavior in open atmosphere,
* demonstration of AIM orientation, uniformity, and smoothness.

After reading the above, I propose two hypothesis:
1. As the pulse from NEXRAD RADAR is generated —- it does indeed go from 0.0 MHz to about 12MHz…… therefore the pulse itself is indeed similar (or identical) to a pulse from HAARP…. a difference of 2MHz at the top end (which in miniscule in the scheme of power available at the facility) .
2. A high frequency pulse is also done under current GHz RADAR spectrum… targeted or “painted” at a spot in the atmosphere by ground based NEXRAD… RADAR can DOUBLE as a ground based heater….. or used for multiple other purposes:
here are the uses described for RADAR in the upper MHz range and GHz range:
Radar frequency bands
Band name Frequency range Wavelength range Notes
HF 3–30 MHz 10–100 m coastal radar systems, over-the-horizon radar (OTH) radars; ‘high frequency’
P < 300 MHz 1 m+ ‘P’ for ‘previous’, applied retrospectively to early radar systems
VHF 30–300 MHz 1–10 m Very long range, ground penetrating; ‘very high frequency’
UHF 300–1000 MHz 0.3–1 m Very long range (e.g. ballistic missile early warning), ground penetrating, foliage penetrating; ‘ultra high frequency’
L 1–2 GHz 15–30 cm Long range air traffic control and surveillance; ‘L’ for ‘long’
S 2–4 GHz 7.5–15 cm Moderate range surveillance, Terminal air traffic control, long-range weather, marine radar; ‘S’ for ‘short’
C 4–8 GHz 3.75–7.5 cm Satellite transponders; a compromise (hence ‘C’) between X and S bands; weather; long range tracking
X 8–12 GHz 2.5–3.75 cm Missile guidance, marine radar, weather, medium-resolution mapping and ground surveillance; in the USA the narrow range 10.525 GHz ±25 MHz is used for airport radar; short range tracking. Named X band because the frequency was a secret during WW2.
Ku 12–18 GHz 1.67–2.5 cm high-resolution
K 18–24 GHz 1.11–1.67 cm from German kurz, meaning ‘short’; limited use due to absorption by water vapour, so Ku and Ka were used instead for surveillance. K-band is used for detecting clouds by meteorologists, and by police for detecting speeding motorists. K-band radar guns operate at 24.150 ± 0.100 GHz.
Ka 24–40 GHz 0.75–1.11 cm mapping, short range, airport surveillance; frequency just above K band (hence ‘a’) Photo radar, used to trigger cameras which take pictures of license plates of cars running red lights, operates at 34.300 ± 0.100 GHz.
mm 40–300 GHz 7.5 mm – 1 mm millimetre band, subdivided as below. The frequency ranges depend on waveguide size. Multiple letters are assigned to these bands by different groups. These are from Baytron, a now defunct company that made test equipment.
V 40–75 GHz 4.0–7.5 mm Very strongly absorbed by atmospheric oxygen, which resonates at 60 GHz.
W 75–110 GHz 2.7–4.0 mm used as a visual sensor for experimental autonomous vehicles, high-resolution meteorological observation, and imaging.
UWB 1.6–10.5 GHz 18.75 cm – 2.8 cm used for through-the-wall radar and imaging systems.
animated GIF of a typical high frequency flash (circle sweep / HAARP ring) .. a few days after this appeared — 7-10 inches of rain ended the drought in this area:

Summed up, ground based stations , NEXRAD RADARS can double as ground based “AIM generators” .. Also the pulses from NEXRAD RADARS can match frequencies sent from facilities like HAARP.
Either way, whether its for heating the area above the ground based station , or whether its used to mimic a HAARP type signal into the ionosphere — we are seeing the flashes on RADAR as the signals flash through the radio spectrum…. the signal goes from 0.0 to multiple GHz — and anywhere in between.  The only difference is POWER  … HAARP at 1 billion watts 10mhz.. NEXRAD at 750,000 watts 10mhz……. or HAARP at 1 Billion watts 10mhz….. NEXRAD generating a plasma mirror at 2GHz to relay the HAARP type 10MHz signal over the horizon — THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE.
It would seem that our NEXRAD’s double as microwave heaters, and ATMOSPHERIC mirror generators… per the findings listed above.. the MHz and GHz capabilities do indeed match.


