Monday, December 16, 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood in the Mubarak era .. From appeasement to confrontation (Part X)

The Muslim Brotherhood in the era of Mubarak .. From appeasement to confrontation (Part X)
By: Happy Ramadan Abadi . Researcher historic


Chapter VIII: Brotherhood and the evolution of thought and political practice

The first topic: the evolution of political thought

To be sure, a group the Muslim Brotherhood has developed ideology significantly from the ideas of Imam founder Hassan al-Banna , especially in some of the political issues concerning the outlook of the rulers , political parties and other political orientations different, and the period of the eighties period of maturation in the dimensions of this development, both in terms of ideas or practice;
It has worked hard Imam Hassan al-Banna in his handling of the ruling, he worked on guided by the advice of indirect in a while, and direct while another, through messages sent to the King (1) or the head of government (2), urging them on the need to reform the internal affairs governance , politics , economics, sociology and ethics based on the directives of Islam religion and scales legitimacy, then came Sayyid Qutb and folk that stage in the policy of engagement with the ruling, and came to the conclusion that this method will not convey the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood to the goal of the arbitration law of God,
And select the man that access to the state of Islam , he must factors and reasons, including:
  1. The existence of a group locked in Islam as a doctrine and worship, and the law, Jihad and the state, working for this goal.
  2. The existence of opinion in Islamic or Islamic popular base, supports and support this group in its ideas and concepts and objectives of Islam.
  3. Clarity position haggle intellectual and political base of the group and the Islamic People of the Sultan, and clarity and should be deported because of it out of Islam for the regime and the state apparatus.
  4. Confrontation between the nucleus of the Muslim community and between the Sultan on the basis of equivalent means, the statement in the face of the statement and in the face of the bloc bloc and strength in the face of power.
Despite the clarity of this perception with Sayyid Qutb , the group Brotherhood marched in the discretion of political abuse of this perception (3), and the specific political participation, and applied to the movement of this endeavor for a long time, in Egypt , where he became her experience and clear in this way, he says, Professor Muhammad term (4) in that experience, "There is no doubt that the entry of the Brotherhood of the parliament ... with the tacit approval of political power (it was in the year 1987 ), the latter has chosen them as agents of national-leaning Muslim without other Islamic forces other for several important considerations, including:
First, respect for their role and their balance historical and political for over half a century, especially that they are representatives of the forces balanced against the Nazarenes and the communists in the seventies since 1971 and fought to extend communist, and perhaps political power has coincided with their role since the mid-seventies was confirmed conviction not to damage from their experience of parliament that did not achieve that work.
Secondly, confidence in the political power that the Brotherhood has renounced or tolerated the idea of revenge as a result of what happened in their time ago.
Third, granting Brotherhood opportunity to practice People's Procuratorate in Parliament informed guide to the conviction of power and the belief that they are mainstream Islamic center or moderate or enlightened, and the right to representation is not at the state level, but also at any level external, has been represented in the involvement of some of their deputies in parliamentary delegations to attend conferences and meetings of organizations and regional and international federations.
Fourth: If the tide is sweeping most religious countries in the world for years, that the phenomenon of her Egyptian roots stretching for more than half a century. Has been met with oppression and tyranny, many years ago, was the first and most worthy paid to the surface and the first row for political action to be the truest expression of the reality of the phenomenon in Egypt and the expression inherent for the first stream of modern Islamic represented by the Muslim Brotherhood , especially that they have a celebrity in the world.
V. did not let down the Brotherhood's political power in the above considerations did not try to hit it up in the context of parliamentary legitimacy, to emphasize her lack of extremism invited .. As is fundamentalism, it is also a modern Islam is the religion of every time and place. "(5)
And confirms the Brotherhood this trend through a general guide Professor Mustafa famous , where he says about that point:
"The history of the ( Muslim Brotherhood ) since the origin until now testify that they were not still in the service of the issues of the homeland and citizens and work to make them happy and provide various services for them, and through the means available legally, and did not work the group once outside the law, but through official institutions such as the Council of the people , and professional associations, clubs and faculty, local councils, and student unions and so on.
The experienced group Brotherhood of the current system, and the one before it, has not been banned, as they say now, and the government to facilitate a meeting of some official figures, led by the Muslim Brotherhood Kalsadeg Mahdi Day was president of Sudan, Mr. Yasser Arafat, more than once, and met Mr. Omar Tlemceni the late President Anwar Sadat , and it was all so openly and in broad daylight was not a secret, though accompanied by some scaling of the activity, but were not banned, and there are still a case of the State Council for this purpose. "(6)
In the late eighties widened Activity Brotherhood in all areas, in terms of institution-building advocacy and educational, informational, economic,
And this activity Rosevska says Carrie Wickham: (7)
"In light of the authoritarian state, the Islamists started to develop a parallel network of institutions that infused the new values ​​and formulated new methods of participation, in recent years built thousands of mosques independent, and clinics, the Islamic publishing houses, schools, banks, trade and financial institutions, and even though it is separate from the each organization, the links multiple and overlapping between these institutions suggests the establishment of (a parallel Islamic society) outside the area of the state
In addition to providing services in the areas where the state has failed .. Islamist activists exercising their work to engage in a huge project to educate young people of Egypt, through dialogues, speeches, and religious lessons, and also through the distribution of brochures and Islamic publications, books, cassettes and so on ..
