Saturday, October 12, 2013

Obama Plays Racial Cheerleader For 20 Years Barack Obama admits to Lying about not knowing that his Pastor and Close Confidant for 20 years was anti-American and a Racist

Obama Plays Racial Cheerleader For 20 Years

Barack Obama admits to Lying about not knowing that his Pastor and Close Confidant for 20 years was anti-American and a Racist
© Michael G. Leventhal
At Constitution Center in Philadelphia in mid March 2008, Barack Obama condemned many of the "words" used by his controversial pastor today, but refused to disagree with the substance of his racist and anti-American views.  Obama affirmed that he would continue his association with his America hating pastor, racist, friend and confident for the past twenty years.
Like his Pastor and mentor Jeremiah Wright Jr. ... the racist Black Muslim Nationalist who became a racist Black "Christian" nationalist, Barack Obama is a proponent of "Black Liberation" philosophy.  Both believe that blacks are perpetual victims of a "white society," deserving expanded and open ended preferences in areas such as hiring and educational opportunities.  They also believe in "reparations," taking hard earned money from people of "European background" and handing it over to blacks.  Clarifying these demands is defined as "racial dialogue."
“As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. … I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community."
“Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely — just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed,” he said. 
Obama never clarified which remarks he agreed with and which he didn't.  He also avoided explaining why he continually exposed his

This is not a simple disagreement with a clergyman over theology and Jeremiah Wright, Jr. is more than Barack Obama’s clergyman.  Obama is quoted as saying "Jeremiah Wright helps me keep my moral compass straight and defines my priorities."  This goes to character,  judgment and courage of commitment.  Both are crucial for the Commander in Chief of the most powerful nation on earth.
Obama then drew a moral equivalency between the vile racist rants of Jeremiah Wright, Jr. and the fears of his white grandmother.  He called her "a typical white person," who stereotyped suspicious blacks, implying an inherent bigotry exclusive to whites.  To many, Obama appeared to be using the elderly woman who loved and raised him as a political prop.
For two decades, Barack Obama has been guided by an America hater, a racist and a sympathizer with radical Islamic terrorists.  He brought his children to have this man mold their perceptions of America, race and values.  And in mainstream America pulpits... racism, hatred of the United States and pathological conspiracy theories stated as fact are seldom if ever heard.
Obama then went on to say that we should put both his relationship with Wright and lying to the American people “behind us,” placing emphasis on the most important problem which is race.  He went on to say that issues such as medical care and the economy can only be solved when "racial reconciliation" is appropriately addressed.
But the devil is in the definitions and one must understand what Obama means.  For twenty years, Barack Obama has been attending one of the largest self-defined "Black Liberation" churches.
James Hal Cone, is the modern father of Black Liberation Theology, followed by both Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. and Barack Obama. Obama’s mentor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright has said that to understand him, you must read the works of James Cone.  Therefore, to understand the meaning of Barack Obama's words and views, it's important to understand Black Liberation semantics.
In this context, you will discover that "Racial Reconciliation" is defined as unending financial and social Reparations. "Racism" or a Racist society means blacks having to live by the rules of democratic "white" Western Civilization. A black who chooses to live by these rules rather than by those established within an Afro-centric Black Liberation environment, is considered to be for all intent and purposes, a traitor.
Within this context, Obama claimed that the United States has made significant but insufficient progress in helping blacks.  He alluded to black rage and how America must bring everyone together, presumably by mollifying black concerns, either real or imagined.
The speech ended  with an attack on talk radio and the Internet.  “Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism,” he said.
"Jeremiah Wright helps me keep my moral compass straight and define my priorities." Barack Obama
 young daughters to volatile, hate filled, wildly conspiratorial and anti-American "remarks," that allegedly went against his own philosophy.

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