Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hitler as Messiah and god
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief propagandist, said in a broadcast on 19 April 1936, that "Germany has been transformed into a great house of the Lord where the Fuhrer as our mediator stands before the throne of God."
"Spiritual" sentiments of this kind were echoed time and again during Hitler’s glory years. Another powerful voice in the Nazi party, Dr. Robert Ley, proclaimed that "We believe on this earth in Adolf Hitler alone! We believe in National Socialism as the creed which is the sole source of grace!"
Where did such ridiculous rant come from? What strange brain concocted these weird myths about the paranoid dictator with the toothbrush mustache?
Of course it was Hitler himself who ordered that he be presented as a deified messiah.
Before coming to power in January of 1933, Hitler wrote about his reaction to Berlin on his first visit there: "The luxury, the perversion, the iniquity, the wanton display, and the Jewish materialism [of Berlin’s commercial district] disgusted me so thoroughly that I was almost beside myself," Hitler recalled. "I nearly imagined myself to be Jesus Christ when he came to his Father’s temple and found it full of money-changers. I can well imagine how he felt when he seized a whip and scourged them out."
When Hitler compared himself to Jesus, he was proclaiming his own divinity. Knowing as we do that Hitler’s ambitions were eventually blown to smithereens, it’s hard for us to realize how many Germans considered him a supernatural being.
But it is true. Millions of German households actually erected shrines that featured a photograph of what they thought of as their dictator’s divine countenance. They said prayers in his behalf — even directed prayers to him — throughout the day.
In the eyes of his people, Hitler had rescued them from the humiliations of their defeat in World War I. Better still, he was going to lead all Germans into a future of unrivaled glory.
hitler as a god
Hitler as Militant Aryan Messiah
Freed at last from the dreadful fears that military and economic catastrophe had aroused in them, Germans envisioned Hitler as a truly magical figure of majestic wisdom and power. They saw him as an irresistible force, and they surrendered their whole hearts to him. He hypnotized Germans into worshipping him, successfully presenting himself as a savior and even as God himself.
Except for the tabloids, the international media tended to downplay his most grandiose claims. But the Vatican understood how important it was to talk back to Hitler on the divinity issue. In 1937, Pope Pius XI issued an official letter entitled "With Burning Heart" that scorned Hitler for his claims to godhood.
At a time when people throughout the world still believed Hitler to be a progressive force, the Catholic Church condemned him as a dangerous villain. It denounced the chief Nazi for his racism and attacked Hitler for "placing himself on the same level as Christ." Effectively summarizing Hitler’s personality, the Church labeled him "a mad prophet possessed of repulsive arrogance."
Thus did Pope Pius call for the downfall of the German dictator. However, Pius XI did not want to publically speak against Hitler because Hitler was already sending many Catholics to the concentration camps and he felt public speaking would endanger Catholics more. Instead he worked from the back end, spearheading the largest "underground railroad" (to get Jews out of Germany) in WW II. Many Catholic priests did speak in the pulpet against Hitler even when they faced arrest and death and many Catholic families hid Jewish families to save them from the Nazi terror.
When Hitler first came to power, some churches were with him, but soon many became disgusted with his methods. Ministers who preached against Hitler were arrested and taken to concentration camps. But Hitler especially hated Catholics - perhaps because he knew Pope Pius XI was in the background helping hundeds of Jews to safety or perhaps because Hitler had been expelled from Catholic elementary school. Whatever the case, it is estimated that 1 million Catholics died in concentration camps and many convents and monastaries were despoiled and worse.