The militant Islamist preachers and preachers and workers in clinics and schools of Islamic mission far from the field of politics official. "(8)
In the area of trade union action of the Muslim Brotherhood says Wickham:
"Since the mid-eighties won the pro-Islamic movement ( the Muslim Brotherhood ), led by several major trade unions in Egypt through free elections competitive, we have entered the elections as a bloc trade union organization for the first time in 1984 when he pitched an independent list of candidates in the elections of the Medical Association;
Since then participated in the elections, unions, engineers, dentists, pharmacists, lawyers, journalists, and business partners, and in the trade unions of several, where the superiority of the Islamic trend lists his competition, and stomach on a sectoral basis or ideological, and the margin rising, earned them a majority of seats on the executive boards ..
And control of the boards of the unions, the leadership of the Islamic movement gives an Islamic character on the daily work routine of the unions, complexity of lectures, seminars, plays with Islamic content, and take an active role in the Islamic topics of interest ..
The response to the candidates of the Islamic movement stems mostly from a sense of self-righteousness on both the government and the secular opposition in the atmosphere associated with the policy in the minds of the public and for a long period of self-interest and the pursuit of power, conflict and partisan divide, the candidates of the Islamic movement presented themselves for young professionals that they are above politics , and carry out the reform is divinely Egyptian society from the bottom up. "(9)
This development in the political discourse of the Islamists in Egypt , and this shift in the field of building civil institutions and humanity and civilization, has revealed the shortcomings of the regime, in the political, economic, social, and therefore the regime has sought to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood , from picking the fruits of this work and activities at the political level, and issued decisions in order that, in order to block their access to Parliament ;
At that says general guide Professor Mustafa famous :
"The increased restrictions on the Brotherhood and their activity more than a year in 1993 , and the back of the Trade Unions Act uniform number (100) and others, and occurred arrests repeated in most of the provinces, and had been released for lack of evidence of any condemnation of them, and whenever the proximity of the elections, parliament , the greater the escalation by the system and numerous media campaigns against the Muslim Brotherhood , and their terrorism charges stick, or support for the extremists ..
It seems that those who pointed to the system the law of trade unions and the press law latter, not assured that the actions of state security prosecution and courts will prevent the Brotherhood from the nomination themselves, they pointed to shorten the proceedings and referred to the military prosecutor, and the trial court-martial is not the resume, not even an opportunity for the defense, as in the ordinary courts , and the fact that this act offends a lot to the Egyptian regime. "(10)
Perhaps the best expression describes the case of a group the Muslim Brotherhood and practice of politics in the era of Mubarak, the Carnegie Center published under the title "group the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Islamists .. post in a closed environment, "says paper
Still group the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, a movement that lacked the presence of a formal legal for a period of six decades, from the most successful social and political movements in modern Arab history, has been able to maintain the organizational structure and vision through some of the most difficult periods, and took the brilliantly opportunities available to it and squeezed herself in any gap appeared in the Egyptian political system generally closed. (11)
The paper adds:
"You can describe the current political environment in Egypt as a "semi-authoritarian" in that it prohibits any protest meaningful political power, but they still leave room for the opposition Ki express themselves, and to a lesser extent, in order to organize themselves.
It can inspect the changes ongoing in the rules of the political game clearly in the electoral field, elections Egypt is in a sense, the outcomes of its decision in advance, as it does not currently any possibility of transmission of political power from hand to hand on the basis of the election results, however, all the other elements in the elections , along with the results likely to be disagreement and violent conflicts in some cases.
The paper says
"Led the broad participation of the group the Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian political life has led to the participating emphasis on political reform and a vision for "a civil state frame of reference-Islamic" and the development of specific policy proposals. (12)
However friction group society has become obliged to adhere to certain approach to talk, especially with a chance election, so has to review some of the positions taken by the group , including the position of party politics after taking into account the efficiency of this road of change and reform.
And opposed the group in this context, the teachings of Hassan al-Banna condemned by political parties and political party is generally taken at the present time and the call for the formation of a political party of the priorities of the group , which is fighting the group for gaining.
For his part, described Dr Ahmad Malt Deputy General Guide previously thought that this change to a significant degree of importance.
"We have tried to speak with people honestly and openness is not for us to form a political party explain our position to all people and is still a way and a component of the call and is not a substitute for it."
It requires from the Brotherhood if they wanted to participate in the electoral process to have an independent party which expresses their views on the program without the need for a unified party to alliances with strong ideas and ideologies hostile or non-compliant.
Despite the presence of some of these changes, it has remained there without prejudice to the constituent points out., For example:
Editing Islam from Western domination, the establishment of an Islamic state that draws its source of Islamic law in the judgment to implement its teachings and give preference to its principles, ideas and social system as well as the publication of its call blessed.
As persevered group to emphasize that the Arab unity would not be in context only through Islam Ali confirmed that the unity of the Islamic countries and in the rule of obligatory duty.
According to us in his statement:
"The Brotherhood does not seek to power the nation and the arrest of the reins of power if it provides from doing so, and governance authority is not an end in itself, but it is nothing more than a means and a tool. " (13)

