Monday, December 30, 2013

9 Reasons Congress Should Immediately Impeach Barack Obama

9 Reasons Congress Should Immediately Impeach Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s impeachment has been long overdue.
Failure to do so effectively tells Obama and every future US president that the American people are okay with being propelled into perpetual debt, that we are okay with the executive branch sidestepping Congress regarding war and the rule of law, that we are okay with being spied on, stolen from, and lied to…
Inaction tells them that we are okay with having a king – and we most certainly are not.
Here you will find nine of the many justifications for the impeachment of Barack Obama:
1. Perpetual Debt.
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. [...] Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” Senator Obama said in 2006. “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
Since he has been President, he has increased our national debt by $6.628 trillion as of this writing. By the time you read this, it will be even higher. The national debt was $10.626 the day Obama took office and has since soared passed the $17 trillion mark. The debt limit has also been raised seven times under his administration. Talk about a failure of leadership.
2 Fast and Furious.
Under Obama’s watch, the ATF “purposely” sold firearms to illegal buyers in Mexico with the “hopes” of tracking drug cartels. Of course, the so-called mission failed and the result was that many of these weapons have been tied to multiple murders of innocent men, women, and children. Moreover, hundreds upon hundreds of these arms remain to be recovered.
There are documents related to this scandal from the Department of Justice; keeping these documents hidden from the public was the first time Obama used executive privilege in his presidency.
3. Libya Intervention.
In 2011, Obama illegally intervened in Libya without congressional approval in direct violation of the War Powers Act. This point alone is enough to impeach the man over. Members of both the Republican and Democrat Parties sued him over this, but ultimately failed when a court ruled individual members of Congress “lack the standing” necessary to prosecute the executive branch.
4. Benghazi.
Obama and his Administration have been involved in a string of lies and cover-ups of the events surrounding the murders of  four Americans in Benghazi last year. Just the other day, it was discovered that the order to “stand down” did happen despite the administration’s claims to the contrary; a former US ambassador said that such an order would only come from the President of the United States.
Obama forced five Benghazi survivors to sign non-disclosure documents, forbidding them from testifying to Congress. The Obama administration purposefully lied to us when they said the attacks were spontaneously spurred because of a YouTube video; now, they have taken to dismissing the murders, saying they “happened a long time ago.”
5. Disregard for Due Process.
Obama apparently does not believe that American citizens have the right to due process. Instead, he just assassinates them — including 16-year-old Abdulrahman al-Awlaki.
We still do not have clear answers for this. Moreover, Obama refuses to relinquish the “authority” to detain US citizens without charge or trial. Obama is due to sign the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 any day now (it just passed the Senate); this is the law that grants him the “power” to indefinitely detain American citizens.
6. Political Targeting.
Barack Obama was behind the IRS’s targeting of his political opponents. The IRS shared their data with the White House, the orders for the attack came from Washington, and the attacks are still happening. Click here for the full list of the IRS’s multiple attacks on the Tea Party. The IRS has also been used to attack others who speak out against the administration, including this man, a cancer patient, who made headlines when he came forward about Obamacare forcing him to lose his insurance.
It was also revealed this year that the Department of Justice targeted members of Fox News. They “secretly monitored“ the phone calls of five reporters and executives — including their family members. Speaking of which…
7. NSA Spying.
In June 2013, Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, leaked information to the Guardian about Obama’s illegal spying — and Obama, who once praised whisteblowers, fought to imprison him (to no avail, fortunately). This is in direct conflict with the Fourth Amendment in and of itself, but Obama’s lies about it make it even worse.
He said that they are only interested in collecting “metadata,” but it has since been revealed that they have collected everything from our contact lists, to Facebook passwords, to browsing history, and the list goes on.
8. Obamacare.
It is unconstitutional to force the American people to buy a product. The Supreme Court already called it unconstitutional, which is when the Obama Administration revised the law to say “tax” instead of “fine.” Nothing else changed.
Obama promised that his namesake law would increase coverage, increase quality, and decrease prices — and, of course, if we liked our coverage, we could keep it. It has done the complete opposite of that and now millions are losing their coverage, jobs, and doctors. Of course, this was all predictable — and preventable. Once Obama realized it, he was in a desperate attempt to save face and “fix” this disaster; he illegally bypassed Congress and changed the law himself.
He is actively picking and choosing which parts of the law he wants to enforce or ignore. That is not a president of a free country; that is a dictator.
9. Syria.
A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist recently dropped a bombshell about Obama’s illegal push to bomb Syria. Obama blatantly lied to the American people and to the world in order to incite support for a war in Syria by “cherry-picking” which pieces of intelligence he wanted to reveal out of political convenience.
He also said that he does not need Congress’ approval for military intervention in Syria’s civil war. He “got by” with Libya, so it is no wonder he believes that. This is why it is so important to keep him in check — or, better yet, impeach him.
Scandal after scandal, lie after lie, disaster after disaster… Each of these factors alone are reason enough to immediately impeach Barack Obama. 
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