Friday, April 25, 2014

Greta: Obama Tried to Stop Fox News From Reporting Benghazi

Greta: Obama Tried to Stop Fox News From Reporting Benghazi

As more and more truth is discovered about the Benghazi terror attack on 9/11/2012, the more that the Benghazi coverup spun by the White House is collapsing.  Even liberal bastions like MSNBC and the New York Times have reluctantly admitted there is a coverup.
The vast majority of Americans want the truth about Benghazi, and are demanding a special investigation to uncover it.
The American people are beyond tired of the stalling and uncooperative attitude displayed by the White House towards Congress and certain members of the media.
It now appears that Obama’s administration went beyond just stalling or being uncooperative, and were actively trying to silence the coverage of the attack by Fox News.  Greta Van Susteren wrote about it on her blog.
(H/T: Newsbusters)
“After Benghazi on 9/11/2012, the Obama administration tried very hard to discourage Fox News Channel from reporting on it. The effort was obstruction – pure and simple.”
“They tried to prevent the truth from coming out and the Administration tried just about everything to discourage Fox from investigating and reporting,” she continued. “All the American people wanted, and all I ever wanted, was just the facts – why did 4 Americans die? What happened?”
“The Obama Administration put out that phony video story — but who could not have been suspicious of the Administration after hearing that?” Van Susteren asked. “Frankly, if they had been candid on day 1, the Benghazi story would have been over in short order. It would not be to the point we are now: with a Senate Bi Partisan Intelligence Committee report with the very painful conclusion that the murders at Benghazi could have been prevented.”
Greta shares some specific proof that validates her claims of White House obstruction.
In the early days after Benghazi, the State Department omitted only Fox News Channel from its conference call to all the media when it claimed to be answering questions about Benghazi for the media. Our friends in other media outlets were scandalized that Fox was not included and told us all about it. They were suspicious of State Department forgetting us/Fox and courageous to tip us off. The State Department claimed it was accident and not intentional.
And then shortly thereafter, there was the CIA briefing about Benghazi at the CIA for all the networks – except one: Fox News Channel. The CIA would not let Fox News Channel attend. [...]
And there were many times in the months and years since September 2012 when Obama Administration officials would make comments to suggest that Fox was just doing the Benghazi reporting for political reasons. The Administration was doing what it could to deter and demean the Fox News Channel investigation. They did not want to give us the facts — so their strategy was to attempt to belittle and demean our reporting.
Even more specifically, Greta says that she was warned by a friend in the administration about Fox reporter Jennifer Griffin, and was told to rein her in, as she was asking too many questions and digging too deep.
[M]y friend told me that my colleague Jennifer Griffin, who was aggressively reporting on Benghazi, was wrong and that, as a favor to me, my friend in the Administration was telling me so that I could tell Jennifer so that she did not ruin her career. My friend was telling me to tell Jennifer to stop her reporting. Ruin her career?
In 20 plus years, I have never received a call to try and shut down a colleague – not that I even could – this was a first.
Told by her friend that Griffin was wrong in her assessments of Benghazi, Van Susteren demanded proof that her colleague Griffin was wrong.
I got no proof. Zero. I smelled a rat. Favor to me? Hardly. My friend was trying to use me. I feel bad that a friend did that to me, tried to use me for a dirty reason. I knew then — and it is now confirmed by BIPARTISAN Senate Intelligence Committee — Jennifer was getting her facts right. I think it is really low for the Administration to stoop this low.
This news doesn’t really come as a shock to anybody.  A vast majority of Americans believe that Obama is covering up the truth of Benghazi.  It is not a stretch to think his administration would warn and shun certain reporters and news organizations that posed a danger to their cover story.
Th Obama administration has gone to great lengths to disguise the true events of Benghazi, from changing the original talking points for the media, to changing the names of survivors to prevent their stories from reaching the public.  It is time for a special select committee to fully investigate Benghazi and hold whoever is responsible to full account for their actions.
Please share on Facebook and Twitter if you are unsurprised that Obama’s White House tried to prevent Fox News from covering the Benghazi terror attack.


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