Sunday, April 6, 2014

Shocking revelation: President Obama may be “white”

Shocking revelation: President Obama may be “white”

imageThis is not a spoof article. It’s literally true. You might think my headline is counterintuitive after looking at the photo of Barack Obama to the right, but bear with me for a minute and I think you will be convinced too.
First, we know exactly who Barack Obama’s father was, Barack Obama, Sr. This fact is verified by Obama’s book Dreams from My Father, his long and short form birth certificates, and verifications directly from the State of Hawaii.
Next, we know that Barack Obama, Sr. considered his own race to be “African.” Again, this is on the birth certificates and verifications from Hawaii.
New information from the US Office of Vital Statistics tells us what all this means. The long lost “Coding and Punching Geographical and Personal Particulars for Births Occurring in 1961” has been found thanks to blogger ladysforest. Here’s what it says about dealing with the parent’s race:
Determining race of parent. –Examine the information given for race of father and mother separately, and apply the following rules to determine the race classification for each parent:
(1) if the racial entry is a mixture of Hawaiian with any other race, consider the parent Part-Hawaiian.
(2) Where other racial combinations are involved …
(3) If the racial entry is "C," "Col.," "Black," "Brown," or "A.A.," "Afro-American," and the birthplace is the United States, consider the parent’s race as Negro [for the purposes of determining the child's race]. If the birthplace of parent is not in the United States code as other nonwhite.
(5)  If the racial entry of the parent is "Indian" …
(6) If the racial entry is "Yellow," Oriental," or "Mongolian," …
(7) If the racial entry for either parent is not clearly identifiable as one of the races in the code scheme, consult the supervisor.
We cannot be sure, but it is reasonable that the supervisor could not “clearly identify” what race Obama Sr. was based on the combination of “African” and “Kenya, East Africa.” After all, it was a British colony at the time and there were any number of white people in Kenya. That means that Obama Sr.’s race was likely coded as “unknown.”
In determining the race of the child, the rule says:
(5) If the racial entry for one parent is omitted or unknown, code race of child as the race given for other parent.
Barack Obama’s other parent is coded as “Caucasian” which is part of the list for “white.” So maybe the federal government in 1961 would have called President Obama white. Who knew?

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