The second topic: spreading communal

Developed a group political discourse and the lawsuit commensurate with each phase, as well as developed its plans after it had been based largely on the organization and rearrange the internal ranks of the group during the seventies, became the plans are based primarily on the achievement of spreading communal and create individuals row to deal with the community and spread it either through its institutions elected (boards and professional associations and process) or through direct contact with the daily and the generality of the community, and was for the development of educational curricula to suit the group stage to work with the community
He says Coptic thinker d. Rafiq Habib for spreading communal Muslim Brotherhood and sought the government to determine the prevalence in the frames of certain removal of this deployment for certain categories says Drafiq: seen by some to the extent of the group, the Muslim Brotherhood in the community, by the amount of public support.
But it is also associated with areas of proliferation and its quality, as linked to its size, and security strategy aimed at the siege of the group for expansion in the community, quantitatively and qualitatively; Valmlahz in the curriculum of the regime, trying to prevent the group from expansion in areas defined within the community, especially in the higher echelons of it.
The regime is trying to make a ruling in favor of the higher echelons him; because all he has done so far from the economic and financial policies, but did not achieve the benefit of the upper segments, the system did not achieve the gains of the middle or lower segments;
So believe implicitly the importance of the support of the higher echelons to him, including, of course, upper-middle strata, and since these slides are achieved by some degree of improvement and growth in the era of the current system; therefore the system tries to make a block in favor of it, and even trying to make a block afraid of any political change large, and also makes it particularly concerned about the arrival of the Islamists to power, a private group, the Muslim Brotherhood .
The higher echelons of that class in control of the economic wealth of the country, which runs the wheel of the national economy; and thus have a lot of the elements of power and influence, and can be driven by an active and influential on the general situation in the country;
So see the system the importance of purifying the higher echelons of any class supports the group the Muslim Brotherhood , or the reform project Islamic civilization in general, and this happens when the system enters the stage of development of capitalism since the end of the eighties of the last century; where Pat system produces entrepreneurs who are expanding their business, to make sure that they are not loyal to the group, the Muslim Brotherhood , does not belong to the Islamic idea.
It depends not only on the business, or the wealthy, but also extends to the toast, those categories that holds the top positions in various areas of activity, including groups at the forefront of public work in various fields;
Valharihh professional and functional upper, along with the upper of experts and specialists, representing the class have an impact on society, they also have a presence in the media, and the impact on public opinion, and anyone who belongs to slice influential media, and present in the public consciousness, is implicitly an influential figure, the system tries to prevent the existence of any personal belonging to the elite segment of the Muslim Brotherhood .
Despite the obvious interview between the upper in the community, and slide unions; except that the system believes that the expansion of labor within the slide before the Brotherhood , it represents a threat, such as the expansion in the higher classes, and the attitude of the regime towards the workers differs from his attitude toward the peasants.
The workers represent an important segment of the workforce, such as peasants, but the workers are located in the cities and in the factories, they are close to the city and the capital, workers also attending in large concentrations, especially in industrial areas, and any move to them, it can be organized and active and influential, and can be heading straight for the city and the capital itself, they are in the public perception, represent an important segment in the city, they are also the category of influential businessmen, and their hand movement of factories and the movement of the economy, and export activity, and are thus represent a class of high impact, given their presence in the communities, and the possibility of moving them in Organization; become a slice of the action represented area mankind alive and active.
So we find the ruling regime are interested in the reduction of the presence of a group Brotherhood inside slides unions, which emerged from the complete control of the trade unions, are different from any other trade unions; regime does not want any presence of any political force moving inside a slice of workers, especially the group the Muslim Brotherhood ;
So leave the group are spread among a peasantry more than spread among slice of workers, despite the fact that both of the lower segments of society in terms of their chances in the socio-economic level, and also noted that the expansion of the group in the rural areas can not be stopped, the regime ruling himself is present in the Egyptian countryside. ; enjoy the countryside, where a degree of autonomy, by virtue of its traditions, customs, and that prevent the control of the ruling regime was, as it happens in the cities.
Despite the importance of spreading the qualitative group, the Muslim Brotherhood for the regime, but it pays great attention to deploy quantitative Merely increasing numbers of supporters of the group in Egyptian society in general, lead to the weak capacity of the system to control the group or to reduce their role, even though this deployment is limited in certain categories, and growing in other categories;