Hypothesis / Theory — what I think is being done:

I propose that a series of ground based stations , using a HAARP type technology (i.e. a ground based station that emits a  high frequency and low frequency) .. are being used to produce pulses which we see appear on RADAR for a short time.
It would appear this high frequency electromagnetic pulse is ‘heating’ the atmosphere above each station …. possibly also creating an “artificial ionospheric mirror = AIM” WITHIN THE ATMOSPHERE,  maybe to have some other yet unknown effect OTHER than weather modification, it could be unintended, or could be done for the sole purpose of weather modification.

The “goal” of these frequency flashes has not yet been determined.
Also, it has been discovered that a global campaign is underway, to spray particulate matter into the air .. via aircraft distribution .. in order to aid in frequency propagation and transmission… substances like Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, and Silver Iodide (just to name a few).  Commonly called “chemtrails” this “cloud seeding” is picking up in pace.  These sprayed substances act as an antenna, aiding in transmission of signal , and also possibly producing plasma arcing via frequency manipulation (acting like aluminum in a microwave)… producing plasma, static lightning discharge, and heat.
Observed so far :
1. Flashes into the high RF spectrum appear on RADAR — sometimes in the same geometric modulation patterns spoken about in HAARP research papers… the pulses appear coordinated with other stations, and not all stations in the same area produce the pulse.
2. SEVERAL times, over 50 documented cases, severe weather (tornadoes , damaging winds, and hail) hit these frequency flash epicenters.  This usually occurs within 48 hours of the high frequency being emitted from the ground based station (usually a ground based NEXRAD RADAR or similar produces the pulse).
I believe this pulsed heating, done from the ground based stations, is INDUCING or ACCENTING current coming storm systems.   The energy pulses may even DRAW the coming yet-unformed storm systems to each station emitting a “Circle Sweep / HAARP ring”.
It also would appear that the shapes / forms we are seeing produced on RADAR are actual “geometric modulations” [circle sweeps/haarp rings/sawtooth sweeps/scalar squares] which are done to increase the amplitude of the signal being emitted.
Whatever the frequency is.. its showing as a quick flash through the high RF spectrum… and as the flash intensity increases .. so does its geometric modulation appearance on the screen — ultimately the higher and more frequent the flashes = the stronger and longer lasting the storm that comes to the flash.
Here is an example of a past forecast using the ‘HAARP ring / Circle Sweep / Scalar Square” method:
Sunday, April 22 , 2011 —  St. Louis Lambert International airport was hit directly with a tornado.
On April 19 2011 .. 2 1/2 days BEFORE Lambert St. Louis was hit.. I issued this alert for LAMBERT AIRPORT DIRECTLY..

here is footage of that direct hit from INSIDE the airport from April 22, 2011 …

You can read below about the Fourier heat dissipation analysis.  The square , rectangle, sawtooth, and circle sweeps can be  explained in the Stanford VLF geometric modulation papers.
Both linked here:
geometric modulation (circle sweeps, sawtooth sweeps using a HAARP type technology):
download the stanford PDF here:
Fourier Heat dissipation analysis explaining how formula is used to determine heat escape over an area  — a mathematical explanation for a heated area in the sky appearing as a “circle sweep/HAARP ring” :
Creating a ‘Tiltable AIM’ in the atmosphere using a ground based station RADAR or RF (radio frequency) Heater [possibly acting as 'mini-HAARP's @ 750k watts via NEXRAD vs. 1billion watts via HAARP] :
Read more on Scalar / Plasma / Electromagnetism via frequency VLF and HF and the ‘Scalar Square’ that could be being produced by the AMISR :
At around page 147 in the report or 156-157 in the .pdf..  “Scalar Squares” possible culprit found:
Download the above .pdf here:

compare:  AMISR “3D” RADAR high frequency scan (seen above) vs. a typical ‘scalar square’ outbreak seen on regular RADAR (below):

Screenshot of the possible “scalar square” producer: a HF scan done from AMISR to “3D image” using RADAR inside an area of the atmosphere:

Scalar and VLF here..
Scalar Plasma and High Frequency
earths inner magnetosphere:
Natural electron precipitation, particle precipitation in the ATMOSPHERE:
Man made control of the radiation belts:
Ionization enhancement using VLF:
Several dozen more examples / confirmations of HAARP rings being hit directly.. listed here:

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