St Maximillan Kolbe, Catholic priest
Saints of the era were many - among which were Maximillan Kolbe, a Catholic priest who substituted himself for a Polish soldier - Kolbe and others were sent to the starvation chamber, a 6' x 6' room with no windows where they sat until they died of dehydration. It was common for men to drink their own urine and curse God, something the Nazi monsters enjoyed - however, those with the priest, Kolbe, were singing hymns right to the end and Nazi soldiers felt uncomfortable, avoiding the area. Finally Kolbe and 3 others were left - the soldiers finished them off with a shot of carbolic acid. Kolbe was canonized by John Paul II.
Blessed Fr Titus Brandsma, Carmelite priest and martyr
Other saints were St Edith Stein, a convert from Judaism who became a Catholic nun and Bl Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite priest who was subject to the terrible Nazi medical experiments. When a nurse came to finish off Brandsma's beaten body, with a shot of carbolic acid and felt bad about it, Fr Titus consoled her and told her he forgave her and knew she had no choice. She did give him the death shot but later on, went to confession and back to the church of her birth where she had not gone in many years.
edith stein
St Edith Stein - convert to Catholicism from agnosticism
Germans had only to find the right passages in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, to understand that Hitler literally demanded planetary conquest of them. As he put it himself, world peace could not arrive until "that day when the man superior to all others will have conquered and subjugated the world."
After his forces quickly overran France in May and June of 1940, Hitler redoubled his faith in his supposedly supernatural powers. He told one of his victorious commanders that he was now "more godlike than human," and was no longer "bound by the conventions of human morality."
It was in this kind of mindset that Hitler made his two most disastrous decisions: to launch an all-out attack on Stalinist Russia, and to implement plans to exterminate the Jews.
Both of these decisions were uniquely related to Hitler’s ambition to rule the world, and in his mind they were closely linked. He felt that communism — every bit as much as capitalism — was a tool of the international Jewish conspiracy. This age-old conspiracy was in temporary control of over half of the world’s financial and industrial resources. Therefore, an invasion of the Soviet Union and the construction of extermination camps were both direct blows against the global empire of the Jews.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler claimed to fear that the Jews, already well on their way to world domination, would finish the job before he could bring Germany’s full strength to bear. One careful observer said that "no one has surpassed him in the extent to which he allowed anti-semitism to grow into so intensive a mania." When it came to world Jewry, Hitler was "almost like a medieval person who sensed the devil everywhere."
harassing polish jew
Nazi Troops Harassing Polish Jew, 1939
The chief Nazi even claimed in Mein Kampf (written in the mid-1920s) that an Aryan defeat would doom the "master race" to extinction, for the Jews, whom he considered subhuman, would eventually destroy all superior forms of human life.
Hitler’s bizarre prediction is worth quoting directly: "If, with the help of the Marxian creed, the Jew conquers the nations of this world, his crown will become the funeral wreath of humanity, and once again this planet, empty of mankind, will move through the ether as it did thousands of years ago."
In Hitler’s mad vision, true humanity was menaced by the greatest possible danger: extermination. But the war against the Jews might still be won if Germany accepted his heroic leadership. (Doesn't that sound like some of the atheists of today?
His worldview gave Hitler the perfect excuse for first "liberating" Germany from the Jews and then marching to meet their mercenary armies in the territories and continents beyond — most especially in Russia. In the end, he planned to mobilize resources even more massive than those that he imagined were possessed by the Jews. Finally he would succeed in his quest for a universal empire.
"Everybody wants to rule the world" (Tears for Fears song)
Taken from a website no longer up - SOURCE on Hitler: Larry Hedrick: "THE NAZI MONSTER" (an

They wanted a faith without anything Jewish in the Bible, and without converted Jews in the church.

The German Church in 1930

In 1930s’ Germany, the ‘German Christians’ (Deutsche Christen) movement arose. These were theologically liberal Protestant churches and theologians who were enthusiastically pro-Nazi, calling Hitler the ‘Führer Jesus’ and ‘God’s agent in our day’ (p. 67). Politically ambitious and anti-Semitic, they wanted a faith without anything Jewish in the Bible, and without converted Jews in the Church. Their ultimate membership of 600,000 constituted about 30 percent of German Protestants (p. 3).

 video obama says he is god 

Obama Declares that *He* is God (Alinsky-style Provocation): via @youtube

again he is obama say in god is in him video

Obama Proclaims God Inside Him (We are the Gods That We have been Waitin...: via @youtube

 and just like hitlor obama says he is god 

Obama says “I am God”

