Saturday, February 8, 2014

The CIA smuggled weapons through Qatar to Libya and Syria

The CIA smuggled weapons through Qatar to Libya and Syria

Badi - I've re-report Jake Tapper, who works in the channel "CNN", "scandal Benghazi" to the lights in the media in the United States. The report claims that "dozens" of customers and the Central Intelligence Agency were on the ground in Benghazi the night of the attack, and the CIA will try hard to hide the details concerning their whereabouts. The report claims that the CIA engaged in an "unprecedented" in attempts to stifle leaks staff, and "intimidation" to keep the secrets hidden Benghazi, going to the extent of changing the names of alleged CIA agents and "dispersed" across the country.
It is possible that one of them doubted that this has one goal and specific - in order to conceal the crime and the Central Intelligence Agency in the supply of arms to known extremists in Libya and Syria. Moreover, the report points to the CNN and the CIA supplied "surface to air missiles" from Benghazi to the rebels in Syria, but this may be only the tip of the iceberg. The report continues, saying that:
Sources say now of CNN was there are dozens of customers who are working for the CIA on the ground that night, and that the agency is working its best to make sure that whatever it was doing, it remains a secret. CNN has learned that the CIA is involved in what he calls one of the sources unprecedented attempt to keep the secrets of the spy agency infusion of Benghazi in no time.
Since January, some American intelligence agents who are involved in the functions of the agency in Libya, are subjected to lie detector tests on an ongoing basis and even monthly, according to a source on deep knowledge of the agency's work. The aim of the interrogation, according to sources, is to find out whether anyone is talking to the media or Congress. Being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any employee of the CIA is authorized and who is leaking information, could face the end of his or her career.
Have included speculation on Capitol Hill (U.S. Congress) the possibility that U.S. agencies operating in Benghazi was helping to secretly transfer surface to air missiles from Libya, via Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels.
Although Saudi Arabia has recently graciously by the United States to hand over "the Syrian file" - Prince Bandar again became the "Prince of Jihad"; became known that since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Qatar has been at the forefront of the supply of arms and money to both political and military elements of the so-called "opposition". Undoubtedly, this has included support tacit support for extremist elements scattered among a large number of brigades on the ground in Syria; front with victory being the most obvious beneficiary of the generosity of the country. Earlier this year it was reported that the CIA was in "consultation" with a direct network Kingdoms country arms traffickers - that are run primarily from the Prince's Palace in Doha. Accordingly, it seems certain that both the CIA and the intelligence Qatar participated in the process to ship weapons stockpiles of the "rebels" in Libya, and to the "rebels" in Syria: both groups united closely with al Qaeda and the militant Salafist jihadist radicalism.
Report of the New York Times on March 30, 2011 reveals that the CIA had been active in Libya "for weeks," and you are "gathering information about the strikes [NATO] air, and contact the rebels who are fighting," Gaddafi's forces. "States New York Times report also that Obama signed the bags presidential in the previous weeks, which gave through which the validity of the CIA arming and funding the rebels. Moreover, revealed the Independent newspaper in March 2011 that Obama had asked Saudi Arabia to supply weapons to the mujahideen Libyans., Obama also gave his blessing to the State of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to ship weapons to Benghazi, and urged them not to provide them with weapons of US-made in order to avoid suspicion - in violation of a no-fly zone and the arms embargo, which helped impose, all of which is a flagrant violation of the Constitution of the United States and international law.
Current Libyan authorities made ​​little effort to distance itself from the reports of arms shipments and extensive was heading to Syria, departed from the port of Benghazi. As stated in the report of the Security Council of the United Nations; the requirements of enormous size, monetary and logistical support required by the delivery of such is almost certainly at least that was the knowledge of some members of the local government and assistance, a member of the Congress of Libya had publicly admitted something similar to this. Moreover, in a report by the Telegraph in November 2011, noted that at the stage of the military commander of the Libyan Abdel Hakim Belhadj after Gaddafi - which is seen widely as a former leader of the al-Qaida branch: Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and a leading figure in the armed uprising against Gaddafi - visited members of the Syrian opposition "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) in Turkey to discuss send "money and arms," ​​and also discussed the "training Libyan forces fighters."
Source: Global Research in
Author: Phil Graves
Translation: Muhammad Hassan Fouani

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