The size of the membership of the group , and the size of its supporters, figure represents the most difficult in the equation of the confrontation between the regime and the group, the Muslim Brotherhood , there is no system is able to cope with the proportion of arguing from the community, and there is no system is also capable of the siege of a high proportion of the community, and the meaning of this implication, that the growing numbers belonging to the group and its supporters, leading to the loss of the ability of the system to control the group and its activity with time; resulting in increased activity by the group , and its ability to carry out their activities outside of any kind of siege; leading to more expansion in the deployment. (14)
It has focused the group on society and the deployment mechanisms and manifestations of achieving that spread through the means of clear and specific, especially in the post in 2005 , says the group in its literature about the openness to the community under the title (openness to the community, "its objectives and orientations"):
The overall objective of the openness of the preachers to their community is: to work with the community to prevail correct understanding of Islam as a way of life, and that liberated the will of the nation from foreign domination, and to mobilize the nation for the defense of their religion, and pro-Islamic issues, and reversing the decline of values ​​and civilization.
The grand goal is achieved through the realization of a number of sub-goals, and will remind them of what follows, and we make each and every one of them mentioning the manifestations of the success achieved:
(1) The contribution of the majority of preachers to guide the community:
  1. Preachers convinced of the importance of their role in society.
  2. I have a deep-rooted understanding of the preachers that work with the community a manifestation of the success of the Islamic upbringing.
  3. Most preachers do turn their lives lawsuit on the path to reach the right people at the invitation.
  4. Access to segments and places not yet reached by the preachers.
  5. Double post Islamists in the trade unions, associations and foundations, intellectual salons ... Etc..
(2) the allocation of a large part of the Times and the efforts of the preachers of the functions to work with the community:
  1. Increase the understanding and adoption advocates and conviction of the importance of working with the community.
  2. Most preachers customize the functions of their efforts to work with the community.
  3. The emergence of new trails advocacy aimed at social work.
  4. A Muslim family in turn with the community.
  5. Follow-up senior advocates their supporters in their work with the community.
(3) increase the number of trained advocates and influencers in the community:
  1. Increase the percentage of influential preachers and teachers, especially teachers, professors and young people.
  2. The emergence of new social leaders.
  3. Send care advocates and a number of magazines and satellite communication.
(4) directing forces and Islamic guidance social activities:
  1. Advocates recognize the importance of benefiting from the labor and social activities for the service call.
  2. To acquire the skills that lead to it.
  3. And open new paths to achieve this.
  4. And to identify priorities and legal controls associated with it.
  5. Increase the adoption of media issues and the emergence of Islamic social media programs supportive of public information and achieve a great deal of tasks advocacy by the community.
  6. Participation is part of the society activists on the boards of syndicates and unions, associations, and the adoption of Islamic issues.
It also placed the group some legitimacy and process controls to interact with the community:
And the interaction with the community and openness him and communicate with him through the controls and the legitimacy of the process in order to achieve the desired fruit, and most important:
  1. Showing Islamic identity and community dye dye Islamic phenomenon.
  2. Determining a coordinating mechanism for the role of follow-up and support for employees of the preachers in the social sphere.
  3. Not to sneak preachers in the social sphere the idea that they are working on behalf of the community, but associating them with its own community and his groups and bodies in achieving the goals of Islam. (15)
We also find in a group of educational curricula Maanoana "guide community ordinance legitimacy and social necessity" and identifies the group approach in a number of general objectives and progress, which seeks class members to understand and embrace these goals are:
The overall objective: to work on the student community guidance:
Interim targets:
  1. To clarify the concept of student work to guide the community.
  2. To clarify the legality of the student and the need to guide the community.
  3. That shows the student models of Huda Prophet and Quranic stories guidance in the community.
  4. That shows examples from the date of the student movement calling for action to guide the community.
  5. That shows the student foundations or public roads to guide the community.
  6. That shows the student of Arts and the factors that will help him to guide the community.
  7. That shows the student the means and methods had to instruct the community.
  8. That shows the student work that can be carried out through outlets and walks of life.
  9. To be associated with student members of the community was able to guide their participation in society. (16)
It is remarkable and exciting at the same time that the plan of the Muslim Brotherhood to spread communal coincided with the direction of the system Mubarak to try to oust the group and freeze its activities through the many paths we have mentioned previously and already successful group to achieve a difficult equation to maintain the internal organization and success in some of the tracks other community.
The afternoon activity group, the Muslim Brotherhood in achieving spreading societal largely through the key points the most important work of student and professional unions and political action and Parliamentary a Masnhaol dealt with through the pages to come, but Snfsal between work student and trade union for political action, to the momentum of political action and political participation of different both in elections sweeteners or Parliament or coordination with the parties and the different political forces, as well as the positions of the group of some of the various political issues such as inheritance or file privatization and other files or the many crises that took place in Egypt during the reign of Mubarak .