Obama openly hints that he is “God.
Black nationalists have a long tradition of belief that the black race is God and certain individuals have special roles that are exalted above others in their divinity. Obama caused controversy when he read Psalms 46, which includes the lines “Be still and know that I am God.” and “I will be exalted among the nations.” This occurred at a memorial for the victims of 9/11 in 2011. Black Liberation Theology, in particular, teaches that the black race is divine. This Psalm appears to have been carefully selected, because it allows him to mouth the words that he is God at this to Americans sacred site. In effect, this can be taken as declaration that Obama is the Mahdi/Messiah at the same time he goes on a campaign of conquest in the Middle East. Obama often treats such public events as an opportunity for the ritualized expression of his Black-Liberation religious beliefs.
It is not uncommon for pathological Narcissists (megalomaniacs) to believe that they are a higher being, prophet or actually God as happens with cult leaders. (See Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson, Louis Farrakhan and many others.) Some, such as Sam Vaknin, maintain that Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is an extreme Narcissist, aka megalomaniac. (See the link below.)
Sam Vaknin Analyses Obama’s Megalomania
James H. Cone canonized Black Liberation Theology, which Jeremiah Wright, Jr. has said on national television is the doctrine of Trinity United Church of Christ. Black Liberation Theology as inspired by the black cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam and has the same basic beliefs. The white race is equated to the Antichrist and the black race is called the manifestation of God on earth.
A millennial utopia, the biblical kingdom on earth, is to be created by the destruction of white society. The “kingdom” is envisioned to be a real political and physical ruling government and not just a spiritual event. So, Black Liberation Theology is formulated as a would-be state religion, which is destined to rule over the earth after the final conflict with “white society.”
.Obama's Psychopathic Narcissism / Megalomania: via @youtube
Because Obama was part of a sect that believed that the black race is God and will produce a black Messiah, it can be assumed that Obama is talking about his own divinity when he reads Psalms 46 at the memorial service in the clip at the beginning. It is a signal to others, who believe as he does and also serves as a provocation to those who may find this type of belief system to be heretical and repugnant.
The attack on the World Trade Center was sacrificial in nature, meant to bring on the Islamic end times scenario and herald the advent of the Mahdi, or Islamic Messiah. At the same site of the attack 10 years later Obama announces that he is God. There have been many allusions by Obama’s followers that he is the Messiah or God, as Obama seems to be hinting with his bizarre reading of this Psalm at the site of the sacrificial murder of 3,000 Americans.
Given Obama’s background self-worshiping religious belief, this seems very significant. Obama made this allusion to his being the “Mahdi” at the same time he goes on a campaign of conquest in the Middle East and is now arming and handing much of the area over to the Muslim Brotherhood, whose professed divine goal is to to re-create a global Muslim caliphate, which will occur when the Mahdi returns.
Obama also said that he has a spark of divinity within near the end of his Nobel Prize speech. See the clip below.
Self-exaltation and self-worship of man and exaltation of man’s works is a central characteristic of the Gnostic occult and what has historically been called Luciferianism/Satanism. If you recall the biblical story, Lucifer wanted to be worshiped the same as God. Gnostic occult means “hidden knowledge” and it is standard practice that occultists hint at their beliefs, but do no speak very openly about their core beliefs, unless it is before a like-minded audience, because many people would strongly reject it and even ridicule it. So, Obama appears to be using this memorial service to flaunt publicly his Black Nationalist/Black Liberation belief system, while maintaining some deniability, in case there is criticism of it.
The basic concepts of the theology of the the Nation of Islam is similar to Black Liberation Theology. In the clip below, Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, declares that he is literally “God.” The Black Nationalist religious movement, including Black Liberation Theology, is a religious movement designed for and started by megalomaniacs that attracts megalomaniacs.
It is difficult for a lot of people to imagine that others have such a perverse belief system. Obama provokes like this, partly to see, whether the public will react, or not. If there is no public reaction, it emboldens him to go even further. Many willfully ignore such things.
Finally, this is a clip about extreme Narcissism, in which is it explained that pathological Narcissists often think they are a prophet or even God. You can gain insight into Obama, from a psychological as well as a biblical point of view.
Obama & Hitler Messiah Worship Compared
Obama – We Can Create a Kingdom on Earth
Obama’s Pathological Narcissism / Megalomania
Obama’s Throne of Satan

