Saturday, February 15, 2014

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Award Amounts

Research Questions:
Lynette Arias,
Sponsored Programs
Tami Sadusky,
Financial Management

Human Resource Questions:
Jessie Garcia
Human Resources

Non-Research Questions:
Jeff Follman
Financial Management

GCA ARRA Compliance Analysts
Donna Parks 206.685.2960
Katherine Sidener 206.616.7664

ARRA Organization Chart

What Do We Know?
( click on headings below to see full details )

The Intent of the Bill

Special Reporting Requirements

Funds Distribution

Building/Renovation Funding

ARRA International Spending and Hiring

On February 17th, 2009 President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) or Stimulus Package to restart the economy. The package contains extensive funding for science, engineering research and infrastructure, and more limited funding for education, social sciences and the arts.
The University of Washington responded by setting up several ARRA project teams and work groups to coordinate a technical reporting solution and broad ranging communication. Representation is provided by management sponsors, central offices and campus. See organizational chart.

Important Announcements

02/03/2014: Announcement.

04/1/2013: All NSF requests for a waiver from a requirement to spend Recovery Act funds by Sept. 30 granted by OMB.

06/27/2012: U.S. Department of Energy Message regarding Accelerating Spending of ARRA funds.

02/16/2012: Summary of OMB Guidance M-11-34:Acceleration of Conclusion of ARRA Awards.

02/16/2012: OMB Guidance M-11-34.

02/16/2012: NSF Notice re Acceleration of ARRA Awards.

Recipient reporting for Recovery Act awards has been repealed by Congress as of February 1, 2014. Therefore, the January 2014 reporting cycle was the last time you will be required to report on your ARRA award.

ARRA Training Sessions

ARRA Training Session Presentation Slides
Introduction to Post Award Research Administration
New Principal Investigator / Administrator ARRA Training Session

Recent Announcements

04/09/2010: Obama Tells Agencies to Be Aggressive With Noncompliant ARRA R.

03/04/2010: Federal Stimulus Funds for UW Create 2,000 Jobs Directly and Indirectly.


• The change in calculating jobs -- The guidance on the new calculation was issued just two weeks prior to the start of the reporting period
• Hard Edit Checks -- Put in place to improve the quality of the data, the edit checks also resulted in recipients needing morel time to fill out each report.
• Timing -- There were only five business days to report between the first day on January 1 and the final reporting date on January 10.
NOTE: Reports filed after January 15, 2010 will be considered late reports.

ALERT FOR PRIME RECIPIENTS: The period for commenting on sub-recipient reports has been changed. It is now from 12:01 A.M. on January 23 to midnight P.S.T.

ALERT FOR FEDERAL AGENCIES: The period for reviewing recipients' reports has been changed. It now begins at 12:01 A.M. on January 24 and ends at midnight P.S.T. on January 29, 2010.

If you have not registered nor reported, see the information below.

If you received a Recovery Act grant or loan award of $25,000 or more – in the period of September 30, 2009 to December 31, 2009 – you are required to report on the expenditure of those funds. Even if you have not yet received the funds. If you received a federal contract award of any dollar amount, and have invoiced under that federal contract, you must report.

Register at
If you need assistance in registering, the following are available at in the Downloads section:
• Registration Guide
• Recipient Point of Contact Guide
• Registration Quick Reference Card
You may need to update your reports.
You do not have to re-register.

You Must Report If:
• You reported in October 2009 and the Recovery project is not yet complete.
• You reported in October 2009 and the Recovery project was completed after October 30, 2009
• You reported in October 2009 but still have not yet received the award funds

01/15/2010: HOW JOBS ARE

* The initial guidance captured jobs for a period of time longer than a quarter (February through September). The new guidance captures jobs for a single quarter (e.g., October through December). In addition, the new guidance eliminates the distinction between a job created and a job retained. Jobs are now simply based on the number of hours worked in a quarter that were paid for by Recovery funds.

It does not matter if the hours were worked by a person who was newly hired, a person whose job was saved by the Recovery Act, or a person who is in an existing position that is now being funded by the Recovery Act.

In December 2009, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued the changes in guidance to align with the recommendations of the Government Accountability Office. OMB believes the new formula will help improve the overall quality of recipient reporting.

The Math

* If a normal full-time schedule is 40 hours a week, multiply 40 hours x 52 weeks = 2,080 Total Hours per year
* Divide 2,080 Total Hours by 4 to equal 520 regular quarterly hours.
* If two full-time employees each worked 520 hours (1,040 hours) for the quarter and another half-time employee worked 260 hours, the Total Hours for the three employees is 1300 (520 + 520 + 260 = 1300).
* Divide 1300 by 520 to equal 2.5 Recovery funded jobs during that quarter.

12/24/09: OMB Releases Additional ARRA Jobs Reporting Guidance

12/24/09: IGs 'Assess' Federal Agencies Processes for ARRA Data Quality Review

12/17/09: UW responds to heavy reporting requirements for economic stimulus money

11/12/2009: Recipient of stimulus funding aims to increase Native American enrollment in higher education

uw logo Grant and Contract Accounting
A Department of Financial Management
Modified: April 02, 2013
Webmaster: Brian Baldwin

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