Sunday, December 15, 2013

Allen West: Obama Has Violated His Oath and Must Be IMPEACHED

Allen West: Obama Has Violated His Oath and Must Be IMPEACHED

Allen West’s popularity and influence have only grown since he left the House of Representatives. He’s quickly becoming one of the most powerful voices of the Tea Party not currently in office.
A few months ago, Allen West used that influence to suggest considering impeachment, saying that impeachment was “on the table”.
Now, for the first time, West is calling directly for the removal of office of Barack Obama through impeachment. It’s about time. Please share this on Facebook and Twitter. It’s time for grassroots activism.
From Allen West’s personal website:
Obama has once again demonstrated his disdain for America, Americans, and our Constitution. I say now is the time for good ol’ fashioned American civil disobedience. From today, let no one sign up for Obamacare. It’s not a law, just the bidding of a narcissistic megalomaniac.
If Americans do not finally see the arrogant lawlessness of this person who no longer holds regard for the Office of the Presidency, then God help us, for He shall certainly not bless us. What more do people need to see and endure? This disgraceful era must now end.
The president is in violation of his oath and yes, he should be removed from office by impeachment. Let the call ring across the land from sea to shining sea.
Click here to watch a video of West talking about impeachment being “on the table” a few months back.
Couldn’t agree more. We’ve been attacked in the past for bringing every issue back towards impeachment, but over the last 6 months, it’s become increasingly clear that impeachment is essentially the only option available.
Obama is ignoring congress, ignoring the constitution, ignoring the people, and is pushing for more and more illegal powers. The constitution has a simple process for these “high crimes and misdemeanors”: impeachment and removal from office.
Most members of congress are afraid to even talk about impeachment for political reasons. It’s important to remind them that, as Obama’s popularity is collapsing, this is what millions of Americans want.
Please SHARE this on Facebook, Twitter, forums, and your own websites. It’s time for grassroots activism.
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