Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Obama looking to send FCC to investigate how the media chooses stories

Obama looking to send FCC to investigate how the media chooses stories

obama-dictatorWelcome to Obama’s AmeriKa. The Obama regime is now looking to controlling parts of the media who don’t kiss his ass. The regime is looking to send the FCC in to investigate how the media ‘chooses stories.’ Yes, this is happening in what used to be known as America.

Obama looking to send FCC to investigate how the media chooses stories
This basically means full government control of the media. Yet another fine example of how Obama wants to ‘fundamentally transfer’ the United States of America. Republicans as usual are just sitting there, twiddling their thumbs, and not doing a thing about this latest Obama power-grab.
When the hell have we had enough already? The media hacks outside of Fox News will fall in line because they love the authoritarian Obama.

The Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs (CINs) initiative was proposed last May. The FCC explained that it wanted information from television and radio broadcasters “to ascertain the process by which stories are selected, station priorities (for content production quality, and populations served), perceived station bias, perceived percent of news dedicated to each of the eight CIN’s and perceived responsiveness to underserved populations.”
The FCC has identified eight CINs, or key topics that the government believes should be covered.
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