Farrakhan Declares He is God!: via @youtube

HERE ISA HITLOR ., Nazis planned to exterminate Christianity, 

here is hitlor 

The so-called Nazi (or Hitler’s) Bible

Werner Gitt
CMI’s good friend, information scientist Dr Werner Gitt, author of the new book Without Excuse, was able to obtain a copy of Die Botschaft Gottes via the Library of the Technical University of Braunschweig.
The Institute’s most notorious publication was its dejudaized version of the New Testament (NT), titled Die Botschaft Gottes (The Message of God), and released in 1940. This was a book of some 304 pages, with about 60% fewer words than in the German Luther NT. The Foreword by Grundmann and others said it was a selection from the NT which had shed new light for them.3 It contained no OT books, and was never called a Bible, let alone Hitler’s Bible.4 The text was divided into four sections (p. 109 ff.):
  1. Jesus the Saviour—a life of Jesus based on excerpts from the synoptic Gospels, expunged of OT prophecy fulfillment, and reorganized to present Jesus as a warrior, not a servant or meek or the Lamb of God.
  2. Jesus the Son of God—a condensed version of the Gospel of John to show the theological significance of Jesus’ actions.
  3. Jesus the Lord—brief excerpts from various Epistles concerning hope, comfort, community of God, etc.
  4. The Emergence of the Christian Community—based on Acts, Paul’s Epistles (without his Jewish biography), his mission to the Gentiles, and his break with the Judaizers of Palestine.
Die Botschaft Gottes
Part of John 4 from Die Botschaft Gottes; v. 22 “salvation is from the Jews” was omitted. In v. 25 “Messiah (called Christ)” was changed to “Promised one”. Reference to Jesus being “a Jew” in v. 9 was changed to “who comes from Judea”.
Jewish references were retained only where they were deemed negative to Judaism. Omitted were the genealogies of Jesus linking him to the OT patriarchs. The baby Jesus was brought to the temple to bring him to God, but was merely given a name, not circumcized. In the Sermon on the Mount, there was no blessing for the merciful. The Sabbath became ‘holiday’.
The text associated Jesus with Galilee. Liberal German theologians had taught since the early 1900s that Galilee was supposedly populated by racially Aryan Gentiles in the 8th century BC following the Assyrian conquest of Israel, thereby opposing Jesus’ identity as a Jew (p. 57).
In his own book, Jesus the Galilean, Grundmann advocated that Mary was not a Jew, and Jesus had an illegitimate father: a Roman soldier named Panther (or Panthera) (p. 155). Ironically, this is an ancient libel from Celsus and anti-Christian Jews attacking Jesus’ legitimacy (“ben Panthera/Pandera”). However, the Gospel was clearly presented in Jesus’ discussion with Nicodemus, especially in John 3:16.
By the end of 1941, 200,000 copies of Die Botschaft Gottes had been sold or distributed to members of the German Christians movement, including soldiers (p. 111). Some pastors and scholars in the Confessing Church wrote pamphlets or spoke against it. After the War, most copies were destroyed, with only two or three still known to exist.

A catechism for the times

In 1941, the Institute was involved in producing Germans with God: a German Catechism.5 “It omitted traditional doctrinal positions regarding miracles, virgin birth, incarnation, resurrection, and so forth, in favor of positioning Jesus as a human being who struggled on behalf of God and died not only as a martyr, but also a ‘victor’ on the cross, despite being a victim of the Jews” (pp. 126–27).
It (not the ‘Nazi Bible’, as has been reported) contained 12 revised Commandments in place of the OT ten:
  1. Honor God and believe in him wholeheartedly.
  2. Seek out the peace of God.
  3. Avoid all hypocrisy.
  4. Holy is your health and life.
  5. Holy is your well-being and honor.
  6. Holy is your truth and fidelity.
  7. Honor your father and mother—your children are your aid and your example.
  8. Keep the blood pure and the marriage holy.
  9. Maintain and multiply the heritage of your forefathers.
  10. Be ready to help and forgive.
  11. Honor your Führer and master.
  12. Joyously serve the people with work and sacrifice.
The Institute’s perverse attempt to marry Christianity to Nazism was not reciprocated by the Nazis.
Perhaps divine prohibitions of murder, theft, and covetousness were deemed inappropriate for a ‘survival-of-the-fittest’ ideology that was instrumental in the then ongoing pillage of Europe.

Relationship to the Nazis

The Institute’s perverse attempt to marry Christianity to Nazism was not reciprocated by the Nazis, who were deeply suspicious of all things Christian.6 They tolerated the Institute, but at times even mocked it (p. 148), and kept it under secret surveillance by the intelligence arm of the SS. (p. 149). In March 1943, they confirmed their lack of sympathy for Grundmann by drafting him into military service on the dreaded Eastern (Russian) Front (p. 161).
After the war, Grundmann claimed that he was “an objective scholar who had fallen victim to Nazi attacks as a result of his efforts on behalf of Christianity and his scholarship” (p. 253). In the 1950s, he was appointed rector of the Thuringian seminary in Eisenach, in East Germany. From 1956 he served the communists as a spy, supplying information about his opponents in the Confessing Church (p. 256 ff.). He went on to publish various commentaries on the Gospels, which attained significant popularity.

Relevance to us today

When what God has said in His inspired Word, the Bible, is disregarded by those who claim to be Christians, there is no logical limit to the errors or indeed the blasphemy to which this opens the door.
Today many pastors and theologians think they are doing the church a favour by substituting theistic evolution for recent Creation in Genesis, and by denying that the biblical accounts of the Flood and Babel are part of Earth’s true history. However, such persons have no authority to censor the Word of God in this way, any more than the liberal German Christians had to dejudaize it.
Without exception, all attempts to marry Christianity to the worldview of unbelievers contravenes biblical authority, and subverts the faith of Christians. At the same time, it cuts no ice with atheists and agnostics. Just as the Nazis whom Grundmann was trying to impress treated him with disdain, many anti-theists have nothing but contempt for Christians who do not believe their own Holy Book.7

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