  1. King Farouk I of Egypt and Sudan , which sent him Banna speech in this area year 1946 .
  2. Prime Minister Nahas .
  3. He Brotherhood that the arguments of Sayyid Qutb, the result of these reactions because of the suffering they endured in prison, and a lot of them rejected these propositions, because it will lead to the result of clashes with governments.
  4. Egyptian journalist and author of several books, his political (Parliament Revolution Jews in Parliament Egypt ).
  5. Mohammed long Brotherhood in parliament p 244 245.
  6. Mustafa famous magazine community number 1166-12 / / 9 1995 - 29 p.
  7. Professor of political science at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States, has established with Egypt for several years during the preparation of his doctoral thesis on the packing patterns in Islamic Egypt .
  8. Carrie Wickham Rosevska society magazine number 1166-12 / / 9 1995 - 33 p.
  9. Carrie Wickham Rosevska society magazine number 1166-12 / / 9 1995 - 34 p.
  10. Mustafa famous magazine community Ibid - p 29.
  11. Amr Hamzawy , Nathan. c. Browne, Carnegie Papers, the Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian .. Post Islamists in a closed environment, p 5
  12. Amr Hamzawy , Nathan. c. Browne, Carnegie Papers, the Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian .. Post Islamists in a closed environment, p 6
  13. But banned in public .. Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's efforts towards the creation of a legal identity and intellectual developments, Manar Hassan , site Brotherhood Wiki
  14. Brotherhood .. Reform under siege, d. Rafiq Habib , site window Damietta
  15. About civilizational project of the Renaissance "Islamic vision," Dr. Shaheen Hamdy , Distribution and Publishing House of the Islamic year 2005 , p 57: 73
  16. Modern teaching methods between theory and practice , wrote a curriculum for the educational group, which has been adopted as a way of parenting in 1995

For more on the Brotherhood and Mubarak

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